209 research outputs found

    SME Selection Criteria for External IS/IT Consultants, including Swiss Universities of Applied Sciences

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    Working PaperIt does not matter whether small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have good, bad, or no IS/IT competencies. Almost all enlist the services of an external consultant at some point. External consultants can handle a wide range of tasks, from fixing an existing bug, to choosing new software or adapting a Business strategy in line with state-of-the-art technology. While there is some evidence that external assistance with IT projects is an effective course of action, so far no information has been available on what SMEs pay attention to when choosing their consultants. The aim of the preliminary study was therefore to establish SMEs’ selection criteria for hiring IS/IT consultants, to determine what competencies SMEs look for in their external consultants, and to find out if Swiss universities of applied sciences (UAS) are included in their selection process. For this purpose, interviews were conducted with 15 SMEs, most of which are based in the Swiss cantons of Zurich and Schaffhausen. Findings indicate that selection criteria vary considerably according to the size of the SMEs. The majority have never consulted a UAS

    Expression des endogenen retroviralen Proteins Np9 in Tumorstammzellen der akuten myeloischen LeukÀmie (AML)

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    „Nuclear protein of 9 kDa“ (Np9) ist ein Protein mit einem geschĂ€tzten Gewicht von neun Kilodalton, welches vor allem im Zellkern vorliegt. Das np9-Gen entstand wĂ€hrend der Evolution von zwei Typen des humanen endogenen Retrovirus‘ HERV-K(HML-2) als virales „Accessory“-Gen (Zusatzgen). Typ 2 wurde durch Infektion der Keimbahn von Altwelt-Affen (Catarrhini) vor circa 30 Millionen Jahren Bestandteil des Genoms. Etwas spĂ€ter entwickelte sich durch den Verlust von 292 Basenpaaren und dem Zugewinn einer Spleißdonor-Stelle (SD2) Typ 1. Die SD2 verleiht dem Virus die FĂ€higkeit zur Translation des Np9-Proteins. Sie ist einzig bei Gorillas, Schimpansen und den Menschen (Homininae) vorhanden. Einige Arbeitsgruppen konnten zeigen, dass HERV-K(HML-2)-Transkripte einen Marker fĂŒr embryonale und pluripotente Stammzellen darstellen. Insbesondere auch in Tumor-assoziierten (leukĂ€mischen) Stammzellen konnte np9-Transkript nachgewiesen werden. WĂ€hrend Transkripte relativ leicht nachweisbar sind, kann Np9-Protein bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt kaum und nur unter Vorbehalt gezeigt werden, so dass es bislang unklar war, ob Np9-Protein ĂŒberhaupt in Zellen hergestellt wird und welche Funktion es hat. Um die Expression von Np9-Protein erstmals untersuchen zu können, reicherten wir zu-nĂ€chst Tumorstammzell-Ă€hnliche Zellen in Kulturen der drei AML-Zelllinien HL-60, KG-1a und Kasumi 1 an. Die Elimination von Nicht-Stammzellen aus den Kulturen verifizier-ten wir durch das Auftreten der aktiven Form der primĂ€r apoptotischen Caspase 3. Stamm-zellen hingegen erwiesen sich als negativ fĂŒr Caspase 3 jedoch positiv fĂŒr den Stammzell-marker Survivin. Erstmalig gelang uns, ohne weitere Vorbehandlung, der Nachweis von endogenem Np9-Protein, vor allem in HL-60 Zellen. In vorherigen Studien war dies nur unter Einsatz eines Proteasomenblockers, wie Epoxomycin oder MG132 gelungen. Dies wies darauf hin, dass Np9 zwar produziert wird, aber instabil ist und ĂŒber das 26S-Proteasom abgebaut wird. Außerdem wurde Np9 durch die Rapamycin-vermittelte Hem-mung des mTOR-Signalwegs induziert. Entsprechend der Erkenntnis, dass in einigen Stu-dien aktives Vitamin D (1,25 (OH)2D3), Ă€hnlich wie Rapamycin, als Inhibitor des mTOR-Signalwegs wirken kann, konnten wir in HL-60 Zellen unter Vitamin D eine schwache In-duktion der Np9-Expression zeigen, nicht jedoch in die beiden anderen Zelllinien. Konzep-tionelle und technische Schwierigkeiten ergaben sich hingegen bei den Untersuchungen mit RNAi-Technologie, mit der wir den Effekt eines np9-Knockdowns auf Tumorstammzellen untersuchen wollten. Damals und auch heute noch existiert keine Möglichkeit fĂŒr einen spezifischen Knockdown von np9, da Np9 aus einem polygenischen Transkript translatiert wird. Weiterhin bleibt unklar, ob nach Stammzellanreicherung alle Zellen einen im VerhĂ€lt-nis geringen Gehalt an Np9 besitzen oder ob eine spezifische Subpopulation vergleichswei-se viel Np9 besitzt. Dennoch gelang hier erstmals der Nachweis des endogenen Np9-Proteins in Tumorstammzellen, vor allem