44 research outputs found

    Review of Agricultural Policy Reform: Politics and Process in the EC and USA” by H. Wayne Moyer and Timothy E. Josling

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    In days gone by, Economics and Political Science were one. and the discipline was termed Political Economics. Here, it was recognized that acceptable economic theory was tempered by the political system in which the economy existed. The Mercantilism of England and the Netherlands was in direct conflict with the Physiocratic doctrines of France, yet each prospered in their own political environment-and could be studied separately as an integrated unit. Today, the separation of Economics and Political science can lead to frustration when an economic solution for the problems of one society is not perceived by another political system as appropriate. The main strength of the work by Moyer and Josling is a reunification of economics and political science to analyze the agricultural economic policies of the European Community (EC) and the United States of America (USA)

    A blue circle with a seagull, bees and sego lilies on white field

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    Ekowisata dan pembangunan Berkelanjutan

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    Conseils de nutritions et prise en charge du sportif à l'officine

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    L’activité physique n’est pas que la pratique de sport, tout le monde est susceptible est faire de l’activité physique. On retrouve notamment la pratique sportive. Les résultats de cette pratique sont corrélés à une alimentation saine et équilibré. L’activité physique mobilise l’ensemble de la physiologie humaine, que ce soit le fonctionnement musculaire ou encore le système endocrine. Cette activité nécessite des apports alimentaires prépondérant à la réussite de la pratique sportive, peu importe l’objectif. Des recommandations nutritionnelles sont proposées et régulièrement actualisées par l’ANSES, celle-ci suffisent pour la population normale, cependant dans le cadre de sportif, ces recommandations sont à adapter à chaque individu. Le pharmacien est ainsi un interlocuteur de choix pour les sportifs désireux de conseils de nutrition, de par sa disponibilité importante et de par son bagage scientifique

    Live Religious Issues of the Day; Rules and Principles for Bible Study, with Many Exemplifications, Etc. Also Examples for Public Bibles Readings

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    Bases técnicas para elaborar y presentar estados financieros e información financiera de una entidad no lucrativa que administra fondos de organismos internacionales.

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    Las entidades no lucrativas son relevantes en toda sociedad, y por el creciente papel que han tenido en nuestro medio, se ha puesto de manifiesto la necesidad de establecer mecanismos a través de bases técnicas que permitan asegurar la asignación eficiente de los recursos que administran para cumplir con los objetivos propuestos. Derivado de lo anterior, los estados financieros y la información financiera de las entidades no lucrativas que administran fondos de diversos organismos internacionales y/o nacionales, son una herramienta más al servicio de la gestión, mostrando que los recursos obtenidos fueron realmente destinados para los fines predeterminados. Dichos estados financieros deben cumplir con bases técnicas de elaboración y presentación de ciertas transacciones que deben tenerse presente en todo momento

    Redesign do sistema de gestão de performance e desempenho: empresa de construção civil

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    A Zagope é uma empresa que tem sofrido inúmeras alterações nos últimos anos, em virtude de fatores internos e externos. Estas alterações têm despoletado um conjunto de processos internos desenvolvidos pela empresa, e que tem impactado na sua forma de atuar e de encarar o mercado. Como consequência, a empresa tem atribuído grande foco ao processo de clarificação e implementação da estratégia com vista ao cumprimento de todos os seus objetivos. E foi devido a este motivo que surgiu a necessidade de realização deste projeto, que consiste no redesenho de todo o sistema de avaliação de performance e de desempenho da mesma. Numa fase inicial foi efetuada um diagnóstico exaustivo da situação atual, tendo como objetivo a identificação de todos os sistemas e processos existentes de forma a serem potenciadas as boas práticas e substituídas as menos boas. Após a análise efetuada, chegou-se a conclusão que a empresa não detinha um instrumento que garantisse o alinhamento da estratégia às operações. Havia avaliação de performance organizacional e de desempenho dos colaboradores, mas sem a ligação entre estes dois conceitos. Rapidamente, apercebeu-se que o instrumento em falta seria o "Balanced Scorecard" pela sua definição de instrumento de gestão estratégica e de avaliação de desempenho e pelas suas características de alinhamento do desempenho individual à estratégia organizacional. Foram concebidos três "Balanced Scorecard", sendo eles corporativo, tecnoestrutura e operacional, mas numa perspetiva de "desdobramento" da estratégia no seio da empresa. Como forma de alcance de melhores desempenhos dos trabalhadores, foram desenhados perfis profissionais para cada uma das funções e as respetivas fichas de avaliação com o objetivo de tanto a empresa como o trabalhador saberem o que se espera que este cumpra na sua relação laboral com a primeira. E por último, foram criados um sistema de incentivos e um plano de carreiras para alavancarem o sistema de avaliação de desempenho concebido, permitindo assim que os resultados dos "Balanced Scorecard" sejam de excelência.Zagope is a company that has suffered numerous changes in the last years, in virtue of internal and external factors. These alterations have triggered a set of internal processes developed by the company, and which has impacted on its way to act and face the market. As consequence, the company has given great focus to clarify process and implement the strategy with the goal to achieve all objectives. And it was due to that motive that arose the need to realize this project, which consists in the redesign of the entire system of performance measurement. In an initial phase, an exhaustive diagnosis of the current situation was carried out, aiming an identification of all the existing system and processes and promote the good practices and replace the less good. After the analysis, it was concluded that the company did not have an instrument to guarantee the alignment of the strategy with operations. There was an evaluation of organizational performance and employee’s performance, but without connection between these two concepts. They quickly realized that the missing instrument would be Balanced Scorecard due its definition of being a tool for strategic management and performance evaluation and for its characteristics of aligning individual performance to organizational strategy. Three Balanced Scorecard was conceived: corporate, technostructure and operational but in a perspective of "deployment" the strategy within the company. To achieve better employee performance, professional profiles were designed for each functions and the respective valuation forms with the objective of either the company and the worker know what is expected to fulfil on their employment relationship with the company. Finally, it was created a system of incentives and career plan to leverage the performance evaluation system, allowing that the results of the Balanced Scorecard to be excellent


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    The purpose of this research is to determine the Current Ratio, Debt to Equity Ratio, Earning Per Share has an effect on the Stock Price of the Sub Sector Property and Real Estate on the Indonesian Stock Exchange partially or simultaneously. This type of research was quantitative research. The data used in this research are secondary in the form of financial statements from the 2015-2018 period. The research method used in this research was the purposive sampling method and the sample used was 32 companies in the research period for 4 years, so that 128 sample data were obtained. The method used is multiple linear regression analysis using the help of Microsoft Excel 2010 and SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) version 23.0 with the stepwise method. The results of this research are: (a) Current Ratio partially has no effect on Stock Price, (b) Debt to Equity Ratio partially has no effect on Stock Price, (c) Earning Per Share partially has an effect on Stock Price, (d) Current Ratio, Debt to Equity Ratio and Earning Per Share simultaneously effect on Stock Price