81 research outputs found

    What LFA beef and sheep farmers should do and why they should do it

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    This paper describes how representative farm business models were employed to identify optimal beef and sheep production systems for Less Favoured Area (LFA) farms in Northern Ireland. The bio-economic models identify the optimal farming system for theses farms under various market and policy assumptions. They are useful, therefore, in helping to develop industry strategy. The models indicate that, under current market and policy conditions, a dairy-based beef system is likely to be the most profitable beef enterprise. However, depending on land quality and livestock housing resources, and the market and policy environment, suckler-based beef systems can also feature in the profit maximising enterprise mix. The results also suggest that the optimal sheep system is consistent with the stratified sheep systems traditionally operated in Northern Ireland. In general, beef production appears to have some advantages over sheep production where, depending on relative prices and resource availabilities, it is often better to replace sheep with cattle and employ the released labour off-farm, than to replace cattle with sheep and invest the released capital off-farm. In some situations, farmers should significantly reduce their capital and labour inputs to the farm business by substantially reducing stocking rates or even abandoning land completelyAgricultural and Food Policy,

    Time-Resolved Magneto-Optical Investigations of Picosecond Magnetisation Dynamics in Arrays of Non-Ellipsoidal Ferromagnetic Nano-Elements

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    In this thesis the results of magneto-optical experiments will be presented. The experiments were performed on micro-arrays of square nanomagnets in order to characterise the static and time-dependent behaviour of the nanomagnets. The static behaviour was investigated in vector-resolved scanning Kerr microscopy experiments, while the time-dependent behaviour was investigated in time-resolved scanning Kerr microscopy experiments. In the latter so-called pump-probe experiments, magnetisation dynamics were induced by exciting the sample magnetisation with a pulsed magnetic field (pump). The magnetisation dynamics were then detected using the magnetooptical polar Kerr effect (probe). The longitudinal Kerr effect was utilised in the vectorresolved scanning Kerr microscope in order to measure the in-plane components of the static magnetisation. The experimental set-up and methodology of the vector- and timeresolved scanning Kerr microscopy experiments will be discussed in detail, in particular, the detection technique that allows three components of the vector magnetisation to be measured simultaneously. Since the spatial resolution of the magneto-optical probe was insufficient to resolve the spatial character of the magnetisation dynamics within individual nanomagnets, micromagnetic simulations were used to gain insight into the character of the excited modes. Extensive testing of different micromagnetic models was carried out in order to investigate the effect of the different models on the simulated dynamics. The results of measurements carried out on the arrays of square nanomagnets revealed that the static and time-dependent behaviour of the magnetisation became more complicated as the size of the nanomagnets was reduced. In particular, similar hysteresis loops were acquired when the elements were magnetised along the uniaxial anisotropy easy and hard axes, while fast Fourier transform spectra of time-resolved signals revealed that the character of the magnetisation dynamics changed significantly as the element size and/or applied magnetic field were reduced. Interpretation of the experimental results using micromagnetic simulations revealed that the elements had a non-uniform single domain ground state magnetisation. When the field was applied along either edge of the square elements and reversed, the magnetisation was found to switch via a series of metastable non-uniform single domain states. Furthermore, the increasing non-uniformity of the single domain ground state as the element size and/or applied field were reduced lead to significant changes in the mode character excited within the elements. Comparison of 2 experimental spectra with simulated spectra and Fourier images of the dynamic magnetisation revealed that as the element size and/or applied field were reduced, the mode character changed from one that occupied the majority of the volume of the element, to several modes that were localised near to the edges of the element that were perpendicular to the applied field. Furthermore, deviation of the direction of the wavevector of the dynamic magnetisation from the direction of the static magnetisation was found to lead to a dynamic configurational anisotropy within nanomagnets. Following the presentation of the experimental results, the recent developments for future experimental work are presented with the aim to study precessional switching in an isolated nanomagnet. The results obtained in the experiments presented in this thesis are expected to lead to a better understanding of the non-uniform magnetisation dynamics in square nanomagnets, which have application in future magnetic data storage technologies

    Ultrafast magnetization dynamics of spintronic nanostructures

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    Copyright © 2011 The Royal SocietyThe ultrafast (sub-nanosecond) magnetization dynamics of ferromagnetic thin films and elements that find application in spintronic devices is reviewed. The major advances in the understanding of magnetization dynamics in the two decades since the discovery of giant magnetoresistance and the prediction of spin-transfer torque are discussed, along with the plethora of new experimental techniques developed to make measurements on shorter length and time scales. Particular consideration is given to time-resolved measurements of the magneto-optical Kerr effect, and it is shown how a succession of studies performed with this technique has led to an improved understanding of the dynamics of nanoscale magnets. The dynamics can be surprisingly rich and complicated, with the latest studies of individual nanoscale elements showing that the dependence of the resonant mode spectrum upon the physical structure is still not well understood. Finally, the article surveys the prospects for development of high-frequency spintronic devices and highlights areas in which further study of fundamental properties will be required within the coming decade

    Excitation and Imaging of Precessional Modes in Soft-Magnetic Squares

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    Copyright © 2008 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works.We investigated the high-frequency modes of 40 mum wide, 160 nm thick Fe 70Co8B12Si10 squares using time-resolved scanning Kerr microscopy. Two modes were identified using pulsed field excitation while the spatial character of the out-of-plane and in-plane magnetization component was investigated using harmonic field excitation. The field dependence of the two modes has been fitted using the Damon-Eshbach model

    Time resolved studies of edge modes in magnetic nanoelements (invited)

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    Copyright © 2006 American Institute of PhysicsMicromagnetic simulations have been performed to investigate the frequencies and relative amplitudes of resonant magnetic modes within nanomagnetic elements of varying size that have been previously studied by time resolved Kerr magnetometry. The magnetic response of a nanoscale element generally consists of the edge and center localized modes. For 2.5 nm thick elements, a crossover from center to edge mode excitation occurs as the element size is reduced to less than 220 nm. Additional modes appear in the spin wave spectrum as the thickness of the element is increased. The frequency of the edge mode is particularly sensitive to the strength of the exchange interaction, dipolar interactions with nearest neighbor elements, and rounding of the corners of the element. Simulations with in-plane pulsed fields show that the edge mode becomes dominant in elements of somewhat larger size, emphasizing the importance of the edge mode in technological applications. (C) 2006 American Institute of Physics

    Large amplitude magnetization dynamics and the suppression of edge modes in a single nanomagnet

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    Copyright © 2011 American Institute of PhysicsLarge amplitude magnetization dynamics of a single square nanomagnet have been studied by time-resolved Kerr microscopy. Experimental spectra revealed that only a single mode was excited for all bias field values. Micromagnetic simulations demonstrate that at larger pulsed field amplitudes the center mode dominates the dynamic response while the edge mode is almost completely suppressed. Controlled suppression of edge modes in a single nanomagnet has potential applications in the operation of nanoscale spin transfer torque oscillators and bistable switching devices for which the amplitude of the magnetization trajectory is often large and a more uniform dynamic response is desirable

    Imaging collective magnonic modes in 2D arrays of magnetic nanoelements

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    Copyright © 2010 The American Physical SocietyWe have used time resolved scanning Kerr microscopy to image collective spin wave modes within a 2D array of magnetic nanoelements. Long wavelength spin waves are confined within the array as if it was a continuous element of the same size but with effective material properties determined by the structure of the array and its constituent nanoelements. The array is an example of a magnonic metamaterial, the demonstration of which provides new opportunities within the emerging field of magnonics
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