165 research outputs found

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    Psychometric Properties of Questionnaires on Functional Health Status in Oropharyngeal Dysphagia: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Introduction. Questionnaires on Functional Health Status (FHS) are part of the assessment of oropharyngeal dysphagia. Objective. To conduct a systematic review of the literature on the psychometric properties of English-language FHS questionnaires in adults with oropharyngeal dysphagia. Methods. A systematic search was performed using the electronic databases Pubmed and Embase. The psychometric properties of the questionnaires were determined based on the COSMIN taxonomy of measurement properties and definitions for health-related patient-reported outcomes and the COSMIN checklist using preset psychometric criteria. Results. Three questionnaires were included: the Eating Assessment Tool (EAT-10), the Swallowing Outcome after Laryngectomy (SOAL), and the Self-report Symptom Inventory. The Sydney Swallow Questionnaire (SSQ) proved to be identical to the Modified Self-report Symptom Inventory. All FHS questionnaires obtained poor overall methodological quality scores for most measurement properties. Conclusions. The retrieved FHS questionnaires need psychometric reevaluation; if the overall methodological quality shows satisfactory improvement on most measurement properties, the use of the questionnaires in daily clinic and research can be justified. However, in case of insufficient validity and/or reliability scores, new FHS questionnaires need to be developed using and reporting on preestablished psychometric criteria as recommended in literature

    Functional Health Status in Oropharyngeal Dysphagia

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    Patient self-evaluations on Functional Health Status (FHS) questionnaires are considered to be part of the assessment of oropharyngeal dysphagia. FHS questionnaires capture the unique personal perception of someone’s health, taking into account social, functional and psychological factors. Many FHS questionnaires have been reported on in literature. This paper describes a selection of FHS questionnaires in more detail; issues concerning the inclusion of Health Related Quality of Life (HRQOL) items, choices in target populations and the distinction between oropharyngeal versus esophageal dysphagia will be discussed. Recommendations are made about the evaluation and use of FHS questionnaires in daily clinical practice. In particular the psychometric properties of FHS questionnaires should be evaluated to determine if they meet quality criteria for measurement properties of health status questionnaires in order to guarantee valid and reliable outcome measurements

    Psychometric properties of questionnaires on functional health status in oropharyngeal dysphagia: A systematic literature review

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    Introduction: Questionnaires on Functional Health Status (FHS) are part of the assessment of oropharyngeal dysphagia. Objective: To conduct a systematic review of the literature on the psychometric properties of English-language FHS questionnaires in adults with oropharyngeal dysphagia. Methods: A systematic search was performed using the electronic databases Pubmed and Embase. The psychometric properties of the questionnaires were determined based on the COSMIN taxonomy of measurement properties and definitions for health-related patient-reported outcomes and the COSMIN checklist using preset psychometric criteria. Results: Three questionnaires were included: the Eating Assessment Tool (EAT-10), the Swallowing Outcome after Laryngectomy (SOAL), and the Self-report Symptom Inventory. The Sydney Swallow Questionnaire (SSQ) proved to be identical to the Modified Self-report Symptom Inventory. All FHS questionnaires obtained poor overall methodological quality scores for most measurement properties. Conclusions: The retrieved FHS questionnaires need psychometric reevaluation; if the overall methodological quality shows satisfactory improvement on most measurement properties, the use of the questionnaires in daily clinic and research can be justified. However, in case of insufficient validity and/or reliability scores, new FHS questionnaires need to be developed using and reporting on preestablished psychometric criteria as recommended in literature

    Psychometric properties of questionnaires on functional health status in oropharyngeal dysphagia: A systematic literature review

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    Introduction: Questionnaires on Functional Health Status (FHS) are part of the assessment of oropharyngeal dysphagia. Objective: To conduct a systematic review of the literature on the psychometric properties of English-language FHS questionnaires in adults with oropharyngeal dysphagia. Methods: A systematic search was performed using the electronic databases Pubmed and Embase. The psychometric properties of the questionnaires were determined based on the COSMIN taxonomy of measurement properties and definitions for health-related patient-reported outcomes and the COSMIN checklist using preset psychometric criteria. Results: Three questionnaires were included: the Eating Assessment Tool (EAT-10), the Swallowing Outcome after Laryngectomy (SOAL), and the Self-report Symptom Inventory. The Sydney Swallow Questionnaire (SSQ) proved to be identical to the Modified Self-report Symptom Inventory. All FHS questionnaires obtained poor overall methodological quality scores for most measurement properties. Conclusions: The retrieved FHS questionnaires need psychometric reevaluation; if the overall methodological quality shows satisfactory improvement on most measurement properties, the use of the questionnaires in daily clinic and research can be justified. However, in case of insufficient validity and/or reliability scores, new FHS questionnaires need to be developed using and reporting on preestablished psychometric criteria as recommended in literature

