2,560 research outputs found

    Understanding the disorder of the DNA base cytosine on the Au(111) surface

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    Using ultrahigh vacuum scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and ab initio density functional theory, we have investigated in detail structures formed by cytosine on the Au(111) surface in clean ultrahigh vacuum conditions. In spite of the fact that the ground state of this DNA base on the surface is shown to be an ordered arrangement of cytosine one-dimensional branches (filaments), this structure has never been observed in our STM experiments. Instead, disordered structures are observed, which can be explained by only a few elementary structural motifs: filaments, five- and sixfold rings, which randomly interconnect with each other forming bent chains, T junctions, and nanocages. The latter may have trapped smaller structures inside. The formation of such an unusual assembly is explained by simple kinetic arguments as a liquid-glass transition. © 2008 American Institute of Physics

    More than a cognitive experience: unfamiliarity, invalidation, and emotion in organizational learning

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    Literature on organizational learning (OL) lacks an integrative framework that captures the emotions involved as OL proceeds. Drawing on personal construct theory, we suggest that organizations learn where their members reconstrue meaning around questions of strategic significance for the organization. In this 5-year study of an electronics company, we explore the way in which emotions change as members perceive progress or a lack of progress around strategic themes. Our framework also takes into account whether OL involves experiences that are familiar or unfamiliar and the implications for emotions. We detected similar patterns of emotion arising over time for three different themes in our data, thereby adding to OL perspectives that are predominantly cognitive in orientation

    Understanding divergent zoochorous dispersal

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    The mechanisms which underpin passive dispersal (zoochory) of organisms (or propagules) by other, usually more mobile animals (vector species), are frequently poorly understood. While certain dispersal networks have received considerable scientific interest, basic questions concerning the relative importance of vector species, propagule survival, and likely dispersal distances, often remain unanswered. Here, we propose and apply a series of novel metrics, the Dispersal Potential (DP), the Relative Dispersal Potential (RDP) and the Combined Dispersal Potential (CDP), to predict and classify likely dispersal and vector importance. In essence, DP = Np × Tv, whereby Np is the per capita propagule load (e.g. mean, minimum, or maximum abundance) or species richness of propagules carried per individual vector species, while Tv is the total number of possible vectors (e.g. individuals of a single species at a source site, local scale abundances, or entire continental populations). Further, the ratio based metric RDP allows for DP comparison between species, while the CDP accumulates the DP of a variety of vector species. An additional Relative CDP (RCDP) metric facilitates comparison between the CDP for multiple vectors to that of one or more additional vectors. The proposed metrics can also be used to assess intraspecific differences (e.g. ontogeny or reproductive status). Accordingly, we examine a variety of case studies and present calculations to ascertain the usefulness of our proposed metrics. Finally, we argue that adoption of these metrics and variants thereof, will enhance understanding of zoochory within and across dispersal networks

    Contested resources: unions, employers, and the adoption of new work practices in US and UK telecommunications

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    The pattern of adoption of high-performance work practices has been explained in terms of strategic contingency and in terms of union presence. We compare the post-deregulation/privatization changes in work practice at AT&T, Bell Atlantic and British Telecom. On the basis of these cases, we argue that the choice of new work practices should be understood as a consequence not only of the company's resources or changes in its environment, nor of a simple union presence, but also as a consequence of the practices' effects on union power, the nature of the union's engagement, and the union's strategic choices

    Parched plants: survival and viability of invasive aquatic macrophytes following exposure to various desiccation regimes

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    Invasive alien species represent a serious worldwide threat to natural and semi-natural ecosystems. Although successful overland transport of invasive aquatic macrophytes can be facilitated by more mobile organisms or anthropogenic activity, tolerance to desiccation is likely a limiting factor. Particularly in the case of vegetative fragmentary propagules. Here we examined survival and subsequent viability (i.e. regeneration by production of new shoot or root growth) for whole plantlets of two floating (Azolla filiculoides, Lemna minuta) and stem fragments of three submerged (Elodea canadensis. E. nuttallii, Lagarosiphon major) invasive macrophytes following exposure to different desiccation regimes. Species were exposed to selected temperature (20, 27, 36 °C) and relative humidity (18, 38, 60, 85% RH) combinations for up to six hours. In general, floating plants displayed greater survival and viability than submerged species. Overall, survival and viability decreased significantly for all species with increased desiccation exposure times. In essence, increased vapour-pressure deficit significantly reduced survival of aquatic plants. Although reduced humidity rates particularly decreased survival and viability, increased temperatures were observed to bolster the impact of certain humidity treatments. In particular, when exposed to low RH (≀38%RH), little or no viability was observed after 2 h. Contrastingly, propagules kept under RH above 60% RH at 20 °C retained viability for considerably longer intervals above 4–6 h. Overall, desiccation as a biosecurity tool alone is likely inadequate to prevent the spread of fragmentary propagule stages, as even small desiccated fragments that appear to be dry may still be viable

