19 research outputs found

    Production and storage of wine

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    Cilj ovog rada je u kratkim i jasnim poglavljima objasniti koje su faze proizvodnje vina i njegovog čuvanja. Poglavlja u radu su usko vezana za glavnu temu rada. Prerada grožđa u mošt odnosno vino, počinje od same berbe i presudna je za zdravstveno stanje i ostala svojstva vina. Bolesti i mane vina vuku svoje uzroke od početka prerade grožđa i uglavnom su posljedica nepravilnosti i grešaka počinjenih na startu, a odnose se na nepravilno vrenje, kvalitetu grožđa, mjesto prerade, nečistoću posuđa. Proizvodnja počinje muljanjem gdje se odvaja bobica od peteljke i gnječi se grožđe. Fermentacija je jedna od osnovnih faza u procesu proizvodnje jer počinje stvaranje vina. Otakanjem odvajamo vino od dropa. Pretakanje, punjenje i skladištenje vina su završna faza proizvodnje vinaThe goal of this paper is to explain in clear chapters what are the phazes of wine production and its storage. The chapters are closely related to the subject. Grape processing into the must and eventuly wine, begins at the sole harvest and is crutial for the health conditons and other caracterisics of the wine. Wine defects and faults can be traced back to begining of the grape processing and are usualy a resut of the mistakes made at the beginning, most commonly related to the irregular fermentation, quality of the grapes, place of processing, unsanitary utensils. The production starts by chrushing the grapes and destemming them at the same time and is followed by pressing. Fermentation is one oft he basic phases in the production process as here the wine making starts. Next, the wine is removed from the grape debris. Transfusion, filling and storage are the final phase in wine production

    Production and storage of wine

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    Cilj ovog rada je u kratkim i jasnim poglavljima objasniti koje su faze proizvodnje vina i njegovog čuvanja. Poglavlja u radu su usko vezana za glavnu temu rada. Prerada grožđa u mošt odnosno vino, počinje od same berbe i presudna je za zdravstveno stanje i ostala svojstva vina. Bolesti i mane vina vuku svoje uzroke od početka prerade grožđa i uglavnom su posljedica nepravilnosti i grešaka počinjenih na startu, a odnose se na nepravilno vrenje, kvalitetu grožđa, mjesto prerade, nečistoću posuđa. Proizvodnja počinje muljanjem gdje se odvaja bobica od peteljke i gnječi se grožđe. Fermentacija je jedna od osnovnih faza u procesu proizvodnje jer počinje stvaranje vina. Otakanjem odvajamo vino od dropa. Pretakanje, punjenje i skladištenje vina su završna faza proizvodnje vinaThe goal of this paper is to explain in clear chapters what are the phazes of wine production and its storage. The chapters are closely related to the subject. Grape processing into the must and eventuly wine, begins at the sole harvest and is crutial for the health conditons and other caracterisics of the wine. Wine defects and faults can be traced back to begining of the grape processing and are usualy a resut of the mistakes made at the beginning, most commonly related to the irregular fermentation, quality of the grapes, place of processing, unsanitary utensils. The production starts by chrushing the grapes and destemming them at the same time and is followed by pressing. Fermentation is one oft he basic phases in the production process as here the wine making starts. Next, the wine is removed from the grape debris. Transfusion, filling and storage are the final phase in wine production

