50 research outputs found

    Reply to reviewer 2, Phil Benson

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    Strain localisation during dome-building eruptions

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    Volcanic landscapes often present advantages for people who inhabit the surrounding areas, but the increasing numbers of people threatened by potential activity increases as these settlements grow. It is thus of vital importance to glean as much information as possible by monitoring active volcanoes (including seismicity, ground deformation, gas flux and temperature changes). Although volcanic behaviour can be difficult to predict, precursory information can often be identified retrospectively (once an eruption begins) to help link antecedent behaviour to eruption attributes. Likewise, eruption relics can be used to identify processes in pre-eruptive magma. Additionally, a huge amount of information may be gathered through experimentation on rock and magma samples. This study combines field and analytical studies of natural samples from Volcán de Colima (Mexico), Mount St. Helens (USA) and Soufriùre Hills (Montserrat) with high-temperature magma deformation experiments to investigate the processes involved with magma ascent during dome-building eruptions (Figure S-1). The study of conduit-dwelling magma is of the utmost importance for understanding transitions from effusive to explosive eruptions. Of primary interest is the rheology of highly crystalline magmas that make up the magma column. Rheology is integrally linked to the composition and textural state (porosity, crystallinity) of magma as well as the stress, temperature and strain rate operative during flow. Many studies have investigated the rheology of multi-phase magmas, but in Chapter 2 this is notably linked to the evolution of the physical properties of the magmas; tracing the changes in porosity, permeability, Poisson’s ratio, Young’s modulus during strain dependent magmatic flow. Especially at high strain rates mechanical degradation of the magma samples may supersede magmatic flow and crystal rearrangement as the dominant form of deformation, resulting in lower apparent viscosities than those anticipated from magmatic state. This leads to an evolution of the fracture network to form inhomogeneous distribution of the permeable porous network; with damage zones cutting through areas of densification. In a conduit setting this is analogous to the formation of a dense, impermeable magma plug which would prohibit degassing through the bulk of the magma. Degassing may or may not proceed along conduit margins, and the plug formation could lead to critical overpressures forming in the conduit and result in highly explosive eruption. During the multi-scale process of strain localisation it is also probable that another previously unforeseen character acts upon magma rheology. Chapter 3 details the first documentation of crystal plasticity in experimentally deformed multi-phase magmas. The extent of the crystal plasticity (evidenced by electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD)) increases with increasing stress or strain, and thus remnant crystals may be used as strain markers. Thus it seems that crystal-plastic deformation plays a significant role in strain accommodation under magmatic conditions. Indeed plastic deformation of phenocrysts in conduit magmas may be an important transitional regime between ductile flow and brittle fracture, and a time-space window for such deformation is envisaged during the ascent of all highly-crystalline magmas. This phenomenon would favour strain localisation and shear zone formation at conduit margins (as the crystal-plastic deformation leads the magma toward brittle failure) and ultimately preferentially result in plug flow. During volcanic eruptions, the extrusion of high-temperature, high-viscosity magmatic plugs imposes frictional contact against conduit margins in a manner that may be considered analogous to seismogenic faults. During ascent, the driving forces of the buoyant magma may be superseded by controls along conduit margins; where brittle fracture and sliding can lead to formation of lubricating cataclasite, gouge or pseudotachylyte as described in Chapter 4 at Mount St. Helens. Within volcanic systems, background temperatures are significantly higher than the geotherm permits in other upper-crustal locations, whereas confining pressures are much lower than in high-temperature, lower-crustal settings: thus via their exceptional ambient P-T conditions, volcanic systems represent unique environments for faulting. This can result in the near-equilibrium melting and slow recrystallisation of frictional melt, which hinders the development of signature pseudotachylyte characteristics. Thus frictional melting may be more common than previously thought. Indeed Chapter 5 documents a second occurrence at Soufriùre Hills volcano. Here, the formation is linked to repetitive seismic “drumbeats” which occurred during both the eruption at Mount St. Helens and at Soufriùre Hills. Strain localisation, brittle rupture, sliding and the formation of shear bands along the conduit margin can have important implications for the dynamics of eruptions. Specifically, the capability of degassing via the permeable porous network may be strongly influenced by the formation of pseudotachylyte, which has almost no porosity. Based on the findings in chapters 4 and 5, a series of high-velocity rotary shear (HVR) experiments were performed. In Chapter 6 the results of these experiments demonstrate the propensity for melting of the andesitic and dacitic material (from Soufriùre Hills and Mount St. Helens respectively) at upper conduit stress conditions (<10 MPa). Additionally, frictional melting induces a higher resistance to sliding than rock on rock (which follows Byerlee’s friction coefficient) and thus can act as a viscous brake. Variable-rate HVR experiments which mimic rapid velocity fluctuations during stick-slip motion demonstrate velocity-weakening behaviour of melt, with a tendency for unstable slip. The occurrence of frictional melting can explain the self-regulating, cyclic progression of stick-slip motion during viscous magma ascent and additionally accounts for the fixed-location, repetitive “drumbeats” via the arrival of fresh magma at the source