aufgrund der extremen und technisch an-spruchsvollen Verbesserung des Proteinnachweises mittels des hier etablierten hochsen-siblen Westernblotting Nachweisverfahrens fĂŒr Np9.Nuclear protein of 9 kDa (Np9) is a protein with a predicted molecular weight of nine kDa which especially exists in the cell nucleus. The gene of np9 emerges from two types of human endogenous retrovirus HERV-K(HML-2) as a viral “accessory”-gene. Type 2 ini-tially integrated in genome due to infection of the primate germ line of Old World monkeys (Catarrhini) 30 million years ago. Some years later type 1 develops from type 2 through 1) lack of a 292 base pair sequence and 2) generation of a splice donor site (SD2). Due to SD2, which is specifically in gorillas, chimpanzees and humans (Homininae), the virus gets the possibility to translate Np9 protein. Some work groups showed that HERV-K(HML-2) transcripts are a marker for embryonic and induced pluripotent stem cells. Es-pecially in tumor-associated (leukemic) stem cells may be evidenced np9 transcript. Tran-scripts were really easy detectable, but not Np9 protein at this point except with reserva-tions. Therefore, it was not clear, if Np9 protein is produced in the cells and which func-tion it has at all. Primarily we enriched cancer stem cell-like cells from the AML cell lines HL-60, KG-1a and Kasumi-1 to analyze the expression of Np9 protein for the first time. To verify the elimination of not-stem cells we used cleaved caspase 3, which is the active and primary apoptotic form. Stem cells are negative for cleaved caspase 3, but positive for the stem cell marker Survivin. For the first time, we provided evidence of endogenous Np9 protein, especially in HL-60, without any pretreatment. Previous studies managed to do this only in use with proteasome inhibitors like Epoxomicin or MG132. Consequently, we gathered that Np9 is produced, but just as an unstable version, which is reduced through the 26S-proteasome. Moreover, Np9 induced the rapamycin-induced inhibition of the mTOR-pathway. Some studies showed that active vitamin d (1,25 (OH)2D3) affects the mTOR-pathway like Rapamycin. Based on this information, we proved a small induction of Np9 expression in vitamin d treated HL-60 cells, but not for the other two cell lines. However, we had conceptual and technical challenges with the RNAi-technology. We used this meth-od to show the effect of np9 knockdown in tumor stem cells. But at that time and for now, it does not exist any possibility for a specific knockdown just of np9, because of np9 translation from a polygenic transcript. Furthermore, it is still unclear, if all cells contain proportionally a really small content of Np9 or if there is a specific subpopulation, which includes comparatively lots of Np9, after stem cell enrichment. Nevertheless, we proved endogenous Np9 protein in tumor stem cells for the first time, but mainly due to extreme and technical ambitious improvement of protein detection with es-tablished highly sensitive Western blotting for Np9

    Antagonistic Autoantibodies to Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 Receptor Associate with Poor Physical Strength

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    Natural autoantibodies to the IGF1 receptor (IGF1R-aAb) have been described in relation to Graves' ophthalmopathy. Other physiological roles of natural IGF1R-aAb are not known. We hypothesized that IGF1R-aAb may be related to muscle development. Serum samples (n = 408) from young overweight subjects (n = 143) were collected during a lifestyle intervention study. Anthropometric parameters, along with leptin, IGF1 and IGF1R-aAb concentrations, were analyzed, and the subjects were categorized into positive or negative for IGF1R-aAb. Eleven out of 143 subjects (7.7%) were positive for IGF1R-aAb. Identified IGF1R-aAb were molecularly characterized and showed antagonistic activity in vitro impairing IGF1-mediated IGF1R activation. Mean body weight, height or age were similar between IGF1R-aAb-positive and -negative subjects, but IGF1 concentrations differed. Jumping ability, as well as right and left handgrip strengths, were lower in the IGF1R-aAb-positive as compared to the IGF1R-aAb-negative subjects. We conclude that natural IGF1R-aAb are detectable in apparently healthy subjects and are capable of antagonizing IGF1-dependent IGF1R activation. Moreover, the presence of IGF1R-aAb is associated with poor physical strength. Although the causality of this association is unclear, the data imply a potential influence of IGF1R autoimmunity on muscle development

