8 research outputs found

    Physical properties of two compact high-velocity clouds possibly associated with the Leading Arm of the Magellanic System

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    We observed two compact high-velocity clouds HVC 291+26+195 and HVC 297+09+253 to analyse their structure, dynamics, and physical parameters. In both cases there is evidence for an association with the Leading Arm of the Magellanic Clouds. The goal of our study is to learn more about the origin of the two CHVCs and to use them as probes for the structure and evolution of the Leading Arm. We have used the Parkes 64 m radio telescope and the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) to study the two CHVCs in the 21 cm line emission of neutral hydrogen. We present a method to estimate the distance of the two CHVCs. The investigation of the line profiles of HVC 297+09+253 reveals the presence of two line components in the spectra which can be identified with a cold and a warm gas phase. In addition, we find a distinct head-tail structure in combination with a radial velocity gradient along the tail, suggesting a ram-pressure interaction of this cloud with an ambient medium. HVC 291+26+195 has only a cold gas phase and no head-tail structure. The ATCA data show several cold, compact clumps in both clouds which, in the case of HVC 297+09+253, are embedded in the warm, diffuse envelope. All these clumps have very narrow HI lines with typical line widths between 2 and 4 km/s FWHM, yielding an upper limit for the kinetic temperature of the gas of T_max = 300 K. We obtain distance estimates for both CHVCs of the order of 10 to 60 kpc, providing additional evidence for an association of the clouds with the Leading Arm.Comment: 11 pages, 6 Postscript figures, 2 tables; accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    The HI Tully-Fisher Relation of Early-Type Galaxies

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    We study the HI K-band Tully-Fisher relation and the baryonic Tully-Fisher relation for a sample of 16 early-type galaxies, taken from the ATLAS3D sample, which all have very regular HI disks extending well beyond the optical body (> 5 R_eff). We use the kinematics of these disks to estimate the circular velocity at large radii for these galaxies. We find that the Tully-Fisher relation for our early-type galaxies is offset by about 0.5-0.7 magnitudes from the relation for spiral galaxies. The residuals with respect to the spiral Tully-Fisher relation correlate with estimates of the stellar mass-to-light ratio, suggesting that the offset between the relations is mainly driven by differences in stellar populations. We also observe a small offset between our Tully-Fisher relation with the relation derived for the ATLAS3D sample based on CO data representing the galaxies' inner regions (< 1 R_eff). This indicates that the circular velocities at large radii are systematically 10% lower than those near 0.5-1 R_eff, in line with recent determinations of the shape of the mass profile of early-type galaxies. The baryonic Tully-Fisher relation of our sample is distinctly tighter than the standard one, in particular when using mass-to-light ratios based on dynamical models of the stellar kinematics. We find that the early-type galaxies fall on the spiral baryonic Tully-Fisher relation if one assumes M/L_K = 0.54 M_sun/L_sun for the stellar populations of the spirals, a value similar to that found by recent studies of the dynamics of spiral galaxies. Such a mass-to-light ratio for spiral galaxies would imply that their disks are 60-70% of maximal. Our analysis increases the range of galaxy morphologies for which the baryonic Tully-Fisher relations holds, strengthening previous claims that it is a more fundamental scaling relation than the classical Tully-Fisher relation.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Broadband maps of eROSITA and their comparison with the ROSAT survey

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    By June of 2020, the extended ROentgen Survey with an Imaging Telescope Array (eROSITA) on board the Spectrum Roentgen Gamma observatory had completed its first of the planned eight X-ray all-sky survey (eRASS1). The large effective area of the X-ray telescope makes it ideal for a survey of the faint X-ray diffuse emission over half of the sky with an unprecedented energy resolution and position accuracy. In this work, we produce the X-ray diffuse emission maps of the eRASS1 data with a current calibration, covering the energy range from 0.2 to 8.0 keV. We validated these maps by comparison with X-ray background maps derived from the ROSAT All Sky Survey (RASS). We generated X-ray images with a pixel area of 9 arcmin2^2 using the observations available to the German eROSITA consortium. The contribution of the particle background to the photons was subtracted from the final maps. We also subtracted all the point sources above a flux threshold dependent on the goal of the subtraction, exploiting the eRASS1 catalog that will soon be available. The accuracy of the eRASS1 maps is shown by a flux match to the RASS X-ray maps, obtained by converting the eROSITA rates into equivalent ROSAT count rates in the standard ROSAT energy bands R4, R5, R6, and R7, within 1.25σ\sigma. We find small residual deviations in the R4, R5, and R6 bands, where eROSITA tends to observe lower flux than ROSAT (~11%), while a better agreement is achieved in the R7 band (~1%). The eRASS maps exhibit lower noise levels than RASS maps at the same resolution above 0.3 keV. We report the average surface brightness and total flux of different large sky regions as a reference. The detection of faint emission from diffuse hot gas in the Milky Way is corroborated by the consistency of the eRASS1 and RASS maps shown in this paper and by their comparable flux dynamic range.Comment: A&A, in press. 27 pages; 26 figures; 3 table

