455 research outputs found

    Energetics and stability of dangling-bond silicon wires on H passivated Si(100)

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    We evaluate the electronic, geometric and energetic properties of quasi 1-D wires formed by dangling bonds on Si(100)-H (2 x 1). The calculations are performed with density functional theory (DFT). Infinite wires are found to be insulating and Peierls distorted, however finite wires develop localized electronic states that can be of great use for molecular-based devices. The ground state solution of finite wires does not correspond to a geometrical distortion but rather to an antiferromagnetic ordering. For the stability of wires, the presence of abundant H atoms in nearby Si atoms can be a problem. We have evaluated the energy barriers for intradimer and intrarow diffusion finding all of them about 1 eV or larger, even in the case where a H impurity is already sitting on the wire. These results are encouraging for using dangling-bond wires in future devices.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Spin transport in dangling-bond wires on doped H-passivated Si(100)

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    New advances in single-atom manipulation are leading to the creation of atomic structures on H passivated Si surfaces with functionalities important for the development of atomic and molecular based technologies. We perform total-energy and electron-transport calculations to reveal the properties and understand the features of atomic wires crafted by H removal from the surface. The presence of dopants radically change the wire properties. Our calculations show that dopants have a tendency to approach the dangling-bond wires, and in these conditions, transport is enhanced and spin selective. These results have important implications in the development of atomic-scale spintronics showing that boron, and to a lesser extent phosphorous, convert the wires in high-quality spin filters.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Electronic surface states and dielectric self-energy profiles in colloidal nanoscale platelets of CdSe

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    International audienceThe electronic surface states and dielectric self-energy profiles in CdSe colloidal nanoscale platelets are explored by means of an original ab initio approach. In particular, we show how the different coatings deeply modify the quantum and dielectric confinement in CdSe nanoscale platelets. Molecular coating leads to an electronic band gap free of electronic surface states as well as an optimal surface coverage. The reduced blinking in CdSe nanoscale platelets is discussed. The theoretical method here proposed allows one to go beyond the popular empirical description of abrupt dielectric interfaces by explicitly describing the nanoplatelet surface morphology and polarisability at the atomic level. This theoretical study open the way toward more precise description of the dielectric confinement effect in any hybrid system exhibiting 2D electronic properties

    Quantum confinement and dielectric profiles of colloidal nanoplatelets of halide inorganic and hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites

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    International audienceQuantum confinement as well as high frequency ε∞ and static εs dielectric profiles are described for nanoplatelets of halide inorganic perovskites CsPbX3 (X = I, Br, Cl) and hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites (HOP) in two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) structures. 3D HOP are currently being sought for their impressive photovoltaic ability. Prior to this sudden popularity, 2D HOP materials were driving intense activity in the field of optoelectronics. Such developments have been enriched by the recent ability to synthesize colloidal nanostructures of controlled size of 2D and 3D HOP. This raises the need to achieve a thorough description of the electronic structure and dielectric properties of these systems. In this work, we go beyond the abrupt dielectric interface model and reach atomic scale description. We examine the influence of the nature of the halogen and of the cation on the band structure and dielectric constants. Similarly, we survey the effect of dimensionality and shape of the perovskite. In agreement with recent experimental results, we show an increase of the band gap and a decrease of ε∞ when the size of a nanoplatelet reduces. By inspecting 2D HOP, we find that it cannot be described as a simple superposition of independent inorganic and organic layers. Finally, the dramatic impact of ionic contributions on the dielectric constant εs is analysed

    Rashba and Dresselhaus Effects in Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Perovskites: From Basics to Devices

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    J.E. and C.K. thank R. Winkler for fruitful discussions. We gratefully acknowledge Prof. R.-G.Xiong for providing Bz2PbCl4 crystallographic data.International audienceWe use symmetry analysis, density functional theory calculations, and k·p modeling to scrutinize Rashba and Dresselhaus effects in hybrid organic-inorganic halide perovskites. These perovskites are at the center of a recent revolution in the field of photovoltaics but have also demonstrated potential for optoelectronic applications such as transistors and light emitters. Due to a large spin-orbit coupling of the most frequently used metals, they are also predicted to offer a promising avenue for spin-based applications. With an in-depth inspection of the electronic structures and bulk lattice symmetries of a variety of systems, we analyze the origin of the spin splitting in two- and three-dimensional hybrid perovskites. It is shown that low-dimensional nanostructures made of CH3NH3PbX3 (X = I, Br) lead to spin splittings that can be controlled by an applied electric field. These findings further open the door for a perovskite-based spintronics

    The Delphi and GRADE methodology used in the PSOGI 2018 consensus statement on Pseudomyxoma Peritonei and Peritoneal Mesothelioma

