509 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui : 1) Pengaruh Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD) terhadap Belanja Modal pada kabupaten dan kota di Provinsi Jawa Tengah tahun 2011-2013. 2) Pengaruh Dana Alokasi Umum (DAU) terhadap Belanja Modal pada kabupaten dan kota di Provinsi Jawa Tengah tahun 20112013. 3) Pengaruh Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD) dan Dana Alokasi Umum (DAU) secara simultan terhadap Belanja Modal pada kabupaten dan kota di Provinsi Jawa Tengah tahun 2011-2013. Populasi dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 105, yaitu seluruh kabupaten dan kota di Provinsi Jawa Tengah, dengan memperhitungkan jumlah tahun (3 tahun). Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan metode dokumentasi. Uji prasyarat analisis data menggunakan uji normalitas, uji multikolonieritas, uji autokorelasi, dan uji heteroskedastisitas. Uji hipotesis menggunakan analisis regresi linier sederhana dan analisis regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa : 1) Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD) berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Belanja Modal ditunjukkan dengan angka koefisien korelasi (r 1y ) sebesar 0,634; koefisien determinasi (r ) 0,402; t h 8,313>t 1,98350 2) Dana Alokasi Umum (DAU) berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Belanja Modal ditunjukkan dengan angka koefisien korelasi (r 2y t ) sebesar 0,636; koefisien determinasi (r 2 2y ) 0,405; t h 8,365>t 1,98350 3) Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD), dan Dana Alokasi Umum (DAU) berpengaruh positif dan signifikan secara simultan terhadap Belanja Modal ditunjukkan dengan angka koefisien korelasi (R y12 ) sebesar 0,766; koefisien determinasi (R ) 0,587; F h 72,425>F 3,08. t t 2 y12 2 1

    Analisis Galian Dalam Dengan Perkuatan Angkur dan Strut Menggunakan Model 3D di Jakarta Utara

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    Abstrak Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk meninjau performa galian pada tanah lunak yang diperkuat dua jenis sistem perkuatan, yaitu strut dan angkur. Galian dilakukan sedalam 8,5 m menggunakan metode full open cut dengan dua tipe diaphragm wall. Sisi galian dengan perkuatan strut dalam konfigurasi menyudut menghasilkan deformasi yang sangat besar dibandingkan dengan sisi galian dengan perkuatan angkur. Berdasarkan hasil monitoring yang dilakukan, deformasi sebesar 15 cm pada sisi galian dengan strut yang berbatasan dengan Hotel tidak menyebabkan kegagalan pada galian. Sementara sisi galian dengan angkur menunjukan nilai deformasi sebesar 3.5cm pada tahap akhir galian. Analisa balik pemodelan 3D dilakukan untuk mengetahui performa aktual dari galian dan kedua jenis sistem perkuatan. Berdasarkan hasil analisis galian, pemodelan 3D dengan model konstitutif tanah Hardening Soil dapat memodelkan karakteristik galian dengan baik. Deformasi pada sisi dinding galian dengan tebal 80 cm dan perkuatan strut menghasilkan deformasi dinding yang lebih besar disbanding dinding galian dengan tebal 60 cm dan perkuatan 2 level angkur. Deformasi pada sudut galian jauh lebih kecil dibandingkan sepanjang dinding galian. Kata kunci: Galian Dalam, Strut, Angkur, Model 3D   Abstract This study aims to analyze the performance of excavation on soft soil reinforced by two types of supports; the strut and anchor. Excavation depth was 8.5 meters using full open cut method with two types of diaphragm walls. Excavation sides supported by struts in angular configuration resulted in a significantly larger deformation compared with sides supported by anchors. Anchor-supported sides produced 3.5 centimeters of deformation. Meanwhile, although the strut-supported sides adjacent to hotel produced a large, 15-centimeters deformation, it did not result in excavation failure. Three-dimensional model back analysis was carried out to analyze the actual performance of the two types of excavation supports. Based on the results of the excavation analysis, 3D modelling with soil constitutive model of Hardening Soil can model the characteristics of the excavation well. Deformation on the excavation wall with a thickness of 80cm and strut reinforcement resulted in greater wall deformation than the excavation wall with a thickness of 60cm and 2-level anchor reinforcement. The deformation at the excavation corner is much smaller than along the excavation wall. Keywords: Deep Excavation, Strut, Anchor, 3D Modellin

