128 research outputs found

    Extrant A.1.5 - recherches - rapport de recherche

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    Ce document synthĂ©tique vise Ă  fournir des prĂ©cisions quant Ă  l’état d’avancement du projet de recherche sur la responsabilitĂ© sociale des entreprises miniĂšres menĂ©e par le GERSDA au Mali. Compte tenu de l’évolution de la situation politique, l’équipe de recherche met l’accent sur les obstacles qui se sont posĂ©s Ă  elle dans la conduite des dĂ©marches de recherche et les perspectives pour les mois Ă  venir. La crise institutionnelle et sĂ©curitaire au Mali a bouleversĂ© l’ensemble des activitĂ©s de recherche au pays. Pour des raisons de sĂ©curitĂ©, certaines zones du pays ne pouvaient ĂȘtre visitĂ©es pour mener Ă  bien les Ă©tudes en cours. Le groupe de recherche a mis en place une Ă©quipe de chercheurs juniors et seniors afin de procĂ©der au dĂ©marrage du projet. Ces derniers ont dĂ©veloppĂ© la mĂ©thodologie et entamĂ© la recherche documentaire et les premiĂšres rencontres en vue de la mission terrain

    Evaluation du Potentiel Energétique de Biogaz des Déjections Animales de la Région Administrative de Kankan (République de Guinée)

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    RĂ©sumĂ© - Depuis toujours, l'homme a organisĂ© son espace de vie Ă  proximitĂ© des Ă©levages d'animaux. NĂ©anmoins, la croissance dĂ©mographique et la salubritĂ© due aux dĂ©jections de ces animaux  ont motivĂ©es les travaux de valorisation des dĂ©chets animaux. La prĂ©sente Ă©tude s’inscrit dans cette logique, qui consiste Ă  faire l’évaluation du potentiel Ă©nergĂ©tique de biogaz des dĂ©jections animales de la rĂ©gion de Kankan. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus portent sur : les quantitĂ©s de dĂ©jections journaliĂšres moyennes de dĂ©jetions : bouses de vaches (4,45 kg) et fientes de poules (0,015 kg). Les effectifs du cheptel animal sont : bovins (1572132) ; Ovins (452373) ; caprins (385551) et volailles (321644). Le plus grand effectif de bĂ©tail est enregistrĂ© dans la prĂ©fecture de Siguiri (372411), suivi respectivement des prĂ©fectures de KĂ©rouanĂ©, Mandiana, Kouroussa et Kankan. Les potentiels du biogaz de bouses de vaches par prĂ©fecture sont les suivants : Siguiri (180419,732 m3/j), KĂ©rouanĂ© (167063,059 m3/j), Mandiana (158159,094 m3/j), Kouroussa (142498,795 m3/j) et Kankan (113500,716 m3/j). Pour les volailles on a : Siguiri (605,207 m3/j), KĂ©rouanĂ© (577,065 m3/j), Mandiana (124,067 m3/j), Kouroussa (4,805 m3/j) et Kankan (635,467 m3/j).  De mĂȘme, le plus grand potentiel Ă©nergĂ©tique est enregistrĂ© Ă  Siguiri soit (829094,218 kWh/j), suivi respectivement de KĂ©rouanĂ© (767791,764 m3/j), Mandiana (724 936,880 kWh/j), Kouroussa (652666,488 kWh/j), et Kankan (522743,719kWh/j). Le Potentiel total journalier Ă©nergĂ©tique de biogaz de la rĂ©gion est 3497233,069 kWh/j, avec une production annuelle de 12590039,048 MWh. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus au cours de ce travail sont une premiĂšre estimation du potentiel Ă©nergĂ©tique de biogaz des dĂ©jections animales de la rĂ©gion de Kankan.Abstract - Man has always organized his living space near animal farms. Nevertheless, the population growth and the healthiness due to the droppings of these animals have motivated work on the recovery of animal waste. This study is part of this logic, which consists in evaluating the energy potential of biogas in animal waste from the Kankan region. The results obtained relate to: the quantities of average daily droppings of droppings: cow dung (4.45 kg) and chicken droppings (0.015 kg). The numbers of animal livestock are: cattle (1572132) ; sheep (452373) ; goats (385551) and poultry (321644). The largest number of livestock is recorded in the prefecture of Siguiri (372411), followed respectively by the prefectures of KĂ©rouanĂ©, Mandiana, Kouroussa and Kankan. The cow dung biogas potentials by prefecture are as follows: Siguiri (180419.732 m3/d), KĂ©rouanĂ© (167,063.059 m3/d), Mandiana (158159.094 m3/d), Kouroussa (142498.795 m3/d) and Kankan (113,500.716 m3/d). For poultry, we have: Siguiri (605.207 m3/d), KĂ©rouanĂ© (577.065 m3/d), Mandiana (124.067 m3/d), Kouroussa (4.805 m3/d) and Kankan (635.467 m3/d). Similarly, the greatest energy potential is recorded in Siguiri (829,094.218 kWh/d), followed respectively by KĂ©rouanĂ© (767791.764 m3/d), Mandiana (724936.880 kWh/d), Kouroussa (652666.488 kWh/d) and Kankan (522743.719 kWh/d). The total daily energy potential of biogas in the region is 3497233.069 kWh/d, with an annual production of 12590039.048 MWh. The results obtained during this work are a first estimate of the biogas energy potential of animal waste in the Kankan region.Keywords - Potential, biogas, energy, manure, animal, Kankan

