149 research outputs found

    Similarities and differences between intermittent and continuous resting-state fMRI

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    Introduction: Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) block-design experiments typically include active ON-blocks with presentation of cognitive tasks which are contrasted with OFF- blocks with no tasks presented. OFF-blocks in between ON-blocks can however, also be seen as a proxy for intermittent periods of resting, inducing temporary resting-states. We still do not know if brain activity during such intermittent periods reflects the same kind of resting-state activity as that obtained during a continuous period, as is typically the case in studies of the classic Default Mode Network (DMN). The purpose of the current study was therefore to investigate both similarities and differences in brain activity between intermittent and continuous resting conditions. Methods: There were 47 healthy participants in the 3T fMRI experiment. Data for the intermittent resting-state condition were acquired from resting-periods in between active task-processing periods in a standard ON-OFF block design, with three different cognitive tasks presented during ON-blocks. Data for the continuous resting-state condition were acquired during a 5 min resting period after the task-design had been presented. Results and discussion: The results showed that activity was overall similar in the two conditions, but with some differences. These differences were within the DMN network, and for the interaction of DMN with other brain networks. DMN maps showed weak overlap between conditions in the medial prefrontal cortex (MPFC), and in particular for the intermittent compared to the continuous resting-state condition. Moreover, DMN showed strong connectivity with the salience network (SN) in the intermittent resting-state condition, particularly in the anterior insula and the supramarginal gyrus. The observed differences may reflect a “carry-over” effect from task-processing to the next resting-state period, not present in the continuous resting-state condition, causing interference from the ON-blocks. Further research is needed to fully understand the extent of differences between intermittent and continuous resting-state conditions.publishedVersio

    Combined fMRI Region- and Network-Analysis Reveal New Insights of Top-Down Modulation of Bottom-Up Processes in Auditory Laterality

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    Dichotic listening along with the right-ear advantage (REA) has been a standard method of investigating auditory laterality ever since it was first introduced into neuropsychology in the early 1960s. Beginning in the 1980s, authors reported that it was possible to modulate the bottom-up driven perceptual REA by instructing subjects to selectively attend to and report only from the right or left ear. In the present study, we investigated neuronal correlates of both the bottom-up and top-down modulation of the REA through two fMRI analysis approaches: a traditional region approach and a network connectivity approach. Blood-Oxygenation-Level-Dependent (BOLD) fMRI data were acquired while subjects performed the standard forced-attention paradigm. We asked two questions, could the behavioral REA be replicated in unique brain markers, and second if the profound instruction-induced modulation of the REA found in behavioral data would correspond to a similar modulation of brain activation, both region- and network-specific modulations. The subjects were 70 healthy adult right-handers, about half men and half women. fMRI data were acquired in a 3T MR scanner, and the behavioral results replicated previous findings with a REA in the non-forced (NF) and forced-right (FR) conditions, and a tendency for a left-ear advantage (LEA) in the FL-condition. The fMRI data showed unique activations in the speech perception areas of the left temporal lobe when directly contrasted with activations in the homologous right side. However, there were no remaining unique activations when the FR- and FL-conditions were contrasted against each other, and with the NF-condition, using a conservative significance thresholding. The fMRI results are conceptualized within a network connectivity frame of reference, especially with reference to the extrinsic mode network (EMN). The EMN is a generalized task-positive network that is upregulated whenever the task demands exceed a certain threshold irrespective of the specifics and demands of the task. This could explain the similarity of activations for the FR- and FL-conditions, despite the clear differences in behavior.publishedVersio

    Simultaneous Measurement of the BOLD Effect and Metabolic Changes in Response to Visual Stimulation Using the MEGA-PRESS Sequence at 3 T

