95 research outputs found

    L'enjeu de la personnalité dans le scrutin présidentiel

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    Dans tout scrutin uninominal, la personnalité du candidat joue un rôle important. A fortiori dans une élection présidentielle, toujours puissamment médiatisée. A cette occasion, on voit l'édition produire des biographies ou des témoignages, les quotidiens de la presse écrite publier des portraits, tandis que la télévision montre abondamment des visages, des attitudes, des gestes ... On relèvera avec intérêt la popularité de ces émissions et reportages qui montrent les candidats "en famille", "en vacances", avec des amis, des proches ou encore en conciliabules mystérieux avec leurs collaborateurs (...)

    Rätt mängd stallgödsel optimerar odling av baljväxtgrönfoder i norra Sverige

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    Gödslingsförsök med ärt/havre som samodlas till grönfoder utfördes under två säsonger på Röbäcksdalen i Umeå. År 2015 grodde havren dåligt och ärterna utgjorde 90 % av grödan. Då påverkades varken skörd eller proteinhalt av gödsling med ammoniumnitrat eller nötflytgödsel. År 2016 var mindre gynnsamt för ärten och ärterna utgjorde bara 25 % av grödan. Detta kan bero både på lågt pH i jorden och bättre uppkomst av havren 2016. Skördenivån eller proteinhalten påverkades inte av gödslingen med nötflytgödsel något av åren. År 2016 när havre dominerade blev skördenivån och proteinhalten i havren högre efter gödsling med 45-65 kg N som ammoniumnitrat än utan kvävegödsling. Kvävefixeringen per ha påverkades varken av gödsling med ammoniumnitrat eller nötflytgödsel, däremot var kvävefixeringen mycket högre 2015 (116 kg/ha) än 2016 (29 kg/ha). Proteinhalten, och stärkelsehalten var också mycket högre 2015 än 2016 tack vare den högre ärthalten. Grönfodret användes också i en inkubationsstudie tillsammans med vallfoder och kraftfoder. I en blandning av 30 % vallfoder, 30 % ärt/ havre från 2015 och 40 % korn uppmättes högre mängd användbart råprotein i tunntarmen än när vallfoder eller ärt/havrefoder från 2015 blandades med bara korn. Denna positiva interaktion mellan vallfoder och ärt/havre uppnåddes inte 2016 när havren dominerade. Ammonium- och nitrathalterna i jorden ned till 90 cm djup strax efter skörd och i slutet av oktober var inte förhöjda efter gödsling med 65 kg ammoniumnitrat eller 40 ton flytgödsel per ha jämfört med ogödslade kontroller. Vi drar slutsatserna att grödan varken behöver gödslas med mineralkväve eller stallgödselkväve, men att gödsling med stallgödsel inte heller ger större risk för utlakning av kväve.Gödslingsförsök med ärt/havre som samodlas till grönfoder utfördes under två säsonger på Röbäcksdalen i Umeå. År 2015 grodde havren dåligt och ärterna utgjorde 90 % av grödan. Då påverkades varken skörd eller proteinhalt av gödsling med ammoniumnitrat eller nötflytgödsel. År 2016 var mindre gynnsamt för ärten och ärterna utgjorde bara 25 % av grödan. Detta kan bero både på lågt pH i jorden och bättre uppkomst av havren 2016. Skördenivån eller proteinhalten påverkades inte av gödslingen med nötflytgödsel något av åren. År 2016 när havre dominerade blev skördenivån och proteinhalten i havren högre efter gödsling med 45-65 kg N som ammoniumnitrat än utan kvävegödsling. Kvävefixeringen per ha påverkades varken av gödsling med ammoniumnitrat eller nötflytgödsel, däremot var kvävefixeringen mycket högre 2015 (116 kg/ha) än 2016 (29 kg/ha). Proteinhalten, och stärkelsehalten var också mycket högre 2015 än 2016 tack vare den högre ärthalten. Grönfodret användes också i en inkubationsstudie tillsammans med vallfoder och kraftfoder. I en blandning av 30 % vallfoder, 30 % ärt/ havre från 2015 och 40 % korn uppmättes högre mängd användbart råprotein i tunntarmen än när vallfoder eller ärt/havrefoder från 2015 blandades med bara korn. Denna positiva interaktion mellan vallfoder och ärt/havre uppnåddes inte 2016 när havren dominerade. Ammonium- och nitrathalterna i jorden ned till 90 cm djup strax efter skörd och i slutet av oktober var inte förhöjda efter gödsling med 65 kg ammoniumnitrat eller 40 ton flytgödsel per ha jämfört med ogödslade kontroller. Vi drar slutsatserna att grödan varken behöver gödslas med mineralkväve eller stallgödselkväve, men att gödsling med stallgödsel inte heller ger större risk för utlakning av kväve

    Система с мобильным клиентом управления персоналом ОАО «Гомельский литейный завод «Центролит»

