118 research outputs found

    STEM-based worksheet on digestive system material to improve students’ creative thinking skills

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    One of the problems that often occur in the learning process is the low level of student's creative thinking which can be seen from four aspects, namely fluency, flexibility, originality, and elaboration. Efforts that can be made to improve students' creative thinking abilities include developing learning tools based on the STEM learning approach. This study aims to produce biology worksheet based on STEM approaches in digestive system material that is valid, practical, and effective in improving students' creative thinking skills. The type of research carried out is research and development by using the 4D model (Define, Design, Develop and Disseminate).  The instrument used was validation sheets, questionnaire, and test. In this study, the average score of students' creative thinking ability was 85.30 with a completeness percentage of 87.5%. Based on the results obtained, it can be concluded that the STEM-based worksheet in digestive system material is declared valid and feasible for use and can improve students' creative thinking

    Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Inkuiri Dan Creative Problem Solving Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa MTS Medan Tembung

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    This study aims to determine the effect of the inquiry learning model and the creative problem-solving learning model on student learning outcomes. This research was conducted at MTs Madinatussalam Tembung for the academic year 2020/2021. The research method is quasi-experimental. The sample used in the study was 60 students, the sampling in this study was simple random sampling. The instrument in the study used a pretest and posttest. Based on the results of the research, the results of hypothesis testing on the results of the Inquiry class hypothesis test. From the table above, the value of t(count )= 8,594 and the value of t_(table )= 2.0243 so that t_(count)t_(table) which is therefore Ho is rejected. Ha accepted. Based on the results of hypothesis testing, there is an influence of the inquiry learning model. The results of the hypothesis test for the Creative Problem-Solving class. From the table above, the value of t(count )= 8, 683 and the value of t_(table )= 2.0243 so that t_(count )t_(table ) which means that Ho is rejected, Ha is accepted. Based on the results of hypothesis testing, there is an influence of the Inquiry learning model and Creative Problem-Solving learning model on student learning outcomes at MTs Madinatussalam Medan Tembung.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh model pembelajaran inkuiri dan model pembelajaran creative problem solving terhadap hasil belajar siswa. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di MTs Madinatussalam Tembung tahun ajaran 2020/2021. Metode penelitian ini adalah eksperimen semu. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah 60 siswa, pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah simple random sampling. Instrumen dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pretest dan posttest. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, hasil pengujian hipotesis pada hasil uji hipotesis kelas Inkuiri. Dari tabel diatas diperoleh nilai t_(hitung )= 8,594 dan nilai t_(tabel )= 2,0243 sehingga t_(hitung)t_(tabel) maka Ho ditolak. Ha diterima. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian hipotesis terdapat pengaruh model pembelajaran inkuiri. Hasil uji hipotesis untuk kelas Creative Problem Solving. Dari tabel diatas diperoleh nilai t_(hitung )= 8,683 dan nilai t_(tabel )= 2,0243 sehingga t_(hitung )t_(tabel ) yang berarti Ho ditolak, Ha diterima. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian hipotesis, terdapat pengaruh model pembelajaran Inquiry dan model pembelajaran Creative Problem Solving terhadap hasil belajar siswa di MTs Madinatussalam Medan Tembung.Kata kunci: inkuiri, hasil belajar, pemecahan masalah secara kreatif DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.23960/jbt.v10i2.2432

    Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Project Based Learning (PjBL) Terhadap Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif Siswa

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    This study aims to improve students' creative thinking skills through the PjBL (Project Based Learning) learning model on the digestive system material at Smart Pure High School. The research method is quantitative using a quasi-experimental design with a nonequivalent control group design. The population in this study were students of class XI SMA Smart Murni which consisted of 2 classes with a total of 61 students, where the control class, namely XI MIPA 1, consisted of 30 students and class XI MIPA 2 as the experimental class which consisted of 31 students. As for the data analysis technique used to test the hypothesis in the study using the t-test independent data this study used an instrument in the form of an essay test for creative thinking skills. The results showed that the average value obtained for the control class was 70.10 and for the experimental class it was 81.04. Then a t test was carried out to prove that the difference was significant (real) or not, where the Sig.(2-tailed) value was 0.000 <0.05. In conclusion, in descriptive statistics there is a difference in the average creative thinking ability of students between the experimental class and the control class. Based on the results of the T test, there is a significant difference in PjBL (Project Based Learning) learning towards improving students' creative thinking skills. Keywords: Creative Thinking, Project Based Learning, Digestive Syste