    Extrant A.2.2 - recherches - production de connaissances

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    Au Mali, la dĂ©mocratisation politique a marquĂ© le dĂ©but d’un renouveau institutionnel visant Ă  Ă©tablir un systĂšme juridique qui tienne compte des intĂ©rĂȘts de tous les citoyens, sans aucune distinction. Mais l’analphabĂ©tisme gĂ©nĂ©ralisĂ©, l’extrĂȘme pauvretĂ© et la mĂ©connaissance des normes et des mĂ©canismes juridiques Ă©tatiques n’ont guĂšre Ă©tĂ© propices Ă  une appropriation des rĂ©formes juridiques au niveau local, notamment dans les zones rurales. Les activitĂ©s du GERSDA visent Ă  dĂ©velopper la capacitĂ© des populations rurales Ă  faire valoir leurs droits lĂ©gaux et ont ainsi Ă©tĂ© axĂ©es sur les communautĂ©s touchĂ©es par les sociĂ©tĂ©s miniĂšres, oĂč les problĂšmes juridiques se posent avec une acuitĂ© particuliĂšre. Le programme de renforcement des capacitĂ©s juridiques Ă  travers le mĂ©canisme des « caravanes juridiques » a Ă©tĂ© Ă©laborĂ© en collaboration avec l’Institut International pour l’Environnement et le DĂ©veloppement (IIED), dans le cadre de son initiative Legal Tools for Citizen Empowerment. La prĂ©sente note de capitalisation se penche sur les leçons apprises tout au long du processus de mise en oeuvre de ce programme. Elle prĂ©sente les principales caractĂ©ristiques de l’approche, y compris ses rĂ©alisations et ses limites. Globalement, le rapport conclut que les activitĂ©s menĂ©es ont constituĂ© une offre cohĂ©rente, dĂ©clinĂ©e du niveau local au niveau national et qui a contribuĂ© Ă  repousser les frontiĂšres du droit tel qu’il existe, afin d’influencer la rĂ©forme juridique


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    Nous analysons dans cet article les inégalités de durées d’accès aux logements sociaux par rapport au genre, à l’âge, à la situation socioéconomique, aux secteurs de travail et à la profession, par les ménages demandeurs au Mali. Notre recherche consiste en une analyse statistique exploratoire de la relation entre les caractéristiques du stock de logements sociaux et des inégalités de durées d’accès. Pour ce faire, nous nous sommes concentrés sur l’expérience des cinq (5) premières régions du Mali et du district de Bamako de 2002 à 2019. Nos données proviennent de ces régions à travers une enquête de terrain effectuée auprès des ménages bénéficiaires de logements sociaux ainsi que dans les administrations chargées du logement (OMH, DNUH et INSTAT), au Mali. Notre échantillon est composé de 1507 ménages bénéficiaires de logements sociaux. Nos résultats économétriques montrent qu’il n’existe pas d’inégalité genre et sectorielle dans la durée d’accès aux logements sociaux. Il existe cependant une inégalité de durées d’accès au logement social par un ménage selon son âge, son salaire, sa profession, le nombre de personnes dans le ménage et le type de logement demandé

    Promoting knowledge transfer and culture of evidence use for health systems strengthening in West Africa

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    This one-page poster/policy brief describes preliminary results of promoting the culture of health research evidence in strengthening health systems in the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) sub-region. This West African Health Organization (WAHO) policy report shows some indicators of the use of health research in policy making.

