736 research outputs found

    Explicando el aumento del delito: neoliberalismo y después

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    El delito, en particular contra la propiedad, ha conocido un gran aumento en las últimas dos décadas en todo el país. Luego de presentar brevemente esas tendencias, nos centraremos en las explicaciones que las ciencias sociales han dado a dicho incremento. En particular nos interesa diferenciar entre los trabajos centrados en lo que podríamos llamar el período neoliberal y aquellos orientados a comprender lo que sucede del 2003 en adelante. Nos interesa centrarnos en este último período pues a pesar de las innegables mejoras de la situación social y en la disminución de la desigualdad, el delito no se revirtió de modo considerable y hasta algunas fuentes señalan un incremento en los últimos años. Esta reversión de la desigualdad y persistencia de tasas altas de delito nos obliga a repensar los factores que pueden estar gravitando en el presente, constituyendo un desafío para la reflexión académica y para las políticas públicas.Fil: Kessler, Gabriel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico La Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educacion; Argentin

    Algumas hipóteses sobre a extensão do sentimento de insegurança na América Latina

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    El artículo se interesa en particularidades y diferencias de la extensión del sentimiento de inseguridad en distintos países de América Latina.En virtud de la centralidad regional del tema, el artículo desarrollará aquellos tópicos que pudieran ser más fructíferos para la comparación con otros países. La idea central es que la extensión social del sentimiento de inseguridad produce consecuencias específicas en el plano de los imaginarios y de las prácticas sociales. La generalización de la inquietud también cuestiona consensos fundados en momentos donde la preocupación era más restringida. ¿Qué procesos alimenta el sentimiento de inseguridad al extenderse? El acuerdo acerca de que se trata de un problema público cualitativamente diferente de lo habitual en el pasado plantea una serie de interrogantes: sobre las causas, los riesgos personales y las soluciones necesarias. Las respuestas son las piezas que conforman los relatos sociales sobre la inseguridad. Tal definición de la realidad sugiere qué emociones son lógicas sentir y se proyecta al terreno de la acción, sobre las precauciones obligadas, que llamaremos gestión de la inseguridad. En cuanto a los consensos trastocados, se modifica el clásico vínculo entre temor y autoritarismo. Finalmente, las paradojas de la inseguridad, esto es, el enigma de porqué los grupos en apariencia menos victimizados son los más temerosos, en torno a cuya elucidación se organizó parte de este campo de estudio, serán sometidas a revisión con el recurso de la perspectiva cualitativa.This article presents a series of hypotheses about the feeling of insecurity in Latin America from our research in Argentina. Our central idea is that increasing feelings of insecurity produce consequences at the level of the social imaginary and social action. What process feeds the feeling of insecurity to spread? The agreement that this is a public problem qualitatively different than usual in the past raises a number of questions: about the causes, personal risk and the necessary solutions. The answers are the pieces that make social narratives about the insecurity. Such a definition of reality suggests what emotions are logical and is projected into the field of action. This leads also to a change in the exclusive association of fear and authoritarianism, forged at a time when lack of safety was a minority concern. The central paradoxes of this field of study, that is, the enigma of why those groups who are less subjected to crime are apparently the most fearful, are examined.O artigo apresenta uma série de hipóteses sobre o sentimento de insegurança na América Latina a partir de nossa pesquisa na Argentina. A ideia central é que a extensão social do sentimento de insegurança tem consequências em termos de práticas e imaginários sociais. ¿Que processo alimenta o sentimento de insegurança que se espalhou? O acordo que este é um problema público qualitativamente diferente do que é habitual no passado, levanta uma série de questões: sobre as causas, o risco pessoal e as soluções necessárias. As respostas são as peças que fazem relatos sociais sobre a insegurança. Tal definição da realidade sugere que as emoções são lógicas sentir e é projetado para o campo da ação. Também modifica o link clássico entre o medo e autoritarismo. Finalmente, os paradoxos da insegurança, o enigma de por que, aparentemente, os grupos menos vítimas são os mais temerosos, estão sob revisão.Fil: Kessler, Gabriel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico La Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educacion; Argentin

    The Fading Away of Frontiers during Neoliberalism : Work, Crime and the Law among Argentinean Youth