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    The blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) effect that provides the contrast in functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) has been demonstrated to affect the linewidth of spectral peaks as measured with magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) and through this, may be used as an indirect measure of cerebral blood flow related to neural activity. By acquiring MR-spectra interleaved with frames without water suppression, it may be possible to image the BOLD effect and associated metabolic changes simultaneously through changes in the linewidth of the unsuppressed water peak. The purpose of this study was to implement this approach with the MEGA-PRESS sequence, widely considered to be the standard sequence for quantitative measurement of GABA at field strengths of 3 T and lower, to observe how changes in both glutamate (measured as Glx) and GABA levels may relate to changes due to the BOLD effect. MR-spectra and fMRI were acquired from the occipital cortex (OCC) of 20 healthy participants whilst undergoing intrascanner visual stimulation in the form of a red and black radial checkerboard, alternating at 8 Hz, in 90 s blocks comprising 30 s of visual stimulation followed by 60 s of rest. Results show very strong agreement between the changes in the linewidth of the unsuppressed water signal and the canonical haemodynamic response function as well as a strong, negative, but not statistically significant, correlation with the Glx signal as measured from the OFF spectra in MEGA-PRESS pairs. Findings from this experiment suggest that the unsuppressed water signal provides a reliable measure of the BOLD effect and that correlations with associated changes in GABA and Glx levels may also be measured. However, discrepancies between metabolite levels as measured from the difference and OFF spectra raise questions regarding the reliability of the respective methods.publishedVersio

    GABA, glutamatergic dynamics and BOLD contrast assessed concurrently using functional MRS during a cognitive task

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    A recurring issue in functional neuroimaging is how to link task-driven haemodynamic blood oxygen level dependent functional MRI (BOLD-fMRI) responses to underlying neurochemistry at the synaptic level. Glutamate and γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), the major excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitters respectively, are typically measured with MRS sequences separately from fMRI, in the absence of a task. The present study aims to resolve this disconnect, developing acquisition and processing techniques to simultaneously assess GABA, glutamate and glutamine (Glx) and BOLD in relation to a cognitive task, at 3 T. Healthy subjects (N = 81) performed a cognitive task (Eriksen flanker), which was presented visually in a task-OFF, task-ON block design, with individual event onset timing jittered with respect to the MRS readout. fMRS data were acquired from the medial anterior cingulate cortex during task performance, using an adapted MEGA-PRESS implementation incorporating unsuppressed water-reference signals at a regular interval. These allowed for continuous assessment of BOLD activation, through T2*-related changes in water linewidth. BOLD-fMRI data were additionally acquired. A novel linear model was used to extract modelled metabolite spectra associated with discrete functional stimuli, building on well established processing and quantification tools. Behavioural outcomes from the flanker task, and activation patterns from the BOLD-fMRI sequence, were as expected from the literature. BOLD response assessed through fMRS showed a significant correlation with fMRI, specific to the fMRS-targeted region of interest; fMRS-assessed BOLD additionally correlated with lengthening of response time in the incongruent flanker condition. While no significant task-related changes were observed for GABA+, a significant increase in measured Glx levels (~8.8%) was found between task-OFF and task-ON periods. These findings verify the efficacy of our protocol and analysis pipelines for the simultaneous assessment of metabolite dynamics and BOLD. As well as establishing a robust basis for further work using these techniques, we also identify a number of clear directions for further refinement in future studies.publishedVersio

