33 research outputs found

    speech, constructing appeals strategies, public speaking

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    Pergeseran bahasa merupakan peristiwa yang alamiah dan keniscayaannya sulit dibendung. Banyak faktor yang menyebabkan pergeseran itu, mulai dari industrialisasi, dominasi bahasa negara, hingga penjajahan. Penelitian yang melibatkan 900 responden keluarga Sunda-Sunda dan 600 responden keluarga Cina-Cina menunjukkan hasil yang sama, yakni telah terjadi pergeseran bahasa di lingkungan keluarga mereka. Yang membedakan adalah penyebabnya. Keluarga Sunda bergeser ke bahasa Indonesia lebih karena kepentingan praktis, sedangkan keluarga Cina karena trauma politik. Keluarga Sunda beralih ke bahasa Indonesia disebabkan oleh kemudahan akses dalam memperoleh informasi dan penghindaran terhadap undak usuk bahasa, sedangkan keluarga Cina beralih ke bahasa Indonesia karena alasan politik, yakni trauma sejarah di masa Orde Baru dan kepentingannya untuk pembauran

    Tiga Ksatria Dari Dagho

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    Dalam kehidupan modern saat ini media massa telah menjadi corong atau alat kekuasaan. Bahkan, media massa sendiri juga menjadi bagian dari penguasa itu. Media massa telah menjadi perekam kekuasaan individu atau kelompok dan pada saat yang bersamaan telah menjadi bagian dari kekuasan itu. Dalam konteks di Indonesia pada 2009--2014, kekuasaan yang banyak direkam oleh media massa adalah kekuasaan seorang SBY, baik sebagai presiden maupun sebagai ketua umum partai politik. Masalah yang dibahas dalam tulisan ini adalah apa saja jenis verba yang menggambarkan kekuasaan SBY. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan dan menjelaskan jenis-jenis verba yang menunjukkan kekuasaan SBY. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif analitis. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ada dua jenis verba yang digunakan SBY, yaitu verba tindak tutur dan verba nontindak tutur. Dalam kaitannya dengan kekuasaan, kedua jenis verba itu dapat dikelompokkan menjadi empat jenis, yaitu (1) verba konfliktif, (2) verba kompetitif, (3) verba kolaboratif, dan (4) verba konvival

    An Efficient Multi-Beam Array Architecture for L-Band Secondary Surveillance Radars

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    In this paper, the design and fabrication of a large array antenna with three required, Sum, Difference and Control beams for a monopulse Secondary Surveillance Radar (SSR) is presented. A special array element, which is a high gain dual dipole structure, is designed and tested. This element has 9.6 dB gain in 1060 MHz and does not need any balun. The main challenge of extracting three beams out of one beam feeding networks (BFN) has been resolved efficiently by maximum integration of all three in one network, reducing the number of required modules to one half. The complete 33-element array, working in 1030 MHz and 1090 MHz is designed based on the Taylor array factor. The complex feed network of this 6-meter long array has successfully been synthesized as modular as possible. Sum pattern was designed for 2.7o azimuth beam width and -20 dB side lobe level and Diff pattern with a deep null in the boresight of the Sum pattern. The Ctrl beam was also designed in order to cover the Sum beam except in the direction of the main lobe

    Pengembara Teja Dewa

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    Judul asli: Syair Teja Dewaix, 70p : il.; 21 c

