37 research outputs found

    Functionalized lipids and surfactants for specific applications

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    Synthetic lipids and surfactants that do not exist in biological systems have been used for the last few decades in both basic and applied science. The most notable applications for synthetic lipids and surfactants are drug delivery, gene transfection, as reporting molecules, and as support for structural lipid biology. In this review, we describe the potential of the synergistic combination of computational and experimental methodologies to study the behavior of synthetic lipids and surfactants embedded in lipid membranes and liposomes. We focused on select cases in which molecular dynamics simulations were used to complement experimental studies aiming to understand the structure and properties of new compounds at the atomistic level. We also describe cases in which molecular dynamics simulations were used to design new synthetic lipids and surfactants, as well as emerging fields for the application of these compounds. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Biosimulations edited by Ilpo Vattulainen and Tomasz Rog. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Miscibility of Phosphatidylcholines in Bilayers: Effect of Acyl Chain Unsaturation

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    The miscibility of phospholipids in a hydrated bilayer is an issue of fundamental importance for understanding the organization of biological membranes. Despite research on lipid miscibility, its molecular basis remains poorly understood. In this study, all-atom MD simulations complemented by Langmuir monolayer and DSC experiments have been performed to investigate the molecular organization and properties of lipid bilayers composed of phosphatidylcholines with saturated (palmitoyl, DPPC) and unsaturated (oleoyl, DOPC) acyl chains. The experimental results showed that the DOPC/DPPC bilayers are systems exhibiting a very limited miscibility (strongly positive values of excess free energy of mixing) at temperatures below the DPPC phase transition. The excess free energy of mixing is divided into an entropic component, related to the ordering of the acyl chains, and an enthalpic component, resulting from the mainly electrostatic interactions between the headgroups of lipids. MD simulations showed that the electrostatic interactions for lipid like-pairs are much stronger than that for mixed pairs and temperature has only a slight influence on these interactions. On the contrary, the entropic component increases strongly with increasing temperature, due to the freeing of rotation of acyl chains. Therefore, the miscibility of phospholipids with different saturations of acyl chains is an entropy-driven process

    Effect of piroxicam on lipid membranes : Drug encapsulation and gastric toxicity aspects

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    Uptake of piroxicam, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, from the intestines after oral intake is limited due to its low solubility and its wide use is associated with several side effects related to the gastrointestinal tract. In this study, all-atom molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and fluorescent spectroscopy were employed to investigate the interaction of piroxicam in neutral, zwitterionic, and cationic forms with lipid bilayers composed of phosphatidylcholine, cholesterol, and PEGylated lipids. Our study was aimed to assess the potential for encapsulation of piroxicam in liposomal carriers and to shed more light on the process of gastrointestinal tract injury by the drug. Through both the MD simulations and laser scanning confocal microscopy, we have demonstrated that all forms of piroxicam can associate with the lipid bilayers and locate close to the water-membrane interface. Conventional liposomes used in drug delivery are usually stabilized by the addition of cholesterol and have their bloodstream lifetime extended through the inclusion of PEGylated lipids in the formulation to create a protective polymer corona. For this reason, we tested the effect of these two modifications on the behavior of piroxicam in the membrane. When the bilayer was PEGylated, piroxicam localize to the PEG layer and within the lipid headgroup region. This suggests that PEGylated liposomes are capable of carrying a larger quantity of piroxicam than the conventional ones. (C) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Label-free infrared spectroscopy and imaging of single phospholipid bilayers with nanoscale resolution

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    Mid-infrared absorption spectroscopy has been used extensively to study the molecular properties of cell membranes and model systems. Most of these studies have been carried out on macroscopic samples or on samples a few micrometers in size, due to constraints on sensitivity and spatial resolution with conventional instruments that rely on far-field optics. Properties of membranes on the scale of nanometers, such as in-plane heterogeneity, have to date eluded investigation by this technique. In the present work, we demonstrate the capability to study single bilayers of phospholipids with near-field mid-infrared spectroscopy and imaging and achieve a spatial resolution of at least 40 nm, corresponding to a sample size of the order of a thousand molecules. The quality of the data and the observed spectral features are consistent with those reported from measurements of macroscopic samples and allow detailed analysis of molecular properties, including orientation and ordering of phospholipids. The work opens the way to the nanoscale characterization of the biological membranes for which phospholipid bilayers serve as a model

    Behavior of the DPH fluorescence probe in membranes perturbed by drugs

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    1,6-Diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene (DPH) is one of the most commonly used fluorescent probes to study dynamical and structural properties of lipid bilayers and cellular membranes via measuring steady-state or time-resolved fluorescence anisotropy. In this study, we present a limitation in the use of DPH to predict the order of lipid acyl chains when the lipid bilayer is doped with itraconazole (ITZ), an antifungal drug. Our steady-state fluorescence anisotropy measurements showed a significant decrease in fluorescence anisotropy of DPH embedded in the ITZ-containing membrane, suggesting a substantial increase in membrane fluidity, which indirectly indicates a decrease in the order of the hydrocarbon chains. This result or its interpretation is in disagreement with the fluorescence recovery after photobleaching measurements and molecular dynamics (MD) simulation data. The results of these experiments and calculations indicate an increase in the hydrocarbon chain order. The MD simulations of the bilayer containing both ITZ and DPH provide explanations for these observations. Apparently, in the presence of the drug, the DPH molecules are pushed deeper into the hydrophobic membrane core below the lipid double bonds, and the probe predominately adopts the orientation of the ITZ molecules that is parallel to the membrane surface, instead of orienting parallel to the lipid acyl chains. For this reason, DPH anisotropy provides information related to the less ordered central region of the membrane rather than reporting the properties of the upper segments of the lipid acyl chains.Peer reviewe

