65 research outputs found
Loss of NRF-2 and PGC-1α genes leads to retinal pigment epithelium damage resembling dry age-related macular degeneration
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a multi-factorial disease that is the leading cause of irreversible and severe vision loss in the developed countries. It has been suggested that the pathogenesis of dry AMD involves impaired protein degradation in retinal pigment epithelial cells (RPE). RPE cells are constantly exposed to oxidative stress that may lead to the accumulation of damaged cellular proteins, DNA and lipids and evoke tissue deterioration during the aging process. The ubiquitin-proteasome pathway and the lysosomal/autophagosomal pathway are the two major proteolytic systems in eukaryotic cells. NRF-2 (nuclear factor-erythroid 2-related factor-2) and PGC-1 alpha (peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator-1 alpha) are master transcription factors in the regulation of cellular detoxification. We investigated the role of NRF-2 and PGC-1 alpha in the regulation of RPE cell structure and function by using global double knockout (dKO) mice. The NRF-2/PGC-1 alpha dKO mice exhibited significant age-dependent RPE degeneration, accumulation of the oxidative stress marker, 4-HNE (4-hydroxynonenal), the endoplasmic reticulum stress markers GRP78 (glucose-regulated protein 78) and ATF4 (activating transcription factor 4), and damaged mitochondria. Moreover, levels of protein ubiquitination and autophagy markers p62/SQSTM1 (sequestosome 1), Beclin-1 and LC3B (microtubule associated protein 1 light chain 3 beta) were significantly increased together with the Iba-1 (ionized calcium binding adaptor molecule 1) mononuclear phagocyte marker and an enlargement of RPE size. These histopathological changes of RPE were accompanied by photoreceptor dysmorphology and vision loss as revealed by electroretinography. Consequently, these novel findings suggest that the NRF-2/PGC-1 alpha dKO mouse is a valuable model for investigating the role of proteasomal and autophagy clearance in the RPE and in the development of dry AMD.Peer reviewe
A web-based physical activity promotion intervention for inactive parent-child dyads: Protocol for a randomized controlled trial
Background: Low levels of physical activity are associated with numerous adverse health outcomes, yet sedentary lifestyles are common among both children and adults. Physical activity levels tend to decline steeply among children aged between 8 and 12 years, even though children's behavioral patterns are largely governed by familial structures. Similarly, parents' activity levels have been generally reported as lower than those of nonparents of comparable age. For this reason, family-based physical activity promotion interventions are a potentially valuable and relatively underresearched method for mitigating physical activity declines as children develop into adolescents and for increasing physical activity in parents. Objective: This study aims to assess the efficacy, feasibility, and acceptability of a novel theory-based web-based physical activity promotion intervention among parent-child dyads in Finland who do not meet physical activity recommendations at baseline. Methods: Participants (target N=254) will be recruited from the general population using a panel company and advertisements on social media and randomly assigned to either an immediate intervention group or a waitlist control group. The intervention consists of 4 web-based group workshops over the course of 10 weeks, web-based tasks and resources, and a social support chat group. Data on physical activity behavior and constructs from the integrated behavior change model will be collected through self-report surveys assessing physical activity, autonomy support, autonomous motivation, attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavioral control, intention, self-monitoring, habit, and accelerometer measurements at baseline, post intervention, and 3 months post intervention. Exit interviews with participants will assess the feasibility and acceptability of the intervention procedures. Results: This study will reveal whether the intervention changes leisure-time physical activity among intervention participants relative to the control group and will examine the intervention's effects on important theoretical predictors of physical activity. It will also yield data that can be used to refine intervention materials and inform further implementation. Trial recruitment commenced in September 2023, and data collection should be completed by December 2024. Conclusions: The planned intervention has potential implications for both theory and practice. Practically, the use of an entirely web-based intervention may have scalable future uses for improving physical activity in 2 key populations, while also potentially informing on the value of dyadic, family-based strategies for encouraging an active lifestyle as an alternative to strategies that target either parents or children independently. Further, by assessing change in psychological constructs alongside potential change in behavior, the intervention also allows for important tests of theory regarding which constructs are most linked to favorable behavior change outcomes
Rotaatiovalukoneen langattoman lämmönmittausjärjestelmän toteutus
Tämän opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli päivittää langaton lämpötilanmittausjärjestelmä Motoplast Oy:n rotaatiovalukoneelle. Työ on osa Etteplanin projektia, jossa rotaatiovalukoneen käyttöliittymä vaihdettiin Intouchiin ja alkuperäisen toimittajan lämpötilanmittausjärjestelmä vaihdettiin toiseen malliin. Aihealue on rajattu koskemaan lämmönmittausjärjestelmää ja siinä käydään läpi syyt mittausjärjestelmän hankintaan, tarkoitukseen sopivien laitteiden valinta, niiden konfigurointi ja asennusvaiheet kentällä.
