122 research outputs found

    Deteksi Citra Pornografi Memanfaatkan Deep Convolutional Neural Network

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    Internet merupakan salah satu sumber informasi yang sangat mudah diakses dan sangat lengkap pada zaman sekarang ini. Dari banyaknya konten tersebut terdapat konten pornografi yang meresahkan dan memberikan dampak buruk pada perkembangan anak-anak. Hingga tahun 2020 pemblokiran konten pornografi menyumbang 70 persen dibandingkan konten negative lainnya. Metode untuk mencegah/memblokir konten pornografi ada berbagai macam mulai dari memblokir websitenya hingga mendeteksi berdasarkan citra yang ada. Penelitian ini akan mencoba mendeteksi citra pornografi dengan bantuan Deep Convolutional Neural Network. Pembuatan model menggunakan transfer learning hingga fine tuned fine transfer learning dan mencoba model-model state of the art. Penelitian ini menghasilkan model yang mampu mendeteksi citra pornografi dengan akurasi 78%. Selain memiliki akurasi yang cukup tinggi model ini juga mampu mendeteksi bagian-bagian intim dari wanita yang menjadi fitur dari citra pornografi. Kemampuan mendeteksi fitur tersebut telah diujicoba dengan mengubah model yang digunakan penelitian ini sebagai detektor objek pada citra pornografi

    Deteksi Citra Pornografi Memanfaatkan Deep Convolutional Neural Network

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    Internet merupakan salah satu sumber informasi yang sangat mudah diakses dan sangat lengkap pada zaman sekarang ini. Dari banyaknya konten tersebut terdapat konten pornografi yang meresahkan dan memberikan dampak buruk pada perkembangan anak-anak. Hingga tahun 2020 pemblokiran konten pornografi menyumbang 70 persen dibandingkan konten negative lainnya. Metode untuk mencegah/memblokir konten pornografi ada berbagai macam mulai dari memblokir websitenya hingga mendeteksi berdasarkan citra yang ada. Penelitian ini akan mencoba mendeteksi citra pornografi dengan bantuan Deep Convolutional Neural Network. Pembuatan model menggunakan transfer learning hingga fine tuned fine transfer learning dan mencoba model-model state of the art. Penelitian ini menghasilkan model yang mampu mendeteksi citra pornografi dengan akurasi 78%. Selain memiliki akurasi yang cukup tinggi model ini juga mampu mendeteksi bagian-bagian intim dari wanita yang menjadi fitur dari citra pornografi. Kemampuan mendeteksi fitur tersebut telah diujicoba dengan mengubah model yang digunakan penelitian ini sebagai detektor objek pada citra pornografi

    Guillou-quisquater protocol for user authentication based on zero knowledge proof

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    Authentication is the act of confirming the validity of someone’s personal data. In the traditional authentication system, username and password are sent to the server for verification. However, this scheme is not secure, because the password can be sniffed. In addition, the server will keep the user’s password for the authentication. This makes the system vulnerable when the database server is hacked. Zero knowledge authentication allows server to authenticate user without knowing the user’s password. In this research, this scheme was implemented with Guillou-Quisquater protocol. Two login mechanisms were used: file-based certificate with key and local storage. Testing phase was carried out based on the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) penetration testing scheme. Furthermore, penetration testing was also performed by an expert based on Acunetix report. Three potential vulnerabilities were found and risk estimation was calculated. According to OWASP risk rating, these vulnerabilities were at the medium level

    Surviving the new-normal: A study on physical servicescape and visitor behavior in quick-service restaurants in malls in Surabaya, Indonesia