    Reply to reviewer 1, Michael Heap

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    Geomechanical rock properties of a basaltic volcano

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    In volcanic regions, reliable estimates of mechanical properties for specific volcanic events such as cyclic inflation-deflation cycles by magmatic intrusions, thermal stressing, and high temperatures are crucial for building accurate models of volcanic phenomena. This study focuses on the challenge of characterizing volcanic materials for the numerical analyses of such events. To do this, we evaluated the physical (porosity, permeability) and mechanical (strength) properties of basaltic rocks at Pacaya Volcano (Guatemala) through a variety of laboratory experiments, including: room temperature, high temperature (935 °C), and cyclically-loaded uniaxial compressive strength tests on as-collected and thermally-treated rock samples. Knowledge of the material response to such varied stressing conditions is necessary to analyze potential hazards at Pacaya, whose persistent activity has led to 13 evacuations of towns near the volcano since 1987. The rocks show a non-linear relationship between permeability and porosity, which relates to the importance of the crack network connecting the vesicles in these rocks. Here we show that strength not only decreases with porosity and permeability, but also with prolonged stressing (i.e., at lower strain rates) and upon cooling. Complimentary tests in which cyclic episodes of thermal or load stressing showed no systematic weakening of the material on the scale of our experiments. Most importantly, we show the extremely heterogeneous nature of volcanic edifices that arise from differences in porosity and permeability of the local lithologies, the limited lateral extent of lava flows, and the scars of previous collapse events. Input of these process-specific rock behaviors into slope stability and deformation models can change the resultant hazard analysis. We anticipate that an increased parameterization of rock properties will improve mitigation power

    Fault rheology beyond frictional melting

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    During earthquakes, comminution and frictional heating both contribute to the dissipation of stored energy. With sufficient dissipative heating, melting processes can ensue, yielding the production of frictional melts or “pseudotachylytes.” It is commonly assumed that the Newtonian viscosities of such melts control subsequent fault slip resistance. Rock melts, however, are viscoelastic bodies, and, at high strain rates, they exhibit evidence of a glass transition. Here, we present the results of high-velocity friction experiments on a well-characterized melt that demonstrate how slip in melt-bearing faults can be governed by brittle fragmentation phenomena encountered at the glass transition. Slip analysis using models that incorporate viscoelastic responses indicates that even in the presence of melt, slip persists in the solid state until sufficient heat is generated to reduce the viscosity and allow remobilization in the liquid state. Where a rock is present next to the melt, we note that wear of the crystalline wall rock by liquid fragmentation and agglutination also contributes to the brittle component of these experimentally generated pseudotachylytes. We conclude that in the case of pseudotachylyte generation during an earthquake, slip even beyond the onset of frictional melting is not controlled merely by viscosity but rather by an interplay of viscoelastic forces around the glass transition, which involves a response in the brittle/solid regime of these rock melts. We warn of the inadequacy of simple Newtonian viscous analyses and call for the application of more realistic rheological interpretation of pseudotachylyte-bearing fault systems in the evaluation and prediction of their slip dynamics

    Shear localisation, strain partitioning and frictional melting in a debris avalanche generated by volcanic flank collapse