Työn tarkoitus oli helpottaa rotaatiovalukoneen käyttäjän tehtäviä sekä alentaa asiakkaalle mittausjärjestelmästä ajan kanssa koituvia kustannuksiaThe purpose of this thesis was to upgrade a wireless temperature measuring system for a rotational molding machine of Motoplast OY. The work is part of Etteplan’s project, in which the rotational molding machine’s interface was changed to Intouch and the original supplier’s temperature measuring system was changed to another model. The subject area was limited to cover the temperature measuring system, the reasons for getting it, choosing the right devices, their configuration and commissioning in the field.
The purpose of the assignment was to facilitate the tasks of the rotational molding machine’s user and lower the customer’s running expenses over time
Terveysalan ammattilaisten elintavat ja niiden merkitys elämäntapaohjauksessa
Elintapasairaudet ovat maailmanlaajuisesti merkittävä terveysongelma. Elintapasairauksiin sairastuu vuosittain miljoonia ihmisiä, ja kyseisten sairauksien määrän on ennakoitu kasvavan tulevaisuudessa. Terveysalan ammattilaisten asiakkailleen antama elämäntapaohjaus on kriittinen osa taistelussa näitä sairauksia vastaan. Preventiivinen työskentely on olennaista terveysalan ammattilaisten toiminnassa.
Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli selvittää aiempaa tutkimustietoa hyödyntäen, millainen merkitys terveysalan ammattilaisten omilla elintavoilla on heidän asiakkaille antamassaan elämäntapaohjauksessa. Tutkimuksia kerättiin maailmanlaajuisesti ilmiön laajemman ymmärryksen mahdollistamiseksi. Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli koota tietoa terveysalan ammattilaisten elintapojen merkityksestä elämäntapaohjauksessa, jota terveysalan ammattilaiset ja opiskelijat voivat hyödyntää. Opinnäytetyön toinen tavoite oli herättää aiheesta avointa keskustelua terveysalan ammattilaisten parissa.
Opinnäytetyö toteutettiin kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Mukaan valikoitunut aineisto sisälsi tutkimuksia, joissa käsiteltiin terveysalan ammattilaisten elintapoja ja/tai niiden merkitystä tai vaikutusta elämäntapaohjaukseen. Tutkimukset ovat hoito- tai lääketieteellisiä tai kuuluvat lähitieteisiin. Sisäänottokriteerien ja manuaalisen haun perusteella aineistoon valikoitui 32 tutkimusartikkelia.
Kirjallisuuskatsauksen tuloksena todettiin, että terveysalan ammattilaisten elintavoilla on merkitystä heidän asiakkaille antamassaan elämäntapaohjauksessa. Terveysalan ammattilaisten hyvät elintavat kasvattavat laadukkaan elämäntapaohjauksen toteutumisen todennäköisyyttä. Ammattilaisten elintavat vaikuttavat myös asiakkaan hoitoon sitoutumiseen ja asiakkaan kokemukseen ammattilaisen osaamisen laadusta.Lifestyle diseases are globally a significant health problem. Each year millions of people succumb to lifestyle diseases, and the prevalence is predicted to increase. Lifestyle counseling practices of healthcare professionals serve a critical role in the fight against these diseases. Preventive work is essential in the field of healthcare.
The purpose of the thesis was to find previous research data on the meaning of lifestyle behaviours of healthcare professionals in health counseling practices. The material consisted of research articles worldwide, to enhance the comprehension of the phenomenon. The objective of the thesis was to collect data about the meaning of lifestyle behaviours of healthcare professionals in their health counseling practices, that could be utilized for healthcare professionals and students. The other objective of the thesis was to provoke an open discussion about the topic amidst healthcare professionals.
A literature review was used as a research method for achieving the goal. The material consisted of studies that dealt with the lifestyle behaviours of healthcare professionals and/or their meaning or effect on health counseling practices. The thesis focused on studies that were classified as nursing science, medicine or their related sciences. Thirty-two research articles were selected for the study based on the selection criteria.