    Business Process Management 2014 : Status quo und Perspektiven eines ganzheitlichen GeschĂ€ftsprozessmanagements : Ergebnisse einer branchenĂŒbergreifenden empirischen Studie + Themenfokus "Business Process Management in der Immobilienwirtschaft"

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    StudieDas Institut fĂŒr Wirtschaftsinformatik an der ZHAW School of Management and Law fĂŒhrt in regelmĂ€ssigen AbstĂ€nden empirische Studien durch, um den Stand und die Perspektiven des GeschĂ€ftsprozessmanagements in Unternehmen zu erheben. Die Studie «Business Process Management 2011» ergab, dass Organisationen das Potenzial eines methoden- und IT-gestĂŒtzten GeschĂ€ftsprozessmanagements noch nicht vollumfĂ€nglich ausschöpfen. Die vorliegende Studie baut hierauf auf und untersucht, wie sich Organisationen im deutschsprachigen Raum weiter in Richtung eines ganzheitlichen GeschĂ€ftsprozessmanagements entwickelt haben. Die Studie fokussiert die drei Aspekte strategische Orientierung, prozessorientierte Organisation sowie Methoden & Technologien und beabsichtigt, die AusprĂ€gung dieser Gestaltungselemente zu ĂŒberprĂŒfen, um RĂŒckschlĂŒsse auf den Stand eines ganzheitlichen GeschĂ€ftsprozessmanagements in Organisationen im deutschsprachigen Raum zu ziehen. Die branchenĂŒbergreifende Analyse wird um einen Branchenfokus «Immobilienwirtschaft» ergĂ€nzt

    Digital detox: An effective solution in the smartphone era? A systematic literature review

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    Smartphone use, e.g., on social network sites or instant messaging, can impair well-being and is related to clinical phenomena, like depression. Digital detox interventions have been suggested as a solution to reduce negative impacts from smartphone use on outcomes like well-being or social relationships. Digital detox is defined as timeouts from using electronic devices (e.g., smartphones), either completely or for specific subsets of smartphone use. However, until now, it has been unclear whether digital detox interventions are effective at promoting a healthy way of life in the digital era. This systematic literature review aimed to answer the question of whether digital detox interventions are effective at improving outcomes like health and well-being, social relationships, self-control or performance. Systematic searches of seven databases were carried out according to PRISMA guidelines, and intervention studies were extracted that examined timeouts from smartphone use and/or smartphone-related use of social network sites and instant messaging. The review yielded k = 21 extracted studies (total N = 3,625 participants). The studies included interventions in the field, from which 12 were identified as randomized controlled trials. The results showed that the effects from digital detox interventions varied across studies on health and well-being, social relationships, self-control, or performance. For example, some studies found positive intervention effects, whereas others found no effect or even negative consequences for well-being. Reasons for these mixed findings are discussed. Research is needed to examine mechanisms of change to derive implications for the development of successful digital detox interventions

    Digital detox: An effective solution in the smartphone era? A systematic literature review

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    Smartphone use, e.g., on social network sites or instant messaging, can impair well-being and is related to clinical phenomena, like depression. Digital detox interventions have been suggested as a solution to reduce negative impacts from smartphone use on outcomes like well-being or social relationships. Digital detox is defined as timeouts from using electronic devices (e.g., smartphones), either completely or for specific subsets of smartphone use. However, until now, it has been unclear whether digital detox interventions are effective at promoting a healthy way of life in the digital era. This systematic literature review aimed to answer the question of whether digital detox interventions are effective at improving outcomes like health and well-being, social relationships, self-control or performance. Systematic searches of seven databases were carried out according to PRISMA guidelines, and intervention studies were extracted that examined timeouts from smartphone use and/or smartphone-related use of social network sites and instant messaging. The review yielded k = 21 extracted studies (total N = 3,625 participants). The studies included interventions in the field, from which 12 were identified as randomized controlled trials. The results showed that the effects from digital detox interventions varied across studies on health and well-being, social relationships, self-control, or performance. For example, some studies found positive intervention effects, whereas others found no effect or even negative consequences for well-being. Reasons for these mixed findings are discussed. Research is needed to examine mechanisms of change to derive implications for the development of successful digital detox interventions

