29 research outputs found

    MSAT signalling and network management architectures

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    Spar Aerospace has been active in the design and definition of Mobile Satellite Systems since the mid 1970's. In work sponsored by the Canadian Department of Communications, various payload configurations have evolved. In addressing the payload configuration, the requirements of the mobile user, the service provider and the satellite operator have always been the most important consideration. The current Spar 11 beam satellite design is reviewed, and its capabilities to provide flexibility and potential for network growth within the WARC87 allocations are explored. To enable the full capabilities of the payload to be realized, a large amount of ground based Switching and Network Management infrastructure will be required, when space segment becomes available. Early indications were that a single custom designed Demand Assignment Multiple Access (DAMA) switch should be implemented to provide efficient use of the space segment. As MSAT has evolved into a multiple service concept, supporting many service providers, this architecture should be reviewed. Some possible signalling and Network Management solutions are explored

    Coaching and coach development in New Zealand

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    For a small country with a population of 4.47 million (Statistics New Zealand, 2015), New Zealand achieves great success on the world sporting stage. One of the many contributors to this success is New Zealand’s commitment to developing coaches with an emphasis on continuous improvement through the provision of ongoing learning opportunities for coaches (SPARC, 2006). Interestingly the International Sport Coaching Framework’s recommendations aligns itself to such an emphasis that they refer to as lifelong learning (ICCE, 2013). To achieve this focus, and based on a Ministerial Taskforce findings that, “Coaching is in urgent need of support and development” (Ministerial Taskforce, 2001, p.10) Sport and Recreation New Zealand (SPARC) established a consultancy group to review and redevelop coaching. The consultancy group was comprised of a “coaching team”’ and “key players in coaching”’ (SPARC, 2004, p.5). An outcome of this consultation was the production of the New Zealand Coaching Strategy (SPARC, 2004). Based on robust discussion on many issues of how people learn and coaching development philosophies, the Coach Development Framework (CDF) was established in 2006. Since its establishment, the CDF has been guiding coach development in New Zealand, placing the responsibility for this development on the National Sporting Organisations (NSOs)

    Cybersecurity: mapping the ethical terrain

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    This edited collection examines the ethical trade-offs involved in cybersecurity: between security and privacy; individual rights and the good of a society; and between the types of burdens placed on particular groups in order to protect others. Foreword Governments and society are increasingly reliant on cyber systems. Yet the more reliant we are upon cyber systems, the more vulnerable we are to serious harm should these systems be attacked or used in an attack. This problem of reliance and vulnerability is driving a concern with securing cyberspace. For example, a ‘cybersecurity’ team now forms part of the US Secret Service. Its job is to respond to cyber-attacks in specific environments such as elevators in a building that hosts politically vulnerable individuals, for example, state representatives. Cybersecurity aims to protect cyberinfrastructure from cyber-attacks; the concerning aspect of the threat from cyber-attack is the potential for serious harm that damage to cyber-infrastructure presents to resources and people. These types of threats to cybersecurity might simply target information and communication systems: a distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack on a government website does not harm a website in any direct way, but prevents its normal use by stifling the ability of users to connect to the site. Alternatively, cyber-attacks might disrupt physical devices or resources, such as the Stuxnet virus, which caused the malfunction and destruction of Iranian nuclear centrifuges. Cyber-attacks might also enhance activities that are enabled through cyberspace, such as the use of online media by extremists to recruit members and promote radicalisation. Cyber-attacks are diverse: as a result, cybersecurity requires a comparable diversity of approaches. Cyber-attacks can have powerful impacts on people’s lives, and so—in liberal democratic societies at least—governments have a duty to ensure cybersecurity in order to protect the inhabitants within their own jurisdiction and, arguably, the people of other nations. But, as recent events following the revelations of Edward Snowden have demonstrated, there is a risk that the governmental pursuit of cybersecurity might overstep the mark and subvert fundamental privacy rights. Popular comment on these episodes advocates transparency of government processes, yet given that cybersecurity risks represent major challenges to national security, it is unlikely that simple transparency will suffice. Managing the risks of cybersecurity involves trade-offs: between security and privacy; individual rights and the good of a society; and types of burdens placed on particular groups in order to protect others. These trade-offs are often ethical trade-offs, involving questions of how we act, what values we should aim to promote, and what means of anticipating and responding to the risks are reasonably—and publicly—justifiable. This Occasional Paper (prepared for the National Security College) provides a brief conceptual analysis of cybersecurity, demonstrates the relevance of ethics to cybersecurity and outlines various ways in which to approach ethical decision-making when responding to cyber-attacks