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    Purpose - The “new normal” is the period of adaptation during the pandemic COVID -19 that affects both daily and economic activities, leading to the application of strict health regulations in public places such as shopping malls, tourist sites and gastronomic areas. The appearance of the physical service landscape is adapted to the new normal health regulations. The aim of this study is to firstly investigate the influence of the new regulations with the mediating variable of physical service landscape on QSR visit intention. Second, this study aims to examine the influence of Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) on QSR visit intention. Design/methodology - This study uses convenience sampling on mall visitors in Surabaya who also visit QSR during the COVID-19 pandemic, starting from July to December 2020. The study sample is 313 visitors which are acquired through questionnaires distributed both online and offline. The data will be analyzed using the technique PLS-SEM 3.0. Findings - Firstly, in the direct path, the results showed that the new-normal regulation significantly influences physical servicescape (exterior design, interior design, and QSR location). Secondly, TPB, which are attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control, significantly influence QSR visiting intention. In the indirect path, new-normal regulation significantly influences visitors’ intention towards the mediating variable of interior design, while in contrast exterior design and QSR location do not significantly mediate. Originality - This study specifically discusses the changes in the design of the physical service landscape since the implementation of the new-normal regulation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, which both directly and indirectly influences the behavior of visitors in public areas. Research implication/practical implication - In terms of literature, this study contributes to a deeper understanding of the healthcare service landscape, which interacts with both architecture and marketing, in terms of individual behavior. Furthermore, this study practically helps mall management in deciding the marketing strategy and QSR outlet management to survive in the pandemic by following applicable healthcare protocols

    Sistem Prediksi Harga Saham LQ45 Dengan Random Forest Classifier

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    Data yang digunakan adalah ringkasan saham harian perusahaan yang terdaftar pada indeks LQ45 versi Agustus 2018 – Januari 2019 mulai tanggal 1 Juli 2015 hingga 31 Desember 2018. Technical indicator yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah On-Balance Volume, Chaikin Oscillator, Moving Average Convergence/Divergence, dan Bollinger Bands. Data tersebut kemudian dibentuk modelnya untuk setiap kode saham, rentang waktu, dan tipe fitur. Rentang waktu prediksi yang digunakan adalah 1 hari, 5 hari, dan 20 hari. Tipe fitur yang digunakan untuk membentuk model adalah plain yang menggunakan seluruh nilai ringkasan saham harian dan technical indicator-nya, grouped yang fiturnya merupakan kondisi technical indicator terhadap hari sebelumnya (naik, tetap, dan turun) dan nilainya terhadap garis nol (positif, nol, negatif), serta onehot yang fiturnya merupakan hasil one-hot encoding terhadap fitur grouped.  Model yang dibentuk kemudian digunakan untuk memprediksi perubahan harga saham dengan kemungkinan nilai naik, tetap, atau turun. Nilai akurasi dihitung menggunakan confusion matrix. Hasil pengujian terhadap data latih menunjukkan nilai yang sangat baik, dimana tipe fitur plain dengan rentang waktu 5 dan 20 hari mencapai 100%. Hasil pengujian terhadap data uji menunjukkan penurunan dibanding data latih, namun tipe fitur plain tetap menunjukkan performa paling baik dimana terdapat tiga kode saham dengan akurasi lebih besar dari 60% untuk rentang waktu satu hari, enam kode saham untuk rentang waktu lima hari, dan empat belas kode saham untuk rentang waktu dua puluh hari, sembilan di antaranya di atas 70%, dengan kode ANTM mencapai akurasi sebesar 80,6%

    Rancang Bangun GM Web Application Pada CV Guna Motor

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    Seiring dengan perkembangan IT (information technology) yang begitu pesat, mendorong berbagai bidang dalam bisnis untuk menerapkan IT. Salah satunya adalah bidang marketing, yang kini sudah menggunakan teknologi dalam meningkatkan pemasaran, pengenalan produk, dan layanan ke dalam dunia maya. Hal tersebut dapat dicapai dengan membangun suatu web application. CV Guna Motor adalah salah satu perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang otomotif dan saat ini mulai menerapkan IT dalam bidang marketing, yaitu dengan mambangun sebuah CMS (content management system) dan web application yang bertujuan untuk menjelaskan dan mempromosikan produk dan layanan jasa kepada masyarakat luas yang dapat dikelola dengan mudah dengan CMS. Pada magang kerja ini dilakukan proses merancang dan membangun CMS dan web application pada CV Guna Motor dengan menggunakan framework Laravel 4.2 yang berbasis PHP dipadukan dengan database MySQL