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    The Arequipa volcanic landslide deposit to the east of Arequipa (Peru) originated from the Pichu Pichu volcanic complex, covering an area ~200 km2. The debris avalanche deposit exhibits internal flow structures and basal pseudotachylytes. We present field, microstructural and chemical observations from slip surfaces below and within the deposit which show varying degrees of strain localisation. At one locality the basal shear zone is localised to a 1–2 cm thick, extremely sheared layer of mixed ultracataclasite and pseudotachylyte containing fragments of earlier frictional melts. Rheological modelling indicates brittle fragmentation of the melt may have occurred due to high strain rates, at velocities of >31 m s−1 and that frictional melting is unlikely to provide a mechanism for basal lubrication. Elsewhere, we observe a ~40 cm thick basal shear zone, overprinted by sub-parallel faults that truncate topological asperities to localise strain. We also observe shear zones within the avalanche deposit, suggesting that strain was partitioned. In conclusion, we find that deformation mechanisms fluctuated between cataclasis and frictional melting during emplacement of the volcanic debris avalanche; exhibiting strain partitioning and variable shear localisation, which, along with underlying topography, changed the resistance to flow and impacted runout distance

    Source Mechanism of Seismic Explosion Signals at Santiaguito Volcano, Guatemala:New Insights From Seismic Analysis and Numerical Modeling

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    Volcanic activity at the Santiaguito dome complex (Guatemala) is characterized by lava extrusion interspersed with small, regular, gas-and-ash explosions that are believed to result from shallow magma fragmentation; yet, their triggering mechanisms remain debated. Given that the understanding of source processes at volcanoes is essential to risk assessments of future eruptions, this study seeks to shed light on those processes. We use data from a permanent seismic and infrasound network at Santiaguito volcano, Guatemala, established in 2018 and additional temporary stations, including a seismic array deployed during a 13-day field investigation in January 2019 to analyze and resolve the source characteristics of fragmentation leading to gas-and-ash explosions. Seismic data gathered within a distance of 4.5 km from the vent show a weak seismic signal 2–6 s prior to the explosions and associated main seismic signal. To resolve the source location and origin of the seismic signals, we first used ambient noise analysis to assess seismic velocities in the subsurface and then used two-dimensional spectral element modeling (SPECFEM2D) to simulate seismic waveforms. The analyzed data revealed a two-layer structure beneath the array, with a shallow, low-velocity layer (vs_{s} = 650 m/s) above deeper, high-velocity rocks (vs_{s} = 2,650 m/s). Using this velocity structure, possible source mechanisms and depths were constrained using array and particle motion analyses. The comparison of simulated and observed seismic data indicated that the precursory signal is associated with particle motion in the RZ-plane, pointing toward the opening of tensile cracks at a depth of ∌600 m below the summit; in contrast, the main signal is accompanied by a vertical single force, originating at a shallow depth of about ∌200 m. This suggests that the volcanic explosions at Santiaguito are following a bottom-up process in which tensile fractures develop at depth and enable rapid gas rise which leads to the subsequent explosion. The result indicates that explosions at Santiaguito do not occur from a single source location, but from a series of processes possibly associated with magma rupture, gas channeling and accumulation, and fragmentation. Our study provides a good foundation for further investigations at Santiaguito and shows the value of comparing seismic observations with synthetic data calculated for complex media to investigate in detail the processes leading up to gas-ash-rich explosions found at various other volcanoes worldwide

    Frictional Behaviour, Wear and Comminution of Synthetic Porous Geomaterials

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    During shearing in geological environments, frictional processes, including the wear of sliding rock surfaces, control the nature of the slip events. Multiple studies focusing on natural samples have investigated the frictional behaviour of a large suite of geological materials. However, due to the varied and heterogeneous nature of geomaterials, the individual controls of material properties on friction and wear remain unconstrained. Here, we use variably porous synthetic glass samples (8, 19 and 30% porosity) to explore the frictional behaviour and development of wear in geomaterials at low normal stresses ( 641\ua0MPa). We propose that porosity provides an inherent roughness to material which wear and abrasion cannot smooth, allowing material at the pore margins to interact with the slip surface. This results in an increase in measured friction coefficient from <0.4 for 8% porosity, to <0.55 for 19% porosity and 0.6\u20130.8 for 30% porosity for the slip rates evaluated. For a given porosity, wear rate reduces with slip rate due to less asperity interaction time. At higher slip rates, samples also exhibit slip weakening behaviour, either due to evolution of the slipping zone or by the activation of temperature-dependent microphysical processes. However, heating rate and peak temperature may be reduced by rapid wear rates as frictional heating and wear compete. The higher wear rates and reduced heating rates of porous rocks during slip may delay the onset of thermally triggered dynamic weakening mechanisms such as flash heating, frictional melting and thermal pressurisation. Hence porosity, and the resultant friction coefficient, work, heating rate and wear rate, of materials can influence the dynamics of slip during such events as shallow crustal faulting or mass movements

