84 research outputs found
Pulpitis case in a dog: Is Dirofilariosis the culprit?
Sunulan makalede dişlerde renk değişimi ile karakterize ilginç bir vaka tanımlandı. Olgu materyalini rutin aşılama için kliniğe getirilen 3.5 yaşlı dişi köpek oluşturdu. Alınan anamnezde hastada egzersiz intoleransı, aralıklı öksürük ve nefes darlığı olduğu belirlendi. Hasta; tam kan sayımı, serum biyokimya ölçümleri, akciğer grafisi ve detaylı fizik muayene ile değerlendirilmiştir. Hızlı tanı test kiti (SNAP 4DX) analiz sonuçları, köpeğin Drofilaria immitis ile enfekte olduğunu ortaya koydu. Hastanın ağız boşluğu muayenesi sırasında, olağan dışı bir bulgu olarak, dişlerde pembemsi renk değişikliği tespit edildi (Şekil 1). Elde edilen bulgular aşağıda tartışılmıştır.In the presented article, an interesting case was defined by the color change in the teeth. The case material consisted of 3.5 old female dogs was refered to the clinic for routine vaccination. In our study, it was determined that the patient had exercise intolerance, intermittent cough and shortness of breath. Patient; Complete blood count, serum biochemistry measurements, chest X-ray and detailed physical examination. The results of the rapid diagnostic test kit (SNAP 4DX) analysis revealed that the dog was infected with Drofilaria immitis. During the patient's oral cavity examination, a pinkish color change was detected in the teeth as an unusual finding (Figure 1). The findings are discussed below
Usporedna učinkovitost eprinomektina i permetrina u liječenju sarkoptoze pasa.
The present study was conducted to evaluate the comparative efficacy of topically applied eprinomectin and permethrin for treatment of naturally occuring sarcoptic mange in dogs. A total of 24 dogs of various breeds, age and of both sexes were enrolled. Diagnosis of naturally occuring sarcoptic mange in dogs was made by identifying skin scrapings. All cases were subjected to scoring of the relevant significant clinical signs of scabies such as erythema, pruritis, alopecia, hyperpigmentation and crusting for the whole duration of the study. Dogs in group I (n = 9) received 0.5 mg/kg eprinomectin (5 mg/mL) topically once a week, and group II (n = 8) permethrin at a dosage of 20 mg/kg (100 mg/mL) topicallly once a week, both for a total of 4 weeks. Dogs in group III (n = 7) did not receive any treatment and were left as the control. All the scoring results were statistically evaluated on day 0 and 70, and revealed eprinomectin as the most effective group for evaluating clinical recovery (P<0.05). Evaluation of clinical signs and scoring results suggested complete clinical cure of 100% of dogs in the eprinomectin group, while permetrin was not effective where cure was evident in 2 out of 8 cases. In conclusion, topically applied eprinomectin was highly effective against naturally acquired infestation of S. scabieiby combined assessment of skin scrapings, scoring of skin lesions and clinical signs in comparison to permethrinIstraživanje je provedeno radi procjene usporedne učinkovitosti primjene eprinomektina i permetrina na koži u liječenju sarkoptoze pasa. Provedeno je na 24 psa različitih pasmina, dobi i spola. Bolest je dijagnosticirana na temelju nalaza parazita u strugotinama kože. Promatrani su klinički znakovi šuge poput crvenila, svrbeža, alopecije, hiperpigmentacije te pojave krasti. Psi u prvoj skupini (n = 9) liječeni su dozom od 0,5 mg (5 mg/mL) eprinomektina jednom tjedno. Permetrin je bio primijenjen u pasa druge skupine (n = 8) u dozi od 20 mg/kg (100 mg/mL) jednom tjedno. Liječenje je trajalo 4 tjedna. Psi u trećoj skupini (n = 7) nisu liječeni i služili su kao kontrola. Postignuti rezultati bili su statistički obrađeni uzimajući u obzir nalaze nultoga i sedamdesetoga dana. Rezultati su pokazali potpuno izlječenje u svih pasa u kojih je rabljen eprinomektin. Primjena permetrina bila je učinkovita u svega 2 od 8 slučajeva. Lokalna primjena eprinomektina bila je učinkovita kod prirodne infestacije grinjom Sarcoptes scabieišto se može zaključiti na osnovi pretraga strugotina kože, određivanja kožnih lezija i kliničkih znakova
Interpretation of doxycycline+chloroquine dual therapy for A. phagocytophilum infection in dogs