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    The emergence of a segment of the population that alternates legal and illegal acts to survive during the nineties, thus establishing a special relationship with the law, is analyzed in this article. It shows the emergence of a sector of the population that, neither worker nor "professional criminal," survives on the basis of a combination of legal and illegal activities in a period in which work was scarce. Following a sector containing statistical data, the relationship between crime and work is analyzed, followed by a section on the rationale underlying the young people's acts, the symbolic space occupied by the law, peer group relations and, finally, relations with the police.Documento incorporado en 2019 en el marco del "Programa de becas de experiencia laboral" de la Biblioteca Profesor Guillermo Obiols para estudiantes de Bibliotecología, a partir de un procedimiento técnico de captura de datos desarrollado por el personal del IdIHCS.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación (FAHCE

    The Fading Away of Frontiers during Neoliberalism : Work, Crime and the Law among Argentinean Youth

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    The emergence of a segment of the population that alternates legal and illegal acts to survive during the nineties, thus establishing a special relationship with the law, is analyzed in this article. It shows the emergence of a sector of the population that, neither worker nor "professional criminal," survives on the basis of a combination of legal and illegal activities in a period in which work was scarce. Following a sector containing statistical data, the relationship between crime and work is analyzed, followed by a section on the rationale underlying the young people's acts, the symbolic space occupied by the law, peer group relations and, finally, relations with the police.Documento incorporado en 2019 en el marco del "Programa de becas de experiencia laboral" de la Biblioteca Profesor Guillermo Obiols para estudiantes de Bibliotecología, a partir de un procedimiento técnico de captura de datos desarrollado por el personal del IdIHCS.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación (FAHCE

    Papel da metilação de histonas H3 nos efeitos toxicológicos do metilmercúrio e/ou palmitato de retinol em ratos Wistar

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    Methylmercury (MeHg) is a pollutant present in fish, being seafood consumption the main route of contamination. It was already demonstrated the MeHg’s capability to cause neurodevelopment impairments and cognitive deficits in offspring and children after gestation exposure. Vitamin A, a fish micronutrient, is an essential molecule, but high doses can lead to cognitive dysfunctions and even teratogenesis. Moreover, vitamin A is also recommended for supplementation on pregnants. Doses considered low for both MeHg and vitamin A can establish toxicological effects and influence histone modifications, DNA methylation and non-coding RNAs expression. Besides, these effects seem to be perpetuated by transgenerational inheritance. This work consisted of administrating low doses of MeHg (0.5mg/kg/day) and/or retinyl palmitate (VitA, 7500 retinol activity equivalents/kg/day) to Wistar rats (F0) during gestation and lactation. It evaluates the effects in subsequent generations (F1 and F2). The exposures were capable to influence neurobehavior, organs weight, cytogenetic damage and histone methylation until F2. MeHg and VitA interaction in co-exposure group is conflicting, in eye-opening time, a neurobehaviour test, the effect appeared to be synergistic. However, the organs weight of the co-exposure group was at control level in nearly all parameters. This work is the very first to determine the transgenerational inheritance of toxicological effects of environmental co-exposure to MeHg and/or VitA. Thus, these compounds are capable to induce health injury and epigenetic modulations of histone H3. Our data suggests that populations in high exposed areas to MeHg and/or VitA may be affected for more than one generation once exposure has finished