    The Bluedisks project, a study of unusually H I-rich galaxies - I. H I sizes and morphology

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    <p>We introduce the 'Bluedisk' project, a large programme at the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope that has mapped the H i in a sample of 23 nearby galaxies with unusually high H i mass fractions, along with a similar-sized sample of control galaxies. This paper presents the sample selection, observational set-up, data reduction strategy and a first analysis of the sizes and structural properties of the H i discs. We find that the H i-rich galaxies lie on the same H i mass versus H i size relation as normal spiral galaxies, extending it to total H i masses of 2 x 10(10) M-circle dot and radii R1 of similar to 100 kpc. The H i-rich galaxies have significantly larger values of H i-to-optical size ratio and more clumpy H i discs than those of normal spirals. There is no evidence that the discs of H i-rich galaxies are more disturbed. In fact, the centre of the H i distribution corresponds more closely with the centre of the optical light in the H i-rich galaxies than in the controls. All these results argue against a scenario in which new gas has been brought in by mergers. It is possible that they may be more consistent with cooling from a surrounding quasi-static halo of warm/hot gas.</p>

    The Abell 3391/95 galaxy cluster system : a 15 Mpc intergalactic medium emission filament, a warm gas bridge, infalling matter clumps, and (re-) accelerated plasma discovered by combining SRG/eROSITA data with ASKAP/EMU and DECam data

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    Context. Inferences about dark matter, dark energy, and the missing baryons all depend on the accuracy of our model of large-scale structure evolution. In particular, with cosmological simulations in our model of the Universe, we trace the growth of structure, and visualize the build-up of bigger structures from smaller ones and of gaseous filaments connecting galaxy clusters.Aims. Here we aim to reveal the complexity of the large-scale structure assembly process in great detail and on scales from tens of kiloparsecs up to more than 10 Mpc with new sensitive large-scale observations from the latest generation of instruments. We also aim to compare our findings with expectations from our cosmological model.Methods. We used dedicated SRG/eROSITA performance verification (PV) X-ray, ASKAP/EMU Early Science radio, and DECam optical observations of a similar to 15 deg(2) region around the nearby interacting galaxy cluster system A3391/95 to study the warm-hot gas in cluster outskirts and filaments, the surrounding large-scale structure and its formation process, the morphological complexity in the inner parts of the clusters, and the (re-)acceleration of plasma. We also used complementary Sunyaev-Zeldovich (SZ) effect data from the Planck survey and custom-made Galactic total (neutral plus molecular) hydrogen column density maps based on the HI4PI and IRAS surveys. We relate the observations to expectations from cosmological hydrodynamic simulations from the Magneticum suite.Results. We trace the irregular morphology of warm and hot gas of the main clusters from their centers out to well beyond their characteristic radii, r(200). Between the two main cluster systems, we observe an emission bridge on large scale and with good spatial resolution. This bridge includes a known galaxy group but this can only partially explain the emission. Most gas in the bridge appears hot, but thanks to eROSITA's unique soft response and large field of view, we discover some tantalizing hints for warm, truly primordial filamentary gas connecting the clusters. Several matter clumps physically surrounding the system are detected. For the "Northern Clump," we provide evidence that it is falling towards A3391 from the X-ray hot gas morphology and radio lobe structure of its central AGN. Moreover, the shapes of these X-ray and radio structures appear to be formed by gas well beyond the virial radius, r(100), of A3391, thereby providing an indirect way of probing the gas in this elusive environment. Many of the extended sources in the field detected by eROSITA are also known clusters or new clusters in the background, including a known SZ cluster at redshift z = 1. We find roughly an order of magnitude more cluster candidates than the SPT and ACT surveys together in the same area. We discover an emission filament north of the virial radius of A3391 connecting to the Northern Clump. Furthermore, the absorption-corrected eROSITA surface brightness map shows that this emission filament extends south of A3395 and beyond an extended X-ray-emitting object (the "Little Southern Clump") towards another galaxy cluster, all at the same redshift. The total projected length of this continuous warm-hot emission filament is 15 Mpc, running almost 4 degrees across the entire eROSITA PV observation field. The Northern and Southern Filament are each detected at >4 sigma. The Planck SZ map additionally appears to support the presence of both new filaments. Furthermore, the DECam galaxy density map shows galaxy overdensities in the same regions. Overall, the new datasets provide impressive confirmation of the theoretically expected structure formation processes on the individual system level, including the surrounding warm-hot intergalactic medium distribution; the similarities of features found in a similar system in the Magneticum simulation are striking. Our spatially resolved findings show that baryons indeed reside in large-scale warm-hot gas filaments with a clumpy structure