1,261 research outputs found

    In-water neutron and gamma dose determination for a new Cf-252 brachytherapy source

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    Recently, the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) successfully encapsulated a new generation of medical grade Cf-252 sources having intensities and size comparable to that of the widely used high-dose-rate (HDR) Ir-192 brachytherapy sources. Advent of the new sources, therefore, marked a new era for Cf-252-based neutron brachytherapy (NBT). As part of source calibration and characterization process, a study has been conducted at Georgia Tech lately on determining the neutron and gamma dose rates in water surrounding the new Cf-252 source. A Lucite-walled water phantom was built for this study. The neutron and gamma dose rates were determined both by ion chamber measurements and by Monte Carlo code MCNP. The results show that the measured neutron absorbed dose rates were approximately 25% lower than that predicted by MCNP for all dose positions in water, suggesting that the Cf-252 content of the new source is actually 25% lower than the ORNL's estimate. The measured gamma absorbed dose rates in water, on the contrary, are higher than that predicted by MCNP. The differences between the measured and MCNP-predicted gamma doses are not uniform for all dose positions; they are most pronounced (~a factor of two) at the distance of 1 cm, and fall to approximately 30% at distances 2 cm and beyond. These results suggest that the spectrum of gamma rays emitted from the new Cf-252 source may contain significantly more low-energy gamma rays than the previously published spectrum used in MCNP.M.S.Committee Chair: Dr. C.-K. Chris Wang; Committee Member: Dr. Nolan E. Hertel; Committee Member: Dr. Sang Hyun Ch

    Flow modifying device

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    A swirler for a gas turbine engine combustor is disclosed for simultaneously controlling combustor flow rate, swirl angle, residence time and fuel-air ratio to provide three regimes of operation. A first regime is provided in which fuel-air ratio is less than stoichiometric, NOx is produced at one level, and combustor flow rate is high. In a second regime, fuel-air ratio is nearly stoichiometric, NOx production is less than that of the first regime, and combustor flow rate is low. In a third regime, used for example at highoff, fuel-air ratio is greater than stoichiometric and the combustor flow rate is less than in either of the other regimes

    The Spatial Clustering of Low Luminosity AGN

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    We present the first multi-parameter analysis of the narrow line AGN clustering properties. Estimates of the two-point correlation function (CF) based on SDSS DR2 data reveal that Seyferts are clearly less clustered than normal galaxies, while the clustering amplitude (r_0) of LINERs is consistent with that of the parent galaxy population. The similarities in the host properties (color and concentration index) of Seyferts and LINERs suggest that the difference in their r_0 is not driven by the morphology-density relation. We find that the luminosity of [O I] emission shows the strongest influence on AGN clustering, with low L([O I]) sources having the highest r_0. This trend is much stronger than the previously detected dependence on L([O III]), which we confirm. There is a strong correspondence between the clustering patterns of objects of given spectral type and their physical properties. LINERs, which exhibit high r_0, show the lowest luminosities and obscuration levels, and relatively low gas densities (n_e), suggesting that these objects harbor black holes that are relatively massive yet weakly active or inefficient in their accretion, probably due to the insufficiency of their fuel supply. Seyferts, which have low r_0, are luminous and show large n_e, suggesting that their black holes are less massive but accrete quickly and efficiently enough to clearly dominate the ionization. The low r_0 of the H II galaxies can be understood as a consequence of both the morphology-density and star formation rate-density relations, however, their spectral properties suggest that their centers hide amidst large amounts of obscuring material black holes of generally low mass whose activity remains relatively feeble. Our own Milky Way may be a typical such case.[abridged]Comment: 27 pages, color figures, some are severely degraded in resolution, emulateapj. See http://www.physics.drexel.edu/~constant/work/agnclustering.ps for high resolution version. Accepted to Ap

    Effects of tidal interactions on the gas flows of elliptical galaxies

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    During a Hubble time, cluster galaxies may undergo several mutual encounters close enough to gravitationally perturb their hot, X-ray emitting gas flows. We ran several 2D, time dependent hydrodynamical models to investigate the effects of such perturbations on the gas flow inside elliptical galaxies. In particular, we studied in detail the modifications occurring in the scenario proposed by D'Ercole et al. (1989), in which the galactic interstellar medium produced by the aging galactic stellar population, is heated by SNIa at a decreasing rate. We find that, although the tidal interaction in our models lasts less than 1 Gyr, its effect extends over several Gyrs. The tidally induced turbulent flows create dense filaments which cool quickly and accrete onto the galactic center, producing large spikes in the global Lx. Once this mechanism starts, it is fed by gravity and amplified by SNIa. In cooling flow models without supernovae the amplitude of the Lx fluctuations due to the tidal interaction is substantially reduced. We conclude that, if SNIa significantly contribute to the energetics of the gas flows in ellipticals, then the observed spread in the Lx-Lb diagram may be caused, at least in part, by this mechanism. On the contrary, tidal interactions cannot be responsible for the observed spread if the pure cooling flow scenario applies (abridged).Comment: 21 pages, 8 figures, to be published in ApJ (main journal

