65 research outputs found

    Perancangan smart masjid di Kota Malang: Tema smart building

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    INDONESIA: Indonesia merupakan negara dengan penduduk muslim terbanyak di dunia. Walaupun demikian, di balik jumlahnya yang banyak, sering dijumpai permasalahan menyangkut efisiensi dalam pengelolaaan sumber daya sebuah masjid. Perancangan smart masjid ini bermula dari sebuah gagasan untuk merancang sebuah masjid yang tidak hanya dapat berfungsi sebagai tempat ibadah semata, tetapi juga dapat berfungsi sebagai tempat pengembangan masyarakat, khususnya masyarakat di sekitar masjid ini berada. Hal ini dituangkan dalam konsep dasar smart masjid yang menekankan pentingnya program masjid sebagai landasan dalam merancang, ditopang teknologi smart building sebagai basis pengelolaannya, yang pada akhirnya akan menghasilkan sebuah smart masjid sebagai tujuan akhir perancangannya. Metode yang digunakan adalah perancangan yang disertai studi literatur dan analisis, serta komparasi dengan nilai-nilai perancangan dalam al-Qur’an untuk menentukan tingkat kesesuaian penerapan teknologi smart building dalam perancangan sebuah masjid. Hasilnya adalah smart masjid dengan smart building sebagai basis utama pengelolaannya. ENGLISH: Indonesia is a country which has the biggest Moslem society in the world. However, despite the big number of its Moslem society, the problem about efficiency in a mosque resource management is often seen in this country. The design of this smart mosque starts from a concept of building a mosque which does not merely function as a place of worshipping, but also has a function as a place of community development especially for the people surrounding the mosque. This basic concept of smart mosque stressed on the importance of the mosque program as its design base, supported by smart building technology as its management base, which eventually will produce a smart mosque as the final goal of its design. The method used is a design that is supplemented by literature study and analysis, as well as comparison with the design values in Al-Qur’an to decide the level of suitability of smart building technology application in designing a mosque. The result is a smart mosque with smart building as the main basis of its management

    Implementasi Konsep Arsitektur Hijau pada Desain Pengembangan Ruang Belajar Komunal

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    Arsitektur hijau merupakan pendekatan rancangan arsitektur dalam menghasilkan bangunan dan lingkungan binaan yang seimbang dan bijak dalam penggunaan sumber daya alam. Konsep ini berkembang di Indonesia sejak IFC (International Finance Corporation) bekerjasama dengan GBCI (Green Building Council Indonesia) untuk membuat parameter dalam upaya memotivasi bangunan untuk mencapai rancangan dan performa yang berkelanjutan. Dalam perancangan ruang belajar komunal Puri Anjali yang berada di Kediri, Jawa Timur ini perancang berupaya untuk mengimplementasikan konsep arsitektur hijau, dimana perancang berupaya untuk meningkatkan kenyamanan pengguna, menggunakan sumber daya energi dan pemakaian lahan yang efisien, serta meminimalisir dampak negatif terhadap lingkungannya. Tujuan dari penulisan ini adalah untuk menjelaskan proses perancangan ruang komunal mulai dari identifikasi masalah pada lahan hingga implementasi konsep arsitektur hijau berdasarkan parameter GBCI. Dalam memberikan solusi terhadap rancangan, penulis mengolaborasikan metode penelitian kualitatif (studi literatur, studi preseden, studi tapak dan wawancara) dalam menerapkan parameter GBCI dan melakukan proses desain Zeisel (imaging, presenting dan testing) untuk memperoleh rancangan yang konstekstual. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah rancangan pengembangan ruang belajar komunal yang mengimplementasikan arsitektur hijau untuk memberikan keseimbangan antara aktifitas dan psikologis pengguna terhadap lingkungan binaannya

    Penerapan Teknologi Smart Building Pada Perancangan Smart Masjid

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    Indonesia has the largest Muslim population in the world, followed by a large number of mosques scattered invarious places and these mosques sometimes have a problem regarding the efficiency in managing theresources of a mosque. This paper is designed to introduce the concept of mosque design based on theprinciples of smart building with the literature study methods and analysis, and comparison to the values in thephilosophy of the Qur'an to determine the suitability of the application of smart building technology in thedesign of a mosque. With the support of some religious activities program, the expected result is "smartmosque", that would also suit with the site and user

    Implementasi Prinsip Desain Universal Pada Ruang Terbuka Aktif (Studi Kasus : Tebet Eco Park)