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    [EN] The aim of this body of work is to draw attention to the role of weeds and fallen leaves in urban biodiversity, to question the current environmental management practices and to celebrate both the beauty and importance of these much-maligned elements of our urban landscape. I aim to present weeds and fallen leaves as precious and to celebrate their importance as key players in urban biodiversity. They are important parts of our ecosystem that are often thrown out or sprayed and killed due to ¿aesthetics¿. At a time when the earth is faced with uncertainty and the future of many species is under threat from global warming, the robustness and adaptability of weeds should be an inspiration not an indictment. I want to question common ideas about what is beautiful and what is not, what is valuable and what is rubbish. I hope to provide a contradiction to the negative names `malas hierbas¿ and `leaf litter¿. The majority of the work was created using offset lithography, printed using a manual press. Supplementary sculptures were made using cast bronze and brass and stone carving. The works were exhibited as part of IV Jornadas de Antonio Bello, an international conference on agro-ecology in Villa Real, which ran from 19 ¿ 21 April 2018 in Fundación Caixa Rural, Vila Real. The exhibition continued until 30 April.[ES] El objetivo de este trabajo es llamar la atención sobre el papel que juegan las malas hierbas y hojas caídas en la biodiversidad urbana además de, cuestionar las prácticas actuales de gestión ambiental y ensalzar tanto la belleza como la importancia de estos elementos tan difamados de nuestro paisaje urbano. Mi objetivo principal es, presentar las malas hierbas y las hojas caídas como objetos preciosos y resaltar su importancia como factores clave en la biodiversidad urbana. Partes importantes de nuestro ecosistema que a menudo son arrancadas, fumigadas y exterminadas debido a la «estética». En un momento en que la Tierra se enfrenta a la incertidumbre y el futuro de muchas especies está amenazado por el calentamiento global, la robustez y adaptabilidad de las malas hierbas debería ser una inspiración, no una condena. La intención de esta investigación es cuestionar ideas comunes sobre lo que es bello y lo que no, lo que es valioso y lo que es basura. Espero poder crear una clara contradicción sobre los nombres negativos «malas hierbas» y «hojarasca» para poder reivindicar la importancia de estas, «las malas hierbas». La mayoría del trabajo se creó utilizando litografía offset, impresa en prensa holandesa manual. Las esculturas complementarias se hicieron utilizando laton y bronce fundido y piedra. Las obras se expusieron en la «IV Jornadas de Antonio Bello», conferencia internacional sobre agroecología, que tuvo lugar del 19 al 21 de abril de 2018 en la Fundación Caixa Rural de Vila Real. La fecha de clausura de la exposición de las obras fue el 30 de Abril de 2018.Keelty, G. (2018). LAS MALAS HIERBAS NO SON MALAS. INVESTIGACIÓN Y EXPOSICIÓN. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/110103TFG

    A Statistical Analysis of the Variability Experienced in DLA Administrative and Production Lead Time

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    This study examined the variability experienced in the administrative and production lead times of consumable items managed by the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA). Assets were categorized based on an item manager\u27s determination that an asset was a problem part, and whether the asset was purchased for stock replenishment or direct vendor delivery. The methodology was a two-sample t-test of aggregated data to determine if significant differences existed between the mean deviations from the system lead times of various combinations of categories. The study produced results indicating that a significant difference did not exist between the mean deviations of problem parts and non-problem parts, but substantial variability did exist for all categories of consumable items. The degree of variability was such that the author suspected this as a possible cause for individual assets entering problem part status. The study also confirmed that while the DLA methodology used for forecasting lead times of stock replenishment purchases was accurate over aggregated data, the variability present is, to some extent, contributing to excess inventory levels

    The integration of High Temperature Heat Pumps (HTHP) in drying processes in Swedish Chemical industry