    Cholesterol Reduces Partitioning of Antifungal Drug Itraconazole into Lipid Bilayers

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    Cholesterol plays a crucial role in modulating the physicochemical properties of biomembranes, both increasing mechanical strength and decreasing permeability. Cholesterol is also a common component of vesicle-based delivery systems, including liposome-based drug delivery systems (LDSs). However, its effect on the partitioning of drug molecules to lipid membranes is very poorly recognized. Herein, we performed a combined experimental/computational study of the potential for the use of the LDS formulation for the delivery of the antifungal drug itraconazole (ITZ). We consider the addition of cholesterol to the lipid membrane. Since ITZ is only weakly soluble in water, its bioavailability is limited. Use of an LDS has thus been proposed. We studied lipid membranes composed of cholesterol, 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphocholine (POPC), and ITZ using a combination of computational molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of lipid bilayers and Brewster angle microscopy (BAM) experiments of monolayers. Both experimental and computational results show separation of cholesterol and ITZ. Cholesterol has a strong preference to orient parallel to the bilayer normal. However, ITZ, a long and relatively rigid molecule with weakly hydrophilic groups along the backbone, predominantly locates below the interface between the hydrocarbon chain region and the polar region of the membrane, with its backbone oriented parallel to the membrane surface; the orthogonal orientation in the membrane could be the cause of the observed separation. In addition, fluorescence measurements demonstrated that the affinity of ITZ for the lipid membrane is decreased by the presence of cholesterol, which is thus probably not a suitable formulation component of an LDS designed for ITZ delivery.Peer reviewe

    Complex Behavior of Phosphatidylcholine-Phosphatidic Acid Bilayers and Monolayers : Effect of Acyl Chain Unsaturation

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    Phosphatidic acids (PAs) have many biological functions in biomembranes, e.g., they are involved in the proliferation, differentiation, and transformation of cells. Despite decades of research, the molecular understanding of how PAs affect the properties of biomembranes remains elusive. In this study, we explored the properties of lipid bilayers and monolayers composed of PAs and phosphatidylcholines (PCs) with various acyl chains. For this purpose, the Langmuir monolayer technique and atomistic molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were used to study the miscibility of PA and PC lipids and the molecular organization of mixed bilayers. The monolayer experiments demonstrated that the miscibility of membrane components strongly depends on the structure of the hydrocarbon chains and thus on the overall lipid shape. Interactions between PA and PC molecules vary from repulsive, for systems containing lipids with saturated and unsaturated acyl tails (strongly positive values of the excess free energy of mixing), to attractive, for systems in which all lipid tails are saturated (negative values of the excess free energy of mixing). The MD simulations provided atomistic insight into polar interactions (formation of hydrogen bonds and charge pairs) in PC-PA systems. H-bonding between PA monoanions and PCs in mixed bilayers is infrequent, and the lipid molecules interact mainly via electrostatic interactions. However, the number of charge pairs significantly decreases with the number of unsaturated lipid chains in the PA-PC system. The PA dianions weakly interact with the zwitterionic lipids, but their headgroups are more hydrated as compared to the monoanionic form. The acyl chains in all PC-PA bilayers are more ordered compared to single-component PC systems. In addition, depending on the combination of lipids, we observed a deeper location of the PA phosphate groups compared to the PC phosphate groups, which can alter the presentation of PAs for the peripheral membrane proteins, affecting their accessibility for binding.Peer reviewe

    Lipid-polymer nanocarriers for cartilage regeneration

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    Membrane-Dependent Binding and Entry Mechanism of Dopamine into Its Receptor

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    Synaptic neurotransmission has recently been proposed to function via either a membrane-independent or a membrane-dependent mechanism, depending on the neurotransmitter type. In the membrane-dependent mechanism, amphipathic neurotransmitters first partition to the lipid headgroup region and then diffuse along the membrane plane to their membrane-buried receptors. However, to date, this mechanism has not been demonstrated for any neurotransmitter-receptor complex. Here, we combined isothermal calorimetry measurements with a diverse set of molecular dynamics simulation methods to investigate the partitioning of an amphipathic neurotransmitter (dopamine) and the mechanism of its entry into the ligand-binding site. Our results show that the binding of dopamine to its receptor is consistent with the membrane-dependent binding and entry mechanism. Both experimental and simulation results showed that dopamine favors binding to lipid membranes especially in the headgroup region. Moreover, our simulations revealed a ligand-entry pathway from the membrane to the binding site. This pathway passes through a lateral gate between transmembrane alpha-helices 5 and 6 on the membrane-facing side of the protein. All in all, our results demonstrate that dopamine binds to its receptor by a membrane-dependent mechanism, and this is complemented by the more traditional binding mechanism directly through the aqueous phase. The results suggest that the membrane-dependent mechanism is common in other synaptic receptors, too.Peer reviewe