227 research outputs found

    Symmetry effects on spin switching of adatoms

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    Highly symmetric magnetic environments have been suggested to stabilize the magnetic information stored in magnetic adatoms on a surface. Utilized as memory devices such systems are subjected to electron tunneling and external magnetic fields. We analyze theoretically how such perturbations affect the switching probability of a single quantum spin for two characteristic symmetries encountered in recent experiments and suggest a third one that exhibits robust protection against surface induced spin flips. Further we illuminate how the switching of an adatom spin exhibits characteristic behavior with respect to low energy excitations from which the symmetry of the system can be inferred

    Designer quantum states of matter created atom-by-atom

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    With the advances in high resolution and spin-resolved scanning tunneling microscopy as well as atomic-scale manipulation, it has become possible to create and characterize quantum states of matter bottom-up, atom-by-atom. This is largely based on controlling the particle- or wave-like nature of electrons, as well as the interactions between spins, electrons, and orbitals and their interplay with structure and dimensionality. We review the recent advances in creating artificial electronic and spin lattices that lead to various exotic quantum phases of matter, ranging from topological Dirac dispersion to complex magnetic order. We also project future perspectives in non-equilibrium dynamics, prototype technologies, engineered quantum phase transitions and topology, as well as the evolution of complexity from simplicity in this newly developing field

    Sensing Noncollinear Magnetism at the Atomic Scale Combining Magnetic Exchange and Spin-Polarized Imaging

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    Storing and accessing information in atomic-scale magnets requires magnetic imaging techniques with single-atom resolution. Here, we show simultaneous detection of the spin-polarization and exchange force, with or without the flow of current, with a new method, which combines scanning tunneling microscopy and non-contact atomic force microscopy. To demonstrate the application of this new method, we characterize the prototypical nano-skyrmion lattice formed on a monolayer of Fe/Ir(111). We resolve the square magnetic lattice by employing magnetic exchange force microscopy, demonstrating its applicability to non-collinear magnetic structures, for the first time. Utilizing distance-dependent force and current spectroscopy, we quantify the exchange forces in comparison to the spin-polarization. For strongly spin-polarized tips, we distinguish different signs of the exchange force which we suggest arises from a change in exchange mechanisms between the probe and a skyrmion. This new approach may enable both non-perturbative readout combined with writing by current-driven reversal of atomic-scale magnets

    Visualizing Quantum Well State Perturbations of Metallic Thin Films near Stacking Fault Defects

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    We demonstrate that quantum well states (QWS) of thin Pb films are highly perturbed within the proximity of intrinsic film defects. Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy (STM/STS) measurements indicate that the energy of these states have a strong distance dependence within 4 nm of the defect with the strongest energetic fluctuations equaling up to 100 meV. These localized perturbations show large spatially-dependent asymmetries in the LDOS around the defect site for each corresponding quantum well state. These energetic fluctuations can be described by a simple model which accounts for fluctuations in the confinement potential induced by topographic changes.Comment: Updated Versio

    Superconductivity of lanthanum revisited: enhanced critical temperature in the clean limit

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    The thickness dependence of the superconducting energy gap ΔLa\Delta_{\rm{La}} of double hexagonally close packed (dhcp) lanthanum islands grown on W(110) is studied by scanning tunneling spectroscopy, from the bulk to the thin film limit. Superconductivity is suppressed by the boundary conditions for the superconducting wavefunction at the surface and W/La interface, leading to a linear decrease of the critical temperature TcT_c as a function of the inverse film thickness. For thick, bulk-like films, ΔLa\Delta_{\rm{La}} and TcT_c are 40% larger as compared to literature values of dhcp La measured by other techniques. This finding is reconciled by examining the effects of surface contamination as probed by modifications of the surface state, suggesting that the large TcT_c originates in the superior purity of the samples investigated here.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure

    An ultra-compact low temperature scanning probe microscope for magnetic fields above 30 T

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    We present the design of a highly compact High Field Scanning Probe Microscope (HF-SPM) for operation at cryogenic temperatures in an extremely high magnetic field, provided by a water-cooled Bitter magnet able to reach 38 T. The HF-SPM is 14 mm in diameter: an Attocube nano-positioner controls the coarse approach of a piezo resistive AFM cantilever to a scanned sample. The Bitter magnet constitutes an extreme environment for SPM due to the high level of vibrational noise; the Bitter magnet noise at frequencies up to 300 kHz is characterized and noise mitigation methods are described. The performance of the HF-SPM is demonstrated by topographic imaging and noise measurements at up to 30 T. Additionally, the use of the SPM as a three-dimensional dilatometer for magnetostriction measurements is demonstrated via measurements on a magnetically frustrated spinel sample.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Probing Single Vacancies in Black Phosphorus at the Atomic Level

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    Utilizing a combination of low-temperature scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy (STM/STS) and electronic structure calculations, we characterize the structural and electronic properties of single atomic vacancies within several monolayers of the surface of black phosphorus. We illustrate, with experimental analysis and tight-binding calculations, that we can depth profile these vacancies and assign them to specific sublattices within the unit cell. Measurements reveal that the single vacancies exhibit strongly anisotropic and highly delocalized charge density, laterally extended up to 20 atomic unit cells. The vacancies are then studied with STS, which reveals in-gap resonance states near the valence band edge and a strong p-doping of the bulk black phosphorus crystal. Finally, quasiparticle interference generated near these vacancies enables the direct visualization of the anisotropic band structure of black phosphorus.Comment: Nano Letters (2017

    Itinerant Nature of Atom-Magnetization Excitation by Tunneling Electrons

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    We have performed single-atom magnetization curve (SAMC) measurements and inelastic scanning tunneling spectroscopy (ISTS) on individual Fe atoms on a Cu(111) surface. The SAMCs show a broad distribution of magnetic moments with \unit[3.5]{\mu_{\rm B}} being the mean value. ISTS reveals a magnetization excitation with a lifetime of \unit[200]{fsec} which decreases by a factor of two upon application of a magnetic field of \unit[12]{T}. The experimental observations are quantitatively explained by the decay of the magnetization excitation into Stoner modes of the itinerant electron system as shown by newly developed theoretical modeling.Comment: 3 Figures, Supplement not included, updated version after revisio
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