117 research outputs found

    TTAGG Telomeric Repeats in Chromosomes of Some Insects and Other Arthropods

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    We studied the occurrence of the TTAGG telomere repeats by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and Southern hybridization in ten insect species and two other arthropods. (TTAGG)n-containing telomeres were found in three Lepidoptera species, the silkworm Bombyx mori (in which the telomeric sequence was recently discovered), the flour moth Ephestia kuehniella, and the wax moth Galleria mellonella, in one species of Hymenoptera, the honey bee Apis mellifera, in one species of Coleoptera, the bark beetle Ips typographus, in one species of Orthoptera, the locust Locusta migratoria, and in a crustacean, the amphipod Gammarus pulex. They were absent in another species of Coleoptera, the mealworm Tenebrio molitor, in two representatives of Diptera, Drosophila melanogaster and Megaselia scalaris, in a species of Heteroptera, the bug Pyrrhocoris apterus and in a spider, Tegenaria ferruginea. Our results, which confirm and extend earlier observations, suggest that (TTAGG)n was a phylogenetically ancestral telomere motif in the insect lineage but was lost independently in different groups, being replaced probably by other telomere motifs. In the Coleoptera this must have happened rather recently as even members of the same family, Curculionidae, differ with respect to the telomeric DNA

    Resolution of sex chromosome constitution by genomic in situ hybridization and fluorescence in situ hybridization with (TTAGG) n telomeric probe in some species of Lepidoptera

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    Abstract We have developed a simple method to resolve the sex chromosome constitution in females of Lepidoptera by using a combination of genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) and fluorescence in situ hybridization with (TTAGG)n telomeric probe (telomere-FISH). In pachytene configurations of sex chromosomes, GISH differentiated W heterochromatin and telomere-FISH detected the chromosome ends.With this method we showed that Antheraea yamamai has a standard system with a fully differentiated W–Z sex chromosome pair. In Orgyia antiqua, we confirmed the presence of neo-W and neo-Z chromosomes, which most probably originated by fusion of the ancestral W and Z with an autosome pair. In contrast to earlier data, Orgyia thyellina females displayed a neo-ZW1W2 sex chromosome constitution. A neo-WZ1Z2 trivalent was found in females of Samia cynthia subsp. indet., originating from a population in Nagano, Japan. Whereas another subspecies collected in Sapporo, Japan, and determined as S. cynthia walkeri, showed a neo-W/neo-Z bivalent similar to O. antiqua, and the subspecies S. cynthia ricini showed a Z univalent (a Z/ZZ system). The combination of GISH and telomere-FISH enabled us to acquire not only reliable information about sex chromosome constitution but also an insight into sex chromosome evolution in Lepidoptera

    XX/XY System of Sex Determination in the Geophilomorph Centipede Strigamia maritima.

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    We show that the geophilomorph centipede Strigamia maritima possesses an XX/XY system of sex chromosomes, with males being the heterogametic sex. This is, to our knowledge, the first report of sex chromosomes in any geophilomorph centipede. Using the recently assembled Strigamia genome sequence, we identified a set of scaffolds differentially represented in male and female DNA sequence. Using quantitative real-time PCR, we confirmed that three candidate X chromosome-derived scaffolds are present at approximately twice the copy number in females as in males. Furthermore, we confirmed that six candidate Y chromosome-derived scaffolds contain male-specific sequences. Finally, using this molecular information, we designed an X chromosome-specific DNA probe and performed fluorescent in situ hybridization against mitotic and meiotic chromosome spreads to identify the Strigamia XY sex-chromosome pair cytologically. We found that the X and Y chromosomes are recognizably different in size during the early pachytene stage of meiosis, and exhibit incomplete and delayed pairing.This work was in part funded by Wellcome Trust (wellcome.ac.uk) Ph.D. studentship WT089615MA to JEG. Cytological experiments by MD and FM were funded by Grant IAA600960925 of the Grant Agency of The Czech Academy of Sciences (until 2013; gaav.cz) and by Grant 14- 22765S of the Czech Science Foundation (since 2014; gacr.cz). KS was supported by JSPS Excellent Young Researchers Overseas Visit Program (21– 7147; jsps.go.jp).This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from the Public Library of Science (PLOS) via https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.015029