    Antimicrobial Susceptibility Trends Observed in Urinary Pathogens Obtained From New York State

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    International guidelines recommend using local susceptibility data to direct empiric therapy for acute uncomplicated cystitis. We evaluated outpatient urinary isolate susceptibility trends in New York State. Nitrofurantoin had the lowest resistance prevalence whereas trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole and fluoroquinolones had higher prevalences. This study highlights the need for local outpatient antimicrobial stewardship programs

    Prevalence of chronic urticaria in children and adults across the globe: Systematic review with meta‐analysis

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    Background and objectives: Urticaria is a frequent skin condition, but reliable prevalence estimates from population studies particularly of the chronic form are scarce. The objective of this study was to systematically evaluate and summarize the prevalence of chronic urticaria by evaluating population-based studies worldwide. Methods: We performed a systematic search in PUBMED and EMBASE for population-based studies of cross-sectional or cohort design and studies based on health insurance/system databases. Risk of bias was assessed using a specific tool for prevalence studies. For meta-analysis, we used a random effects model. Results: Eighteen studies were included in the systematic evaluation and 11 in the meta-analysis including data from over 86 000 000 participants. Risk of bias was mainly moderate, whereas the statistical heterogeneity (I-2) between the studies was high. Asian studies combined showed a higher point prevalence of chronic urticaria (1.4%, 95%-CI 0.5-2.9) than those from Europe (0.5%, 0.2-1.0) and Northern American (0.1%, 0.1-0.1). Women were slightly more affected than men, whereas in children < 15 years we did not find a sex-specific difference in the prevalence. The four studies that examined time trends indicated an increasing prevalence of chronic urticaria over time. Conclusions: On a global level, the prevalence of chronic urticaria showed considerable regional differences. There is a need to obtain more sex-specific population-based and standardized international data particularly for children and adolescents, different chronic urticaria subtypes and potential risk and protective factors

    Group hypnosis for stress reduction and improved stress coping: a multicenter randomized controlled trial

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    Background: The aim of the trial was to investigate the effect of a hypnotherapeutic group program in healthy persons with increased levels of perceived stress. Methods: In a randomized controlled multicenter trial participants with a self-assessed subjective stress level ≄ 40 mm on a visual analogue scale (0–100 mm; VAS) for the previous week and a stable state of health were randomized to either 5 weekly sessions of 120-min duration of a hypnotherapeutic group program for stress reduction and improved stress coping plus 5 hypnosis audiorecords for individual practice at home plus an educational booklet for stress coping (hypnosis group) versus an educational booklet only (control group). The primary outcome parameter was the VAS stress level for the previous week after 5 weeks. Secondary outcome parameters included the VAS stress level after 12 weeks, perceived stress (CPSS), depression (ADS-K), self efficacy (SWE) and quality of life (SF 36) after 5 weeks and 12 weeks. Analysis of covariance with a significance level of 5% using the full analysis set was used for analysis; the model included treatment (fixed effect), VAS baseline value (fixed covariate), and center (random effect). Results: A total of 95 participants were randomized; 47 (40 female, 45 ± 13.4 years of age) were allocated to the hypnosis group, and 48 (41 female, 46.9 ± 14.3 years) were allocated to the control group. Regarding VAS stress level after 5 weeks, the adjusted VAS mean in the hypnosis group was 41.8 mm [95% confidence interval (CI): 35.2; 48.4] compared to 62.9 mm [56.2; 69.7] in the control group, and the group difference was − 21.2 mm [− 30.1; − 12.2] (P < 0.001). After 12 weeks, the stress intensity on the VAS showed a between-group difference of − 14.7 mm [− 25.1; − 4.4] (P = 0.006), and the adjusted means were 41.1 mm [33.4; 48.8] in the hypnosis group and 55.9 mm [48.4; 63.5] in the control group. Improvements were also reported for CPSS, SF-36, SWE and ADS-K after 5 and 12 weeks. Conclusion: Compared to the control group, the hypnosis group showed reduced perceived stress after 5 and 12 weeks. Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT03525093; date of registration: May 15, 2018