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    Objective: In Sweden, reports indicate surprisingly large regional variation in prescription of biological drugs, despite a growing number of clinical studies describing their beneficial effects and guidelines by professional organizations and agencies. Our objective was to ascertain whether there is also variation between individual rheumatologists in prescribing biologics to patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and to evaluate reasons for treatment choices. Methods: Ten hypothetical patient cases were constructed and presented to 26 rheumatologists in five regions in Sweden. The cases were based on actual cases and were thoroughly elaborated by a senior rheumatologist and pre-tested in a pilot study. The respondents were asked whether they would treat the patients with a biological agent (YES/NO) and to explain their decisions. Results: The response rate was 26/105; 25%. Treatment choices varied considerably between the rheumatologists, some prescribing biologics to 9/10 patients and others to 2/10. In five of the ten hypothetical cases, approximately half of the respondents would prescribe biologics. No regions with particularly high or low prescription were identified. Both the decision to prescribe biologics, as well as not to prescribe, were mainly motivated by medical reasons. Some rheumatologists also referred to lifestyle-related factors or social function of the patient. Conclusion: The choice of initiation of biologics varied substantially among rheumatologists presented with hypothetical patient cases, and there were also disparities between rheumatologists practising at the same clinic. Treatment choices were primarily motivated by medical reasons. This situation raises concerns about a lack of consensus in RA treatment strategies.DOI does not work: 10.3109/03009742.2014.997286</p

    Strategies for improving medication safety in hospitals: Evolution of clinical pharmacy services

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    Background Medication safety risks are the most important preventable factors jeopardizing patient safety. To manage these risks, extending pharmacists’ involvement in patient care and patient safety work has been systematically addressed in patient safety initiatives since the early 2000s. Objective To explore the extent and range of clinical pharmacy services in Finnish hospitals to promote medication safety: 1) in 2011, when the first National Patient Safety Strategy, the new Health Care Act and the Medicines Policy 2020 had been recently enacted; and 2) five years later in 2016. Methods The study was conducted in 2011 and 2016 as a national online survey targeted to hospital pharmacies (n = 24) and medical dispensaries (n = 131 in 2011; n = 28 in 2016). The questions were analyzed using descriptive statistics and qualitative content analysis. Results Overall response rate was 60% in 2011 and 52% in 2016. Clinical pharmacy services were provided by 51% of the responding units in 2011, whereas by 85% in 2016. The reported number of clinical pharmacists had increased during the five years. The most notable increase in reported tasks occurred in conducting medication reconciliations (+63% increase in the number of providing units). By 2016 pharmacists had extended their tasks particularly towards system-based medication safety work: e.g. developing instructions for medication-use (91% of the responding units), creating and updating medication safety plans (87%) and using medication error reports in developing the process of medication use safer (78%). Pharmacists’ participation in long-term continuing education became more common in 2016, which was perceived as helpful in extending their responsibilities to improve medication safety. Conclusion Pharmacists’ involvement in patient care and system-based medication safety work was reported to become more common in Finnish hospitals during 2011–2016. This development is in line with patient safety policy initiatives and its impact on patient care outcomes should be followed up.Peer reviewe

    Different Approaches to Evaluation of Information Systems

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    Outsourcing has been one of the most influential factors contributing to changes in information systems development in the last decade. The paper presents findings from an action research project of information systems development in an outsourcing context at a large university hospital in Denmark. The research, and general findings in the literature, indicates that the intended positive effects of outsourcing are hard to achieve without negative bi-products. Decision frameworks to guide the decision-making in this respect are evaluated based on the empirical findings. It is illustrated that the issues of flexibility and controllability are among the most important when an IT-department determines its outsourcing policies. Continuity issues are also important in understanding the relationship between buyer and seller in IS-acquisition as being more complex than in a simple market model

    A seed-like proteome in oil-rich tubers

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    There are numerous examples of plant organs or developmental stages that are desiccation-tolerant and can withstand extended periods of severe water loss. One prime example are seeds and pollen of many spermatophytes. However, in some plants, also vegetative organs can be desiccation-tolerant. One example are the tubers of yellow nutsedge (Cyperus esculentus), which also store large amounts of lipids similar to seeds. Interestingly, the closest known relative, purple nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus), generates tubers that do not accumulate oil and are not desiccation-tolerant. We generated nanoLC-MS/MS-based proteomes of yellow nutsedge in five replicates of four stages of tuber development and compared them to the proteomes of roots and leaves, yielding 2257 distinct protein groups. Our data reveal a striking upregulation of hallmark proteins of seeds in the tubers. A deeper comparison to the tuber proteome of the close relative purple nutsedge (C. rotundus) and a previously published proteome of Arabidopsis seeds and seedlings indicates that indeed a seed-like proteome was found in yellow but not purple nutsedge. This was further supported by an analysis of the proteome of a lipid droplet-enriched fraction of yellow nutsedge, which also displayed seed-like characteristics. One reason for the differences between the two nutsedge species might be the expression of certain transcription factors homologous to ABSCISIC ACID INSENSITIVE3, WRINKLED1, and LEAFY COTYLEDON1 that drive gene expression in Arabidopsis seed embryos

    Phenotypic, cytogenetic and spike fertility characterization of a population of male-sterile triticale