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis ketersediaan fasilitas pada Tebet Eco Park terutama bagi penyandang disabilitas. Tebet Eco Park telah diresmikan oleh Pemerintah DKI Jakarta sebagai salah satu ruang terbuka aktif yang berskala kawasan dengan luas area 7,3 hektar. Ruang terbuka tersebut sudah seharusnya dapat dengan mudah diakses oleh seluruh masyarakat tanpa terkecuali. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif kualitatif yang dilanjutkan dengan analisis preskriptif dengan membandingkan  keadaan eksisting Tebet Eco Park dengan 7 Prinsip Desain Universal dalam Peraturan PUPR No.14/PRT/2017 dan Universal Design Handbook, 2011. Dari temuan studi tersebut, dari tujuh prinsip desain universal, prinsip “Sederhana dan intuitif” memiliki persentase paling tinggi yaitu mencapai 94%. Kemudian, “Upaya fisik yang rendah” berada pada persentil terendah dengan persentase 27%

    Comparative Susceptibility of Different Cell Cultures and Chicken Embryo Organ Cultures to Infectious Bursal Disease Virus of Poultry

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    Infectious bursal disease (IBD) is an acute highly contagious viral infection of young chickens often resulting in immunosuppression. Inactivated vaccines play significant role in protection against IBD. Mammalian cell lines could be used for producing such vaccines. In present study twenty-five, local strains of IBD virus were inoculated into chicken embryo bursa cell culture, liver cell culture, kidney cell culture, fibroblast cell culture and Vero cell lines for cytopathic effect. Moreover comparative susceptibility of chicken embryo bursa organ, embryo liver organ and embryo kidney organ cultures, to infectious bursal disease virus were studied. Chicken embryo bursa cell line was found to be most susceptible (90%) followed by Vero cell lines (70%), fibroblast cell lines (65%), kidney cell lines (50%) and liver cell lines (45%). While chicken embryo bursa organ culture gave maximum cytopathic effect (80%) followed by chicken embryo liver (60%) and kidney organ (45%). From these studies it is concluded that after bursa cell lines, Vero cell lines gave maximum cytopathic effect yielding high number of virus particles and are easy to maintain. Thus Vero cell lines can be used to produce infectious bursal disease vaccines using local isolates

    Per-Operative External Ventricular Drainage Results in Children with Posterior Fossa Tumors and Hydrocephalus

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    Objective:  We determined the outcome of per operational external ventricular drainage in pediatric patients with posterior fossa tumors and hydrocephalus. Material And Methods:  54 patients included presenting with posterior fossa tumors and mild to moderate hydrocephalous were considered for per operative external ventricular drainage. The external ventricular drain was then weaned off in one week. If it cannot be removed due to persistent hydrocephalous it was converted into a permanent ventriculoperitoneal shunt. Results:  In the study, the mean age was 7 years. Twenty-seven children had ependymoma, 19% of children had medulloblastoma, and 54% of children had pilocytic astrocytoma. Moreover, 67% of children had weaned off and 33% of children had converted to VP shunt. There existed an insignificant difference in the outcome (yes/ no) concerning age groups, gender, and tumor type. Conclusion:  Our study concludes that the outcome of per operative external ventricular drainage was weaned off (67%) and converted to VP shunt (33%) in pediatrics with posterior fossa tumors and hydrocephalous

    Recent updates on ions and nutrients uptake by halotolerant freshwater and marine microalgae in conditions of high salinity

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    Algae is an appropriate natural resource to augment the optimal use of undesired ions in water and wastewater. Increasing algal cells, the consumption of particular ions, including chloride, nitrate, phosphate, and ammonium, provides a suitable way to optimize water treatment processes. Different algal species have the capability to survive in extreme salinities by developing resistance against osmotic pressure in saline water. The current study reviews the effect of salinity on algal biomass production, algal growth rate, chlorides, nitrates, phosphates, chemical oxygen demand (COD), total nitrogen, total phosphorus, and ammonium ions. Mainly algae cultivated in freshwater, synthetic brackish water, seawater, and hypersaline water, were studied for this review. Various ion uptake mechanisms used by the algal cell are summarized, focusing on biosorption and bioaccumulation processes. Critical parameters such as light intensity, pH, and temperature variations significantly influence ion and nutrients uptake efficiencies. Analysis performed on collected data indicated that halophytic algae could survive in high salinities at elevated growth rates compared to freshwater. The halotolerant algal species showed an inclining trend of chloride ion removal with an elimination capacity of 7.5 g.m-3.h-1. Moreover, the nitrate uptake rate in halophytic algae is 10-folds higher to phosphate, regardless of salinity level. It could be concluded that microalgae will be beneficial for ion and nutrient uptake processes in treating high saline water

