1,558 research outputs found

    Calibration and validation of a combustion-cogeneration

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    This paper describes the calibration and validation of a combustion cogeneration model for whole-building simulation. As part of IEA Annex 42, we proposed a combustion cogeneration model for studying residentialscale cogeneration systems based on both Stirling and internal combustion engines. We implemented this model independently in the EnergyPlus, ESP-r and TRNSYS building simulation programs, and undertook a comprehensive effort to validate the model's predictions. Using established comparative testing and empirical validation principles, we vetted the model's theoretical basis and its software implementations. The results demonstrate acceptable-to-excellent agreement, and suggest the calibrated model can be used with confidence

    The development of a generic systems-level model for combustion-based domestic cogeneration

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    The provision of heat and power to dwellings from micro-cogeneration systems is gaining credence around the developed world as a possible means to reduce the significant carbon emissions associated with the domestic sector. However, achieving the optimum performance for these systems requires that building design practitioners are equipped with robust, integrated models, which will provide a realistic picture of the cogeneration performance in-situ. A long established and appropriate means to evaluate the energy performance of buildings and their energy systems is through the use of dynamic building simulation tools. However, until now, only a very limited number of micro-cogeneration device models have been available to the modelling community and generally these have not been appropriate for use within building simulation codes. This paper describes work undertaken within the International Energy Agency's Energy Conservation in Building and Community Systems Annex 42 to address this problem through the development of a generic, combustion based cogeneration device model that is suitable for integration within building simulation tools and can be used to simulate the variety of Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) and Stirling Engine (SE) cogeneration devices that are and will be available for integration into dwellings. The model is described in detail along with details of how it has been integrated into the ESP-r, Energy Plus and TRNSYS simulation platforms

    Effects of Platelet-rich Plasma Injections on the Healing of Different Tissues in Athletes: A Systematic Review

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    Introduction: Sprains, strains, and tendinopathies are some of the most common injuries in athletics and each present their own challenges for sports medicine practitioners. A new form of nonoperative treatment called Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections have gained attention and consideration for treating soft tissue injuries. PRP is a preparation of autologous human plasmawith an increased platelet concentration. When injected, the PRP releases larger amounts than normally found in the body of growth factors and cytokines to the injury site. This is theorized to start the natural healing process. Purpose: To analyze the effects of platelet-rich plasma injections in athletes suffering from ligament, tendon, or musculoskeletal injuries through a systematic review of literature. Methods: A search of Pubmed, Cochran Central, Ebscohost, and Medline was conducted with the keywords “platelet-rich plasma injections” followed by “in athletes”. The inclusion criteria consisted of any article analyzing the use of PRP injections for treatment of a sprain, strain, or tendinosis in athletes. The methodology of each article found was critically appraised using the PEDro appraisal scale. The exclusion criteria were articles which used PRP injections for non-athletes, the experiment was conducted on animals, the study compared the injections to another form of treatment, and/or given a score below a five on the PEDro scale. Results: A total of 11 studies were included in the qualitative data synthesis based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Three different tissues were researched. Studies analyzing each different type of tissue found the use of platelet-rich plasma injections to be effective in accelerating the healing process which ultimately decreases the athletes time to return to play. However, some studies also did not find any difference in healing time and pain. Conclusion: The study analyzed new research on the overall effectiveness of platelet-rich plasma injections in the athletic population. The available evidence showed an overall positive outcome, but some precautions of accepting the research should be considered. More research should be conducted to solidify these results. Once the research has proven it to be a new form of effective treatment, then it can be utilized by sports medicine teams more frequently to aid in the healing time and decrease time to return to play

    Não é mais o tipo de educação segundo o "código postal" -, mas o que é? Concepções de equidade conforme os padrões do Common Core