    Land Suitability Analysis for Cassava (Manihot Spp.) Cultivation in Southern Part of Adamawa State, Nigeria

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    The study assessed the physical land suitability for cassava cultivation in southern part of Adamawa State using Multi-criteria evaluation and GIS technique Within the study area the production of cassava is mainly for food and there are only little opportunities for its commercial development This therefore makes it necessary to carry out land suitability analysis in order to provide information on the study area that would guide in sustaining long term production of cassava The environmental variables examined were Mean Annual rainfall Mean Temperature Length of rainfall Relief and Soil which were obtained from the Upper Benue River Development Authority UBRDA Yola The primary data were sourced by means of field survey to obtain the coordinates of the current cassava growing areas for mapping The five factor maps were reclassified based on environmental requirement of cassava crop in the IDRISI Taiga environment and different weights were assigned to each factor to represent their relative importance using the pair-wise comparison Matri

    "Plasmodium falciparum" Drug Resistance, Molecular Genotyping and Generation of a Malaria Resistance Genogram by DNA Microarray-Based Technology

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    Prior to the 2001 malarial treatment policy change in Tanzania, studies were conducted to assess the efficacy of sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) and usefulness of molecular markers in monitoring SP resistance. In these studies the 1996 WHO protocol (with 14 days follow-up) was used to assess treatment responses. The findings show that SP failure rates were 6.8 – 13.5% and P. falciparum triple-Pfdhfr mutant genotype (18.6 – 21.8 %) were already prevalent prior to the change. Mkuzi site, which due to high CQ failure rate, had been using SP against pediatric malaria since 1984, had exceptionally high failure rate (23.6%) and prevalence of triple-Pfdhfr mutant genotype (80%). Therefore, the study suggested that the drug may have a short useful therapeutic life (UTL) in Tanzania. Hence SP was adopted as an interim first line antimalarial drug in 2001 while combination therapies were being evaluated for long-term use. The molecular findings also pointed to the potential of the triple-pfdhfr mutant genotype as an early warning tool for increasing SP resistance. These data formed the baseline SP efficacy and molecular markers profile in Tanzania prior to the policy change. SP efficacy monitoring studies conducted using the WHO 2002 protocol (with 28 days follow-up) after widespread use of SP showed high (~40%) SP failure rates in Tanzania. Therefore, these findings provided evidence for withdrawing SP use in Tanzania and highly justified the recommendation of Ministry of Health of switching the first line treatment to artemether-lumefantrine (AL). Concurrent with efficacy studies, community surveys were conducted in the health facilities’ catchment areas to assess the profile of all molecular markers of P. falciparum resistance to withdrawn and in-use antimalarial drugs as well as those that have never been officially deployed for use. Results show that molecular markers of SP resistance are more prevalent compared to those recorded prior to adoption of SP, with triple-Pfdhfr mutant genotype ranging from 54 – 74%. The triple- Pfdhfr mutant genotype showed some little evidence of depiction of SP failure rate observed at health facilities. This marker may be applicable as a tool in community-based surveillance of dynamics of SP resistance. However, its usefulness must be further explored by assessing its dynamics relative to SP failure rates in many sites, preferably with different failure rates while taking into account linkage disequilibria of the observed mutations. The frequencies of the main mediators of CQ resistance markers (Pfcrt 76 and Pfmdr1 86 Asn) have decreased following suspension of CQ use in Tanzania, but seems to be influenced by uncontrolled use of QN and AQ for uncomplicated malaria. The lack of the ATPase6 mutation suggest that resistance to artemisinin has not been selected in Tanzania. This observation further supports the decision to adopt AL. The capacity to detect many SNPs in many resistance conferring genes makes DNA micorarray technology a potential tool for monitoring dynamics of P falciparum resistance to both withdrawn, “in-use” and undeployed drugs. However, in order to better appreciate parasite genotypic dynamics following alteration of drug pressure, the interval between assessments should be relatively longer than the one used in this study. In the framework of WHO/TDR combination therapy (ACT) trials of uncomplicated P. falciparum malaria in Sub-Sahara African children, we assessed genotyping performance and use-effectiveness. Parasitological failures were adjusted by stepwise genotyping the P. falciparum glutamine rich protein (glurp), merozoite surface protein 1 (msp1) and 2 (msp2) in Day 0 and post-Day14 recurrent parasitaemias. Recurrences on or before Day 14 were assumed to be recrudescent and were not genotyped. Molecular genotyping refined parasitological outcomes, with differences between crude and adjusted outcomes in most sites >10%. The overall and laboratory performances, (69%) and (78%), respectively, of the stepwise genotyping system were better. However, diligence is needed in sample collection and analysis in order to reduce loss of genotyping data and hence failure to resolve recurrences. Additional genotyping of pre-Day 14 recurrences in Uganda site identified many more new infections and further reduced the PCR-adjusted parasitological failure rate by 8%. Therefore, the study recommends that all recurrent infections in malaria treatment trials/studies in high transmission areas should be genotyped. The stepwise genotyping approach, coupled with more advanced DNA extraction methods needs to be validated and considered for adoption as a standard integral part in malaria drug efficacy studies