    Dynamic karyotype evolution and unique sex determination systems in Leptidea wood white butterflies

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    [Background] Chromosomal rearrangements have the potential to limit the rate and pattern of gene flow within and between species and thus play a direct role in promoting and maintaining speciation. Wood white butterflies of the genus Leptidea are excellent models to study the role of chromosome rearrangements in speciation because they show karyotype variability not only among but also within species. In this work, we investigated genome architecture of three cryptic Leptidea species (L. juvernica, L. sinapis and L. reali) by standard and molecular cytogenetic techniques in order to reveal causes of the karyotype variability.[Results] Chromosome numbers ranged from 2n = 85 to 91 in L. juvernica and 2n = 69 to 73 in L. sinapis (both from Czech populations) to 2n = 51 to 55 in L. reali (Spanish population). We observed significant differences in chromosome numbers and localization of cytogenetic markers (rDNA and H3 histone genes) within the offspring of individual females. Using FISH with the (TTAGG) n telomeric probe we also documented the presence of multiple chromosome fusions and/or fissions and other complex rearrangements. Thus, the intraspecific karyotype variability is likely due to irregular chromosome segregation of multivalent meiotic configurations. The analysis of female meiotic chromosomes by GISH and CGH revealed multiple sex chromosomes: W1W2W3Z1Z2Z3Z4 in L. juvernica, W1W2W3Z1Z2Z3 in L. sinapis and W1W2W3W4Z1Z2Z3Z4 in L. reali.[Conclusions] Our results suggest a dynamic karyotype evolution and point to the role of chromosomal rearrangements in the speciation of Leptidea butterflies. Moreover, our study revealed a curious sex determination system with 3–4 W and 3–4 Z chromosomes, which is unique in the Lepidoptera and which could also have played a role in the speciation process of the three Leptidea species.This research was funded by Grant 14-22765S of the Czech Science Foundation, Grant IAA600960925 of the Grant Agency of The Czech Academy of Sciences, Grant 063/2012/P of the Grant Agency of the University of South Bohemia and Grant CGL2013-48277-P from the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. JŠ and AV were supported by Grant 052/2013/P of the Grant Agency of the University of South Bohemia, VD by a Marie Curie International Outgoing Fellowship within the 7th European Community Framework Programme (project no. 625997), PN by Grant 14-35819P of the Czech Science Foundation and KS by JSPS 23380030 grant and JSPS Excellent Young Researchers Overseas Visit Program (21–7147).Peer reviewe

    Biochemical evidence for the interaction of regulatory subunit of cAMP-dependent protein kinase with IDA (Inter-DFG-APE) region of catalytic subunit

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    AbstractTo explore the structural basis required for the holoenzyme formation of cAMP-dependent protein kinase, we have prepared rabbit anti-peptide antibodies that can block the holoenzyme formation without affecting the catalytic activity of the enzyme. The antibodies were raised against a specific site in the catalytic (C)-subunit, termed IDA (Inter-DFG-APE) region, which lies between the kinase subdomains VII and VIII. Although the C-subunit immunoprecipitated with anti-IDA antibodies could not form a stable complex with regulatory (R)-subunit, it was still susceptible to inhibition by the R-subunit or by PKI, a specific inhibitor peptide containing a pseudosubstrate site. These results indicate that there exists an IDA regionmediated interaction between the R- and C-subunits, which is distinct from that mediated through the substrate site and substrate binding site. In accordance with this idea, association of synthetic IDA peptides with the R-subunit was directly demonstrated by resonance mirror analysis. The calculated association constants of IDA peptides were high enough to suggest a possible involvement of the IDA region in the initial step of holoenzyme formation