    Production and storage of wine

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    Cilj ovog rada je u kratkim i jasnim poglavljima objasniti koje su faze proizvodnje vina i njegovog čuvanja. Poglavlja u radu su usko vezana za glavnu temu rada. Prerada grožđa u mošt odnosno vino, počinje od same berbe i presudna je za zdravstveno stanje i ostala svojstva vina. Bolesti i mane vina vuku svoje uzroke od početka prerade grožđa i uglavnom su posljedica nepravilnosti i grešaka počinjenih na startu, a odnose se na nepravilno vrenje, kvalitetu grožđa, mjesto prerade, nečistoću posuđa. Proizvodnja počinje muljanjem gdje se odvaja bobica od peteljke i gnječi se grožđe. Fermentacija je jedna od osnovnih faza u procesu proizvodnje jer počinje stvaranje vina. Otakanjem odvajamo vino od dropa. Pretakanje, punjenje i skladištenje vina su završna faza proizvodnje vinaThe goal of this paper is to explain in clear chapters what are the phazes of wine production and its storage. The chapters are closely related to the subject. Grape processing into the must and eventuly wine, begins at the sole harvest and is crutial for the health conditons and other caracterisics of the wine. Wine defects and faults can be traced back to begining of the grape processing and are usualy a resut of the mistakes made at the beginning, most commonly related to the irregular fermentation, quality of the grapes, place of processing, unsanitary utensils. The production starts by chrushing the grapes and destemming them at the same time and is followed by pressing. Fermentation is one oft he basic phases in the production process as here the wine making starts. Next, the wine is removed from the grape debris. Transfusion, filling and storage are the final phase in wine production

    Flood lavas on Earth, Io and Mars

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    Flood lavas are major geological features on all the major rocky planetary bodies. They provide important insight into the dynamics and chemistry of the interior of these bodies. On the Earth, they appear to be associated with major and mass extinction events. It is therefore not surprising that there has been significant research on flood lavas in recent years. Initial models suggested eruption durations of days and volumetric fluxes of order 107 m3 s–1 with flows moving as turbulent floods. However, our understanding of how lava flows can be emplaced under an insulating crust was revolutionized by the observations of actively inflating pahoehoe flows in Hawaii. These new ideas led to the hypothesis that flood lavas were emplaced over many years with eruption rates of the order of 104 m3 s–1. The field evidence indicates that flood lava flows in the Columbia River Basalts, Deccan Traps, Etendeka lavas, and the Kerguelen Plateau were emplaced as inflated pahoehoe sheet flows. This was reinforced by the observation of active lava flows of 100 km length on Io being formed as tube-fed flows fed by moderate eruption rates (102–103 m3 s–1). More recently it has been found that some flood lavas are also emplaced in a more rapid manner. New high-resolution images from Mars revealed ‘platy–ridged’ flood lava flows, named after the large rafted plates and ridges formed by compression of the flow top. A search for appropriate terrestrial analogues found an excellent example in Iceland: the 1783–1784 Laki Flow Field. The brecciated Laki flow top consists of pieces of pahoehoe, not aa clinker, leading us to call this ‘rubbly pahoehoe’. Similar flows have been found in the Columbia River Basalts and the Kerguelen Plateau. We hypothesize that these flows form with a thick, insulating, but mobile crust, which is disrupted when surges in the erupted flux are too large to maintain the normal pahoehoe mode of emplacement. Flood lavas emplaced in this manner could have (intermittently) reached effusion rates of the order of 106 m3 s–1