    Association between visit-to-visit Lipid variability and incident cancer: A population-based cohort study

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    Dyslipidemia is associated with increased cancer risk. However, the prognostic value of visit-to-visit lipid variability (VVLV) is unexplored in this regard. To investigate the associations between the VVLV and the risk of incident cancer, we conducted a retrospective cohort study on adult patients attending a family medicine clinic in Hong Kong during 2000-2003, excluding those with <3 tests for low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), triglycerides, and total cholesterol (TC) each, those with prior cancer diagnosis, and those with <1 year of follow-up. Visit-to-visit LDL-C, HDL-C, TC, and triglycerides variabilities were measured by the coefficient of variation (CV). Patients were followed up until 31st December 2019 for the primary outcome of incident cancer. Altogether, 69,186 patients were included (26,679 males (38.6%); mean age 60 ± 13 years; mean follow-up 16 ± 3 years); 7958 patients (11.5%) had incident cancer. Higher variability of LDL-C, HDL-C, TC, and TG was associated with higher risk of incident cancer. Patients in the third tercile of the CV of LDL-C (adjusted hazard ratio (aHR) against first tercile 1.06 [1.00, 1.12], P = 0.049), HDL-C (aHR 1.37 [1.29, 1.44], P< 0.001), TC (aHR 1.10 [1.04, 1.17], P = 0.001), and TG (aHR 1.11 [1.06, 1.18], P < 0.001) had the highest risks of incident cancer. Among these, only HDL-C variability remained associated with the risk of incident cancer in users of statins/fibrates. To conclude, higher VVLV was associated with significantly higher long-term risks of incident cancer. VVLV may be a clinically useful tool for cancer risk stratification

    Progress towards implementation of ACT malaria case-management in public health facilities in the Republic of Sudan: a cluster-sample survey

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Effective malaria case-management based on artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT) and parasitological diagnosis is a major pillar within the 2007-2012 National Malaria Strategic Plan in the Sudan. Three years after the launch of the strategy a health facility survey was undertaken to evaluate case-management practices and readiness of the health facilities and health workers to implement a new malaria case-management strategy.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A cross-sectional, cluster sample survey was undertaken at public health facilities in 15 states of Sudan. Data were collected using quality-of-care assessment methods. The main outcomes were the proportions of facilities with ACTs and malaria diagnostics; proportions of health workers exposed to malaria related health systems support activities; and composite and individual indicators of case-management practices for febrile outpatients stratified by age, availability of ACTs and diagnostics, use of malaria diagnostics, and test result.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We evaluated 244 facilities, 294 health workers and 1,643 consultations for febrile outpatients (425 < 5 years and 1,218 ≥ 5 years). Health facility and health worker readiness was variable: chloroquine was available at only 5% of facilities, 73% stocked recommended artesunate and sulfadoxine/pyrimethamine (AS+SP), 51% had the capacity to perform parasitological diagnosis, 53% of health workers had received in-service training on ACTs, 24% were trained in the use of malaria Rapid Diagnostic Tests, and 19% had received a supervisory visit including malaria case-management. At all health facilities 46% of febrile patients were parasitologically tested and 35% of patients were both, tested and treated according to test result. At facilities where AS+SP and malaria diagnostics were available 66% of febrile patients were tested and 51% were both, tested and treated according to test result. Among test positive patients 64% were treated with AS+SP but 24% were treated with artemether monotherapy. Among test negative patients only 17% of patients were treated for malaria. The majority of ACT dispensing and counseling practices were suboptimal.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Five years following change of the policy from chloroquine to ACTs and 3 years before the end of the new malaria strategic plan chloroquine was successfully phased out from public facilities in Sudan, however, an important gap remained in the availability of ACTs, diagnostic capacities and coverage with malaria case-management activities. The national scale-up of diagnostics, using the findings of this survey as well as future qualitative research, should present an opportunity not only to expand existing testing capacities but also to implement effective support interventions to bridge the health systems gaps and support corrective case-management measures, including the discontinuation of artemether monotherapy treatment.</p
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