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    The Common Core State Standards Initiative is a standards-based reform in which 45 U.S. states and the District of Columbia have agreed to participate. The reform seeks to anchor primary and secondary education across these states in one set of demanding, internationally-benchmarked standards. Thereby, all students will be prepared for further learning and work in a competitive global economy regardless of the sociodemographic variation associated with their “zip code,” that is, the location of their neighborhood or school. This article examines the role and meaning of equity within the Common Core at a level beyond “zip code.” It does so using data from interviews with Common Core policy entrepreneurs and qualitative analysis of interview data. Findings are considered against a conceptual framework of equal, equalizing, and expansive views of equity. The findings indicate that policy entrepreneurs hold primarily an equal view of equity, in accord with meritocratic and functional purposes of schooling, more so than equalizing or expansive views. The latter views emphasize compensatory purposes that focus on narrowing achievement gaps. From this analysis, we identify the paradox of equity in education policy: The successful launch of a policy that relies on existing paradigms of standards-based reform and an equal conception of equity helps tether educational outcomes to student background. La Iniciativa de estándares Common Core  es una reforma basada en estándares en la que 45 estados de Estados Unidos y el Distrito de Columbia han aceptado participar. La reforma busca anclar la educación primaria y secundaria a través de estos estados en un solo conjunto de normas exigentes , como punto de referencia a nivel internacional  De este modo, todos los estudiantes estarán preparados para el aprendizaje y el trabajo en una economía global competitiva, independientemente de la variación sociodemográfica asociada con el "código postal", es decir , la ubicación de su vecindario o la escuela. En este artículo se analiza el papel y el significado de la equidad dentro del Common Core  a un nivel más allá de "código postal". Lo hace a partir de datos de las entrevistas con personas que implementaron estas políticas y análisis cualitativo de datos de la entrevista. Los resultados se interpretan usando un marco conceptual de puntos de vista igualitarios, de equidad, usando una noción expansiva de la equidad. Los resultados indican que los que implementaron las políticas tienen sobre todo una visión igualitaria de la equidad, de acuerdo con propósitos meritocráticos y funcionales de la educación, más que de equidad u opiniones expansivas. Los últimos puntos de vista enfatizan los propósitos compensatorios que se centran en reducir la brecha de rendimiento. A partir de este análisis , identificamos la paradoja de la equidad en la política de educación: El éxito del de una política que se basa en los paradigmas existentes de la reforma basada en estándares y una concepción igualitaria de la equidad de los resultados educativos depende de los conocimientos previos de los estudiantes.A iniciativa do núcleo Common Core é uma reforma baseada em padrões , em 45 estados americanos e no Distrito de Columbia concordaram em participar. A reforma visa ancorar a educação primária e secundária por esses estados em um único conjunto de padrões elevados, de referência internacional. Assim, todos os alunos serão preparados para aprender e trabalhar em uma economia global competitiva, independentemente da variação sociodemográficos associados ao "código postal", ou seja , a localização do seu bairro ou na escola. Este artigo discute o papel da importância do Common Core dentro do núcleo comum para um nível além do "código postal" é analisada. Ele faz isso usando dados de entrevistas com pessoas que implementaram essas políticas e análise qualitativa dos dados das entrevistas . Os resultados são interpretados por intermédio de pontos de vista de enquadramento conceptual igualitária do patrimônio líquido, utilizando uma noção ampla de patrimônio líquido. Os resultados indicam que essas políticas são implementadas principalmente uma visão igualitária do patrimônio líquido, de acordo com as finalidades meritocráticos e funcionais de educação, em vez de vista de equidade ou expansivo. Visualizações recentes enfatizam fins compensatórias que visam reduzir as disparidades de resultados . A partir dessa análise , identificamos o paradoxo da equidade na política de educação : O sucesso de uma política baseada em paradigmas existentes de reforma baseada em padrões e concepção igualitária da equidade dos resultados educacionais depende conhecimento prévio dos alunos

    The Effects of English Language Learners\u27 Native Language on Their Attitudes Toward School

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    Annually, the number of English language learners (ELLs) in American classrooms increases. Recent studies have highlighted the benefits of using ELLs\u27 native language (L1) in the classroom (Slavin & Cheung, 2004). Research on L1 use has focused on three main themes: parental involvement, teacher attitudes, and incorporating L1 into instruction. This study investigated how using ELLs\u27 native language in the classroom affected their attitudes toward school. ELL students in a fourth grade classroom participated in a project where they represented their native culture through pictures and words. Results from the study included influences on participants\u27 attitudes about school and their L1, level of parental involvement, and use of their L1 for the participants. These results enhance the literature on how acculturative stress affects ELLs\u27 immigrant ethnic identity and how teachers can help lower this stress in the classroom

    miR-CATCH identifies biologically active miRNA regulators of the pro-survival gene XIAP, in Chinese hamster ovary cells