    Jóvenes, policía y estigmatización territorial en la periferia de Buenos Aires

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    El artículo estudia la relación entre estigmatización territorial y violencia policial contra jóvenes de sectores populares en la periferia deBuenos Aires. La hipótesis central es que ambos procesos se retroalimentan:barrios socialmente estigmatizados no sólo gozan de peor protección policial, sino que la sospecha generalizada sobre sus habitantes,en particular sobre los jóvenes, refuerzan la hostilidad y violencia policial sobre los jóvenes. La sospecha generalizada sobre ciertas zonas legitima o al menos hace tolerable para la opinión pública ciertas prácticas violentas cotidianas. Se argumenta que al mismo tiempo que la acción de organismos de derechos humanos y estado por disminuir la formamás grave de violencia policial han tenido un impacto positivo, el aumento de las demandas de seguridad en la última década, han incrementado otras formas de hostilidad y micro violencias cotidianas. Del lado de los jóvenes, por su parte, hay una creciente apelación al lenguaje de los derechos y contra todo tipo de discriminación. Por tales motivos, tales violencias cotidianas les resultan crecientemente insoportables. Basado en estudios de terreno en las periferias de Buenos Aires, el artículo intenta llamar la atención sobre estas formas de violencia de la que existen pocos registros oficiales, alertando sobre un patrón de relaciones conflictivas entre jóvenes de sectores populares y policías.The article examines the relationship between territorial stigmatization and police violence against popular youth in the outskirts of Buenos Aires. The main hypothesis is that there is a feedback between both processes: socially stigmatized neighborhoods suffer not only worse police protection, but widespread suspicion about their inhabitants, particularly young people, that reinforces the hostility and police violence directed toward youth. The pervasive suspicion about certain areas makes it legitimate (or at least tolerable), in public opinion, to exercise certain everyday violent practices. While the actions of human rights organizations and the State to reduce the most serious form of police violence have had a positive impact, increasing security demands in the last decade have enhanced other forms of hostility and micro everyday violence. Among the youth, meanwhile, there is a growing appeal to the language of rights and against all forms of discrimination. For these reasons, such daily violence is considered increasingly unbearable. Based on field work studies in the outskirts of Buenos Aires, the article attempts to draw attention to these forms of violence for which there are few official records, warning of a pattern of conflicting relationships between popular youth and the policeFil: Kessler, Gabriel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico La Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educacion; ArgentinaFil: Dimarco, Sabina Alejandra. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico La Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales; Argentin

    La nueva pobreza urbana: dinámica global, regional y argentina en las últimas dos décadas

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    Incluye BibliografíaThis article analyses the various dimensions of the "new poverty"which emerged during the 1980s and 1990s. It begins with a review ofthe definitions of the term in Europe, the United States and several LatinAmerican countries. The case of Argentina is then examined, paying closeattention to the pauperization of the middle class in that country at severalpoints between the mid-1970s and the crisis of 2001. Structural poverty-an older phenomenon- is used as a point of reference to describethe characteristics of the new impoverishment, the adaptation strategiesevolved to address it using cultural and social capital, the erosion ofcollective social identity and the urban dimension of pauperization. Thearticle concludes with an analysis of the transformations experienced bythe new poor since the issue was first examined, as well as the specificchallenges it poses for public policy

    Impoverishment of the middle class in Argentina: The "new poor" in Latin America

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    This article focuses on the experience of pauperization. Characteristically, new poverty is a significant and stable loss of family income which can (but need not) bring about occupational downward mobility. The article briefly reviews new poverty in Latin America, then focuses on different aspects of the Argentinean case, discussing its value for a comparative study. Income concentration in Latin America during the 1990s was, to a large extent, achieved at the expense of middle-income strata. Significant economic growth in Latin America brought about short-term recovery, but the global financial crisis has created new challenges for the region's middle classes. To the difference of countries such as Russia that lacked a middle class, newly impoverished citizens of Argentina and other Latin American countries are often able to escape structural poverty by using cultural capital and social networks to mitigate the effects of pauperization. In English, extensive summary in Russian.Documento incorporado en 2019 en el marco del "Programa de becas de experiencia laboral" de la Biblioteca Profesor Guillermo Obiols para estudiantes de Bibliotecología, a partir de un procedimiento técnico de captura de datos desarrollado por el personal del IdIHCS.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Impoverishment of the middle class in Argentina: The "new poor" in Latin America

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    This article focuses on the experience of pauperization. Characteristically, new poverty is a significant and stable loss of family income which can (but need not) bring about occupational downward mobility. The article briefly reviews new poverty in Latin America, then focuses on different aspects of the Argentinean case, discussing its value for a comparative study. Income concentration in Latin America during the 1990s was, to a large extent, achieved at the expense of middle-income strata. Significant economic growth in Latin America brought about short-term recovery, but the global financial crisis has created new challenges for the region's middle classes. To the difference of countries such as Russia that lacked a middle class, newly impoverished citizens of Argentina and other Latin American countries are often able to escape structural poverty by using cultural capital and social networks to mitigate the effects of pauperization. In English, extensive summary in Russian.Documento incorporado en 2019 en el marco del "Programa de becas de experiencia laboral" de la Biblioteca Profesor Guillermo Obiols para estudiantes de Bibliotecología, a partir de un procedimiento técnico de captura de datos desarrollado por el personal del IdIHCS.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Introduction to the dossier "Right-wing mobilizations in Latin America"

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    Introduction Introducci´ón al dossier Introduction&nbsp