    Extensive Conserved Synteny of Genes Between the Karyotypes of \u3cem\u3eManduca sexta\u3c/em\u3e and \u3cem\u3eBombyx mori\u3c/em\u3e Revealed by BAC-FISH Mapping

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    Background: Genome sequencing projects have been completed for several species representing four highly diverged holometabolous insect orders, Diptera, Hymenoptera, Coleoptera, and Lepidoptera. The striking evolutionary diversity of insects argues a need for efficient methods to apply genome information from such models to genetically uncharacterized species. Constructing conserved synteny maps plays a crucial role in this task. Here, we demonstrate the use of fluorescence in situ hybridization with bacterial artificial chromosome probes as a powerful tool for physical mapping of genes and comparative genome analysis in Lepidoptera, which have numerous and morphologically uniform holokinetic chromosomes. Methodology/Principal Findings: We isolated 214 clones containing 159 orthologs of well conserved single-copy genes of a sequenced lepidopteran model, the silkworm, Bombyx mori, from a BAC library of a sphingid with an unexplored genome, the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta. We then constructed a BAC-FISH karyotype identifying all 28 chromosomes of M. sexta by mapping 124 loci using the corresponding BAC clones. BAC probes from three M. sexta chromosomes also generated clear signals on the corresponding chromosomes of the convolvulus hawk moth, Agrius convolvuli, which belongs to the same subfamily, Sphinginae, as M. sexta. Conclusions/Significance: Comparison of the M. sexta BAC physical map with the linkage map and genome sequence of B. mori pointed to extensive conserved synteny including conserved gene order in most chromosomes. Only a few rearrangements, including three inversions, three translocations, and two fission/fusion events were estimated to have occurred after the divergence of Bombycidae and Sphingidae. These results add to accumulating evidence for the stability of lepidopteran genomes. Generating signals on A. convolvuli chromosomes using heterologous M. sexta probes demonstrated that BAC-FISH with orthologous sequences can be used for karyotyping a wide range of related and genetically uncharacterized species, significantly extending the ability to develop synteny maps for comparative and functional genomics

    W-derived BAC probes as a new tool for identification of the W chromosome and its aberrations in Bombyx mori

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    We isolated four W chromosome-derived bacterial artificial chromosome (W-BAC) clones from Bombyx mori BAC libraries by the polymerase chain reaction and used them as probes for fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) on chromosome preparations from B. mori females. All four W-BAC probes surprisingly highlighted the whole wild-type W sex chromosome and also identified the entire original W-chromosomal region in W chromosome-autosome translocation mutants. This is the first successful identification of a single chromosome by means of BAC-FISH in species with holokinetic chromosomes. Genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) by using female-derived genomic probes highlighted the W chromosome in a similar chromosome-painting manner. Besides the W, hybridization signals of W-BAC probes also occurred in telomeric and/or subtelomeric regions of the autosomes. These signals coincided well with those of female genomic probes except one additional GISH signal that was observed in a large heterochromatin block of one autosome pair. Our results support the opinion that the B. mori W chromosome accumulated transposable elements and other repetitive sequences that also occur, but scattered, elsewhere in the respective genome. Edited by: E.R. Schmid

    Catalytic enantioselective nucleophilic desymmetrization of phosphonate esters

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    Molecules that contain a stereogenic phosphorus atom are crucial to medicine, agrochemistry and catalysis. While methods are available for the selective construction of various chiral organophosphorus compounds, catalytic enantioselective approaches for their synthesis are far less common. Given the vastness of possible substituent combinations around a phosphorus atom, protocols for their preparation should also be divergent, providing facile access not only to one but to many classes of phosphorus compounds. Here we introduce a catalytic and enantioselective strategy for the preparation of an enantioenriched phosphorus(V) centre that can be diversified enantiospecifically to a wide range of biologically relevant phosphorus(V) compounds. The process, which involves an enantioselective nucleophilic substitution catalysed by a superbasic bifunctional iminophosphorane catalyst, can accommodate a wide range of carbon substituents at phosphorus. The resulting stable, yet versatile, synthetic intermediates can be combined with a multitude of medicinally relevant O-, N- and S-based nucleophiles