    Managing team work in a business : Graduate paper

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    Timski rad je u moderno doba postao jedan od najčešće korištenih načina rada u poduzećima. Kao i svaki način organizacije rada u poduzeću timski rad ima svoje prednosti i nedostatke. Timski rad motivira ljude, stvara sinergijski efekt, poboljšava kreativnost te pospješuje samu organizaciju. Neki od nedostataka rada u timu su puno potrebnog vremena za samo osnivanje tima, ljudi koji nisu timski igrači, odnosno velika uloga ljudskog faktora. Također važno je znati razliku između tima koji je formalniji i grupe koja nije formalna skupina ljudi. Glavni razlozi za osnivanjem tima su veća efikasnost, brže rješavanje problema u odnosu na individualno rješavanje istih, predstavlja priliku za učenje te stvara sinergiju između članova tima. Nadalje dobra i kvalitetna komunikacija u timu je ključ uspjeha pravilnog funkcioniranja tima. Važno je poznavanje komunikacijskih struktura tima te njihovo određivanje i mogućnost prepoznavanja. Problemi u komunikaciji mogu pred tim postaviti niz izazova, kao što je nemogućnost sastajanja uživo i praćenja same izvršenosti zadataka. Moderna tehnologija se u ovakvim situacijama može koristiti kao rješenje problema u vidu e – komunikacije, video poziva ili grupnih video poziva koji su najbitniji za online komunikaciju u timu. Prilikom samog razvoja tima on prolazi kroz stadije koji su: formiranje, jurišanje, normiranje, provođenje i prekidanje. Upravljanje timskim radom znači i odabir kvalitetnog vođe tima koji će pravilno ispunjavati svoje uloge, a i posjedovati određene kvalitete, kao i pravilno provoditi viziju i ciljeve tima bez kojih tim ne može uspjeti. Veličina tima je također bitna stavka u timu jer o njoj može ovisiti funkcioniranje i performanse tima, no točno određen broj ljudi za tim ne postoji. Nadalje s obzirom na to da je tim sastavljen od ljudi konflikti su neizbježni te ih treba prepoznati i rješavati uzrok njihovog nastanka kako bi tim, odnosno ljudi u njemu bili zadovoljni.In modern times teamwork has became one of the most commonly used ways of working in companies. As any way of work organisation in a business teamwork has its advantages and disadvantages. Team work motivates people, creates synergy improves creativity and organisation itself. Some of the disadvantages of working in a team are time needed for establishing a team, people who are not team players, that is a mayor role of human factor. Also it is important to know the difference between a team which is more formal and a group which is formal. Main reasons for establishing a team are greater efficiency faster problem solving in regards to individual problem solving it is a learning opportunity and creates synergy between team members. Good and quality communication is the key to a successful team. It is important to know about communication structures, determinating them and ability to recognize them. Problems in communication can put a series of problems in front of the team, as is inability to meet in person and inability to track the completion of tasks. In these kind of situations modern technology can be used as a solution in the form of e – communication, video calls or group call which are most important for online communication in a team. During the development of a team itself it goes through phases: forming, storming, norming, implementing and termination. Managing teamwork also means choosing a quality team leader who is going to fulfill his role correctly and to possess certain qualities bur also to execute team vision and goals without which the team can not succeed. Team size is also an important factor in a team because team functioning and its performance, however the precise number of team members dos not exist. Furthermore considering the fact that a team is comprised of people conflicts are inevitable so they need to be recognized and the reason of their emergence needs to be resolved for a satisfied team and people who are in this team

    Managing team work in a business : Graduate paper

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    Timski rad je u moderno doba postao jedan od najčešće korištenih načina rada u poduzećima. Kao i svaki način organizacije rada u poduzeću timski rad ima svoje prednosti i nedostatke. Timski rad motivira ljude, stvara sinergijski efekt, poboljšava kreativnost te pospješuje samu organizaciju. Neki od nedostataka rada u timu su puno potrebnog vremena za samo osnivanje tima, ljudi koji nisu timski igrači, odnosno velika uloga ljudskog faktora. Također važno je znati razliku između tima koji je formalniji i grupe koja nije formalna skupina ljudi. Glavni razlozi za osnivanjem tima su veća efikasnost, brže rješavanje problema u odnosu na individualno rješavanje istih, predstavlja priliku za učenje te stvara sinergiju između članova tima. Nadalje dobra i kvalitetna komunikacija u timu je ključ uspjeha pravilnog funkcioniranja tima. Važno je poznavanje komunikacijskih struktura tima te njihovo određivanje i mogućnost prepoznavanja. Problemi u komunikaciji mogu pred tim postaviti niz izazova, kao što je nemogućnost sastajanja uživo i praćenja same izvršenosti zadataka. Moderna tehnologija se u ovakvim situacijama može koristiti kao rješenje problema u vidu e – komunikacije, video poziva ili grupnih video poziva koji su najbitniji za online komunikaciju u timu. Prilikom samog razvoja tima on prolazi kroz stadije koji su: formiranje, jurišanje, normiranje, provođenje i prekidanje. Upravljanje timskim radom znači i odabir kvalitetnog vođe tima koji će pravilno ispunjavati svoje uloge, a i posjedovati određene kvalitete, kao i pravilno provoditi viziju i ciljeve tima bez kojih tim ne može uspjeti. Veličina tima je također bitna stavka u timu jer o njoj može ovisiti funkcioniranje i performanse tima, no točno određen broj ljudi za tim ne postoji. Nadalje s obzirom na to da je tim sastavljen od ljudi konflikti su neizbježni te ih treba prepoznati i rješavati uzrok njihovog nastanka kako bi tim, odnosno ljudi u njemu bili zadovoljni.In modern times teamwork has became one of the most commonly used ways of working in companies. As any way of work organisation in a business teamwork has its advantages and disadvantages. Team work motivates people, creates synergy improves creativity and organisation itself. Some of the disadvantages of working in a team are time needed for establishing a team, people who are not team players, that is a mayor role of human factor. Also it is important to know the difference between a team which is more formal and a group which is formal. Main reasons for establishing a team are greater efficiency faster problem solving in regards to individual problem solving it is a learning opportunity and creates synergy between team members. Good and quality communication is the key to a successful team. It is important to know about communication structures, determinating them and ability to recognize them. Problems in communication can put a series of problems in front of the team, as is inability to meet in person and inability to track the completion of tasks. In these kind of situations modern technology can be used as a solution in the form of e – communication, video calls or group call which are most important for online communication in a team. During the development of a team itself it goes through phases: forming, storming, norming, implementing and termination. Managing teamwork also means choosing a quality team leader who is going to fulfill his role correctly and to possess certain qualities bur also to execute team vision and goals without which the team can not succeed. Team size is also an important factor in a team because team functioning and its performance, however the precise number of team members dos not exist. Furthermore considering the fact that a team is comprised of people conflicts are inevitable so they need to be recognized and the reason of their emergence needs to be resolved for a satisfied team and people who are in this team