    Estudo da resistĂȘncia Ă  cavitação de niĂłbio nitretado por plasma

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    Orientador : Prof. Dr. Silvio Francisco BrunattoDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do ParanĂĄ, Setor de Tecnologia, Programa de PĂłs-Graduação em Engenharia MecĂąnica. Defesa: Curitiba, 20/08/2015Inclui referĂȘncias : fls. 117-122Área de concentração: ManufaturaResumo: Neste trabalho foi realizado um estudo do processo de nitretacao por plasma do niobio com o objetivo de avaliar a influencia do tempo de tratamento (serie VTO), a temperatura (serie VTA) e a composicao da mistura gasosa (serie VMG) na formacao da camada nitretada do niobio, bem como na resistencia ao ensaio de cavitacao. Nos estudos de tempo e temperatura foi utilizada a composicao de mistura gasosa de 90%N2 + 10%H2. Para a serie VTO, os estudos foram realizados para os tempos de 1, 2, 3 e 4 h. Na serie VTA, as seguintes temperaturas foram utilizadas: 980, 1080 e 1180 °C. Para a serie VMG, efetuou-se o estudo de composicao da mistura gasosa e os tratamentos foram realizados com as seguintes misturas: 70%N2 + 10%H2 + 20% Ar; 50%N2 + 30%H2 + 20%Ar e 30%N2 + 50%H2 + 20%Ar. A caracterizacao das amostras foi realizada usando as tecnicas de microscopia eletronica de varredura, interferometria 3D, difratometria de raios-X, microdureza e nanoindentacao. Os ensaios de cavitacao foram conduzidos nas condicoes com e sem tratamento, conforme a norma ASTM G32-09. Foram investigados os mecanismos de desgaste que ocorrem no ensaio de cavitacao do niobio nitretado. De modo geral, as amostras nitretadas por plasma apresentaram melhor resistencia a erosao por cavitacao do que as amostras nao nitretadas.Abstract: In this paper it is presented a study of plasma nitriding process of niobium samples, which aims to evaluate the influence of treatment time (VTO series), temperature (VTA series) and the composition of the gas mixture (VMG series), on the formation of niobium nitrided layer and the behavior of the obtained layers to the cavitation erosion test. In the VTO and VTA series it was used the gas mixture of 90%N2+10%H2. For VTO series studies, were conducted for times of 1, 2, 3 and 4 h. In VTA series, the studied temperatures were 980, 1080 and 1180 °C. For VMG series, it was performed using 70%N2+10%H2+20%Ar, 50%N2+30%H2+20%Ar and 30%N2+50%H2+20%Ar, gas mixtures. The characterization of samples was performed using the techniques of scanning electron microscopy, 3D interferometry, XRD, hardness and nanoindentation. The cavitation tests were conducted under the conditions with and without treatment, according to the ASTM G32-09. The wear mechanism occurring in the nitrided layer subjected to the cavitation test was investigated. In general, the plasma nitreded niobium samples showed better resistance to cavitation erosion than non-treated samples