ABSTRACTObjective. A. phagocytophilum, an obligate intracellular pathogen, is a well-known agent causing granulocytic infections in both animals and humans. The purpose of the present study was to describe clinical course and consequences of Canine Granulocyctic Anaplasmosis among dogs in Aydin province, Turkey with special reference to hematological alterations and possible interpretations of doxycycline+chloroquine dual therapy. Materials and methods. A controlled clinical trial was carried out on 14 dogs referred and diagnosed as Canine Granulocyctic Anaplasmosis within Snap 4dx test. Relevant haematological data were recorded before (day 0) and after treatment (day 30) in both groups. Group I (n=7) were adminestered doxycycline (10 mg/kg q 12 h via oral route for 14 days) and chloroquine (2.5 mg/kg q 12 h for 14 days) and group II (n=7) received only doxycycline (10 mg/kg q 12 h for 14 days via oral route) therapy. Results. Doxycycline treatment hasten resolution of clinical signs in all dogs in about 2 to 7 days. There was no statistically significant differences among hematological variances detected (p>0.05). Conclusions. It may suggest that in conjunction with doxycycline chloroquine may have helped to speed up relevant clinical signs of CGA.RESUMENObjetivo. A. phagocytophilum, un patógeno intracelular obligado, es un agente ampliamente conocido que causa infecciones granulocíticas tanto en animales como en humanos. El propósito del presente estudio fue describir la evolución clínica y las consecuencias de la Anaplasmosis Granulocítica Canina en perros de la provincia de Aydin, Turquía, con especial referencia a las alteraciones hematológicas y a las posibles interpretaciones de una terapia dual de doxicilina+cloroquina. Materiales y métodos. Se realizó un estudio clínico controlado en 14 perros remitidos y diagnosticados con Anaplasmosis Granulocítica Canina usando de una prueba Snap 4dx. Se registraron datos hematológicos pertinentes antes (día 0) y después del tratamiento (día 30) en ambos grupos. Al Grupo I (n=7) se le administró doxicilina (10 mg/kg q 12 h por vía oral durante 14 días) y cloroquina (2.5 mg/kg q 12 h durante 14 días), mientras que el Grupo II (n=7) recibió una terapia únicamente con doxicilina (10 mg/kg q 12 h por vía oral durante 14 días). Resultados. La doxicilina aceleró la resolución de los signos clínicos en todos los perros en un periodo de aproximadamente 2 a 7 días. No se detectaron diferencias estadísticas significativas entre las variaciones hematológicas (p>0.05). Conclusiones. Lo anterior puede sugerir que, conjuntamente con la doxicilina, la cloroquina puede haber ayudado a acelerar los signos clínicos pertinentes de la Anaplasmosis Granulocítica Canina (AGC).
Interpretation of Coagulation Tendency Contributing to Thrombosis in Vector-Borne Diseases (Ehrlichiosis, Anaplasmosis, Leishmaniosis, and Dirofilariasis) among Dogs
Background: Vector-borne infectious and zoonotic diseases are an important health problem that directly affects human and animal health negatively. Results through evaluation of coagulation disorders among vector-borne diseases should be of beneficial for both human and dogs studies. According to the present author’s knowledge reports regarding changes in platelet (PLT) count, prothrombin time (PT), activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT), fibrinogen (FIB) and D-dimer levels in dogs naturally infected with one or more vector-borne pathogens are lacking. Therefore, the present study was aimed to detecting those parameters for relation between diagnosis and prognosis of vector-borne diseases among dogs.Materials, Methods & Results: The material of this study was 46 dogs (36 were naturally infected with vector-borne diseases and 10 were healthy) from different breed, age and of both sexes. Venous blood samples were obtained to detect PLT counts, antibodies of ehrlichiosis, anaplasmosis, borreliosis, leishmaniosis and antigens of Dirofilaria immitis. The diagnosis of vector-borne diseases was performed by using a commercial ELISA assay kits. PLT count was performed with an automated blood cell counter analyser. In addition, PT, APTT and FIB concentrations were measured using a microcoagulometer. D-dimer concentrations were