    A Semiotic Approach to Conflict Transformation: Can Signs and Symbols Help Make Peace?

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    Religion has always had the ability to play a major role in peacemaking and conflict transformation. But over the years, the power of religion to engender peace and to have an active voice in community issues has been lost on many secular theorists who see religion as one of the major reasons for lack of peace in the world. So, reclaiming the voice of religion in a pluralistic world is needed. Religious voices could have a positive impact in transforming conflict and bringing peace. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are monotheistic religions that are also the Abrahamic faiths. This is a designation that captures the essence of these faiths, most notably their shared affirmation of a single God. “They characteristically proclaim God as the creator and the sovereign ruler of the universe—its past, present, and future. God not only transcends human understanding, but also uses human language to reveal God’s will and ways to us. These religions also proclaim that God speaks through the prophets and set forth the holy books as the treasure chest of their revelations. Not only a belief in one God but faith in the creator God, binds together the Abrahamic religions.” In the context of today’s spiritual need and conflicts, the Abrahamic faiths should unite towards peacemaking, setting aside any competition with one another. They must work in harmony, cooperating in the genuine spirit of service to humanity given the common understanding of being heirs of Abraham. Only then can they influence the opinions of the masses and truly educate the people toward peacemaking. Their religious instructions and beliefs continue to remain the lifeblood of society’s moral ethos. “Not only do these religions teach virtue, but they also have been a bedrock for moral action.” As a result, “religion plays an essential role in society and should give attention to the role of being peacemakers. It is certain that Christians, Jews, and Muslims will readily agree that God alone is sovereign;” however, relinquishing the idea of sovereignty to other religions is a bit more complex. For the sake of humanity and the cause of peace, guided by a genuine feeling of love and brotherhood, religious leaders from each of the Abrahamic faiths have to stretch out their hands in friendship to one another and the people of Rockford, Illinois, irrespective of race or creed, with a desire to work for peace in Rockford. Like other cosmopolitan cities in America and around the world, Rockford’s Abrahamic faiths coexist side by side. Much work has been done in Rockford so that they not only coexist, but have taken to making religion a vehicle for peacemaking. Rockfordians did not seek individual or group protection through ironclad religious identities, but have chosen to enjoy a variety of spiritual gifts, focusing on goals, not creeds. While the individual beliefs of each faith are important, one rule—based on the understanding that no one may attack another religion—is honored. Unity exists for the sake of peace. Such understanding fuels our hopes for working together as diverse religious groups. We might not otherwise have done so since each religion exclusively claims to be the conduit to peacemaking. The Christian tradition makes Abraham the patriarch and recipient of the original covenant from God, whereas Jesus is seen as the one who makes the second covenant possible. In the Islamic culture and religion, the same Abraham is regarded as a prophet and a messenger of God who had an unwavering faith and steadfast monotheism. Jews attest to the Israelites as the descendants of Abraham, according to their scriptures. In response to these differences, a Rockford unity group coordinated by the Center for Nonviolence and Conflict Transformation (CNCT) called for a rally that began with Muslims, Christians, and Jews sharing stories from their religious traditions on how peacemaking takes place. These acts of storytelling and listening to each other’s stories opened up new vistas for attendees to understand each other. The storytelling sessions went from one house of worship to the other—mosques, churches, and synagogues alike—with several speakers from the diverse backgrounds of these faiths. It culminated in a resolve to work together toward peacemaking and conflict transformation that is backed up by actionable steps. According to the New York Times in November 2016, nationally there has been 67 percent increase in hate crimes against Muslims and Jews. The focus of the unity group is to defeat discrimination against minority groups. The rallies provided the platform for an interface aimed at showing support to all groups that felt threatened, and brought them together regardless of race, ethnicity, or creed

