1,897 research outputs found

    Towards Rapid Parameter Estimation on Gravitational Waves from Compact Binaries using Interpolated Waveforms

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    Accurate parameter estimation of gravitational waves from coalescing compact binary sources is a key requirement for gravitational-wave astronomy. Evaluating the posterior probability density function of the binary's parameters (component masses, sky location, distance, etc.) requires computing millions of waveforms. The computational expense of parameter estimation is dominated by waveform generation and scales linearly with the waveform computational cost. Previous work showed that gravitational waveforms from non-spinning compact binary sources are amenable to a truncated singular value decomposition, which allows them to be reconstructed via interpolation at fixed computational cost. However, the accuracy requirement for parameter estimation is typically higher than for searches, so it is crucial to ascertain that interpolation does not lead to significant errors. Here we provide a proof of principle to show that interpolated waveforms can be used to recover posterior probability density functions with negligible loss in accuracy with respect to non-interpolated waveforms. This technique has the potential to significantly increase the efficiency of parameter estimation.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure

    Self-Consistent Data Analysis of the Proton Structure Function g1 and Extraction of its Moments

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    The reanalysis of all available world data on the longitudinal asymmetry A|| is presented. The proton structure function g1 was extracted within a unique framework of data inputs and assumptions. These data allowed for a reliable evaluation of moments of the structure function g1 in the Q2 range from 0.2 up to 30 GeV2. The Q2 evolution of the moments was studied in QCD by means of Operator Product Expansion (OPE).Comment: Proceeding of 3rd International Symposium on the Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn Sum Rule and its extensions, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia June 2-5, 200

    Nuclear corrections in neutrino-nucleus DIS and their compatibility with global NPDF analyses

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    We perform a global chi^2-analysis of nuclear parton distribution functions using data from charged current neutrino-nucleus deep-inelastic scattering (DIS), charged-lepton-nucleus DIS, and the Drell-Yan (DY) process. We show that the nuclear corrections in nu-A DIS are not compatible with the predictions derived from l^+A DIS and DY data. We quantify this result using a hypothesis-testing criterion based on the chi^2 distribution which we apply to the total chi^2 as well as to the chi^2 of the individual data sets. We find that it is not possible to accommodate the data from nu-A and l^+A DIS by an acceptable combined fit. Our result has strong implications for the extraction of both nuclear and proton parton distribution functions using combined neutrino and charged-lepton data sets.Comment: 5 page

    Higher twist analysis of the proton g_1 structure function

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    We perform a global analysis of all available spin-dependent proton structure function data, covering a large range of Q^2, 1 < Q^2 < 30 GeV^2, and calculate the lowest moment of the g_1 structure function as a function of Q^2. From the Q^2 dependence of the lowest moment we extract matrix elements of twist-4 operators, and determine the color electric and magnetic polarizabilities of the proton to be \chi_E = 0.026 +- 0.015 (stat) + 0.021/-0.024 (sys) and \chi_B = -0.013 -+ 0.007 (stat) - 0.010/+0.012 (sys), respectively.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, to appear in Phys. Lett.

    Nuclear PDFs from neutrino deep inelastic scattering

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    We study nuclear effects in charged current deep inelastic neutrino-iron scattering in the frame-work of a chi^2 analysis of parton distribution functions. We extract a set of iron PDFs and show that under reasonable assumptions it is possible to constrain the valence, light sea and strange quark distributions. Our iron PDFs are used to compute x_{Bj}-dependent and Q^2-dependent nuclear correction factors for iron structure functions which are required in global analyses of free nucleon PDFs. We compare our results with nuclear correction factors from neutrino-nucleus scattering models and correction factors for charged lepton-iron scattering. We find that, except for very high x_{Bj}, our correction factors differ in both shape and magnitude from the correction factors of the models and charged-lepton scattering.Comment: 25 pages, 10 figures; minor updates to match published versio

    nCTEQ15 - Global analysis of nuclear parton distributions with uncertainties in the CTEQ framework