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    This study aims to know the effect of cooperative learning model type Student Team Achievement Divisions (STAD) using smartphone game kahoot application toward students learning outcome. This research is  quasi experimental design. The population of this study were students of class VIII SMP totaling 4 classes. The sampling was conducted by random sampling technique and obtained 2 classes as samples, class VIII-C and class VIII-D. Class VIII-C as the experimental class totaling 24 students and class VIII-D as the control class totaling 25 students. The test instrument used to determine student learning outcomes is a multiple choice questions in the form of pre-test and post-test which consists of 20 questions. The results showed that the class taught by STAD learning model using kahoot game obtained an average score of 82.917, while classes taught with conventional learning obtained an average score of 50.25. Hypothesis test obtained t count = 4.509 > t table = 4.047 then H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. So it can be concluded that there is an effect on student learning outcomes through the Student Team Achievement Divisions (STAD) type cooperative learning model using the Kahoot game smartphone application on the learning outcomes of class VIII students on the Materials Structure and Function of Plants

    Development of quizizz-based learning media on digestive system materials in class xi

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    The development of technology and information encourages the creation of innovative, effective, and efficient use of learning media. The use of Quizizz web learning media has a positive impact on teachers and students. Teachers are facilitated with the help of using Quizizz from the many materials that already exist in the application. The purpose of this study was to determine the feasibility and practicality of using the Quizizz website media. This research was conducted at Karya Tani Private High School, Panai Hulu District. The subjects in this study were students of class XI which consisted of 30 students. This study uses Research and Development (R&D) research methods using a 4D model, namely define, design, develop and desseminate. The types of data obtained in this study are quantitative data and qualitative data. The data analysis technique used in this research is the feasibility analysis and the practicality of the Quizizz website learning media which is viewed from the aspect of validity. The results of the feasibility assessment study were obtained with a score of 92.66% on material validation and 92.5% on media validation. The practicality assessment obtained a score of 91.5% on the validation of the biology teacher and 92.52% of the student response. It can be concluded that the use of the Quizizz website-based learning media is feasible to be used as a learning medium at the school and is practically used by students and teacher

    Implementation of Electre Method in Determining Tourism Places in North Sumatera

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    A tourist in determining the purpose of his tour, must be based on several criteria that are used as a determining factor in choosing. These criteria are taken into consideration by tourists in determining which tourist attractions will be chosen. Thus this study aims to assist tourists in choosing tourist attractions in North Sumatra based on the desired criteria and / or provide information to tourists about the best tourist attractions in North Sumatra in accordance with the desired criteria. The Elimination Et Choix Traduisant La Realita (ELECTRE) method which is a system that uses a multicriter decision making method based on the outranking concept by using a pairwise comparison of alternatives based on each appropriate criterion. This research resulted in a recommendation for natural tourist attractions in North Sumatra, namely Teluk Dalam tourism in the Nias Islands

    Perbandingan Hasil Belajar Biologi Siswa Menggunakan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) dan Tipe Make A Match Pada Materi Pokok Ekosistem di MAN Dolok Masihul

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hasil belajar biologi siswa ketika diterapkan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) dan Make a Match di kelas X MAN Dolok Masihul. Populasi siswa kelas X MAN Dolok Masihul. Ada dua kelompok sampel yaitu siswa kelas X MIPA1 (eksperimen) dan kelas X MIPA2 (kontrol). Teknik atau cara yang di pakai untuk menarik serta menyatukan data yaitu pengamatan dan ujian (tes) tertulis. Teknik analisis memakai uji hipotesis. Penelitian merangkum hasil diantaranya adanya perbandingan hasil nilai belajar biologi murid yang memakai model STAD dan MAM pada topik utama ekosistem di MAN Serdang Bedagai dilihat dari hasil belajar menggunakan tipe STAD diperoleh sebesar 75 dengan persentase 13%, sedangkan untuk Make A Match hasil yang diperoleh sebesar 68,83 dengan persentase 5,83%. Terdapat perbandingan hasil belajar biologi siswa yang menggunakan model STAD dan model MAM pada pokok bahasan ekosistem di MAN Serdang Bedagai dilihat dari hasil uji hipotesis thitung = 1,867 dan ttabel = 1,672 yang artinya thitung    ttabel sehingga Ho nya ditolak sedangkan untuk Ha diterima. This research aims to determine students' biology learning outcomes when the Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) and Make a Match type cooperative learning models are applied in class X MAN Dolok Masihul. Population of class X MAN Dolok Stillul students. There are two sample groups, namely students of class X MIPA1 (experiment) and class X MIPA2 (control). The techniques or methods used to collect and combine data are observation and written tests. The analysis technique uses hypothesis testing. The research summarizes the results, including a comparison of the results of students' biology learning scores using the STAD and MAM models on the main topic of ecosystems at MAN Serdang Bedagai, seen from the results of learning using the STAD type which was obtained at 75 with a percentage of 13%, while for Make A Match the results obtained were 68 .83 with a percentage of 5.83%. There is a comparison of the biology learning outcomes of students who use the STAD model and the MAM model on the subject of ecosystems at MAN Serdang Bedagai seen from the results of the hypothesis test tcount = 1.867 and ttable = 1.672, which means tcount ttable so that Ho is rejected while Ha is accepted