    Thermal Liability of Hyaloclastite in the Krafla Geothermal Reservoir, Iceland:The Impact of Phyllosilicates on Permeability and Rock Strength

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    Geothermal fields are prone to temperature fluctuations from natural hydrothermal activity, anthropogenic drilling practices, and magmatic intrusions. These fluctuations may elicit a response from the rocks in terms of their mineralogical, physical (i.e., porosity and permeability), and mechanical properties. Hyaloclastites are a highly variable volcaniclastic rock predominantly formed of glass clasts that are produced during nonexplosive quench-induced fragmentation, in both subaqueous and subglacial eruptive environments. They are common in high-latitude geothermal fields as both weak, highly permeable reservoir rocks and compacted impermeable cap rocks. Basaltic glass is altered through interactions with external water into a clay-dominated matrix, termed palagonite, which acts to cement the bulk rock. The abundant, hydrous phyllosilicate minerals within the palagonite can dehydrate at elevated temperatures, potentially resulting in thermal liability of the bulk rock. Using surficial samples collected from Krafla, northeast Iceland, and a range of petrographic, mineralogical, and mechanical analyses, we find that smectite dehydration occurs at temperatures commonly experienced within geothermal fields. Dehydration events at 130, 185, and 600°C result in progressive mass loss and contraction. This evolution results in a positive correlation between treatment temperature, porosity gain, and permeability increase. Gas permeability measured at 1 MPa confining pressure shows a 3-fold increase following thermal treatment at 600°C. Furthermore, strength measurements show that brittle failure is dependent on porosity and therefore the degree of thermal treatment. Following thermal treatment at 600°C, the indirect tensile strength, uniaxial compressive strength, and triaxial compressive strength (at 5 MPa confining pressure) decrease by up to 68% (1.1 MPa), 63% (7.3 MPa), and 25% (7.9 MPa), respectively. These results are compared with hyaloclastite taken from several depths within the Krafla reservoir, through which the palagonite transitions from smectite-to chlorite-dominated. We discuss how temperature-induced changes to the geomechanical properties of hyaloclastite may impact fluid flow in hydrothermal reservoirs and consider the potential implications for hyaloclastite-hosted intrusions. Ultimately, we show that phyllosilicate-bearing rocks are susceptible to temperature fluctuations in geothermal fields. © 2020 Josh Weaver et al

    Statistical evidence of transitioning open-vent activity towards a paroxysmal period at Volcán Santiaguito (Guatemala) during 2014–2018

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    Long-term eruptive activity at the Santiaguito lava dome complex, Guatemala, is characterised by the regular occurrence of small-to-moderate size explosions from the active Caliente dome. Between November 2014 and December 2018, we deployed a seismo-acoustic network at the volcano, which recorded several changes in the style of eruption, including a period of elevated explosive activity in 2016. Here, we use a new catalogue of explosions to characterise changes in the eruptive regime during the study period. We identify four different phases of activity based on changes in the frequency and magnitude of explosions. At the two ends of the spectrum of repose times we find pairs of explosions with near-identical seismic and acoustic waveforms, recorded within 1–10 min of one another, and larger explosions with recurrence times on the order of days to weeks. The magnitude-frequency relationship for explosions at Santiaguito is well described by a power-law; we show that changes in b-value between eruptive regimes reflect temporal and spatial changes in rupture mechanisms, likely controlled by variable magma properties. We also demonstrate that the distribution of inter-explosion repose times between and within phases is well represented by a Poissonian process. The Poissonian distribution describing repose times changes between and within phases as the source dynamics evolve. We find that changes in source properties restrict the extrapolation of explosive behaviour to within a given eruptive phase, limiting the potential for long-term assessments of anticipated eruptive behaviour at Santiaguito