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    In Sweden, the chemical industry is not the largest industry, unlike in many other countries, but it still plays a crucial role in energy consumption. As part of efforts to meet the EU and Swedishenergy and climate goals, the industry is increasingly shifting towards electricity as primary energy carrier from the current usage of fossil fuels, with Sweden anticipating a significant rise in demand by 2030.  The objective of this project is to conduct a study with the intent to implement HighTemperature Heat Pumps (HTHP) into drying processes within the chemical industry in Sweden, to increase energy efficiency. This is done by researching the potential that HTHPs have to align with the European energy and climate goals. The thesis assesses the feasibility, benefits, and challenges of the implementation of HTHP while focusing on technical, environmental, and economic aspects. This project is linked to the International Energy Agency Heat Pumping Technologies (IEA HPT) Annex 59 project. Initially, the method included a literature review and interviews with chemical industry companies regarding the implementation of HTHPs. However, due to time constraints, the focus shifted solely to the literature review, with prepared interview questions to use in the future of the Annex 59 project. Furthermore, heat pumps offer significant energy-saving potential, particularly in drying processes, by utilizing low-temperature heat sources to deliver heat at higher temperaturesresulting in significant energy savings compared to traditional heating methods. HTHPs provide process heat at temperatures above 100°C which is beneficial for the chemical and especially pharmaceutical industry.  This report presents two case studies within the pharmaceutical industry: Steam (re-) generation from EPDM-Stripping Overhead Vapor and High Temperature Indirect Mechanical Vapor Recompression (MVR) Heat Pump solution, known as project IHP-MVR-4S-78, for energy recovery in a chemical industrial plant. The case studies show promising potential for integrating HTHP in the chemical industry, especially within the pharmaceutical sector. However, addressing identified challenges requires further research and demonstration projects.To fully assess the potential of implementing HTHP in the Swedish chemical industry for drying processes, further research specific to the Swedish chemical industry is necessary.I Sverige är kemiindustrin inte den största industrin, till skillnad från många andra länder, men den spelar fortfarande en avgörande roll för energiförbrukningen. För att uppnå uppsatta mål vänder sig industrin allt mer från fosila bränslen till elektricitet som en primär energikälla, och Sverige förväntar sig en betydande ökning av efterfrågan fram till 2030.  Syftet med detta projekt är att studera implementationen av högtemperaturvärmepumpar (HTHP) i torkningsprocesser inom kemiindustrin i Sverige för att öka energieffektiviteten. Detta uppnås genom att utforska potentialen hos högtemperaturvärmepumpar för att öka användandet av förnybara energikällor, vilket minskar koldioxidutsläppen och går mot europeiska energi- och klimatmål. Avhandlingen bedömer genomförbarheten, fördelarna och utmaningarna med implementeringen av HTHP med fokus på tekniska, miljömässiga och ekonomiska aspekter. Detta projekt är kopplat till International Energy Agency Heat PumpingTechnologies (IEA HPT) Annex 59-projektet. Inledningsvis inkluderade metoden en litteraturstudie och intervjuer med företag inom den svenska kemiindustrin, angående implementeringen av HTHP. På grund av tidsbegränsningar samt begränsad tillgänglighet från företag skiftades fokuset till endast litteraturstudie. Intervjuförfrågor skapades även till framtida forskning inom Annex 59.  Värmepumpar erbjuder en energibesparingspotential, särskilt i torkningsprocesser genom att utnyttja lågtemperaturvärmekällor för att leverera värme vid högre temperaturer. Detta leder till betydande energibesparingar jämfört med traditionella uppvärmningsmetoder. HTHP tillhandahåller processvärme vid temperaturer över 100°C vilket är fördelaktigt för den kemiska-, och framförallt, läkemedelsindustrin. Denna rapport presenterar två fallstudier inom läkemedelsindustrin: Heat Recovery in Chemical Processes – A Case Studie on a very high temperature Heat Pump Using MVR Technology in a EPDM stripping process och A High Temperature indirect MVR Heat Pump solution for energy recovery with high COP in a chemical industrial plant (project IHP-MVR4S-78). Resultaten från fallstudierna drar slutsatsen att en integration av HTHP inom den kemiska industrin, mer specifikt läkemedelsindustrin, visar stor potential. Det finns dockfortfaranade många utmaningar och hinder som måste överkommas och mer forskning och demonstrationsprojekt krävs för att hantera dem. För att sammanfatta potentialen för en HTHPimplementering inom kemiindustrin för torkprocessen, specifikt i Sverige, krävs ytterligare forskning om den svenska kemiindustrin

    Idéer som reser tvärs över höga institutionella avstånd: : En fallstudie av digitalisering i den costaricanska jordbrukssektorn