According to the results, the lifestyle behaviours of healthcare professionals do have a meaning in their health counseling practices. Good lifestyle behaviours of healthcare professionals increase the probability of actualization of quality health counseling. The lifestyle behaviours of healthcare professionals also have an effect on patient adherence and trust
Triathlonistien kokemuksia juoksijan polven fysioterapiasta : laadullinen tutkimus
Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli kuvata triathlonistien kokemuksia fysioterapiasta juoksijan polvivammaan liittyen haastattelemalla triathlonisteja ja saamaan laadullisen tutkimusmenetelmän avulla tietoa heidän saamastaan juoksijan polven kuntoutuksesta. Tutkimuksen tehtävänä oli saada tietoa haastateltavien hakeutumisesta fysioterapiaan, fysioterapian odotuksista, kokemuksista ja vaikutuksista. Opinnäytetyö suoritettiin yhteistyössä Helsingin Triathlon ry:n (HelTri) kanssa. Kolme Haastateltavaa valittiin täysi-ikäisistä vapaaehtoisista, seulonta sähköpostiin vastanneista HelTri:n jäsenistä. Kahdella kolmesta haastateltavasta lääkäri oli diagnosoinut juoksijan polven ja he olivat saaneet fysioterapiaa osana kuntoutusprosessia. Yksi haastateltavista oli saanut fysioterapiaa juoksijan polveen, mutta lääkäri ei ollut tehnyt hänelle diagnoosia. Opinnäytetyön tuloksena saatiin kolmen HelTri:n jäsenen teema haastatteluiden analysoinnin jälkeen yhteenveto heidän kokemuksistaan juoksijan polven kuntoutusprosessista. Tulokset kertoivat, että haastateltavat tunsivat kivun samanlaisena ja se pahenee samanlaisissa aktiviteeteissä. Fysioterapian toteutuksessa oli ollut jonkin verran eroja, mutta tulokset olivat olleet samoja. Kivun hoito onnistui siten, että kaikki haastateltavat pystyivät jatkamaan triathlonin harrastamista sekä kilpailemaan siinä. Kaikilla haastateltavilla oireet ovat kuitenkin palanneet jossakin vaiheessa samaan tai toiseen jalkaan. Haastateltavat olivat kuitenkin tyytyväisiä fysioterapiaan ja kanssakäyminen terapeutin kanssa oli helppoa ja mukavaa. Triathlonistien kokemukset juoksijan polven kuntoutusprosessista opinnäytetyö palvelee fysioterapeutteja ja fysioterapeuttiopiskelijoita ymmärtämään kuntoutujan näkökulmaa juoksijan polven kuntoutusprosessissa ja näin kehittämään kuntoutuksen laatua. Yhteistyökumppani hyötyy työstä kohentamalla entisestään imagoaan urheiluseurana, tekemällä yhteistyötä ja solmimalla kontakteja seuran jäseniä palvelevilla alueilla.The purpose of this study was to describe the experiences of triathlete physiotherapy runner's knee injury related to interviewing triathletes, and to obtain through a qualitative research method the information of received rehabilitation of runner's knee. The objective of this study was to obtain information on interviewees' admission to the physical therapy, expectations from the physical therapy, experiences and effects. The thesis work was conducted in collaboration with Helsinki Triathlon Association (HelTri). Three interviewees were selected from the adult volunteers, screening via e-mail responses by HelTri's members. In two out of three people surveyed, the doctor had diagnosed runner's knee, and they had received physical therapy as part of the rehabilitation process. One of the interviewees had received physiotherapy for the runner's knee, but the doctor did not give him the diagnosis. The result of thesis work was obtained from three interviewed members of HelTri, where the summary was composed, of their experience for the runner's knee rehabilitation process. The results indicate that the interviewees felt the same pain and it got worse during similar activities. Physiotherapy's implementation had some differences, but the results have been the same. Treatment of the pain was successfully conducted, so that all the interviewees were able to continue to practice triathlon activities, as well as competing in it. However, in all interviewed participants, there was a remission of symptoms at some point to the same or other leg. The interviewees were still satisfied with the physical therapy and the interaction with the therapist was easy and comfortable. The thesis work of triathletes' experience of the runner's knee rehabilitation process, serves physiotherapists and physiotherapist students to understand the rehabilitation of client's perspective of runner's knee rehabilitation process, thus developing rehabilitation quality. My work partner benefits from the work of improving further the image that is associated with the sport team, by working together and establishing contacts for the club members in serving areas
Digital Solutions in the forestry service business
The concept of digital describes electronic technology that generates, stores, and processes data in terms of two states: positive and non-positiv
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