9 research outputs found

    The Strategy of Internalizing Character Values through Distance Learning from the Perspective of Prospective Teachers

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    The Covid-19 pandemic had brought significant impacts on many aspects of life, including in the education sector in which learning activities have to be held online. In one hand, there are numerous benefits of online learning, but it also raises drawbacks on the other hand. One of the flaws is the lack of character values that teachers can instill through distance learning. Thus, the purpose of this research is to address the shortcomings of online learning by focusing on four issues: the types of character values internalized to students, the strategies used by teachers to internalize values, the evaluation of value internalization activities, and the obstacles faced by teachers when cultivating character values. The researcher employs a descriptive narrative inquiry method to investigate these four issues. In-depth interviews are conducted with 17 outstanding teachers from West Java Province. Data analysis reveals that teachers apply 30 strategies to internalize 17 values based on 15 principles. Internalization materials, methods, and principles are typically drawn from religion, philosophy, and culture. Teachers face challenges in internalizing values, particularly in the terms of network connection, finances, tool reliability, and lack of communication skills


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    Studi ini dilatarbelakangi oleh adanya fenomena kejenuhan siswa dan rendahnya prestasi kaidah nahwiyah siswa, lebih khusus berkaitan dengan strategi pembelajaran yang digunakan. Atas dasar ini penggunaan buku Lughati peneliti jadikan sebagai strategi dalam upaya mencari solusi alternatif untuk dapat meningkatkan minat dan semangat mahasiswa dalam mempelajari pembelajaran kaidah nahwiyah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari alternatif strategi pembelajaran yang lebih tepat untuk diterapkan khususnya dalam pembelajaran kaidah nahwiyah melalui penggunaan buku Lughati. Penelitian ini menggunakan PTK melalui 3 siklus, objek studi ini adalah siswa kelas XI SMA YAPI Al-Husaeni Ciparay Bandung sebanyak 25 orang pada tahun ajaran 2015-2016. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi, angket dan tes. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tarakib sya’iah yang ada pada buku Lughati adalah: murakab idhafi, washfi, athfi dan isnadi.Setelah dilakukan tes setiap siklus melalui teknik tadribat ada peningkatan signifikan, yaitu 54,20 – 56,00 – 65.20. Artinya, buku Lughati dapat meningkatan penguasaan terhadap kaidah nahwiyah para siswa di SMA YAPI Al-Husaeni Ciparay Bandung.; This study was motivated by the phenomenon of saturation and low student achievement nahwiyah student rules, more specifically related to learning strategies used. On this basis the use of books Lughati researchers use as a strategy in an effort to find alternative solutions to increase the interest and enthusiasm of students in the study of learning the rules of nahwiyah. This study aimed to look for alternative learning strategies more appropriate to be applied especially in learning the rules through the use of books Lughati. This study uses Classroom Action Research through 3 cycles, the object of this study is the high school students of class XI YAPI Al-Husaeni Ciparay Bandung as many as 25 people in the academic year 2015-2016. The instruments used were observation, interviews, documentation, questionnaires and tests. The results showed that tarakibsya'iah exist in Lughati book is: murakabidhafi, washfi, athfi and Isnadi. After testing each cycle through techniques tadribat no significant increase, namely from 54.20 to 56.00 - 65.20. That is, the book Lughati could improve the mastery of the rules of the students in high school nahwiyah YAPI Al-Husaeni Ciparay Bandung


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    This research is motivated by the condition of the religion teacher. They are expected to be all-knowing about religion, wise, and become a place to ask questions related to religion knowledge among the community. However, several cases and the current findings indicate that not all religion teachers know and master spiritual knowledge. This fanaticism demands that the religion teacher continue to explore inside and have a lot of literature and a personal library. This study aimed to explore increasing the Islamic digital literacy of religion teachers through digital library training strategies and to determine the percentage of spiritual teacher competence in using digital libraries. Therefore, this study uses a mixed method that combines two approaches: qualitative and quantitative. The study results show that training on using digital libraries makes it easier for religion teachers to prepare Islamic references as material for sermons or lectures. In addition, digital libraries can increase Islamic digital literacy activities for religion teachers because. The search for references is more practical, fast, and accurate. After all, it is in the form of an electronic program. This research is expected to be the primary reference for further researchers in improving Islamic digital literacy through digital libraries