    Outcome of surgical management of genital prolapse in the obstetric gynecology department of the Ignace Deen Hospital in Conakry, Guinea

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    Background: Each year several patients are operated on for genital prolapse in our department, but no study has yet been done to analyse the results. The objective of this study was to highlight the operating techniques used and to analyse the anatomical and functional outcomes.Methods: It was an observational, longitudinal, prospective and descriptive study which took place over a period of 2 years in the department of obstetrics and gynecology of the Ignace Deen hospital de Conakry in Guinea. This study focused on patients operated on in the department for genital prolapse.Results: During the study period, 67 patients underwent genital prolapse surgery in the department. The operating techniques used are the triple perineal operation or, associated with colposuspension and/or Richter or Mc Call, Richardson's operation, Rouhier's operation and promonto-fixation. This study recorded in the follow up a case of recurrence of hysterocele one year after a Richardson operation, a correction of all digestive and sexual functional disorders and a correction of 81.25% of functional urinary disorders. The intraoperative complications were a rectal wound, two bladder wounds and three cases of hemorrhage requiring blood transfusion. The post-operative results were good in 98.5% of the cases.Conclusions: The lower approach is the main route used for surgical treatment of prolapse. The anatomical and functional results obtained are encouraging

    Molecular Diagnostics of Ebola Patient Samples by Institut Pasteur de Dakar Mobile Laboratory in Guinea 2014–2016

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    As part of the laboratory response to the Ebola virus outbreak in Guinea, the Institut Pasteur de Dakar mobile laboratory (IPD-ML) was set up in Donka hospital from 2014 to 2016. EBOV suspected samples collected at Ebola Treatment Centers (ETC) and from community deaths were sent daily to IPD-ML. Analysis was performed using dried oligonucleotide mixes for real-time RT-PCR designed for field diagnostic. From March 2014 to May 2015, a total of 6055 patient samples suspected for EBOV collected from seven regions of Guinea were tested by real-time RT-PCR. These patients’ clinical included serum samples (n = 2537 samples) and swabs (n = 3518 samples) with positivity rates of 36.74 and 6.88% respectively. Females were significantly more affected than males with positivity rates of 22.39 and 17.22% respectively (p-value = 5.721e-7). All age groups were exposed to the virus with significant difference (p-value <= 2.2e-16). The IPD-ML contributed significantly to the surveillance and patient management during the EBOV outbreak in Guinea. Furthermore, dried reagents adapted for field diagnostic of EVD suspect cases could be useful for future outbreak preparedness and response

    Surgical complications of Pica syndrome: About 3 cases

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    The Pica syndrome is an eating disorder characterized by an excessive or abnormal desire to consume a non-nourishing substance which can be relatively harmless, or potentially harmful for the health. It is a rare affection secondary to the accumulation of diverse natured foreign bodies inside the digestive tract and more especially at the stomach level. Gastro-intestinal localization is the most frequent, and can remain asymptomatic for a long time. Treatment is surgical. We report 3 cases of digestive complications of Pica syndrome

    Use of Viremia to Evaluate the Baseline Case Fatality Ratio of Ebola Virus Disease and Inform Treatment Studies: A Retrospective Cohort Study.

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    BACKGROUND: The case fatality ratio (CFR) of Ebola virus disease (EVD) can vary over time and space for reasons that are not fully understood. This makes it difficult to define the baseline CFRs needed to evaluate treatments in the absence of randomized controls. Here, we investigate whether viremia in EVD patients may be used to evaluate baseline EVD CFRs. METHODS AND FINDINGS: We analyzed the laboratory and epidemiological records of patients with EVD confirmed by reverse transcription PCR hospitalized in the Conakry area, Guinea, between 1 March 2014 and 28 February 2015. We used viremia and other variables to model the CFR. Data for 699 EVD patients were analyzed. In the week following symptom onset, mean viremia remained stable, and the CFR increased with viremia, V, from 21% (95% CI 16%-27%) for low viremia (V < 104.4 copies/ml) to 53% (95% CI 44%-61%) for intermediate viremia (104.4 ≀ V < 105.2 copies/ml) and 81% (95% CI 75%-87%) for high viremia (V ≄ 105.2 copies/ml). Compared to adults (15-44 y old [y.o.]), the CFR was larger in young children (0-4 y.o.) (odds ratio [OR]: 2.44; 95% CI 1.02-5.86) and older adults (≄ 45 y.o.) (OR: 2.84; 95% CI 1.81-4.46) but lower in children (5-14 y.o.) (OR: 0.46; 95% CI 0.24-0.86). An order of magnitude increase in mean viremia in cases after July 2014 compared to those before coincided with a 14% increase in the CFR. Our findings come from a large hospital-based study in Conakry and may not be generalizable to settings with different case profiles, such as with individuals who never sought care. CONCLUSIONS: Viremia in EVD patients was a strong predictor of death that partly explained variations in CFR in the study population. This study provides baseline CFRs by viremia group, which allow appropriate adjustment when estimating efficacy in treatment studies. In randomized controlled trials, stratifying analysis on viremia groups could reduce sample size requirements by 25%. We hypothesize that monitoring the viremia of hospitalized patients may inform the ability of surveillance systems to detect EVD patients from the different severity strata