    Chemical composition of bottom sediments of Irkutsk Reservoir

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    Konsekwencją budowy zbiorników wodnych jest tworzenie się pokrywy osadów dennych. Osady często są postrzegane jako środowisko akumulacji substancji chemicznych, w tym zwłaszcza związków fosforu oraz wielu mikrozanieczyszczeń. Badaniom chemicznym poddano osady denne Zbiornika Irkuckiego. Jest to najwyższy zbiornik kaskady rzeki Angary, zasilany głównie wodami wypływającymi z jeziora Bajkał. Badania prowadzono w lipcu 2010 roku w rejonie miejscowości Nowogrudinina i Patrony. W składzie podstawowym osadów dominował ditlenek krzemu (SiO2) - 56,75÷61,24%. Znacząca była też zawartość Al2O3 14,12÷15,79% oraz Fe2O3 6,04÷7,17%. Pięciotlenek fosforu (P2O5) występował w ilości 0,17÷0,24%. Wśród pierwiastków śladowych największym udziałem w materiale osadowym wyróżniały się: bar 582÷615 ppm, cyrkon 200÷863 ppm, stront 186÷274 ppm, chrom 147÷243 ppm, wanad 123÷140 ppm, cer 85÷151 ppm i cynk 73÷94 ppm. Na ogół zawartości pierwiastków śladowych w osadach nie przekraczały naturalnych zawartości w skałach i glebach. Tylko nieliczne pierwiastki, np. chrom, występowały w ilościach większych niż tło geochemiczne.Construction of water reservoirs results in formation of a layer of bottom sediments. Sediments are often perceived as the environment of accumulation of chemical substances, particularly including phosphorus compounds and numerous microcontaminants. The chemical studies concerned bottom sediments of Irkutsk Reservoir, which is the highest reservoir in the Angara river cascade, mainly fed by water flowing out of Lake Baikal. The studies were carried out in July 2010 near towns of Novogrudinina and Patrony. The main composition of the sediments was dominated by silicon dioxide (SiO2) - 56.75÷61.24%. Concentrations of Al2O3 and Fe2O3 were also significant, 14.12÷15.79% and 6.04÷7.17% respectively. Phosphorus oxide (P2O5) concentration was 0.17÷0.24%. The largest concentrations of trace elements in the sediments were those of: barium 582÷615 ppm, zirconium 200÷863 ppm, strontium 186÷274 ppm, chromium 147÷243 ppm, vanadium 123÷140 ppm, cerium 85÷151 ppm, and zinc 73÷94 ppm. Generally, concentrations of trace elements in the sediments did not exceed natural concentrations in rocks and soils. Only some elements, eg chromium, occurred in higher concentrations than the geochemical background

    Comparison of intima-media thickness of the common carotid artery in dialysis and kidney transplant recipient patients

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    Objectives: Cardiovascular events are a major cause of mortality and morbidity of chronic renal failure causing 40 to 50 of all deaths in these patients. The intima-media thickness of the common carotid artery is used to predict atherosclerosis. To assess the effect of early renal transplant on the vascular atherosclerosis, we compared the common carotid intima-media thickness between dialysis and transplant patients. Materials and Methods: In a cross-sectional study, 75 kidney transplant recipients and 75 dialysis patients were assessed in a subspecialized renal and urethral diseases center from April 2008 to March 2010. Demographic characteristics, smoking history, and information on comorbid and kidney diseases were recorded through a checklist. The common carotid intima-media thickness was measured using ultrasonography. Spearman's rank correlation coefficient was used to find any correlation between duration of dialysis and intimamedia thickness. Results: In all, 79 patients (53) were male. The mean age (SD) of dialysis and transplant patients was 55 ± 11 and 51 ± 15 years. The 2 groups had no statistically significant sex or age differences (P >.05). Considering all patients, 54 (36) had a history of hypertension, 30 (20) had a history of diabetes mellitus, 15 (10) had a history of hyperlipidemia, and 41 (27.3) had a history of smoking. There were no significant differences between the 2 groups when these variables were considered (P >.05). The mean thickness of the common carotid intima-media was 1.2 mm (0.35 mm) in the dialysis patients, which was higher compared with 0.73 mm (0.18 mm) in the transplanted group (P <.001). There was a significant correlation between duration of dialysis and intima-media thickness (P <.001, r=0.882) in the dialysis group. Conclusions: Common carotid intima-media thickness in dialysis patients is significantly higher compared with kidney transplant recipients. Carotid intima-media thickness increases by prolongation of dialysis duration. © BaÅkent University 2011

    A thin and low-cost scalable waveguide load absorber

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    Abstract In this paper, a set of simple S-band waveguide absorbers are designed and implemented on a low-cost FR4 substrate. This is to provide an alternative for conventional waveguide absorbers, which are generally bulky and costly. The proposed structure is composed of only two open-ended resonator strips on a low-cost, 3.2-mm thick FR4 board. These absorbers operate with the same fundamentals as absorbers based on the frequency selective surfaces. The proposed innovative waveguide absorber load is mode-independent and designed without any connection between the strips and the waveguide. Simulations and measurements indicated an approximately 2.2% of bandwidth, with a 99% absorption rate at the center frequency. A complete parameter study is also performed to show the robustness of the design, besides enabling tuning for use in other microwave waveguides. A good agreement between simulated and measured results confirms the functionality of the absorber