    ATPase activity in macula densa cells of the rabbit kidney

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    Na-K- and Mg-activated ATPase activities were determined in maculae densae and glomeruli dissected from both superficial and juxtamedullary nephrons of normal rabbits, using an ultramicro method including a cycling reaction. Activities were expressed as P i generated per macula densa or per glomerulus and normalized for tissue volume. Results indicate that the mean volume of superficial and juxtamedullary macula densa samples was not statistically different, while glomeruli from deep nephrons had sample volumes that were 29% larger than those from superficial nephrons ( P <0.001). Correcting for volume both superficial and juxtamedullary macula densa samples had an Na-K-ATPase activity of 0.37±0.21 fmol · h −1 · (μm 3 ) −1 . Mg-ATPase activity in both pools was also similar [0.41±0.07 and 0.52±0.1 fmol · h −1 · (μm 3 ) −1 ]. Na-K-ATPase activity in macula densa cells is estimated to be about 1/40th the activity of surrounding cortical thick ascending limb cells. Total glomerular ATPase per unit volume was significantly higher in glomeruli from superficial than from deep nephrons [0.41±0.04 vs. 0.28±0.04 fmol · h −1 · (μm 3 ) −1 P <0.05]. There was no statistically significant activity of Na-K-ATPase in either superficial or deep glomeruli. These results suggest that in contrast to previous reports, the macula densa contains Na-K-ATPase, but at a low level relative to surrounding tubular cells. Further, in normal rabbits, this activity is invariant in superficial and juxtamedullary samples.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/47454/1/424_2004_Article_BF00580725.pd

    Antibiotic resistance determinants in the interplay between food and gut microbiota

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    A complex and heterogeneous microflora performs sugar and lactic acid fermentations in food products. Depending on the fermentable food matrix (dairy, meat, vegetable etc.) as well as on the species composition of the microbiota, specific combinations of molecules are produced that confer unique flavor, texture, and taste to each product. Bacterial populations within such “fermented food microbiota” are often of environmental origin, they persist alive in foods ready for consumption, eventually reaching the gastro-intestinal tract where they can interact with the resident gut microbiota of the host. Although this interaction is mostly of transient nature, it can greatly contribute to human health, as several species within the food microbiota also display probiotic properties. Such an interplay between food and gut microbiota underlines the importance of the microbiological quality of fermented foods, as the crowded environment of the gut is also an ideal site for genetic exchanges among bacteria. Selection and spreading of antibiotic resistance genes in foodborne bacteria has gained increasing interest in the past decade, especially in light of the potential transferability of antibiotic resistance determinants to opportunistic pathogens, natural inhabitants of the human gut but capable of acquiring virulence in immunocompromised individuals. This review aims at describing major findings and future prospects in the field, especially after the use of antibiotics as growth promoters was totally banned in Europe, with special emphasis on the application of genomic technologies to improve quality and safety of fermented foods

    Channels of eco-products distribution on the example of fruit from organic orchards

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    Wraz ze wzrostem wiedzy na temat ekologii, w ostatnich latach wśród społeczeństw wyraźnie wzrasta zainteresowanie żywnością z rolnictwa ekologicznego. Rynek eko-produktów w Polsce znajduje się w początkowej fazie rozwoju, a w literaturze jest niewiele opisów badań dotyczących dystrybucji produktów ekologicznych. Przybliżono realia sprzedaży na przykładzie owoców uprawianych metodami ekologicznymi. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań ankietowych dokonano analizy wykorzystania poszczególnych kanałów dystrybucji przez producentów. Przedstawiono główne problemy wiążące się ze zbytem owoców, a także ukazano jak wygląda funkcjonowanie w organizacji producenckiej z punktu widzenia jej członków. Analiza ankiet pozwoliła stwierdzić, że jednym z istotnych problemów wskazanych przez respondentów prowadzących sady ekologiczne jest bardzo ograniczony rynek zbytu. Znaczna część owoców z certyfikatem jest sprzedawana jako konwencjonalne, z powodu braku dostępu do ekologicznych przetwórni oraz punktów skupu.With the increase in the level of knowledge about the ecology, the interest in food from organic farming is increasing in recent years in societies. Eco-products market in Poland is in the early stage of development, and in the literature there are few studies on the distribution of organic products. The purpose of this work was to move closer the reality of sales on the example organically grown fruit. Based on conducted survey, the analysis of the use of individual distribution channels by producers was made. The main problems connected with sale of fruits were presented and the functioning of the producer group was shown, from the point of view of organization members as well. Analysis of questionnaires revealed that one of the main problems identified by the respondents having organic orchards is very limited market for their products. Much of the fruit with the certificate is sold as conventional fruit, due to lack of access to organic processing enterprises and points of sale