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    Institutional theory asserts that an organization’s context determines which circulatingideas it considers appropriate and thus chooses to adapt. Yet, ideas are able to travelacross high institutional distances between significantly different contexts when assistedby intermediaries in the recipient context. Via an institutional translation perspective,emphasizing that ideas are adapted to fit local contexts through processes of translation asthey travel, we explore how such local intermediaries facilitate ideas to travel into contextswith which they have a poor institutional fit. The extant literature, however, offers littleinsight into this phenomenon, endemic high-distance translation, despite being importantfor both practice and theory as it enables countries and organizations to adopt foreignideas without external support and answers calls for research on how distinct contextsshapes processes underlying translation, respectively. Thus, with aim to elaborate uponthe extant literature we conduct a qualitative case study of local intermediaries in CostaRica facilitating translation of ideas concerning digitalization of the agriculture sector,which is highly traditional and institutionally a poor fit for digitalization. From our casefindings, we develop a theoretical framework for high-distance translation facilitated bylocal intermediaries. The framework outlines an end-to-end process of endemic highdistancetranslation and provides novel insights into how three functions — transferringforeign ideas to the local context via transposition, presenting the idea to recipients inan understandable and interest evoking way via adaptive conveyance, and collaborativelyiterating upon the idea to adapt it to the local context via joint recontextualization —allow local intermediaries to bridge translation barriers imposed by institutional distance

    Idéer som reser tvärs över höga institutionella avstånd: : En fallstudie av digitalisering i den costaricanska jordbrukssektorn

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    Institutional theory asserts that an organization’s context determines which circulatingideas it considers appropriate and thus chooses to adapt. Yet, ideas are able to travelacross high institutional distances between significantly different contexts when assistedby intermediaries in the recipient context. Via an institutional translation perspective,emphasizing that ideas are adapted to fit local contexts through processes of translation asthey travel, we explore how such local intermediaries facilitate ideas to travel into contextswith which they have a poor institutional fit. The extant literature, however, offers littleinsight into this phenomenon, endemic high-distance translation, despite being importantfor both practice and theory as it enables countries and organizations to adopt foreignideas without external support and answers calls for research on how distinct contextsshapes processes underlying translation, respectively. Thus, with aim to elaborate uponthe extant literature we conduct a qualitative case study of local intermediaries in CostaRica facilitating translation of ideas concerning digitalization of the agriculture sector,which is highly traditional and institutionally a poor fit for digitalization. From our casefindings, we develop a theoretical framework for high-distance translation facilitated bylocal intermediaries. The framework outlines an end-to-end process of endemic highdistancetranslation and provides novel insights into how three functions — transferringforeign ideas to the local context via transposition, presenting the idea to recipients inan understandable and interest evoking way via adaptive conveyance, and collaborativelyiterating upon the idea to adapt it to the local context via joint recontextualization —allow local intermediaries to bridge translation barriers imposed by institutional distance

    Non-Congenital Cytomegalovirus Infection in an Infant

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    Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is the most common congenitally acquired infection. It is of major concern due to the long-term neurodevelopmental morbidity in both symptomatic and asymptomatic newborns. While CMV infection is less commonly diagnosed in infancy to adulthood, mostly due to its asymptomatic presentation, it is still an important differential to consider. A missed diagnosis could lead to visual impairments and neurological complications. Infants can acquire CMV by encountering bodily secretions from those who have an active infection. Symptoms of infection include fever, fatigue, pharyngitis, and hepatitis. Laboratory abnormalities include thrombocytopenia, elevated transaminases, and abnormal lymphocyte count. We investigated a clinical case of a previously healthy 5-month-old whose only symptoms were petechial rash and thrombocytopenia. They presented to the ED with a worsening petechial rash for 11 days. The patient’s mother had prenatal care and an uncomplicated pregnancy. In the ED IgM for CMV was positive and platelet count on admission was 35K. The patient was discharged without intervention because platelet count remained above 20K. Outpatient hematology workup ruled out other potential causes of thrombocytopenia. There is no family history of bleeding disorders. The patient was prescribed valganciclovir for 2 months and urine CMV PCR was ordered for the patient and the patient’s mother. The patient’s urine CMV was positive, but the mother’s urine CMV was negative. The patient’s petechiae and thrombocytopenia improved while on valganciclovir treatment. In this case, since the patient’s mother was negative for CMV, it is unlikely that the infection was maternally acquired. Our case illustrates that CMV infection in infancy can be acquired through horizontal transmission and its only presentation can be thrombocytopenia. Since the CMV infection was diagnosed early the patient did not have any neurological symptoms, such as sensorineural hearing loss or delayed developmental milestones