determined using fluorescence immunoassay rapid quantitave test analyser. Subgroups were formed according to the number of cases and the distribution of vector-borne agent. Statistically significant decreased PLT count was found in dogs mono infected with ehrlichiosis compared to healthy dogs (P 0.05). APTT values in the ehrlichiosis mono infection group were significantly higher than that of the healthy control (P < 0.01). A significant increase in FIB levels were detected for ehrlichiosis mono infection and ehrlichiosis - leishmaniosis co infection versus healthy control (P < 0.001). Plasma D-dimer concentrations were found to be higher in all groups infected with vector borne diseases compared to healthy group (P < 0.001) and the differences between infected groups were not statistically significant.Discussion: Bleeding disorders such as epistaxis, haematuria and haemorrhagic diarrhoea has been reported in dogs with vector-borne diseases. These disorders represent the main cause of death in dogs. In the present study, thrombocytopenia was observed in dogs mono infected with ehrlichiosis compared to healthy. This finding is in agreement with those reported in dogs with ehrlichiosis. Plasma FIB is one of the most important factors in the coagulation cascade. In the present study, a significant difference between dogs with ehrlichiosis mono infection and ehrlichiosis - leishmaniosis co infection versus healthy controls group was observed. PT and APTT are commonly used in evaluating dogs with bleeding tendencies. In the present study, a significant difference between dogs with ehrlichiosis and with healthy control was observed in APTT values, however, differences in PT values compared to healthy dogs were insignificant. No statistical difference in PT values might be related to the lower sensitivity of the commercial PT assays. In dogs, D-dimer concentrations can be elevated due to disseminated intravascular coagulopathy, infections, metabolic disorders, neoplasia and post-surgically. In the present study, a significant increase in D-dimer concentration was observed in all dogs with vector-borne diseases. This finding points to the activation of the fibrinolysis system in consequence of thrombophilia. In conclusion, elevations presented in coagulation biomarkers such as APTT, FIB and D-dimer in the present study were interpreted as with the effects of vector-borne diseases. It may be briefly suggested that D-dimer levels as a marker of pro-coagulatory activity, as well as fibrinolysis, indicates the highly active and excessive coagulation, and all through are risk factors for thromboembolic disorders. Therefore, these findings should be considered in the diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of the vector-borne diseases in dogs
Efectos de la suplementación clinoptilolita corto plazo sobre la ganancia de peso en becerros Holstein
Objective. To determine whether short term supplemantation at two levels (1 or 2 g/kg) of clinoptilolite (CLNP) in the colostrum of dairy calves had any effect on total weight gain (TWG) and mean daily gain of weight (mdwg). Materials and methods. A total of 24 clinically healthy calves without diarrhea were assigned in a subset of three major groups of calves were studied: group I (n=8) received colostrum with clnp at the rate of 1/kg started immediately following calving at 12 and 24 hours, for a total of 2 doses. Group II consisted of calves (n=8) receiving colostrum with clnp at the rate of 2/kg within the same interval as the first experimental group. The last group III, which served as control, received solely colostrum. Results. Group had significant effect on weight (kg) of Holstein calves [twg (mean±SE)- control: 12.66±0.349, group I: 14.73±0.414, group II: 14.19±0.468, p<0.01; mdwg (mean±SE)-control: 0.338±0.0155, group I: 0.396±0.0189, group II: 0.397±0.0196, p<0.05]. There was a significant difference observed for twg (p<0.01) and mdwg (p<0.05) among control group and both clnp treatment groups. Conclusions. The results showed that the addition of both levels of clinoptilolite administration via colostrum appeared to enhance twg and mdwg in newborn calves without having any observable adverse effect.Objetivo. Determinar si