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    Predmet ovog završnog rada su oblici poslovne komunikacije. Komunikacija je sveprisutna u ljudskim životima, kako poslovnim, tako i privatnim. Ona je neophodna za sporazumijevanje u svim poslovnim organizacijama. Može biti pozitivna, ali također i negativna, što se odražava na samu organizaciju i njezine poslovne rezultate kao i međuljudske odnose unutar iste. Ima velik utjecaj na cjelokupan poslovni i financijski rezultat cjelokupne poslovne organizacije, od najnižih, sve do najviših razina, odnosno menadžmenta. Cilj poslovne komunikacije je ubrzavanje procesa na svim razinama poslovne organizacije, te povezivanja ljudi i stvaranja kohezije i sinergije između ljudi. Najvažniji oblici poslovne komunikacije su 1) Verbalna poslovna komunikacija kod koje se kao primjer navodi razgovor i poslovno izvješće, 2) Neverbalna poslovna komunikacija koja se koristi kao nadopuna verbalnoj, 3) Formalna poslovna komunikacija koja može biti vertikalna i horizontalna, 4) Neformalna poslovna komunikacija koja počiva na osobnom kontaktima i nema strogu strukturu, 5) Elektronska poslovna komunikacija koja se može istaknuti kao najnoviji oblik poslovne komunikacije. Svaki od gore navedenih oblika se može međusobno ispreplitati i čest je slučaj da se u jednoj organizaciji koriste mješavine svih oblika poslovne komunikacije. Završni rad podijeljen je na 3 glavna dijela. U prvom dijelu opisana je komunikacija općenito, njezin razvoj, te elementi koji čine sam proces komunikacije. Zatim u drugom dijelu fokus je stavljen na poslovnu komunikaciju kao dio poslovnih procesa u organizacijama, te sama važnost i doprinos poslovne komunikacije. U zadnjem, odnosno trećem dijelu završnog rada govori se o oblicima poslovne komunikacije. Navedeni su i opisani oblici poslovne komunikacije, kao i njihov utjecaj na odnose između ljudi u organizaciji.The subject of this final paper are forms of business communication. Communication is present all around people 's lives, in business, so as in private. It is necessary in communicating in all business organisations. It can be positive, but also negative, what is reflected on the organisation itself, and it ' performance, so as interpersonal relations inside the organisation. It has a great effect on whole business and financial result on the whole organisation, from the lowest, to the highest levels, respectively management. The goal of business communication is to speed up processes on all levels of business organisation, connecting people, creating cohesion and synergy between people. The most important forms of business communication are: 1) verbal business communication at which, as an example are named conversation and business report, 2) Non verbal business communication which is used as a supplement for verbal communication, 3) Formal business communication that can be horizontal and vertical, 4) Informal business communication which is based on personal contacts and doesn’t have strict structure, 5) Electronic business communication which is being pointed out as the last form of business communication. Each one of the above listed forms can be intertwined and it is often the case that in one organisation are being used mixes of all forms of business communication. The final paper is divided into three main parts. In first part communication is described in general, it’s development and elements which of the communication process is made of. Then in the second part the focus is on business communication as a part of business processes in organisations and also the importance and contribution of business communication. In the last, third part of final papper it is being talked about forms of business communication. Forms of business communicatio are listed and described, so as it’s effect on relations between the people in organisation


