2,662 research outputs found

    The Influence of Magnetic Field on Oscillations in the Solar Chromosphere

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    Two sequences of solar images obtained by the Transition Region and Coronal Explorer in three UV passbands are studied using wavelet and Fourier analysis and compared to the photospheric magnetic flux measured by the Michelson Doppler Interferometer on the Solar Heliospheric Observatory to study wave behaviour in differing magnetic environments. Wavelet periods show deviations from the theoretical cutoff value and are interpreted in terms of inclined fields. The variation of wave speeds indicates that a transition from dominant fast-magnetoacoustic waves to slow modes is observed when moving from network into plage and umbrae. This implies preferential transmission of slow modes into the upper atmosphere, where they may lead to heating or be detected in coronal loops and plumes.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures (4 colour online only), accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Metallicity and Physical Conditions in the Magellanic Bridge

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    We present a new analysis of the diffuse gas in the Magellanic Bridge (RA>3h) based on HST/STIS E140M and FUSE spectra of 2 early-type stars lying within the Bridge and a QSO behind it. We derive the column densities of HI (from Ly\alpha), NI, OI, ArI, SiII, SII, and FeII of the gas in the Bridge. Using the atomic species, we determine the first gas-phase metallicity of the Magellanic Bridge, [Z/H]=-1.02+/-0.07 toward one sightline, and -1.7<[Z/H]<-0.9 toward the other one, a factor 2 or more smaller than the present-day SMC metallicity. Using the metallicity and N(HI), we show that the Bridge gas along our three lines of sight is ~70-90% ionized, despite high HI columns, logN(HI)=19.6-20.1. Possible sources for the ongoing ionization are certainly the hot stars within the Bridge, hot gas (revealed by OVI absorption), and leaking photons from the SMC and LMC. From the analysis of CII*, we deduce that the overall density of the Bridge must be low (<0.03-0.1 cm^-3). We argue that our findings combined with other recent observational results should motivate new models of the evolution of the SMC-LMC-Galaxy system.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Ap

    Optimization of double pulse pumping for Ni-like Sm x-ray lasers

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    We report a systematic study of double pulse pumping of the Ni-like Sm x-ray laser at 73 Angstrom, currently the shortest wavelength saturated x-ray laser. It is found that the Sm x-ray laser output can change by orders of magnitude when the intensity ratio of the pumping pulses and their relative delay are varied. Optimum pumping conditions are found and interpreted in terms of a simple model. (C) 1999 American Institute of Physics. [S0021-8979(99)07102-9]

    The Homogeneity of Interstellar Oxygen in the Galactic Disk

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    We present an analysis of high resolution HST Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) observations of O I 1356 and H I Lyman-alpha absorption in 36 sight lines that probe a variety of Galactic disk environments and include paths that range over nearly 4 orders of magnitude in f(H_2), over 2 orders of magnitude in mean sight line density, and that extend up to 6.5 kpc in length. Consequently, we have undertaken the study of gas-phase O/H abundance ratio homogeneity using the current sample and previously published Goddard High-Resolution Spectrograph (GHRS) results. Two distinct trends are identified in the 56 sight line sample: an apparent decrease in gas-phase oxygen abundance with increasing mean sight line density and a gap between the mean O/H ratio for sight lines shorter and longer than about 800 pc. The first effect is a smooth transition between two depletion levels associated with large mean density intervals; it is centered near a density of 1.5 cm^-3 and is similar to trends evident in gas-phase abundances of other elements. Paths less dense than the central value exhibit a mean O/H ratio of log_10 (O/H) = -3.41+/-0.01 (or 390+/-10 ppm), which is consistent with averages determined for several long, low-density paths observed by STIS (Andre et al. 2003) and short low-density paths observed by FUSE (Moos et al. 2002). Sight lines of higher mean density exhibit an average O/H value of log_10 (O/H) = -3.55+/-0.02 (284+/-12 ppm). The datapoints for low-density paths are scattered more widely than those for denser sight lines, due to O/H ratios for paths shorter than 800 pc that are generally about 0.10 dex lower than the values for longer ones.Comment: 33 pages, including 8 figures and 4 tables; accepted for publication in ApJ, tentatively in Oct 200

    Soft X-ray emission lines of Fe XV in solar flare observations and the Chandra spectrum of Capella

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    Recent calculations of atomic data for Fe XV have been used to generate theoretical line ratios involving n = 3-4 transitions in the soft X-ray spectral region (52-83 A), for a wide range of electron temperatures and densities applicable to solar and stellar coronal plasmas. A comparison of these with solar flare observations from a rocket-borne spectrograph (XSST) reveals generally good agreement between theory and experiment. In particular, the 82.76 A emission line in the XSST spectrum is identified, for the first time to our knowledge in an astrophysical source. Most of the Fe XV transitions which are blended have had the species responsible clearly identified, although there remain a few instances where this has not been possible. The line ratio calculations are also compared with a co-added spectrum of Capella obtained with the Chandra satellite, which is probably the highest signal-to-noise observation achieved for a stellar source in the 25-175 A soft X-ray region. Good agreement is found between theory and experiment, indicating that the Fe XV lines are reliably detected in Chandra spectra, and hence may be employed as diagnostics to determine the temperature and/or density of the emitting plasma. However the line blending in the Chandra data is such that individual emission lines are difficult to measure accurately, and fluxes may only be reliably determined via detailed profile fitting of the observations. The co-added Capella spectrum is made available to hopefully encourage further exploration of the soft X-ray region in astronomical sources.Comment: 27 pages, 10 figures, Astrophysical Journal, in pres