    „Prometheus verlĂ€ĂŸt das Theater“ Zur Geschichte eines Mythos in der DDR-Kultur

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    Among the collection of ancient myths which remain relevant even in the present times, the Prometheus myth occupies an important place. This is based, among other things, on the fact that the figure of Prometheus is characterised by a set of attributes that comprise his ambivalence. The interpretation of this myth in cultural history follows three main lines of tradition which originated with Hesiod, Aeschylus, and Plato. ForHesiod, The theft of the fire by Prometheus, the son of the Titians, plays an essential role, for he is responsible for separating the gods from the humans. In Aeschylus’ drama Prometheus Bound, Prometheus is a symbol of the human goals of freedom and independence. Plato puts this idea in perspective in his Protagoras dialogue. He claims that Prometheus was only able to endow humans with technical knowledge and skills, but not with statecraft. These last two traditions had a great impact on the interpretation of the Prometheus myth in Eastern Germany including the former GDR. Aeschylus’ version was initially dominant in the government of the socialist state, which celebrated itself as the executor of the Promethean will. Following the consolidation of power and especially at the first signs of decay in the state’s authority, artists increasingly adopted Plato’s view. At this time, the ambivalence of the Promethean influence was emphasised.Die Rje nezeption des Prometheus-Mythos vollzog sich in der Kulturgeschichte im wesentlichen in drei Traditionslinien, deren UrsprĂŒnge die Namen Hesiod, Aischylos und Platon markieren. Sie verweisen signifikant auf unterschiedene Sichtweisen des mythischen Geschehens. Hinzu kommt noch eine mĂŒndlich tradierte und schließlich von Ovid in den Metamorphosen schriftlich fixierte Variation des Mythos, in der der Titanensohn als Menschenbildner figuriert. In der Konstitutionsphase der DDR wird in Kunst und Literatur zunĂ€chst der aischyleische Prometheus vornehmlich als Symbol der Selbstbefreiung des Proletariats, als Leitbild fĂŒr eine neue Gesellschaft bemĂŒht. Bedingt durch eine zunehmende Desillusionierung gegenĂŒber den anfĂ€nglichen Erwartungshaltungen in den 60ger Jahren des 20. Jahrhunderts wenden sich KĂŒnstler und Schriftsteller der von Platon in seinem Protagoras-Sokrates-Dialog vermittelten Traditionslinie zu, in der vor allem die Unfertigkeit prometheischen Tuns hervorgehoben wird. Die Prometheus-Gestaltungen der 80er Jahre verweisen schließlich nicht nur auf eine gesellschaftliche Krisen-, sondern eine Endzeitsituation. Deutlich zeigt dies die Graphik Prometheus verlĂ€ĂŸt das Theater von Wolfgang Mattheuer. Der KĂŒnstler-Prometheus stellt hier sein eigenes Werk in Frage, ĂŒberantwortet es dem Feuer, welches er zuvor selbst gebracht hatte.Dans l’histoire de la culture, la rĂ©ception du mythe de PromĂ©thĂ©e s’est dĂ©veloppĂ©e principalement selon trois axes, marquĂ©s Ă  l’origine par les noms d’HĂ©siode, d’Eschyle et de Platon. Ceux-ci renvoient essentiellement Ă  des interprĂ©tations diffĂ©rentes du mythe. Il s’y ajoute encore une variante de tradition orale, fixĂ©e littĂ©rairement par Ovide dans les MĂ©tamorphoses, oĂč le fils des Titans apparaĂźt comme artisan façonnant des hommes. Dans la phase de constitution de la RDA, c’est d’abord au PromĂ©thĂ©e d’Eschyle que l’on fait appel dans l’art et la littĂ©rature, avant tout pour figurer le symbole de la libĂ©ration du prolĂ©tariat par lui-mĂȘme, figure de proue d'une nouvelle sociĂ©tĂ©. Avec la dĂ©sillusion croissante au regard des attentes nourries dans les annĂ©es 60, les artistes et les Ă©crivains se tournent vers la tradition transmise dans le dialogue platonicien entre Protagoras et Socrate, oĂč l’accent principal porte sur l’inachĂšvement de l’Ɠuvre promĂ©thĂ©enne. Les figures de PromĂ©thĂ©e des annĂ©es 80 renvoient pour finir Ă  une situation non seulement de crise de la sociĂ©tĂ©, mais aussi de fin du monde. C’est ce que fait apparaĂźtre la gravure PromĂ©thĂ©e quitte le thĂ©Ăątre, de Wolfgang Mattheuer. Le PromĂ©thĂ©e artiste remet ici son propre ouvrage en cause et le livre au feu, ce feu qu’il avait autrefois lui-mĂȘme apportĂ©

    A formação do Boys Love como gĂȘnero cultural nas mediaçÔes dos fĂŁs

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    Conhecido pela sigla BL, Boys Love Ă© o termo usado para classificar produçÔes ficcionais da Ásia sobre relacionamentos homoafetivos entre rapazes. PaĂ­ses como JapĂŁo, China, Coreia do Sul e TailĂąndia investem cada vez mais em produçÔes do gĂȘnero, geralmente escrito por mulheres e direcionado para o pĂșblico feminino. Neste artigo, investigo a caracterização do BL no diĂĄlogo entre produção e recepção, mediado por transformaçÔes e trocas culturais. A partir da contextualização histĂłrica da formação desse gĂȘnero, busco compreender a relação entre as produçÔes de fĂŁs e as prĂĄticas da indĂșstria ficcional da Ásia na constituição deste gĂȘnero