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    Predmet ovog završnog rada su oblici poslovne komunikacije. Komunikacija je sveprisutna u ljudskim životima, kako poslovnim, tako i privatnim. Ona je neophodna za sporazumijevanje u svim poslovnim organizacijama. Može biti pozitivna, ali također i negativna, što se odražava na samu organizaciju i njezine poslovne rezultate kao i međuljudske odnose unutar iste. Ima velik utjecaj na cjelokupan poslovni i financijski rezultat cjelokupne poslovne organizacije, od najnižih, sve do najviših razina, odnosno menadžmenta. Cilj poslovne komunikacije je ubrzavanje procesa na svim razinama poslovne organizacije, te povezivanja ljudi i stvaranja kohezije i sinergije između ljudi. Najvažniji oblici poslovne komunikacije su 1) Verbalna poslovna komunikacija kod koje se kao primjer navodi razgovor i poslovno izvješće, 2) Neverbalna poslovna komunikacija koja se koristi kao nadopuna verbalnoj, 3) Formalna poslovna komunikacija koja može biti vertikalna i horizontalna, 4) Neformalna poslovna komunikacija koja počiva na osobnom kontaktima i nema strogu strukturu, 5) Elektronska poslovna komunikacija koja se može istaknuti kao najnoviji oblik poslovne komunikacije. Svaki od gore navedenih oblika se može međusobno ispreplitati i čest je slučaj da se u jednoj organizaciji koriste mješavine svih oblika poslovne komunikacije. Završni rad podijeljen je na 3 glavna dijela. U prvom dijelu opisana je komunikacija općenito, njezin razvoj, te elementi koji čine sam proces komunikacije. Zatim u drugom dijelu fokus je stavljen na poslovnu komunikaciju kao dio poslovnih procesa u organizacijama, te sama važnost i doprinos poslovne komunikacije. U zadnjem, odnosno trećem dijelu završnog rada govori se o oblicima poslovne komunikacije. Navedeni su i opisani oblici poslovne komunikacije, kao i njihov utjecaj na odnose između ljudi u organizaciji.The subject of this final paper are forms of business communication. Communication is present all around people 's lives, in business, so as in private. It is necessary in communicating in all business organisations. It can be positive, but also negative, what is reflected on the organisation itself, and it ' performance, so as interpersonal relations inside the organisation. It has a great effect on whole business and financial result on the whole organisation, from the lowest, to the highest levels, respectively management. The goal of business communication is to speed up processes on all levels of business organisation, connecting people, creating cohesion and synergy between people. The most important forms of business communication are: 1) verbal business communication at which, as an example are named conversation and business report, 2) Non verbal business communication which is used as a supplement for verbal communication, 3) Formal business communication that can be horizontal and vertical, 4) Informal business communication which is based on personal contacts and doesn’t have strict structure, 5) Electronic business communication which is being pointed out as the last form of business communication. Each one of the above listed forms can be intertwined and it is often the case that in one organisation are being used mixes of all forms of business communication. The final paper is divided into three main parts. In first part communication is described in general, it’s development and elements which of the communication process is made of. Then in the second part the focus is on business communication as a part of business processes in organisations and also the importance and contribution of business communication. In the last, third part of final papper it is being talked about forms of business communication. Forms of business communicatio are listed and described, so as it’s effect on relations between the people in organisation

    Possible Physical Mechanisms in the Galaxy to Cause Homochiral Biomaterials for Life

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    The origin of homochirality in life remains a mystery that some believe is essential for life, and which may result from chiral symmetry breaking interactions with galactic organic material