la suplementación a corto plazo en 2 niveles (1 o 2 g/kg) de clinoptilolita (CLNP) en el calostro de terneros lecheros tiene algún efecto sobre la ganancia de peso total (TWG) y la ganancia media diaria de peso (MDWG). Materiales y métodos. Se asignó un total de 24 terneros clínicamente sanos sin diarrea en un subconjunto de los tres grupos principales de terneros que fueron estudiados: grupo I (n = 8) recibieron calostro con CLNP a razón de 1 g/kg inmediatamente después del parto a las 12 y 24 horas , para un total de 2 dosis. Grupo II consistió de terneros (n = 8) que recibieron calostro con CLNP a razón de 2 kg / dentro del mismo intervalo que el primer grupo experimental. El último grupo III, que sirvió como control, recibió únicamente calostro. Resultados. Grupo tuvo un efecto significativo sobre el peso (kg) de terneros Holstein [GTT (media±DE) - Control: 12.66 ± 0.349, el grupo I: 14.73 ± 0.414, el grupo II: 14.19±0.468, p<0.01; mdwg (media±DE) - Control: 0.338±0.0155, el grupo I: 0.396±0.0189, grupo II: 0.397 ± 0.0196, p<0.05]. Hubo una diferencia significativa para TWG (p<0.01) y mdwg (p<0.05) entre el grupo control y ambos grupos de tratamiento CLNP. Conclusiones. Los resultados mostraron que la adición de los dos niveles de clinoptilolita a través del calostro mejoró TWG y MDWG en terneros recién nacidos sin tener ningún efecto adverso observable
Correlación entre el pH ruminal y el índice de condición corporal en vacas con acidosis ruminal subaguda
Objective. The purposes of this field study were to a) confirm the presence of subacute ruminal acidosis (SARA) in Turkish dairy herds in Aydin region, b) record its regional distribution and c) to determine whether there is a relationship between body condition scoring, ruminal contractions and ruminal pH. Materials and methods. Ruminal fluid samples, via rumenocentesis, were withdrawn from a total of 120 Holstein dairy cows, from 5 herds (n=24 cows per herd). Rumen pH was analyzed on-site with a portable pH-meter for a precise SARA diagnosis. Classical body condition scoring systems (USBCS method) were utilized within 1-5 scale with 0.25 intervals. Results. Out of 120 cows enrolled 13 were (10.83%) classified as affected with SARA (pH<or=5.5), 6.6% were marginal (pH 5.6-5.8) and 82.5% were normal (pH>5.8). There was a significant difference (p<0.01) among farm V and other farms regarding mean ruminal pH. The overall means of BCS were found as 3.45±0.037, 3.43±0.122 and 4.30±0.075 in healthy animals, SARA suspected cows and cows with SARA, respectively with increased BCS in cows with SARA (P<0.01). Inter group comparison of ruminal contractions showed statistical significance (p<0.01). There were correlations among ruminal pH and ruminal contraction (r=0.622, p<0.01), ruminal pH and health status (r=-0.770, p<0.01), rumen contraction and health status (r=0.546, p<0.01). Conclusions. In the present study BCS and ruminal contractions data were used as indicators, in which correlations were found among ruminal pH and ruminal contraction and ruminal pH and BCS, favoring the usage or those parameters as probable biomarkers in cows with SARA. Objetivo. Los objetivos de este estudio de campo fueron a) confirmar la presencia de acidosis ruminal subaguda (SARA) en los rebaños de vacas lecheras turcas en la región de Aydin, b) registrar su distribución regional y c) determinar si existe una relación entre las puntuaciones del estado corporal, ruminal Contracciones y pH ruminal. Materiales y métodos. Se extrajeron muestras de líquido ruminal, a través de rumenocentesis, de un total de 120 vacas lecheras Holstein, de 5 hatos (n = 24 vacas por rebaño). El pH del rumen se analizó en el sitio con un pH-metro portátil para un diagnóstico preciso de SARA. Los sistemas clásicos de clasificación de estado corporal (método USBCS) se utilizaron en escala 1-5 con intervalos de 0,25. Resultados. De las 120 vacas inscritas, 13 fueron (10.83%) clasificadas como SARA (pH =5.5), 6.6% marginales (pH 5.6-5.8) y 82,5% normales (pH>5.8). Hubo una diferencia significativa (p<0.01) entre la finca V y otras fincas con respecto al pH ruminal medio. El promedio global de BCS fue de 3.45±0.037, 3.43±0.122 y 4.30±0.075 en animales sanos, SARA sospechosos