    Feminizing Wolbachia endosymbiont disrupts maternal sex chromosome inheritance in a butterfly species

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    Wolbachia is a maternally inherited ubiquitous endosymbiotic bacterium of arthropods that displays a diverse repertoire of host reproductive manipulations. For the first time, we demonstrate that Wolbachia manipulates sex chromosome inheritance in a sexually reproducing insect. Eurema mandarina butterfly females on Tanegashima Island, Japan, are infected with the wFem Wolbachia strain and produce all‐female offspring, while antibiotic treatment results in male offspring. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) revealed that wFem‐positive and wFem‐negative females have Z0 and WZ sex chromosome sets, respectively, demonstrating the predicted absence of the W chromosome in wFem‐infected lineages. Genomic quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) analysis showed that wFem‐positive females lay only Z0 eggs that carry a paternal Z, whereas females from lineages that are naturally wFem‐negative lay both WZ and ZZ eggs. In contrast, antibiotic treatment of adult wFem females resulted in the production of Z0 and ZZ eggs, suggesting that this Wolbachia strain can disrupt the maternal inheritance of Z chromosomes. Moreover, most male offspring produced by antibiotic‐treated wFem females had a ZZ karyotype, implying reduced survival of Z0 individuals in the absence of feminizing effects of Wolbachia. Antibiotic treatment of wFem‐infected larvae induced male‐specific splicing of the doublesex (dsx) gene transcript, causing an intersex phenotype. Thus, the absence of the female‐determining W chromosome in Z0 individuals is functionally compensated by Wolbachia‐mediated conversion of sex determination. We discuss how Wolbachia may manipulate the host chromosome inheritance and that Wolbachia may have acquired this coordinated dual mode of reproductive manipulation first by the evolution of female‐determining function and then cytoplasmically induced disruption of sex chromosome inheritance

    Extensive Conserved Synteny of Genes between the Karyotypes of Manduca sexta and Bombyx mori Revealed by BAC-FISH Mapping

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    BACKGROUND: Genome sequencing projects have been completed for several species representing four highly diverged holometabolous insect orders, Diptera, Hymenoptera, Coleoptera, and Lepidoptera. The striking evolutionary diversity of insects argues a need for efficient methods to apply genome information from such models to genetically uncharacterized species. Constructing conserved synteny maps plays a crucial role in this task. Here, we demonstrate the use of fluorescence in situ hybridization with bacterial artificial chromosome probes as a powerful tool for physical mapping of genes and comparative genome analysis in Lepidoptera, which have numerous and morphologically uniform holokinetic chromosomes. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We isolated 214 clones containing 159 orthologs of well conserved single-copy genes of a sequenced lepidopteran model, the silkworm, Bombyx mori, from a BAC library of a sphingid with an unexplored genome, the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta. We then constructed a BAC-FISH karyotype identifying all 28 chromosomes of M. sexta by mapping 124 loci using the corresponding BAC clones. BAC probes from three M. sexta chromosomes also generated clear signals on the corresponding chromosomes of the convolvulus hawk moth, Agrius convolvuli, which belongs to the same subfamily, Sphinginae, as M. sexta. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Comparison of the M. sexta BAC physical map with the linkage map and genome sequence of B. mori pointed to extensive conserved synteny including conserved gene order in most chromosomes. Only a few rearrangements, including three inversions, three translocations, and two fission/fusion events were estimated to have occurred after the divergence of Bombycidae and Sphingidae. These results add to accumulating evidence for the stability of lepidopteran genomes. Generating signals on A. convolvuli chromosomes using heterologous M. sexta probes demonstrated that BAC-FISH with orthologous sequences can be used for karyotyping a wide range of related and genetically uncharacterized species, significantly extending the ability to develop synteny maps for comparative and functional genomics