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    Genetic engineering of mammalian cells, in particular Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells, is of critical interest to the biopharmaceutical industry as a means to further boost the yields of therapeutic proteins. Complimentary to already in place advanced bioprocesses, stable overexpression of the pro-survival X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis (XIAP) is one example of the successful manipulation of CHO cell genetics resulting in prolonged culture survival, ultimately increasing recombinant protein productivity. However, saturation or burdening of the cells translational machinery can occur in instances of forced expression of a trans-gene thereby achieving the anticipated cellular phenotype without the associated improvement in productivity. Ribosomal footprint sequencing has demonstrated that ~15% of an IgG-producing CHO cell translatome is occupied by the Neomycin selection marker. microRNAs (miRNAs) have the ability to fine tune endogenous gene expression thereby achieving elevated gene levels without the excess that could negatively impact global gene expression. Additionally, not only does a single miRNA have the capacity to regulate multiple mRNA transcripts simultaneously but individual mRNAs can be regulated by a multitude of miRNAs at the post-transcriptional level. This can facilitate the maximal translation of an endogenous gene without surpassing the superphysiological threshold associated with diminished productivity. The promiscuous nature of miRNA represented by the variety of binding patterns associated with mRNA targeting limits the predictability of high confidence miRNA regulators of attractive engineering candidates. This results in a lengthy list of falsely predicted in-silico miRNA regulators for a single gene. We explored the identification of direct miRNA regulators of the pro-survival endogenous XIAP gene in CHO-K1 cells by using a miR-CATCH1 protocol. A biotin-tagged antisense DNA oligonucleotide was designed for an exposed predicted secondary structure loop of endogenous CHO XIAP. This mRNA anchor resulted in the pulldown of XIAP and all associated RNA/protein complexes thereby enriching for all bound miRNAs. Two miRNAs were chosen out of the 14 miRNAs identified for further validation, miR-124-3p and miR-19b-3p. Transient transfection of mimics for both resulted in the diminished translation of endogenous CHO XIAP protein whereas their inhibition increased XIAP protein levels (Fig. 1). Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstract

    Structure-property relationships in glass reinforced polyamide, part 2: The effects of average fiber diameter and diameter distribution

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    We present the results of an extensive study of the influence of average fibre diameter and the width of the diameter distribution on the performance of injection moulded glass-fibre reinforced polyamide 66. In the average fibre diameter range from 9-18m dry-as-moulded (DaM) composite unnotched impact and tensile strength decreased significantly. The composite notched impact performance and tensile modulus showed little dependence on fibre diameter. The influence of broadening the fibre diameter distribution by blending glass fibre samples of different average diameter was found to be particularly negative on the level of composite unnotched impact when compared at equal number average diameter. After hydrolysis treatment the composite tensile strength and modulus exhibited a large drop compared to the DaM results. In contrast, the unnotched impact results became insensitive to fibre diameter after hydrolysis. The average level of unnotched impact after hydrolysis was sufficiently high to show an increase over DaM when the fibre diameter was above 14m. Residual fibre length correlated significantly with fibre diameter with a lower average length for thinner fibres. The interfacial shear strength was found to be in the range of 26-34 MPa for DaM composites. There was a highly significant inverse correlation between the DaM interfacial strength and the average fibre diameter. It is shown that results from both tensile and unnotched impact measurements can be brought back to single trend lines by using a Z average value for the average fibre diameter which is more heavily weighted to the thicker fibres in the distribution

    Future Directions for Whole Atmosphere Modeling:Developments in the Context of Space Weather

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    Coupled Sun‐to‐Earth models represent a key part of the future development of space weather forecasting. With respect to predicting the state of the thermosphere and ionosphere, there has been a recent paradigm shift; it is now clear that any self‐respecting model of this region needs to include some representation of forcing from the lower atmosphere, as well as solar and geomagnetic forcing. Here we assess existing modeling capability and set out a roadmap for the important next steps needed to ensure further advances. These steps include a model verification strategy, analysis of the impact of non‐hydrostatic dynamical cores, and a cost‐benefit analysis of model chemistry for weather and climate applications

    Random field Ising systems on a general hierarchical lattice: Rigorous inequalities

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    Random Ising systems on a general hierarchical lattice with both, random fields and random bonds, are considered. Rigorous inequalities between eigenvalues of the Jacobian renormalization matrix at the pure fixed point are obtained. These inequalities lead to upper bounds on the crossover exponents {ϕi}\{\phi_i\}.Comment: LaTeX, 13 pages, figs. 1a,1b,2. To be published in PR