de vacas y vacas con SARA, respectivamente con aumento de BCS en vacas con SARA (p<0.01). La comparación intergrupal de contracciones ruminales mostró significación estadística (p<0.01). Hubo correlaciones entre el pH ruminal y la contracción ruminal (r=0.622, p<0.01), pH ruminal y estado de salud (r =-0.770, p<0.01), contracción ruminal y estado de salud (r=0.546, p<0.01). Conclusiones. En el presente estudio se utilizaron indicadores BCS y contracciones ruminal como indicadores, en los que se encontraron correlaciones entre pH ruminal y contracción ruminal y pH ruminal y BCS, favoreciendo el uso o esos parámetros como biomarcadores probables en vacas con SARA
Spatial distribution of vector borne disease agents in dogs in Aegean region, Turkey
Objective. Assess the spatial distribution of seroprevalence of infection with or exposure to 4 vector-borne pathogens Ehrlichia canis, Anaplasma phagocytophilum, Borrelia burgdorferi and Dirofilaria immitis, across the coastal states of the Aegean region with special reference to clinical signs and haematological variances related to disease condition. Materials and methods. A convenience sample, targeting blood from at least 10 pet dogs from İzmir, Aydin, Denizli, Mugla and Manisa cities involved was evaluated using a canine point-of-care ELISA kit. Results. Out of 307 dogs tested the overall seroprevalence was highest for E. canis (24.42%), followed by E. canis + A. phagocytophilum co-infection (10.42%), A. phagocytophilum (7.49%) and D. immitis (2.28%). Only 2 cases were seropositive to B. burgdorferi albeit 10 dogs were co-infected with more than 2 agents. For both dogs infected with E. canis and co-infected with E. canis and A. phagocytophilum, anemia, thrombocytopenia and leukocytosis, were more commonly detected, whereas thrombocytopenia and leukocytosis were significant finding in dogs infected with A. phagocytophilum or D. immitis, respectively. Variance analysis showed significant differences for mean RBC, Hb, PCV and PLT values (p<0.01) among control group and other groups. Conclusions. Seropositivity for vector-borne pathogens other than B. burgdorferi, is moderately to widely distributed in dogs residing in the Aegean region in Turkey
Assessment of Echocardiographic Ejection Fraction and Fractional Shortness at Different Stages of Canine Visceral Leishmaniasis
Bu çalışmada Canine Visceral Leishmaniasisin farklı evrelerinde ejeksiyon fraksiyonu (EF) ve fraksiyonel kısalma (FS) parametrelerinin değerlendirilerek tanıda ve sağaltım monitörizasyonunda fayda sağlaması amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmanın materyalini, 28’i L. infantum ile doğal enfekte 7’si de sağlıklı olmak üzere toplam 35 köpek oluşturdu.Klinik bulgular temelinde VL şüpheli tanısı konulan köpeklerde kan örneğinde hızlı ELİSA prensibiyle çalışan test kiti pozitifliği ile VL tanısı kesinleştirildi. Çalışmaya dahil edilmesi uygun görülen VL’li köpekler, “LeishVet Çalışma Grubu”nun önerdiği evreleme dikkate alınarak 4 farklı gruptan (her grupta n=7) birinde değerlendirildi. EKO, M mod incelemeler sağ parasternal kısa eksende gerçekleştirildi ve sol ventrikül EF ve FS parametreleri belirlendi.Çalışmadaki kontrol grubu olguların EF değeri (%) 48 ile 74 ve FS değeri (%) 24 ile 38,olduğu saptandı. I. gruptaki olgularda EF değeri (%) 59 ile 74 ve FS değeri (%) 31 ile 42 arasında olduğu görüldü. II. gruptaki olgularda EF değeri (%) 58 ile 93 ve FS değeri (%) 29 ile 63 arasında idi. III. gruptaki olgularda EF değeri (%) 35.3 ile 93.8 ve FS değeri (%) 16.4 ile 50 arasında değişmekteydi. IV. gruptaki olgularda ise EF değeri (%) 52 ile 82 ve FS değeri (%) 27 ile 50 arasında olduğu belirlendi. Sonuç olarak Leishvet Çalışma Grubunun serolojik, klinik ve laboratuvar bulguları dikkate alındığında 4 farklı grupta (evre I-IV) yer alan olgularımızda ekokardiyografik [FS’de ve EF’de azalma (sistolik disfonksiyon)] değerlendirmenin CVL’li köpeklerde dikkate alınması gerektiği söylenebilinir. CVL’li köpeklerde intravital diyagnoza katkı sağlayan kardiyak değişikliklerin üzerinde önemle durulması ve gerekli ilave sağaltım protokollerinin uygulanması fayda sağlayabilir.In this study, it was aimed to evaluate EF and FS parameters at different stages of canine