    Nuclear activity in galaxy pairs: a spectroscopic analysis of 48 UZC-BGPs

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    Galaxy pairs are ideal sites in which to investigate the role of interaction on nuclear activity. For this reason we have undertaken a spectroscopic survey of a large homogeneous sample of galaxy pairs (UZC-BGP) and we present the results of the nuclear spectral classification of 48 pairs (more than half of the whole sample). The fraction of emission line galaxies is extremely large, especially among spirals (84 % and 95 %, for early and late spirals respectively). SB is the most frequent type of nuclear activity encountered (30 % of galaxies) while AGNs are only 19%. The fractions raise to 45 % and 22 % when considering only spirals. Late spirals are characterized by both an unusual increase (35 %) of AGN activity and high luminosity (44 % have M_B <-20.0 + 5log h). LLAGNs are only 8% of the total number of galaxies, but this activity could be present in another 10 % of the galaxies (LLAGN candidates). Absorption line galaxies reside mostly (61 %) in S0 galaxies and display the lowest B luminosity in the sample, only 18 % of them have M_B < -20 + 5 log h, but together with LLAGNs they are the most massive galaxies in the sample. Intense-SB nuclei are found in galaxy pairs with galaxy-galaxy projected separations up to 160 h^{-1} kpc suggesting that in bright isolated galaxy pairs interaction may be at work and effective up to that distance. AGNs are characterized by an advanced morphology while SB phenomenon occurs with the same frequency in early and late spirals. LLAGNs and LLAGN candidates do not always show similar properties, a finding which might confirm the heterogeneous nature of this class of objects. Half LLAGNs are hosted in galaxies showing visible signs of interaction with fainter companions, suggesting that minor interactions might be a driving mechanism for a relevant fraction of LLAGNs.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figures, accepted by A&

    Impact of titanium doping on Al self-diffusion in alumina

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    α-Al2O3 is an important refractory material which has numerous technical applications: as an in situ growing self-healing oxide scale, as a massive material and as reinforcement fibres in composites. For modelling diffusion controlled processes (creep, sintering, alpha-alumina scale growth on aluminium bearing Fe or Ni base alloys) it is necessary to study self-diffusion of the constituent elements

    A new sample of bright galaxy pairs in UZC

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    We present a new sample of bright galaxy pairs extracted applying an objective selection code to UZC catalog.The sample is volume limited to Mzw_{zw} = -18.9 +5 log h{\it h} and contains 89 galaxy pairs.We analyze the kinematical, morphological and photometrical properties of galaxies belonging to this sample. We show that velocity separation, ∣Δvr∣| \Delta v_{r} |, between pair members is significantly lower in spiral type (S+S) pairs than in early-type (E+E) and mixed (E+S) pairs.This indicates that truly isolated galaxy pairs are more likely to be found among S+S pairs. We show that ellipticals are rare and underluminous in B and that late spirals (T ≄\ge 4) are overluminous. We confirm that the formation of bright ellipticals is a phenomenon linked to group/cluster environment, while galaxy-galaxy interaction may enhance blue luminosity of disk galaxies through SF phenomena. This last statement is supported by the presence of strong FIR emission from early spirals in this sample and by the high frequency of AGN/SB phenomenon, revealed mainly in pairs of low relative radial velocity separation and showing signs of interaction.Comment: A & A accepted, 6 pages, 6 figure

    Postoperative Befunde an der WirbelsÀule

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    Zusammenfassung: Die postoperative Bildgebung wird klassischerweise herangezogen zur Dokumentation der korrekten Implantatlage oder um Komplikationen auszuschließen, wenn der Patient postoperativ weiterhin Beschwerden angibt. In AbhĂ€ngigkeit von der Fragestellung können verschiedene ModalitĂ€ten verwendet werden - alle mit Vor- und Nachteilen. Die konventionelle Röntgenuntersuchung wird zur Dokumentation der Implantatlage, Beurteilung der StabilitĂ€t oder im Follow-up zur Frage der InstabilitĂ€t oder einer Implantatfraktur verwendet, wogegen WeichteilverĂ€nderungen nicht komplett beurteilt werden können. Neben diesen Indikationen wird eine Bildgebung bei persistierenden Beschwerden (meist Schmerzen) des Patienten veranlasst. Residuelles oder rezidiviertes Bandscheibengewebe, ein HĂ€matom oder eine EntzĂŒndung können am besten mit der MRT beurteilt werden. Die MRT sollte unmittelbar postoperativ durchgefĂŒhrt werden, um eine physiologische Granulation im Zugangsgebiet von entzĂŒndlichen VerĂ€nderungen unterscheiden zu können. Oft kann die Bildgebung allein dies nicht unterscheiden, daher ist die Bildgebung nur ein weiteres PuzzelstĂŒck. Die Computertomographie ist die ModalitĂ€t der Wahl zur Beurteilung von Knochen und eine ErgĂ€nzung bei neuen Verfahren wie der bildgestĂŒtzten Kypho- oder Vertebroplasti

    EntzĂŒndliche Erkrankungen der WirbelsĂ€ule und des Myelons

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    Zusammenfassung: EntzĂŒndliche Erkrankungen der WirbelsĂ€ule und des Myelons haben vielfĂ€ltige Ursachen. Mit Ausnahme der degenerativ bedingten entzĂŒndlichen VerĂ€nderungen der WirbelsĂ€ule selbst sind bakteriell, viral oder autoimmun vermittelte EntzĂŒndungen eher selten. Letztere sind klinisch und bildgebend auch schwer zu evaluieren, können aber wichtige Ursachen fĂŒr Schmerzen und funktionelle Störungen sein. Dies gilt besonders, wenn sie unbehandelt bleiben. Bei schweren KrankheitsverlĂ€ufen wie der Spondylodiszitis oder der rheumatoiden Arthritis kann es zu ernsten neurologischen AusfĂ€llen kommen, v.a. bei fortschreitender intraspinaler Beteiligung. EntzĂŒndungen des Myelons selbst können durch konventionelle Röntgenuntersuchungen nicht und mit der Computertomographie nur selten festgestellt werden. Hier ist die Magnetresonanztomographie das bildgebende Verfahren der ersten Wahl, um VerĂ€nderungen des Myelons frĂŒhzeitig und differenziert zu beurteile
