10 research outputs found

    A rare case of repeated anastomotic recurrence due to tumor implantation after curative surgery for sigmoid colon cancer

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Anastomotic recurrence is often experienced at colocolic or colorectal anastomoses. Tumor cell implantation has been reported as the mechanism of anastomotic recurrence. However, anastomotic recurrence occurring repeatedly after curative surgery is rare. We herein report a rare case of repeated anastomotic recurrence after curative surgery for sigmoid colon cancer.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>A 51-year-old man underwent radical surgery for sigmoid colon cancer. However, anastomotic recurrence developed three times during three years and six months after the initial operation in spite of irrigation with 5% povidone-iodine before anastomosis. The serum carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) level had been within normal limits after sigmoidectomy. Finally, the patient underwent abdominoperineal resection. The clinico-pathological findings revealed that possible tumor cell implantation caused these anastomotic recurrences. The patients survived without recurrence during the follow-up period of seven years and nine months.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We experienced a rare case of repeated anastomotic recurrence due to possible tumor implantation after curative surgery for sigmoid colon cancer; however the prognosis was ultimately very good. CEA monitoring was insensitive for detection of anastomotic recurrence in this case.</p


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    [抄録] Ames testでは原(間接)変異原の代謝活性は動物(ラット)の肝臓から抽出した粗酵素液(S-9)を用いて行なっている.微生物によって作られた酵素を動物のそれと代替できれば好都合である.著者らは,白色腐朽菌から調製した細胞内酵素液と細胞外酵素液を用いて原変異原の代謝活性化を試みた.Phanerochaete chrysosporiumおよびCoriolus versicolorの酵素液を用いてTrp-P-2と2AAの代謝活性化の比較をするとC. versicolorの細胞内酵素液がTestに強く反応した.種々の原変異原をC. versicolorの細胞内酵素で試験した結果,細胞内酵素液を添加しない場合の復帰コロニー数を1.0とすると,AFB_1は2.8倍,2AFは3.1倍,4NQOは3.6倍,BaPは3.7倍,2AAは4.0倍,Trp-P-2は4.7倍になった.以上の結果から,白色腐朽菌の酵素は種々の原変異原の代謝活性を示すことを明らかにした. [Abstract] Metabolic activation of promutagens in the Ames test was performed using a crude enzyme solution (S9) extracted from a rat liver. We hope to be able to substitute enzymes produced by microorganisms for enzymes extracted from animals. We tried metabolically activating promutagens using an extracellular and mtracellular enzyme solution prepared from white-rot fungi. The mtracellular enzyme solution from Corlolus versicolor reacted strongly to 2-Ammoanthracene (2AA) and 3-amino-1-methyl-5H-pyndo[4,3-a]-indole (Trp-P-2) in comparison to enzyme solutions from Phanerochaete chrysosporium and extracellular enzymes from C. versicolor. We examined the various kinds of promutagens with the mtracellular enzymes of C. versicolor. Assuming the number of revertants to be 1.0 when mtracellular enzymes are not added, it was found that the number of revertants increased 2.8 times in Aflatoxin B_1 (AFB_1), 3.1 times in 2-Aminofluorene (2AF), 3.6 times in 4-Nitroquinoline (4NQO), 3.7 times in Benzo[a]pyrene (BaP), 4.0 times in 2AA and 4.7 times in Trp-P-2. These results indicate that the crude enzymes of the white-rot fungi perform the metabolic activation of promutagens.Copyright (c) 2007 日本きのこ学会 , rights: 本文データは学協会の許諾に基づきCiNiiから複製したものである, relation: isVersionOf: http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/110008675304

    Novel Hybrid Compound of a Plinabulin Prodrug with an IgG Binding Peptide for Generating a Tumor Selective Noncovalent-Type Antibody–Drug Conjugate

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    Although several approaches for making antibody–drug conjugates (ADC) have been developed, it has yet to be reported that an antibody binding peptide such as Z33 from protein A is utilized as the pivotal unit to generate the noncovalent-type ADC (NC-ADC). Herein we aim to establish a novel probe for NC-ADC by synthesizing the Z33-conjugated antitumor agent, plinabulin. Due to the different solubility of two components, including hydrophobic plinabulin and hydrophilic Z33, an innovative method with a solid-supported disulfide coupling reagent is required for the synthesis of the target compounds with prominent efficiency (29% isolated yield). We demonstrate that the synthesized hybrid exhibits a binding affinity against the anti-HER2 antibody (Herceptin) and the anti-CD71 antibody (6E1) (<i>K</i><sub>d</sub> = 46.6 ± 0.5 nM and 4.5 ± 0.56 μM, respectively) in the surface plasmon resonance (SPR) assay. In the cell-based assays, the hybrid provides a significant cytotoxicity in the presence of Herceptin against HER2 overexpressing SKBR-3 cells, but not against HER2 low-expressing MCF-7 cells. Further, it is noteworthy that the hybrid in combination with Herceptin induces cytotoxicity against Herceptin-resistant SKBR-3 (SKBR-3HR) cells. Similar results are obtained with the 6E1 antibody, suggesting that the synthesized hybrid can be widely applicable for NC-ADC using the antibody of interest. In summary, a series of evidence presented here strongly indicate that NC-ADCs have high potential for the next generation of antitumor agents