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    Pseudomyxoma Peritonei (PMP) and Peritoneal Mesothelioma (PM) are both rare peritoneal malignancies. Currently, affected patients may be treated with Cytoreductive Surgery and Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy offering long-term survival or even cure in selected patients. However, many issues regarding the optimal treatment strategy are currently under debate. To aid physicians involved in the treatment of these patients in clinical decision making, the PSOGI executive committee proposed to create a consensus statement on PMP and PM. This manuscript describes the methodology of the consensus process. The Delphi technique is a reliable method for attaining consensus on a topic that lacks scientific evidence through multiple voting rounds which feeds back responses to the participants in between rounds. The GRADE system provides a structured framework for presenting and grading the available evidence. Separate questionnaires were created for PMP and PM and sent during two voting rounds to 80 and 38 experts, respectively. A consensus threshold of 51.0% was chosen. After the second round, consensus was reached on 92.9%–100.0% of the questions. The results were presented and discussed in the plenary session at the PSOGI 2018 international meeting in Paris. A third round for the remaining issues is currently in progress. In conclusion, using the Delphi technique and GRADE methodology, consensus was reached in many issues regarding the treatment of PM and PMP amongst an international panel of experts. The main results will be published in the near future

    Solid-State Physics Perspective on Hybrid Perovskite Semiconductors

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    International audienceIn this review we examine recent theoretical investigations on 2D and 3D hybrid perovskites (HOP) that combine classical solid-state physics concepts and density functional theory (DFT) simulations as a tool for studying their optoelectronic properties. Such an approach allows one to define a new class of semiconductors, where the pseudocubic high temperature perovskite structure plays a central role. Bloch states and k.p Hamiltonians yield new insight into the influence of lattice distortions, including loss of inversion symmetry, as well as spin-orbit coupling. Electronic band folding and degeneracy, effective masses and optical absorption are analyzed. Concepts of Bloch and envelope functions, as well as confinement potential are discussed in the context of layered HOP and 3D HOP heterostructures. Screening and dielectric confinements are important for room temperature optical properties of 3D and layered HOP, respectively. Non-radiative Auger effects are analyzed for the first time close to the electronic band gap of 3D hybrid perovskites

    Elastic transport through dangling-bond silicon wires on H passivated Si(100)

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    We evaluate the electron transmission through a dangling-bond wire on Si(100)-H (2x1). Finite wires are modelled by decoupling semi-infinite Si electrodes from the dangling-bond wire with passivating H atoms. The calculations are performed using density functional theory in a non-periodic geometry along the conduction direction. We also use Wannier functions to analyze our results and to build an effective tight-binding Hamiltonian that gives us enhanced insight in the electron scattering processes. We evaluate the transmission to the different solutions that are possible for the dangling-bond wires: Jahn-Teller distorted ones, as well as antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic ones. The discretization of the electronic structure of the wires due to their finite size leads to interesting transmission properties that are fingerprints of the wire nature

    Pressurised intraperitoneal aerosol chemotherapy: rationale, evidence, and potential indications.

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    Pressurised intraperitoneal aerosol chemotherapy (PIPAC) was introduced as a new treatment for patients with peritoneal metastases in November, 2011. Reports of its feasibility, tolerance, and efficacy have encouraged centres worldwide to adopt PIPAC as a novel drug delivery technique. In this Review, we detail the technique and rationale of PIPAC and critically assess its evidence and potential indications. A systematic search was done to identify all relevant literature on PIPAC published between Jan 1, 2011, and Jan 31, 2019. A total of 106 articles or reports on PIPAC were identified, and 45 clinical studies on 1810 PIPAC procedures in 838 patients were included for analysis. Repeated PIPAC delivery was feasible in 64% of patients with few intraoperative and postoperative surgical complications (3% for each in prospective studies). Adverse events (Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events greater than grade 2) occurred after 12-15% of procedures, and commonly included bowel obstruction, bleeding, and abdominal pain. Repeated PIPAC did not have a negative effect on quality of life. Using PIPAC, an objective clinical response of 62-88% was reported for patients with ovarian cancer (median survival of 11-14 months), 50-91% for gastric cancer (median survival of 8-15 months), 71-86% for colorectal cancer (median survival of 16 months), and 67-75% (median survival of 27 months) for peritoneal mesothelioma. From our findings, PIPAC has been shown to be feasible and safe. Data on objective response and quality of life were encouraging. Therefore, PIPAC can be considered as a treatment option for refractory, isolated peritoneal metastasis of various origins. However, its use in further indications needs to be validated by prospective studies

    Computational design of high performance hybrid perovskite on silicon tandem solar cells

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    In this study, the optoelectronic properties of a monolithically integrated series-connected tandem solar cell are simulated. Following the large success of hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites, which have recently demonstrated large efficiencies with low production costs, we examine the possibility of using the same perovskites as absorbers in a tandem solar cell. The cell consists in a methylammonium mixed bromide-iodide lead perovskite, CH3NH3PbI3(1-x)Br3x (0 < x < 1), top sub-cell and a single-crystalline silicon bottom sub-cell. A Si-based tunnel junction connects the two sub-cells. Numerical simulations are based on a one-dimensional numerical drift-diffusion model. It is shown that a top cell absorbing material with 20% of bromide and a thickness in the 300-400 nm range affords current matching with the silicon bottom cell. Good interconnection between single cells is ensured by standard n and p doping of the silicon at 5.10^19cm-3 in the tunnel junction. A maximum efficiency of 27% is predicted for the tandem cell, exceeding the efficiencies of stand-alone silicon (17.3%) and perovskite cells (17.9%) taken for our simulations, and more importantly, that of the record crystalline Si cells.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figure