    Pregnancy and transmission of Human Immunodefiency Virus (HIV) among serodiscord couples in Jos University Teaching Hospital

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    Background: Serodiscordant couples, have been used to study heterosexual transmission risk because of the high frequency of sexual acts that occur in stable relationships. The hormonal changes during pregnancy could influence heterosexual transmission in serodiscordant relationships. The prevalence of serodiscordant relationship is high in Jos and there are conflicting reports on the incidence of seroconversion among serodiscordant couples. Also, the factors responsible for seroconversion are not well understood and the foregoing reasons stimulated this study.Methodology: This was a prospective cohort study of HIV seropositive pregnant women and their seronegative male partners who were attending the antenatal /prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV clinic of the Jos University Teaching Hospital.Results: Out of the forty-nine (49) couples studied, only one seroconverted giving an incidence of 1/49 (20.4 per 1000 couple). The mean gestational age at initial testing was 21.4 weeks and that at repeat testing was 38.8 weeks with an average follow up time of 11.49 weeks. The average age was 32.81yrs, out of these 29 had tertiary education (59.2%). The predominant ethnic group was Berom (24.5%) and majority (44.9%) of the participants were civil servants. The mean frequency of sexual intercourse per week was 2.55 times, (36.7%) do not use condoms during sexual intercourse and only (9.7%) always use condom during sexual intercourse.Conclusion: The incidence of HIV transmission to the male uninfected partner in a serodiscodant setting in Jos during pregnancy is low but its occurrence in this study suggests the need to re-test the seronegative male partners after every pregnancy.Keywords: pregnancy, human immunodeficiency virus, serodiscordance, seroconversio

    Exploration of in Vivo Efficacy of Artemether-Lumefantrine Against Uncomplicated Plasmodium Falciparum Malaria in Under Fives in Tabora Region, Tanzania.

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    Tanzania adopted artemether-lumefantrine (AL) as first-line drug for uncomplicated malaria in 2006. Recently, there was an anecdotal report on high malaria recurrence rate following AL treatment in in the (urban and peri-urban), western part of Tanzania. The current report is an exploratory study to carefully and systematically assess AL efficacy in the area. Between June and August 2011, a total of 1,126 patients were screened for malaria, 33 had malaria, of which 20 patients met inclusion criteria and were enrolled and treated with standard dose of AL as recommended in the WHO protocol. Treated patients were followed up for 28 days to assess treatment responses. Before treatment (Day 0) and post-treatment (Day 7) plasma lumefantrine levels were determined to assess prior AL use and ascertain parasites exposure to adequate plasma leveles of lumefantrine, respectively. The cure rate was 100%. All Day 0 plasma lumefantrine were below HPLC detectable level. The median Day 7 lumefantrine concentration was 404, (range, 189-894 ng/ml). Six out of 20 patients (30%) were gametocytaemic and all cleared gametocytes by Day 14. One patient showed an increase in gametocytes from four on Day 0 to 68, per 500 WBC on Day 2. Artemether lumefantrine is highly efficacious against uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria. The elevation of gametocytaemia despite AL treatment needs to be evaluated in a larger study