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    RINGKASANKhairuna. 1209200190013. Efektivitas Mikoriza dan Kompos Terhadap Sifat Kimia Tanah dan Pertumbuhan Serta Hasil Kedelai (Glycine Max (L) Merrill) Pada Ultisol, dibawah bimbingan Syafruddin sebagai pembimbing ketua dan Marlina sebagai pembimbing anggota. Kedelai yang ditanam pada Ultisol, produktivitasnya masih sangat rendah. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas FMA dan kompos terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil kedelai pada tanah Ultisol. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Desa Ude, Kecamatan Matangkuli, Kabupaten Aceh Utara, sejak Juni sampai November 2013. Bahan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kedelai varietas Kipas Merah, Inokulum Fungi Mikoriza Arbuskular dari spesies Glomus moseae dengan carier media terdiri dari campuran zeolit, pasir dan tanah mediteran berasal dari Laboratorium Hama Penyakit Tumbuhan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya, Malang, Rhizobium (tanah bekas penanaman kedelai), pupuk Urea 75 kg ha-1 , SP-36 100 kg ha-1, KCl 100 kg ha-1, tanah Ultisols Buket Rata, Lhokseumawe. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak kelompok pola faktorial dengan tiga ulangan. Faktor pertama yaitu perlakuan FMA terdiri dari 4 taraf : 0 g pot-1, 20 g pot-1, 40 g pot-1dan 60 g pot-1 dan faktor kedua yaitu perlakuan kompos 4 taraf : 0 g pot-1 , 75 g pot-1, 150 g pot-1 dan 225 g pot-1. Pelaksanaan penelitian dengan melakukan persiapan media tanam, aplikasi kompos, aplikasi pupuk dasar dan FMA, penanaman, pemeliharaan dan pemanenan. Peubah yang diamati adalah pH H2O 1:2,5 (Metode Elektrometri), P-tersedia (Bray II), dan C-organik (Walkley and Black), persentase akar terinfeksi mikoriza, tinggi tanaman 15, 30 dan 45 HST, diameter batang 15,30 dan 45 HST, jumlah polong per tanaman, jumlah biji per tanaman dan berat biji pertanaman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan FMA dapat meningkatkan pH, P-tersedia, C-organik, pertumbuhan dan hasil dibandingkan tanpa pemberian FMA. Pemberian kompos dapat meningkatkan pH, P-tersedia, C-organik, pertumbuhan dan hasil kedelai tetapi tidak berpengaruh terhadap persentase akar terinfeksi mikoriza. Pertumbuhan dan hasil tertinggi diperoleh pada pemberian FMA 60 g pot-1 dan kompos 225 g pot-1 (30 ton ha-1). Efek pemberian FMA terhadap pH, P-tersedia , diameter batang 30 HST dan 45HST bergantung pada kompos. Pemberian FMA 60 g pot-1 dan kompos 150 g pot-1 dapat meningkatkan pH tanah, sedangkan dengan FMA 60 g pot-1 dan 75 g pot-1 dapat meningkatkan P- tersedia. FMA 40 g pot-1 dan 75 g pot-1 berpengaruh terhadap diameter batang kedelai pada 30 dan 45 HST. Kata Kunci: FMA, Kompos, Kedelai, Ultisol


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) pengaruh kombinasi media tanam terhadap pertumbuhan tomat dan (2) urutan terbaik media tanam kombinasi media tanam terhadap pertumbuhan tomat. Metode pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini terdiri dari 4 perlakuan, yaitu: Perlakuan A, 100% tanah, Perlakuan B, kombinasi 25% media tanam dan 75% tanah, Perlakuan C, kombinasi 50% media tanam dan 50 % tanah dan Perlakuan D, kombinasi 75 media tanam dan 25% tanah. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan Teknik analisis data Analisis Varians (ANAVA) kemudian data yang berpengaruh nyata akan dilanjutkan dengan uji lanjut post hoc Duncan pada taraf signifikansi 0,05. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah menganalisis pertumbuhan tanaman tomat yang dilihat berdasarkan tinggi batang, panjang daun, dan lebar daun. Hasil penelitian ini diperoleh bahwa Terdapat pengaruh kombinasi media tanam dari minggu I sampai minggu IV


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