67,778 research outputs found

    Disaggregated Analysis: The Key to Understanding Wellbeing in Kenya in the Context of Food Price Volatility

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    This article provides a national?level picture of food security and wellbeing in Kenya, focusing on the situation before the 2008 food price crisis, and the period after 2008. The extent and impact of food price changes differ spatially, and households have different ways of trying to respond. The major food price shocks in 2008 and 2011 impacted negatively on wellbeing, but even after 2011 prices continued to rise in most areas. Seasonal price movements also have adverse effects for resource?poor households. Food price rises have a particularly negative impact on the poorest households. Urban slum dwellers are vulnerable given their dependence on market purchases to meet food needs, but most rural households also have high dependence on market purchases. Current social protection programmes are piecemeal and unreliable. The article concludes with proposals on more effective social protection approaches and agricultural programmes which can address problems linked to food price rises

    Fiscal Asymmetric Decentralization Conundrum: Influence of County Cash Management on Household Effects in Kenya

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    This study aims at determining the influence of county cash management on household effects in Kenya. This is a qualitative research that has utilized both primary and secondary data from county governments and the National Treasury respectively. The sample has been developed from the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics list of households in Kenya. The result indicates that effective cash management would enhance household welfare, leakages and lack of prioritization among others notwithstanding. The study concludes that there is need to enhance oversight of the treasury management across governments. The capacity of treasury managers should also be improved to secure fiscal discipline

    Fiscal Asymmetric Decentralization and the Influence of County Fiscal Autonomy on Household Effects in Kenya

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    Fiscal asymmetric decentralization is seen as the panacea in solving persistent income inequalities facing developing economies. Despite efforts to finance County governments, about 42% of Kenyan’s 47.6 million people still live below the poverty level. This study evaluates the influence of County fiscal autonomy on household effects in Kenya. Both primary and secondary data, collected from households in 47 county governments and the Commission on Revenue Allocation, respectively. A Sample of 4,813 households was drawn from 96,251 lists of households developed by Kenya National Bureau of Statistics. Cochran's correction formula was used. The result finds an insignificant negative correlation between county fiscal autonomy and household effects in Kenya. Further studies are recommended with diverse indicators. Findings in this paper are generalizable and a point of reference for policymakers in Kenya

    Public Health Spending and Health Outcomes in Kenya

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    Health is important for sustainable economic performance of a country. This study seeks to investigate the effectiveness of public health spending on health outcomes. This is obtained by estimating a health production function for Kenya. In the study, infant mortality rate is used to measure health outcomes. The study uses time series data running from 1984 to 2015. The data is obtained from World Bank database and Kenya National Bureau of Statistics Economic Surveys. Error Correction Model (ECM) is adopted due to presence of cointegration. The results show that public expenditure on average influence health outcomes in Kenya. These results therefore provide evidence to support that increase in public expenditure improves health outcomes. The other factor that is found to be important determinant of health outcomes in Kenya is child immunization. The major policy implication of this study is that Kenyan government should increase budgetary allocation to health sector. In addition, government of Kenya should allocate more resources to child immunization

    2021 Social Accounting Matrix for Kenya: A Nexus Project SAM

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    The 2021 Kenya Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) follows IFPRI's Standard Nexus SAM approach, by focusing on consistency, comparability, and transparency of data. The Nexus SAMs available on IFPRI's website separates domestic production into 42 activities. Factors are disaggregated into labor, agricultural land, and capital, with labor further disaggregated across three education-based categories. The household account is divided into 10 representative household groups: Rural and urban households across per capita consumption quintiles. Nexus SAMs support the improvement of model-based research and policy analysis in developing countries and allow for more robust cross-country comparisons of national economic structures, especially agriculture-food systems

    Governance and Performance of National Government-Constituencies Development Funds in Kenya