    Utilization of Andropogon Gayanus (Gamba grass) as Basal Diet

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    A feeding trial was conducted to determine the effect of feeding Andropogon gayanus  (Gamba grass) hay with groundnut haulms as supplement on the performance of Yankasa rams. Sixteen yakasa rams aged from 8-10 months with average live-weight of 18kg were subjected to four treatment diets each consisting of four replicates in a randomized complete block design. The four dietary treatments were T1 (sole Andropogon gayunus), T2 (Andropogon gayanus + 100g groundnut haulms), T3 (Andropogon gayanus + 200g groundnut haulms ) and T4 (Andropogon gayanus + 300g). The result showed that rams fed T1 recorded the least feed intake and weight gain than T2, T3 and T4 which were supplemented with groundnut haulms. The live-weight gain of yankasa rams was not significantly (P<0.05) different. The water intake of rams was not significantly (P<0.05) affected by groundnut haulms supplementation but increases with levels. The nutrients digestibility were significantly (P<0.05) different with supplementation except the crude fibre. The result showed that supplementation of Andropogon gaayanus hay with groundnut haulms could lead to improved feed intake, weight gain, digestibility and nutrients intake. Key words: Yankasa rams, Andropogon gayanus, Groundnut haulms, Digestibility, Performance

    Rancang Bangun Website Prediksi Harga Saham Menggunakan Framework Flask dan Algoritma LSTM

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    Saham merupakan sebuah surat berharga yang bersifat kepemilikan. Investasi saham di Indonesia semakin berkembang sejak 5 tahun terakhir. Investasi saham memiliki resiko kerugian. Para pemegang saham harus mengamati saham yang akan dibeli dengan mengandalkan analisis pola saham dari hari sebelumnya, tetapi pola harga saham sulit diprediksi dan berubah-ubah. Oleh sebab itu diperlukan sebuah metode yang dapat mempermudah proses analisis pola saham. Meskipun sudah ada beberapa website yang memiliki konsep prediksi harga saham, namun belum ada yang memanfaatkan algoritma deep learning. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan website prediksi harga saham menggunakan algoritma deep learning untuk membantu user dalam memprediksi harga saham dengan memanfaatkan algoritma Long short-term memory (LSTM). Penelitian ini memiliki fokus pada lima bank dengan market cap tertinggi di Indonesia yaitu saham Bank Central Asia, Bank Rakyat Indonesia, Bank Mandiri, Bank Negara Indonesia, dan Bank Syariah Indonesia. Website pada penelitian ini dibangun dengan metode prototyping menggunakan framework Flask dan algoritma LSTM. Flask digunakan untuk menerapkan model deep learning ke dalam sebuah website karena fleksibilitasnya yang tinggi dan cocok untuk proyek penelitian skala kecil, memungkinkan penentuan fungsionalitas dengan mudah dan cocok untuk penelitian ini, sedangkan algoritma LSTM digunakan karena memiliki kemampuan dalam menangkap ketergantungan jangka panjang pada data dengan kompleksitas tinggi. Penelitian ini menghasilkan website prediksi harga saham menggunakan framework flask dan algoritma LSTM, dimana Hasil prediksi ditampilkan melalui website yang telah dibangun. Model LSTM untuk masing ­ masing saham memiliki Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) kurang dari 10%, yang mengindikasikan bahwa model tingkat akurasi "Highly accurate" berdasarkan penilaian skala akurasi MAPE