visceral leishmaniasis to benefit in diagnosis and treatment monitoring. A total of 35 dogs, 28 of which were infected with L. infantum and 7 of which were healthy, constituted the material of study. VL diagnosis was confirmed with test kit positivity with fast ELISA on blood samples. VL dogs eligible for inclusion into study were evaluated in 4 different groups (n = 7, each group), according to "LeishVet Working Group". ECHO, studies were performed on the right parasternal short axisand EF and FS parameters were detected. In control group, EF values (%) was found between 48 and 74, FS(%) value between 24 and 38. EF value was found between 59 and 74,FS valuewas between 31 and 42 in group I. EF value was found between 58 and 93, FS value was between 29 and 63 in group II. EF value was foundbetween 35.3 and 93.8, FS value wasbetween 16.4 and 50 in group III. EF value was between 52 and 82, FS value was between 27 and 50 in group IV. As a result, when we considered the LWG, it can be said that echocardiographic evaluation [reduction in FS, EF (systolic dysfunction)] should be performed into account in CVL dogs. It may be beneficial to focus on cardiac changes contributing to the intravital diagnosis in CVL dogs and to apply the necessary additional treatment protocols
Evaluación de biomarcadores cardiopulmonares durante diferentes etapas de Leishmaniasis visceral canina
Objective.The purpose of the present study was to test the hypothesis that cardiac alterations participate within different stages of CVL. Materials and methods. Dogs were diagnosed with CVL, were classified as follows; group I (mild disease), group II (moderate disease), group III (severe disease), group IV (very severe disease) and group V included healthy controls. Results. Ig G antibodies against Leishmaniasis in group as tested by IFAT, were deemed 1/64 to 1/16000 among infected groups. Considering the cTnI levels, there was significant differences (p=0.018) between stage IV (group IV) and healthy control group, besides between group IV and group I. Considering D-dimer levels, there was difference between healthy control group and group II, III and IV (p=0.005). NT-proBNP levels, there was istatistical difference between healthy control group and stage III, IV, besides between stage I with stage III, IV (p=0.000). Conclusions. The results showed that levels of cTnI, Nt pro-BNP and D-dimer were higher in dogs infected with CVL in contrast to healthy dogs, in which levels of those biomarkers were below detection limits. Obtained results suggested the possibility of cTnI and NT pro-BNP as markers for cardiac damage and D-dimer as a supportive tool for a diagnosis of probable thromboembolism in dogs with CVL.Objetivo. El propósito del presente estudio fue probar la hipótesis de que las alteraciones cardíacas participan en diferentes estadios de CVL. Materiales y métodos. Perros fueron diagnosticados con CVL, se clasificaron de la siguiente manera; Grupo I (enfermedad leve), grupo II (enfermedad moderada), grupo III (enfermedad grave), grupo IV (enfermedad muy grave) y grupo V controles sanos incluidos. Resultados. Los anticuerpos Ig G contra la leishmaniasis en el grupo como probado por IFAT, se consideraron 1/64 a 1/16000 entre los grupos infectados. Considerando los niveles de cTnI, hubo diferencias significativas (p=0,018). Entre el grupo IV y el grupo control sano, además entre el grupo IV y el grupo I. Considerando los niveles D-dímero, hubo diferencia entre el grupo control sano y el grupo II, III y IV (p=0,005). Teniendo en cuenta los niveles de NT-proBNP, hubo diferencia estadística entre el grupo de control sano y el estadio III, IV, además entre la etapa I con estadio III, IV (p=0,000). Conclusiones. Los resultados mostraron que los niveles de cTnI, Nt pro-BNP y D-dímero fueron mayores en perros infectados con CVL en contraste con perros sanos, en los que los niveles de estos biomarcadores estaban por debajo de los límites de detección. Los resultados obtenidos sugirieron la posibilidad de que cTnI y NT pro-BNP como marcadores de daño cardíaco y D-dímero como una herramienta de apoyo para un diagnóstico de tromboembolismo probable en perros con CVL
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