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    We present the new nCTEQ15 set of nuclear parton distribution functions with uncertainties. This fit extends the CTEQ proton PDFs to include the nuclear dependence using data on nuclei all the way up to 208^Pb. The uncertainties are determined using the Hessian method with an optimal rescaling of the eigenvectors to accurately represent the uncertainties for the chosen tolerance criteria. In addition to the Deep Inelastic Scattering (DIS) and Drell-Yan (DY) processes, we also include inclusive pion production data from RHIC to help constrain the nuclear gluon PDF. Furthermore, we investigate the correlation of the data sets with specific nPDF flavor components, and asses the impact of individual experiments. We also provide comparisons of the nCTEQ15 set with recent fits from other groups.Comment: 35 page

    Floristic Composition and Natural History Characteristics of Dry Forests in the Pacific

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    We compare the floristic composition of tropical dry forests at the stand level using Gentry's transect method (0.1 ha) in some of the largest and highest-quality remaining fragments in the Pacific (Hawai'i, 15 sites; Fiji, 9; the Marianas, 3; the Marquesas, 6; New Caledonia, 7) and compare results with neotropical dry forests. A total of 299 species or morphospecies =2.5 cm diameter at breast height were identified from all 40 sites in the Pacific. Rubiaceae (28 spp.), Euphorbiaceae (25 spp.), Fabaceae (23 spp.), Sapindaceae (18 spp.), and Myrtaceae (17 spp.) were the most speciose families in Pacific dry forest; however, no family dominated across regions in the Pacific. The most common species by frequency and density in each region were native with the exception of Hawai'i, which contains a high number of nonnative species. Observed and estimated (Chao 2) levels of native species richness show that New Caledonia and Fiji contain the highest species richness followed by Hawai'i, the Marianas, and the Marquesas. There is very little overlap at the native species level among regions, with Hawaiian dry forests the most dissimilar at the native species, genus, and family level and New Caledonia and Fiji the most similar. Unlike mainland neotropical dry forest, dry forests in the Pacific contain very few deciduous species and a low proportion of wind-dispersed species.There is a high proportion of dioecious species in Hawai'i, which is similar to the neotropics; however, other Pacific regions have fewer dioecious species

    Global Analysis of Data on the Proton Structure Function g1 and Extraction of its Moments

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    Inspired by recent measurements with the CLAS detector at Jefferson Lab, we perform a self-consistent analysis of world data on the proton structure function g1 in the range 0.17 < Q2 < 30 (GeV/c)**2. We compute for the first time low-order moments of g1 and study their evolution from small to large values of Q2. The analysis includes the latest data on both the unpolarized inclusive cross sections and the ratio R = sigmaL / sigmaT from Jefferson Lab, as well as a new model for the transverse asymmetry A2 in the resonance region. The contributions of both leading and higher twists are extracted, taking into account effects from radiative corrections beyond the next-to-leading order by means of soft-gluon resummation techniques. The leading twist is determined with remarkably good accuracy and is compared with the predictions obtained using various polarized parton distribution sets available in the literature. The contribution of higher twists to the g1 moments is found to be significantly larger than in the case of the unpolarized structure function F2.Comment: 18 pages, 13 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Likelihood-ratio ranking of gravitational-wave candidates in a non-Gaussian background

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    We describe a general approach to detection of transient gravitational-wave signals in the presence of non-Gaussian background noise. We prove that under quite general conditions, the ratio of the likelihood of observed data to contain a signal to the likelihood of it being a noise fluctuation provides optimal ranking for the candidate events found in an experiment. The likelihood-ratio ranking allows us to combine different kinds of data into a single analysis. We apply the general framework to the problem of unifying the results of independent experiments and the problem of accounting for non-Gaussian artifacts in the searches for gravitational waves from compact binary coalescence in LIGO data. We show analytically and confirm through simulations that in both cases the likelihood ratio statistic results in an improved analysis.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Особенности моделирования прогнозных оценок экономических объектов

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    Теория и практика экономических исследований свидетельствует о том, что моделирование прогнозных оценок будущего состояния экономических объектов является наиболее успешным только в тех случаях, когда модель в полной мере отражает как природу процесса управления, так и специфику деловой среды, то есть речь идет, по сути, об адекватности используемой модели