    Optimal static pricing for a tree network

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    We study the static pricing problem for a network service provider in a loss system with a tree structure. In the network, multiple classes share a common inbound link and then have dedicated outbound links. The motivation is from a company that sells phone cards and needs to price calls to different destinations. We characterize the optimal static prices in order to maximize the steady-state revenue. We report new structural findings as well as alternative proofs for some known results. We compare the optimal static prices versus prices that are asymptotically optimal, and through a set of illustrative numerical examples we show that in certain cases the loss in revenue can be significant. Finally, we show that static prices obtained using the reduced load approximation of the blocking probabilities can be easily obtained and have near-optimal performance, which makes them more attractive for applications.Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Center for Digital BusinessUnited States. Office of Naval Research (Contract N00014-95-1-0232)United States. Office of Naval Research (Contract N00014-01-1-0146)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Contract DMI-9732795)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Contract DMI-0085683)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Contract DMI-0245352

    Driver's Seat: Understanding Divergent Zoochorous Dispersal of Propagules

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    The functional role, relative importance, and the spatial and temporal parameters of different vector species, which underpin the passive dispersal (zoochory) of organisms (or their propagules), are frequently poorly understood. Accordingly, a conceptual framework capable of providing a rigorous and unified assessment for the dispersal capacity of vector species is required. Here, we propose and apply a series of novel metrics, the Dispersal Potential (DP), the Relative Dispersal Potential (RDP), and the Combined Dispersal Potential (CDP), to predict and classify likely dispersal and vector importance. In essence, DP = Np × Tv, whereby Np is the per capita propagule load (e.g., mean, minimum, or maximum abundance) or species richness of propagules carried per individual vector species, while Tv is the total number of possible vectors (e.g., individuals of a single species at a source site, local scale abundances, or entire continental populations). Further, the ratio based metric RDP allows for DP comparison between species, while the CDP accumulates the DP of a variety of vector species. An additional Relative CDP (RCDP) metric facilitates comparison between the CDP for multiple vectors to that of one or more additional vectors. The proposed metrics can also be used to assess intraspecific differences (e.g., ontogeny). Accordingly, we examine a variety of case studies and present calculations to ascertain the usefulness of our proposed metrics. Overall, the metrics can be used to quantify and rank the prominence of different dispersers that facilitate biological connectivity. Finally, we argue that adoption of these metrics and variants thereof, will provide a more realistic measure of species' functional roles than examination of interaction intensities alone, which will enhance understanding of zoochory within and across dispersal networks

    Trisomy 21 dysregulates T cell lineages toward an autoimmunity-prone state associated with interferon hyperactivity

