32 research outputs found

    A New Training Equipment and Method for Increasing Speed and Strength

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    この特殊なトレーニング方法および装置は, 競技スポーツの動きのなかで筋力やスピードの強化を可能にするため, 工夫されたものである。走・跳の実際の動きのなかで実施可能ないわゆる Special training 方法として考案されたものである。さらに現在はNASAのある研究班に取り上げられ, 無重力状態で常時着用することが出来, 携帯便利と軽量の利点をもつもので, 将来宇宙ステーションのトレーニング方法になるのではないかと, その効果について検討されているものである。一方, リハビリテーションのスポーツ療法としての実用性と価値は, マレーシアの University Sains の医学部生理学教室で, 長期臥床の患者に取りつけ, 下肢の抗重力筋の萎縮や骨の脱灰 (Osteoporosis) の予防として, 臨床テストに使われているものである。本実験は100m走と12分間走, 即ち, 短距離走と長距離走の走運動中に, このトレーニング装置を着用するものと, 着用しないものとの間の Performances の相違および心拍数の変化についてみたものである。結果は下記のように要約される。1. 100m走の場合, Driving Leg の膝の Pick-up が速くなり, そのため Step Frequency が増加し, その反面 Driving Leg が Expansable Tube からの抵抗により, Step Length が短くなった。上記の二つの走速度を決定する要因の変化にもかかわらず, 100m走の所要時間にはほとんど差が見られず, 僅か0.3秒の差はあるが統計的有意ではなかった。2. 12分間走の走距離と心拍数の関係については, 着用したものと着用しないものとの間に顕著な差が見られた。着用した場合走距離が約400m取る減少 (2992.56 : 2608.33m) し, その減少率は13%である。心拍数では着用したグループが有意に増加 (161.25 : 153.67回/分) し, その増加率は約5%である。3. Expansable Tube の牽引力 (抵抗力) は, Easy Speed Running の時の最大伸展時に約5kgの張力がかかり, Top Speed での走運動時ではLoad Cell の立ち上がりと Expansable Tube の収縮と伸展との間に時間のずれが大きく, 正確に測定することができず。遠隔操作が可能で携帯便利な新しい機械の出現に期待する

    Umbilical Cord Blood as an Alternative Source of Reduced-Intensity Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation for Chronic Epstein-Barr Virus–Associated T or Natural Killer Cell Lymphoproliferative Diseases

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    AbstractChronic Epstein-Barr virus–associated T/natural killer cell lymphoproliferative diseases represented by chronic active Epstein-Barr virus infection are lethal but are curable with several courses of chemotherapy and allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). Recently, we reported that reduced-intensity conditioning (RIC) provided better outcomes than myeloablative conditioning because RIC was less toxic. However, it was unclear whether cord blood transplantation (CBT) works in the context of RIC. We retrospectively analyzed 17 patients who underwent RIC followed by bone marrow transplantation (RIC-BMT) and 15 patients who underwent RIC followed by CBT (RIC-CBT). The representative regimen was fludarabine and melphalan based. The overall survival rates with RIC-BMT and RIC-CBT were 92.9% ± 6.9% and 93.3% ± 6.4%, respectively (P = .87). One patient died of lung graft-versus-host disease after RIC-BMT, and 1 patient died of multiple viral infections after RIC-CBT. Although cytotoxic chemotherapy was also immunosuppressive and might contribute to better donor cell engraftment after RIC-HSCT, the rate of engraftment failure after RIC-CBT was still higher than that after RIC-BMT (not significant); however, patients who had experienced graft failure were successfully rescued with a second HSCT. Unrelated cord blood can be an alternative source for RIC-HSCT if a patient has no family donor

    Accuracy of Pedicle Screw Placement in Scoliosis Surgery: A Comparison between Conventional Computed Tomography-Based and O-Arm-Based Navigation Techniques

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    Study DesignRetrospective study.PurposeWe compared the accuracy of O-arm-based navigation with computed tomography (CT)-based navigation in scoliotic surgery.Overview of LiteratureNo previous reports comparing the results of O-arm-based navigation with conventional CT-based navigation in scoliotic surgery have been published.MethodsA total of 222 pedicle screws were implanted in 29 patients using CT-based navigation (group C) and 416 screws were implanted in 32 patients using O-arm-based navigation (group O). Postoperative CT was performed to assess the screw accuracy, using the established Neo classification (grade 0: no perforation, grade 1: perforation <2 mm, grade 2: perforation ≥2 and <4, and grade 3: perforation ≥4 mm).ResultsIn group C, 188 (84.7%) of the 222 pedicle screw placements were categorized as grade 0, 23 (10.4%) were grade 1, 11 (5.0%) were grade 2, and 0 were grade 3. In group O, 351 (84.4%) of the 416 pedicle screw placements were categorized as grade 0, 52 (12.5%) were grade 1, 13 (3.1%) were grade 2, and 0 were grade 3. Statistical analysis showed no significant difference in the prevalence of grade 2.3 perforations between groups C and O. The time to position one screw, including registration, was 10.9±3.2 minutes in group C, but was significantly decreased to 5.4±1.1 minutes in group O.ConclusionsO-arm-based navigation facilitates pedicle screw insertion as accurately as conventional CT-based navigation. The use of O-arm-based navigation successfully reduced the time, demonstrating advantages in the safety and accuracy of pedicle screw placement for scoliotic surgery

    The Hyper Suprime-Cam SSP Survey: Overview and Survey Design

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    Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) is a wide-field imaging camera on the prime focus of the 8.2m Subaru telescope on the summit of Maunakea in Hawaii. A team of scientists from Japan, Taiwan and Princeton University is using HSC to carry out a 300-night multi-band imaging survey of the high-latitude sky. The survey includes three layers: the Wide layer will cover 1400 deg2^2 in five broad bands (grizygrizy), with a 5σ5\,\sigma point-source depth of r26r \approx 26. The Deep layer covers a total of 26~deg2^2 in four fields, going roughly a magnitude fainter, while the UltraDeep layer goes almost a magnitude fainter still in two pointings of HSC (a total of 3.5 deg2^2). Here we describe the instrument, the science goals of the survey, and the survey strategy and data processing. This paper serves as an introduction to a special issue of the Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, which includes a large number of technical and scientific papers describing results from the early phases of this survey.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, 5 tables. Corrected for a typo in the coordinates of HSC-Wide spring equatorial field in Table

    The Hyper Suprime-Cam SSP survey: Overview and survey design

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    Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) is a wide-field imaging camera on the prime focus of the 8.2-m Subaru telescope on the summit of Mauna Kea in Hawaii. A team of scientists from Japan, Taiwan, and Princeton University is using HSC to carry out a 300-night multi-band imaging survey of the high-latitude sky. The survey includes three layers: the Wide layer will cover 1400 deg2 in five broad bands (grizy), with a 5 σ point-source depth of r ≈ 26. The Deep layer covers a total of 26 deg2 in four fields, going roughly a magnitude fainter, while the UltraDeep layer goes almost a magnitude fainter still in two pointings of HSC (a total of 3.5 deg2). Here we describe the instrument, the science goals of the survey, and the survey strategy and data processing. This paper serves as an introduction to a special issue of the Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, which includes a large number of technical and scientific papers describing results from the early phases of this survey

    The development of false-belief understanding in Japanese children: Delay and difference?

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    The final, definitive version of this paper has been published in International Journal of Behavioral Development, vol.30 ; no.4, Jan.2006 by SAGE Publications Ltd, All rights reserved. SAGE Journal Online: http://online.sagepub.co

    Electromyography Study of Mastication of Pickles by Young and Elderly People

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