241 research outputs found

    Where are we at with plantar fasciitis?

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    La fascitis plantar es uno de los problemas musculoesqueléticos más frecuentes en las extremidades inferiores. Es una de las pocas áreas de la práctica podológica donde hay un conjunto de pruebas que evalúan el tratamiento y el diagnóstico. Esta presentación le permitirá navegar a través de la investigación para explorar los problemas actuales en el diagnóstico de fascitis plantar, incluyendo la presentación clínica y diagnóstico diferencial.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    African American Race and Culture and Patients\u27 Perceptions of Diabetes Health Education

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    African Americans diagnosed with diabetes are less likely to self-manage diabetes-specific modifiable risk factors. As a result, utilization of healthcare services occurs at a greater rate than other racial groups, and thereby incurs higher than expected healthcare costs. This ethnographic study explored the elements of diabetes educational material African Americans in a large city in the southern part of the United States found most useful to facilitate self-management of their disease. Bandura\u27s self-efficacy theory provided the theoretical framework. Research questions addressed the preferred educational content, layout of material, and methods for educational delivery and caregiver support. A purposive sample of 30 African Americans with diabetes who had engaged in diabetes education classes participated in this study. Data were collected through in-depth personal interviews, which were inductively coded and then categorized around emergent themes. A key finding of this study is that participants preferred group learning formats, but perceived educational material to be confusing and difficult to understand. They also expressed some preferences for the use of color, pictures, and presentation of graphical information that may provide the basis for a revision of educational materials. Interestingly, participants indicated a tendency to seek out church members rather than family for support. The positive social change implications of this study include recommendations to healthcare professionals to adopt educational curricula that reflect cultural nuances and needs of target populations in order to support better health outcomes for at-risk populations and cost efficiency improvements

    Phosphofructokinase 1 Glycosylation Regulates Cell Growth and Metabolism

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    Cancer cells must satisfy the metabolic demands of rapid cell growth within a continually changing microenvironment. We demonstrated that the dynamic posttranslational modification of proteins by O-linked β-N-acetylglucosamine (O-GlcNAcylation) is a key metabolic regulator of glucose metabolism. O-GlcNAcylation was induced at serine 529 of phosphofructokinase 1 (PFK1) in response to hypoxia. Glycosylation inhibited PFK1 activity and redirected glucose flux through the pentose phosphate pathway, thereby conferring a selective growth advantage on cancer cells. Blocking glycosylation of PFK1 at serine 529 reduced cancer cell proliferation in vitro and impaired tumor formation in vivo. These studies reveal a previously uncharacterized mechanism for the regulation of metabolic pathways in cancer and a possible target for therapeutic intervention

    Protecting Against Predators: An Exploratory Study on the Sexual Exploitation of Children and Young People in Ireland

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    The sexual exploitation of children is a profoundly damaging human rights violation that has serious, immediate and long-term physical, mental, emotional and social health consequences for the victims. Yet according to Beckett and Pearce (2018) there is 'a continuing societal discomfort around accepting that the sexual exploitation of children can affect any child and, as such is a problem that affects all of us'. This scoping study seeks to confront this discomfort by gleaning insights into the issue of the sexual exploitation of children and young people in Ireland.University College Dublin FoundationCommunity Foundation of Irelan

    Non-recent Institutional Abuses and Inquiries: Truth, Acknowledgement, Accountability and Procedural Justice

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    Over the last two decades, historical abuse in state and religiously-operated institutions and some civil society groups and organisations has come under scrutiny around the world. The island of Ireland, comprising Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, has had a large number of investigations, redress schemes or apologies regarding non-recent institutional abuse against women and children, some of which are ongoing. Many of these efforts have been criticised by victims/survivors, academic activists and advocates for deficient processes or inadequate recommendations or outcomes. Despite widespread acknowledgement that recent official responses to non-recent institutional abuse are lacking in terms of their capacity to deliver truth, acknowledgement, accountability, and procedural justice, discourses are rarely informed by detailed empirical assessment of the views of key stakeholders including victims/survivors, victim-advocates/representatives, lawyers and human rights advocates, judges/commissioners, politicians, policymakers and members of churches and religious orders. This is an important moment, therefore, to stand back and assess justice responses to non-recent institutional abuse across the island of Ireland and how they compare to efforts across the world. This research will provide a guiding standard to improve social and public understanding to redress non-recent institutional abuse across Ireland and elsewhere.Higher Education AuthorityTransforming Justice Responses to Historical Institutional Abuse ProjectBritish AcademyUK Arts and Humanities Research Counci