    Pengaruh Filsafat Yunani Terhadap Ilmu Kalam Dan Implementasinya Pada Materi Pembelajaran Ilmu Kalam Di Madrasah Aliyah

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    Philosophy is a science that can never be separated from human life without exception. Philosophy comes from the Greek words Philos which means love and Sophia or Shopos which means knowledge or wisdom. Philosophy is very developed, especially Greek philosophy which gave birth to the great philosophers in the world to be able to influence Islamic philosophy. However, because there are so many pros and cons regarding this influence, several things need to be emphasized so that there are no misunderstandings. The purpose of writing this article is to determine the influence of Greek philosophy on Islamic philosophy which is then implemented in the teaching materials of Kalam at the Madrasah Aliyah level. The research method used is literature study. Sources of data used come from books and related journal articles. The results of his research are Greek philosophy has a great influence in the development of Islamic philosophy, but not as the basis or foundation of Islamic philosophy itself. As for what is implemented in the Kalam Science teaching material, it is Islamic philosophy.Philosophy is a science that can never be separated from human life without exception. Philosophy comes from the Greek words Philos which means love and Sophia or Shopos which means knowledge or wisdom. Philosophy is very developed, especially Greek philosophy which gave birth to the great philosophers in the world to be able to influence Islamic philosophy. However, because there are so many pros and cons regarding this influence, several things need to be emphasized so that there are no misunderstandings. The purpose of writing this article is to determine the influence of Greek philosophy on Islamic philosophy which is then implemented in the teaching materials of Kalam at the Madrasah Aliyah level. The research method used is literature study. Sources of data used come from books and related journal articles. The results of his research are Greek philosophy has a great influence in the development of Islamic philosophy, but not as the basis or foundation of Islamic philosophy itself. As for what is implemented in the Kalam Science teaching material, it is Islamic philosophy

    Entrepreneurial Assistance for Marketing Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) Products for Multicultural Class Students at Bakti Karya Parigi Vocational

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    This community service activity program aims to accommodate student creativity in efforts to develop entrepreneurship in the digital era by utilizing community environmental commodities and technology. The methods for implementing community service activities were processing assistance virgin coconut oil (VCO), packaging and marketing in social media. The target of the activity was the selling value of this VCO innovation is expected to generate economic value that is beneficial not only for students and schools but also for the community. Bakti Karya Vocational School is a multimedia vocational school; with this provision, students can learn to manage marketing through multimedia. The instrument for this activity used observation to see things naturally and observe the process from gathering materials to selling. Besides that, other instruments used were in-depth interviews with entrepreneurship supervisors (teachers), the surrounding community as material suppliers, and students as actors of entrepreneurial activities and then analyzed descriptively. The results of this service activity conclude that this activity generates program ideas about effective sales patterns through social media, introducing Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) products through Multicultural class volunteers. Through observation, the media was effective as a marketing medium, but packaging determines the attractiveness of potential buyers. Through this assistance, students gained a new enthusiasm with the confidence that the products they produce had a sale value. This assistance collected materials through the community around the school, which fosters the value of social communication for students and the community, as well as good communication between the school and the community. The results obtained are not just product selling points and marketing, but another value is the growth of students' self-reliance and social values that are intertwined between students, schools, and the community environment

    Strengthening Student Character Through Internalization of Religious Values in School

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    Religious character is the principal capital teachers must teach students in schools. The religious character formed from a religious footing will allow someone to measure everything. Therefore, strengthening religious character must be seen as a conscious and planned effort by the teacher, not an effort that occurs by chance. This study aimed to explore in depth the implementation of strengthening student character through the internalization of religious character values carried out by teachers in Cianjur district schools. This study uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive method. Furthermore, data collection is done through observation, interviews, and documentation. The results showed that the highest percentage of strengthening students' character through internalization of religious values carried out by teachers to students was the value of worship, as much as 95%. At the same time, the patient value has the lowest percentage, 75%. This shows that the value of patience must be increased again in its cultivation both in learning and outside the classroom