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    The main objective of the study was to establish the relationship between governance and performance of National GovernmentConstituencies Development Funds (NG-CDFs) in Kenya. A census survey was carried out on all the 290 NG-CDFs performance in Kenya. A positivistic research philosophy and a descriptive cross-sectional survey design were used. Data was collected using structured and unstructured questionnaire. Secondary data was easily accessible from the National Treasury, Kenya National Bureau of Statistics, the General Auditor’s reports and NG-CDF website and was collected for the period 2014 to 2018. Simple regression analysis was used to test the hypotheses at 95 percent confidence level. The results of the study were established and compared to various theories anchoring the study and conceptual, contextual and empirical evidence. It was established that there is a statistically significant relationship between governance and NG-CDFs performance in Kenya. The study benefits policy makers such that the NG-CDF board should ensure that all NG-CDFs have homogeneous governance practices that ensure enhanced performance. Managerial practitioners especially in NG-CDF may consider strengthening governance to enhance performance and use Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) technique to measure performance in NG-CDFs

    Livestock herd structures and dynamics in Garissa County, Kenya

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    Kenya: Data Strategy and Capacity Building

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    Kenya has undertaken much work to date on data and knowledge issues, and has advanced this through the Kenya Data Forum—a national initiative managed by the Deputy President's office that aims to develop and implement a long term sustainable local data strategy. Kenya, however, lacks an organized framework for collecting reliable and comparable data on philanthropy in the country; to help meet this need, the Philanthropy Sector in Kenya has come together over the decades through the creation of the East Africa Association of Grantmakers (EAAG) and more recently the Kenya Philanthropy Forum (KPF) and its Data Sub-group. In June 2015 the KPF organized a Philanthropy Data Management convening that brought together over 30 foundations and trusts to explore opportunities for strengthening data collection, management, and sharing data in the philanthropy forum for greater impact and influence on national development efforts in Kenya. As a result, certain outcomes and aspirations were agreed upon. They included:Establishing the principles for data management for philanthropy.Expanding the forum so that participation reflects the size and diversity of existing forms of philanthropy.Developing a standardized tool for data collection.Actively engaging in the existing philanthropy data initiative.Partnering with the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS) to establish data sets that effectively capture the contribution of philanthropy in Kenya's development.The June 2015 meeting highlighted the urgent need for philanthropic data and that "Kenya lacks an organized framework for collecting reliable and comparable data on philanthropy in the country." To begin systematically addressing these recommendations, Foundation Center (a philanthropic support organisation based in New York) designed a multi-stage Data Strategy and Capacity Building Program, working in partnership with KPF, EAAG, Kenya Community Development Foundation (KCDF), and the Sustainable Development Goals Philanthropy Platform (SDGPP). This initiative was kicked off at a special "Data Scoping Meeting" of the KPF on 28 April 2016, attended by a total of 51 participants representing across section of Kenyan foundations, trusts, and support organisations. As reflected in the meeting agenda (see Appendix A), the objectives of the Data Scoping Meeting were as follows:1. Establish principles for collaborative data and knowledge management2. Understand the core data needs of philanthropy in Kenya3. Leverage available technologies for collecting and sharing data and knowledge4. Leverage global knowledge for local purposes5. Identify data challenges and set local goalsThis report summarizes the outcomes of the Data Scoping Meeting and outlines next steps in preparation for a follow-up meeting on Data Capacity Building in the coming months

    Factors Influencing The Demand For Credit By The Private Sector In Kenya

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    This study investigates the effects of selected macroeconomic variables on the Demand for credit by the private sector in Kenya. The study used annual time series data for the period 1980-2012. Data was obtained from Kenya National Bureau of Statistics, World Development Indicators and supplemented by Central Bank of Kenya. Using Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) methodology, the study established that; Public investment, Short term interest rate, Long term interest rate, Employment and Domestic debt have a positive effect on demand for credit by the private sector, while per capita GDP and Exchange rate have a negative effect. The policy implication of these results is that providing sound economic growth policies, a stable macroeconomic situation, policies leading to lower credit cost and greater financial liberalization would simultaneously boost lending and lower the risk of lending to the private sector

    Snapshot of civil registration and vital statistics systems of Kenya

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    Library has French versionThe Ministry of Interior and Coordination of National Government is responsible for civil registration in Kenya. A large backlog, along with delayed registrations of births and deaths is attributed to the lack of demand for services and the lack of easy access to registration centres, especially in rural areas. The Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS) has the legal mandate for the collection, compilation, analysis, publication and dissemination of “vital occurrences and morbidity” and the co-ordination of the national statistical system. Coordination and collaboration among key stakeholders are a necessary condition for the improvement of CRVS systems.Global Affairs Canad
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