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    Triticale (X Triticosecale Wittmack) is a good cereal for production of flour and feed. A segregating population of triticale was developed from a male-sterile (MS) plant. To determine whether this new source of male sterility in triticale is appropriate for use in breeding programs the expression of the male sterility phenotype was characterized through spike fertility, meiotic behavior, and pollen. Controlled crosses between male-sterile plants and control varieties male-fertile (MF) of triticale were also conducted, and cytological analyses were performed in the F2 and backcross plants. Plants with male-sterile phenotypes displayed reduced spike fertility when compared to plants with male-fertile phenotypes. Compared to male-fertile plants, male-sterile plants exhibited a lower percentage of normal meiotic cells, a reduced meiotic index and reduced pollen viability. The F2 plants had improved pollen fertility when compared to the male-sterile population; however there were no corresponding improvements in the percentage of normal meiotic cells or in the meiotic index. A single generation of backcrosses resulted in an improved meiotic index and increased pollen viability. However, no changes in the percentage of normal meiotic cells were observed. Meiotic instability, which was shown to be inheritable, was the likely cause of male sterility. Therefore, the use of this population in triticale breeding was considered to be inappropriate because it could promote or contribute to the maintenance of meiotic instability, which is commonly observed in this species

    Models predicting the growth response to growth hormone treatment in short children independent of GH status, birth size and gestational age

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Mathematical models can be used to predict individual growth responses to growth hormone (GH) therapy. The aim of this study was to construct and validate high-precision models to predict the growth response to GH treatment of short children, independent of their GH status, birth size and gestational age. As the GH doses are included, these models can be used to individualize treatment.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Growth data from 415 short prepubertal children were used to construct models for predicting the growth response during the first years of GH therapy. The performance of the models was validated with data from a separate cohort of 112 children using the same inclusion criteria.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Using only auxological data, the model had a standard error of the residuals (SD<sub>res</sub>), of 0.23 SDS. The model was improved when endocrine data (GH<sub>max </sub>profile, IGF-I and leptin) collected before starting GH treatment were included. Inclusion of these data resulted in a decrease of the SD<sub>res </sub>to 0.15 SDS (corresponding to 1.1 cm in a 3-year-old child and 1.6 cm in a 7-year old). Validation of these models with a separate cohort, showed similar SD<sub>res </sub>for both types of models. Preterm children were not included in the Model group, but predictions for this group were within the expected range.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These prediction models can with high accuracy be used to identify short children who will benefit from GH treatment. They are clinically useful as they are constructed using data from short children with a broad range of GH secretory status, birth size and gestational age.</p

    Functional and genetic analysis in type 2 diabetes of Liver X receptor alleles – a cohort study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Liver X receptor alpha <it>(LXRA</it>) and beta (<it>LXRB</it>) regulate glucose and lipid homeostasis in model systems but their importance in human physiology is poorly understood. This project aimed to determine whether common genetic variations in <it>LXRA </it>and <it>LXRB </it>associate with type 2 diabetes (T2D) and quantitative measures of glucose homeostasis, and, if so, reveal the underlying mechanisms.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Eight common single nucleotide polymorphisms in <it>LXRA </it>and <it>LXRB </it>were analyzed for association with T2D in one French cohort (N = 988 cases and 941 controls), and for association with quantitative measures reflecting glucose homeostasis in two non-diabetic population-based samples comprising N = 697 and N = 1344 adults. Investigated quantitative phenotypes included fasting plasma glucose, serum insulin, and HOMA<sub>IR </sub>as measure of overall insulin resistance. An oral glucose tolerance test was performed in N = 1344 of adults. The two alleles of the proximal <it>LXRB </it>promoter, differing only at the SNP rs17373080, were cloned into reporter vectors and transiently transfected, whereupon allele-specific luciferase activity was measured. rs17373080 overlapped, according to <it>in silico </it>analysis, with a binding site for Nuclear factor 1 (NF1). Promoter alleles were tested for interaction with NF1 using direct DNA binding and transactivation assays.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Genotypes at two <it>LXRB </it>promoter SNPs, rs35463555 and rs17373080, associated nominally with T2D (P values 0.047 and 0.026). No <it>LXRA </it>or <it>LXRB </it>SNP associated with quantitative measures reflecting glucose homeostasis. The rs17373080 C allele displayed higher basal transcription activity (P value < 0.05). The DNA-mobility shift assay indicated that oligonucleotides corresponding to either rs17373080 allele bound NF1 transcription factors in whole cell extracts to the same extent. Different NF1 family members showed different capacity to transactivate the <it>LXRB </it>gene promoter, but there was no difference between promoter alleles in NF1 induced transactivation activity.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Variations in the <it>LXRB </it>gene promoter may be part of the aetiology of T2D. However, the association between <it>LXRB </it>rs35463555 and rs17373080, and T2D are preliminary and needs to be investigated in additional larger cohorts. Common genetic variation in <it>LXRA </it>is unlikely to affect the risk of developing T2D or quantitative phenotypes related to glucose homeostasis.</p