    Current Status of the SuperWASP Project

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    We present the current status of the SuperWASP project, a Wide Angle Search for Planets. SuperWASP consists of up to 8 individual cameras using ultra-wide field lenses backed by high-quality passively cooled CCDs. Each camera covers 7.8 x 7.8 sq degrees of sky, for nearly 500 sq degrees of sky coverage. SuperWASP I, located in LaPalma, is currently operational with 5 cameras and is conducting a photometric survey of a large numbers of stars in the magnitude range ~7 to 15. The collaboration has developed a custom-built reduction pipeline and aims to achieve better than 1 percent photometric precision. The pipeline will also produce well sampled light curves for all the stars in each field which will be used to detect: planetary transits, optical transients, and track Near-Earth Objects. Status of current observations, and expected rates of extrasolar planetary detections will be presented. The consortium members, institutions, and further details can be found on the web site at: http://www.superwasp.org.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures, submitted to the Proceedings of the 13th Cool Stars Workshop, Ed. F. Favata, ESA-S

    A Comprehensive Survey of Natural Language Generation Advances from the Perspective of Digital Deception

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    In recent years there has been substantial growth in the capabilities of systems designed to generate text that mimics the fluency and coherence of human language. From this, there has been considerable research aimed at examining the potential uses of these natural language generators (NLG) towards a wide number of tasks. The increasing capabilities of powerful text generators to mimic human writing convincingly raises the potential for deception and other forms of dangerous misuse. As these systems improve, and it becomes ever harder to distinguish between human-written and machine-generated text, malicious actors could leverage these powerful NLG systems to a wide variety of ends, including the creation of fake news and misinformation, the generation of fake online product reviews, or via chatbots as means of convincing users to divulge private information. In this paper, we provide an overview of the NLG field via the identification and examination of 119 survey-like papers focused on NLG research. From these identified papers, we outline a proposed high-level taxonomy of the central concepts that constitute NLG, including the methods used to develop generalised NLG systems, the means by which these systems are evaluated, and the popular NLG tasks and subtasks that exist. In turn, we provide an overview and discussion of each of these items with respect to current research and offer an examination of the potential roles of NLG in deception and detection systems to counteract these threats. Moreover, we discuss the broader challenges of NLG, including the risks of bias that are often exhibited by existing text generation systems. This work offers a broad overview of the field of NLG with respect to its potential for misuse, aiming to provide a high-level understanding of this rapidly developing area of research

    Near-Infrared Classification Spectroscopy: H-band Spectra of Fundamental MK Standards

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    We present a catalogue of H-band spectra for 85 stars of approximately solar abundance observed at a resolving power of 3000 with the KPNO Mayall 4m FTS. The atlas covers spectral types O7-M5 and luminosity classes I-V as defined on the MK system. We identify both atomic and molecular indices and line-ratios which are temperature and luminosity sensitive allowing spectral classification to be carried out in the H-band. The line ratios permit spectral classification in the presence of continuum excess emission, which is commonly found in pre-main sequence and evolved stars. We demonstrate that with spectra of R = 1000 obtained at SNR > 50 it is possible to derive spectral types within +- 2 subclasses for late-type stars. These data are available electronically through the Astronomical Data Center in addition to being served on the World-Wide-Web.Comment: To appear in the November 20, 1998 issue of ApJ (Volume 508, #1

    Global datasets of leaf photosynthetic capacity for ecological and earth system research

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    The maximum rate of Rubisco carboxylation (Vcmax) determines leaf photosynthetic capacity and is a key parameter for estimating the terrestrial carbon cycle, but its spatial information is lacking, hindering global ecological research. Here, we convert leaf chlorophyll content (LCC) retrieved from satellite data to Vcmax, based on plants’ optimal distribution of nitrogen between light harvesting and carboxylation pathways. We also derive Vcmax from satellite (GOME-2) observations of sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) as a proxy of leaf photosynthesis using a data assimilation technique. These two independent global Vcmax products agree well (r 2=0.79, RMSE=15.46 μmol m-2 s -1 25 , P<0.001) and compare well with 3672 ground-based measurements (r2=0.68, RMSE=13.55 μmol m-2 s -1 and P<0.001 for SIF; r2=0.55, RMSE=17.55 μmol m-2 s -1 and P<0.001 for LCC). The LCC-derived Vcmax product is also used to constrain the retrieval of Vcmax from TROPOMI SIF data to produce an optimized Vcmax product using both SIF and LCC information. The global distributions of these products are compatible with Vcmax computed from an ecological optimality theory using meteorological variables, but importantly reveal additional information on the influence of land cover, irrigation, soil pH and leaf nitrogen on leaf photosynthetic capacity. These satellite-based approaches and spatial Vcmax products are primed to play a major role in global ecosystem research. The three remote sensing Vcmax products based on SIF, LCC and SIF+LCC are available at https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6466968 (Chen et al., 2020) and the code for implementing the ecological optimality theory is available at https://github.com/SmithEcophysLab/optimal_vcmax_R (Smith, 2020)