    Aphid-Responsive Defense Networks in Hybrid Switchgrass

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    Aphid herbivory elicits plant defense-related networks that are influenced by host genetics. Plants of the upland switchgrass (Panicum virgatum) cultivar Summer can be a suitable host for greenbug aphids (Schizaphis graminum; GB), and yellow sugarcane aphids (Sipha flava, YSA), whereas the lowland cultivar Kanlow exhibited multi-species resistance that curtails aphid reproduction. However, stabilized hybrids of Summer (♀) x Kanlow (♂) (SxK) with improved agronomics can be damaged by both aphids. Here, hormone and metabolite analyses, coupled with RNA-Seq analysis of plant transcriptomes, were utilized to delineate defense networks induced by aphid feeding in SxK switchgrass and pinpoint plant transcription factors (TFs), such as WRKYs that potentially regulate these responses. Abscisic acid (ABA) levels were significantly higher in GB infested plants at 5 and 10 days after infestation (DAI). ABA levels were highest at 15DAI in YSA infested plants. Jasmonic acid levels were significantly elevated under GB infestation, while salicylic acid levels were signifi40cantly elevated only at 15 DAI in YSA infested plants. Similarly, levels of several metabolites were altered in common or specifically to each aphid. YSA infestation induced a significant enrichment of flavonoids consistent with an upregulation of many genes associated with flavonoid biosynthesis at 15DAI. Gene co-expression modules that responded singly to either aphid or in common to both aphids were differentiated and linked to specific TFs. Together, these data provide important clues into the interplay of metabolism and transcriptional remodeling accompanying defense responses to aphid herbivory in hybrid switchgrass

    Airway Epithelial Cell Migration Dynamics: Mmp-9 Role in Cell–Extracellular Matrix Remodeling

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    Cell spreading and migration associated with the expression of the 92-kD gelatinase (matrix metalloproteinase 9 or MMP-9) are important mechanisms involved in the repair of the respiratory epithelium. We investigated the location of MMP-9 and its potential role in migrating human bronchial epithelial cells (HBEC). In vivo and in vitro, MMP-9 accumulated in migrating HBEC located at the leading edge of a wound and MMP-9 expression paralleled cell migration speed. MMP-9 accumulated through an actin-dependent pathway in the advancing lamellipodia of migrating cells and was subsequently found active in the extracellular matrix (ECM). Lamellipodia became anchored through primordial contacts established with type IV collagen. MMP-9 became amassed behind collagen IV where there were fewer cell–ECM contacts. Both collagen IV and MMP-9 were involved in cell migration because when cell–collagen IV interaction was blocked, cells spread slightly but did not migrate; and when MMP-9 activation was prevented, cells remained fixed on primordial contacts and did not advance at all. These observations suggest that MMP-9 controls the migration of repairing HBEC by remodeling the provisional ECM implicated in primordial contacts

    Reckoning up: sexual harassment and violence in the neoliberal university

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    This paper situates sexual harassment and violence in the neoliberal university. Using data from a ‘composite ethnography’ representing twelve years of research, I argue that institutional inaction on these issues reflects how they are ‘reckoned up’ in the context of gender and other structures. The impact of disclosure is projected in market terms: this produces institutional airbrushing which protects both the institution and those (usually privileged men) whose welfare is bound up with its success. Staff and students are differentiated by power/value relations, which interact with gender and intersecting categories. Survivors are often left with few alternatives to speaking out in the ‘outrage economy’ of the corporate media: however, this can support institutional airbrushing and bolster punitive technologies. I propose the method of Grounded Action Inquiry, implemented with attention to Lorde’s work on anger, as a parrhesiastic practice of ‘speaking in’ to the neoliberal institution

    Inhibiting Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase in Enteric Glia Restores Electrogenic Ion Transport in Mice With Colitis

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    BACKGROUND & AIMS: Disturbances in the control of ion transport lead to epithelial barrier dysfunction in patients with colitis. Enteric glia regulate intestinal barrier function and colonic ion transport. However, it is not clear whether enteric glia are involved in the epithelial hypo-responsiveness. We investigated enteric glial regulation of ion transport in mice with trinitrobenzene sulphonic acid- or dextran sodium sulfate-induced colitis and in Il10(−/−) mice. METHODS: Electrically-evoked ion transport was measured in full-thickness segments of colon from CD1 and Il10(−/−) mice with or without colitis in Ussing chambers. Nitric oxide (NO) production was assessed using amperometry. Bacterial translocation was investigated in the liver, spleen and blood of mice. RESULTS: Electrical stimulation of the colon evoked a tetrodotoxin-sensitive chloride secretion. In mice with colitis, ion transport almost completely disappeared. Inhibiting inducible NO synthase (NOS2), but not neuronal NOS (NOS1), partially restored the evoked secretory response. Blocking glial function with fluoroacetate, which is not a NOS2 inhibitor, also partially restored ion transport. Combined NOS2 inhibition and fluoroacetate administration fully restored secretion. Epithelial responsiveness to vasoactive intestinal peptide was increased after enteric glial function was blocked in mice with colitis. In colons of mice without colitis, NO was produced in the myenteric plexus almost completely via NOS1. NO production was increased in mice with colitis, compared to mice without colitis; a substantial proportion of NOS2 was blocked by fluoroacetate administration. Inhibition of enteric glial function in vivo reduced the severity of trinitrobenzene sulphonic acid -induced colitis and associated bacterial translocation. CONCLUSIONS: Increased production of NOS2 in enteric glia contributes to the dysregulation of intestinal ion transport in mice with colitis. Blocking enteric glial function in these mice restores epithelial barrier function and reduces bacterial translocation