    Motivasi kerja menurut Abraham Maslow terhadap kinerja karyawan

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    Motivation is one of the most important factor that affect employee performance at a company. This research intent to know if motivation have a significant effect against employee performance. Method used is work motivation method according to Abraham Maslow. The result show if motivation have effect that significant against employee performance. The higher employee motivation then the better it’s performance. So are the otherwise the lower employee motivation then their performance will be bad too

    Usage of Miniature Houses Built using Construction Materials in Engineering Educational Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Programs

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    The demand for engineers in Indonesia has not been met with the number of professional engineers working in their respective fields. This is partly due to the low interest in engineering among students. Therefore, various programs are implemented by the government and companies to be able to introduce, educate and change perceptions on the field of engineering. This research was conducted to propose a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program in order to meet these objectives. The proposed program is an educational program in the form of a workshop on residential construction using miniature houses built of real construction materials as demonstration and learning tools. The program is aimed at high school students in accordance with the goal of increasing public interests and the number of potential engineers, particularly in the field of civil engineering. The validation process of the proposed program is done by distributing questionnaires to construction companies and high school students as stakeholders in the programs execution. The validation results show that the proposed program is quite attractive to construction companies and high school students, including those who are not interested in the engineering field. The program is also deemed feasible and able to meet the goal of developing students interest in engineering

    Surviving the new-normal: a study on physical servicescape and visitor behavior in quick-service restaurants in malls in Surabaya, Indonesia

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    Purpose: The "new normal" is the period of adaptation during the pandemic COVID -19 that affects both daily and economic activities, leading to the application of strict health regulations in public places such as shopping malls, tourist sites and gastronomic areas. The appearance of the physical service landscape is adapted to the new normal health regulations. The aim of this study is to firstly investigate the influence of the new regulations with the mediating variable of physical service landscape on QSR visit intention. Second, this study aims to examine the influence of Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) on QSR visit intention. Design/methodology: This study uses convenience sampling on mall visitors in Surabaya who also visit QSR during the COVID-19 pandemic, starting from July to December 2020. The study sample is 313 visitors which are acquired through questionnaires distributed both online and offline. The data will be analyzed using the technique PLS-SEM 3.0. Findings: Firstly, in the direct path, the results showed that the new-normal regulation significantly influences physical servicescape (exterior design, interior design, and QSR location). Secondly, TPB, which are attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control, significantly influence QSR visiting intention. In the indirect path, new-normal regulation significantly influences visitors’ intention towards the mediating variable of interior design, while in contrast exterior design and QSR location do not significantly mediate. Originality: This study specifically discusses the changes in the design of the physical service landscape since the implementation of the new-normal regulation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, which both directly and indirectly influences the behavior of visitors in public areas. Research implication/ Practical implication: In terms of literature, this study contributes to a deeper understanding of the healthcare service landscape, which interacts with both architecture and marketing, in terms of individual behavior. Furthermore, this study practically helps mall management in deciding the marketing strategy and QSR outlet management to survive in the pandemic by following applicable healthcare protocols

    Penerapan Strategi Negosiasi Win-Win Solution dalam Proses Negosiasi Ulang Video Iklan Natur Landing on You

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    Account executive adalah seorang yang berprofesi untuk mencari dan menjalin hubungan baik dengan klien. Seorang account executive bertujuan untuk menghasilkan sebuah kerjasama yang saling menguntungkan antara tim agensi maupun tim klien, serta berperan besar dalam melakukan negosiasi bersama klien. Ditengah pandemi virus covid-19, sebagian produksi film maupun iklan dihentikan karena permasalahan protokol kesehatan. Oleh sebab itu, diperlukan sebuah alternatif untuk tetap dapat memproduksi video iklan untuk meningkatkan awareness dari sebuah brand. Dalam penulisan skripsi ini, penulis yang berperan sebagai seorang account executive berusaha menjabarkan bagaimana penerapan strategi negosiasi win-win solution dalam proses negosiasi ulang pada pembuatan video iklan Natur Landing On You
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