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    Trisomy 21 (T21) causes Down syndrome (DS), a condition characterized by high prevalence of autoimmune disorders. However, the molecular and cellular mechanisms driving this phenotype remain unclear. Building upon our previous finding that T cells from people with DS show increased expression of interferon (IFN)stimulated genes, we have completed a comprehensive characterization of the peripheral T cell compartment in adults with DS with and without autoimmune conditions. CD8+ T cells from adults with DS are depleted of naĂŻve subsets and enriched for differentiated subsets, express higher levels of markers of activation and senescence (e.g., IFN-Îł, Granzyme B, PD-1, KLRG1), and overproduce cytokines tied to autoimmunity (e.g., TNF-α). Conventional CD4+ T cells display increased differentiation, polarization toward the Th1 and Th1/17 states, and overproduction of the autoimmunity-related cytokines IL-17A and IL-22. Plasma cytokine analysis confirms elevation of multiple autoimmunity-related cytokines (e.g., TNF-α, IL17A–D, IL-22) in people with DS, independent of diagnosis of autoimmunity. Although Tregs are more abundant in DS, functional assays show that CD8+ and CD4+ effector T cells with T21 are resistant to Treg-mediated suppression, regardless of Treg karyotype. Transcriptome analysis of white blood cells and T cells reveals strong signatures of T cell differentiation and activation that correlate positively with IFN hyperactivity. Finally, mass cytometry analysis of 8 IFN-inducible phosphoepitopes demonstrates that T cell subsets with T21 show elevated levels of basal IFN signaling and hypersensitivity to IFN-α stimulation. Therefore, these results point to T cell dysregulation associated with IFN hyperactivity as a contributor to autoimmunity in DS.Fil: Araya, Paula. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Centro CientĂ­fico TecnolĂłgico CĂłrdoba. Centro de Investigaciones en BioquĂ­mica ClĂ­nica e InmunologĂ­a; ArgentinaFil: Waugh, Katherine A.. University Of Colorado. School Of Medicine.; Estados UnidosFil: Sullivan, Kelly D.. University Of Colorado. School Of Medicine.; Estados UnidosFil: NĂșñez, NicolĂĄs. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Centro CientĂ­fico TecnolĂłgico CĂłrdoba. Centro de Investigaciones en BioquĂ­mica ClĂ­nica e InmunologĂ­a; ArgentinaFil: Roselli, Emiliano. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Centro CientĂ­fico TecnolĂłgico CĂłrdoba. Centro de Investigaciones en BioquĂ­mica ClĂ­nica e InmunologĂ­a; ArgentinaFil: Smith, Keith P.. University Of Colorado. School Of Medicine.; Estados UnidosFil: Granrath, Ross E.. University Of Colorado. School Of Medicine.; Estados UnidosFil: Rachubinski, Angela L.. University of Colorado; Estados UnidosFil: Enriquez Estrada, Belinda. University Of Colorado. School Of Medicine.; Estados UnidosFil: Butcher, Eric T.. University of Colorado; Estados UnidosFil: Minter, Ross. University of Colorado; Estados UnidosFil: Tuttle, Kathryn D.. University of Colorado; Estados UnidosFil: Bruno, Tullia C.. University Of Colorado. School Of Medicine.; Estados UnidosFil: Maccioni, Mariana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Centro CientĂ­fico TecnolĂłgico CĂłrdoba. Centro de Investigaciones en BioquĂ­mica ClĂ­nica e InmunologĂ­a; ArgentinaFil: Espinosa, JoaquĂ­n M.. University Of Colorado. School Of Medicine.; Estados Unido

    Observation of Stratospheric Ozone Depletion associated with Delta II Rocket Emissions

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    Ozone, chlorine monoxide, methane, and submicron particulate concentrations were measured in the stratospheric plume wake of a Delta II rocket powered by a combination of solid (NH4ClO4/Al) and liquid (LOX/kerosene) propulsion systems. We apply a simple kinetics model describing the main features of gas-phase chlorine reactions in solid propellant exhaust plumes to derive the abundance of total reactive chlorine in the plume and estimate the associated cumulative ozone loss. Measured ozone loss during two plume encounters (12 and 39 minutes after launch) exceeded the estimate by about a factor of about two. Insofar as only the most significant gas-phase chlorine reactions are included in the calculation, these results suggest that additional plume wake chemical processes or emissions other than reactive chlorine from the Delta II propulsion system affect ozone levels in the plume

    Glucocorticoid receptor haploinsufficiency causes hypertension and attenuates hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and blood pressure adaptions to high-fat diet

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    Glucocorticoid hormones are critical to respond and adapt to stress. Genetic variations in the glucocorticoid receptor (GR) gene alter hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis activity and associate with hypertension and susceptibility to metabolic disease. Here we test the hypothesis that reduced GR density alters blood pressure and glucose and lipid homeostasis and limits adaption to obesogenic diet. Heterozygous GR ÎČgeo/+ mice were generated from embryonic stem (ES) cells with a gene trap integration of a ÎČ-galactosidase-neomycin phosphotransferase (ÎČgeo) cassette into the GR gene creating a transcriptionally inactive GR fusion protein. Although GRÎČgeo/+ mice have 50% less functional GR, they have normal lipid and glucose homeostasis due to compensatory HPA axis activation but are hypertensive due to activation of the renin-angiotensin- aldosterone system (RAAS). When challenged with a high-fat diet, weight gain, adiposity, and glucose intolerance were similarly increased in control and GRÎČgeo/+ mice, suggesting preserved control of intermediary metabolism and energy balance. However, whereas a high-fat diet caused HPA activation and increased blood pressure in control mice, these adaptions were attenuated or abolished in GRÎČgeo/+ mice. Thus, reduced GR density balanced by HPA activation leaves glucocorticoid functions unaffected but mineralocorticoid functions increased, causing hypertension. Importantly, reduced GR limits HPA and blood pressure adaptions to obesogenic diet
