940 research outputs found

    Greening maintenance

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    Prof. Mustafa İnan'ın ardından

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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya No: 43-Mustafa-Mehmet-Jale İnanUnutma İstanbul projesi İstanbul Kalkınma Ajansı'nın 2016 yılı "Yenilikçi ve Yaratıcı İstanbul Mali Destek Programı" kapsamında desteklenmiştir. Proje No: TR10/16/YNY/010

    Understanding peace perceptions of Islamic actors concerning the peace process in Turkey and their normative proposal for achieving peace

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    The literature on religious norms and actors’ positive contribution to peace has been growing in the field of conflict resolution. While some discussions concerning ‘religion’ have been regarded its role as a sparking factor for the emergence and the escalation of conflicts, it has been accepted by another branch of scholars as a facilitating instrument for creating a peaceful environment. Those, who side with the positive contribution of religious norms and actors to peace, highlight the multiplicity of religious values in the pursuit of peace. To examine the potential role of religious norms and actors for peace in Turkey’s Kurdish issue, this study investigates peace understanding of religious actors in Turkey and their normative recommendations for peace in a conflictual environment. By considering that religious actors are not homogenous in terms of their ideological stance, this thesis also examines the effect of religious actors’ ideological stance in their understanding of peace and religious norms. Turkey’s peace process (2013-20115) was utilized as a case study in exploring their perception of peace. The findings show that despite ideological differences of the religious actors, certain Islamic norms were commonly emphasized by them to promote ‘peace.’ Although women religious actors as contributors to peace may not be adequately recognized, the inclusive understanding of women participants implies the need for both further examination of their role in conflict resolution. Besides, what the characteristics of religious actors, who might contribute to peace, should be constitutes another discussion presented in this thesis

    IR-Depth Face Detection and Lip Localization Using Kinect V2

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    Face recognition and lip localization are two main building blocks in the development of audio visual automatic speech recognition systems (AV-ASR). In many earlier works, face recognition and lip localization were conducted in uniform lighting conditions with simple backgrounds. However, such conditions are seldom the case in real world applications. In this paper, we present an approach to face recognition and lip localization that is invariant to lighting conditions. This is done by employing infrared and depth images captured by the Kinect V2 device. First we present the use of infrared images for face detection. Second, we use the face’s inherent depth information to reduce the search area for the lips by developing a nose point detection. Third, we further reduce the search area by using a depth segmentation algorithm to separate the face from its background. Finally, with the reduced search range, we present a method for lip localization based on depth gradients. Experimental results demonstrated an accuracy of 100% for face detection, and 96% for lip localization

    Emotion regulation in European American and Hong Kong Chinese middle school children

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    This study explored emotion regulation strategies in middle school European American (N = 54) and Hong Kong Chinese (N =89) children. Based on Gross’s theory (1998), the Survey of Emotion Regulation Strategies was designed to study children’s perceived effectiveness of emotion regulation strategies (deep breathing, thinking positively, situation avoidance, talking and suppression) in three fictitious scenarios associated with sadness, anger, and fear. Five mixed ANOVAs were conducted to evaluate the effect of culture, gender and the type of emotion on each emotion regulation strategy. The results demonstrated that American children considered deep breathing more effective in dealing with anger than with sad feelings; whereas Chinese children—in dealing with anger and fear than with sadness. Overall, American children scored higher than Chinese children for thinking positively, talking to someone, and situation avoidance strategies. However, both American and Chinese children preferred situation avoidance in dealing with anger then with fear and sadness and talking to somebody in dealing with anger and sadness than with fear. Children’s explanations of why emotion regulation strategies were effective or ineffective were also explored

    Green maintenance for historic masonry buildings : a life cycle assessment approach

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    This research establishes the concept of ‘Green Maintenance’ modelling for historic masonry buildings. It recognises the important role of maintenance and repair in reducing embodied carbon expenditure, thus minimising the Environmental Maintenance Impact (EMI) typically associated with the deterioration of external stone masonry walls. The model was developed using a mathematical framework, and it generated results described in terms of EMI. This model utilises life-cycle assessment (LCA) ‘cradle-to-site’ over a selected maintenance period. The work evaluates embodied carbon expenditure from different stone masonry wall repair techniques for historic masonry buildings during their maintenance phase. It was discovered that embodied carbon expenditure for these repair techniques are highly influenced by the number of maintenance interventions, longevity of repairs, total wall surface repaired (m2), the embodied carbon coefficient value (‘cradle-to-gate’) and kg/km emission factors (‘gate-to-site’) associated with materials and repair processes. Based on the EMI in terms of embodied carbon expenditure generated from the results of ‘Green Maintenance’, the efficiency of stone masonry wall repair techniques can be determined. This not only aids in maintenance decisions making processes, but also contributes in substantiating the philosophical defensibility and sustainability of interventions. In the broader sense, this model is not simply confined to masonry and will be of use to those entrusted with the repair of other elements and components


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar PPKn dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe make a match berbantuan multimedia. Jenis penelitiannya adalah penelitian tindakan kelas. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan lembar observasi pelaksanaan pembelajaran, tes, dan catatan lapangan. Berdasarkan perhitungan nilai keterlaksanaan pembelajaran peningkatan hasil belajar tersebut ditunjukkan pada perolehan nilai pra siklus dengan rata-rata kelas 67,12, persentase ketuntasan 23,08% mengalami kenaikan pada siklus I dengan nilai rata-rata kelas 75,96, persentase ketuntasan 76,92% dan pada siklus II dengan nilai rata-rata kelas 82,69 persentase ketuntasan 100%. Hasil tersebut juga menunjukkan bahwa penelitian tindakan kelas ini mencapai indikator ketuntasan yang ditentukan yaitu 80%. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe make a match berbantuan multimedia dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar PPKn siswa kelas VC SD Widiatmika

    A new bounding mechanism for the CNC machine scheduling problems with controllable processing times

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.In this study, we determine the upper and lower bounds for the processing time of each job under controllable machining conditions. The proposed bounding scheme is used to find a set of discrete efficient points on the efficient frontier for a bi-criteria scheduling problem on a single CNC machine. We have two objectives; minimizing the manufacturing cost (comprised of machining and tooling costs) and minimizing makespan. The technological restrictions of the CNC machine along with the job specific parameters affect the machining conditions; such as cutting speed and feed rate, which in turn specify the processing times and tool lives. Since it is well known that scheduling problems are extremely sensitive to processing time data, system resources can be utilized much more efficiently by selecting processing times appropriately. 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Audit Tata Kelola Sistem Informasi Management Asset Pada Yayasan As-Syifa Al-Khoeriyyah Menggunakan Framework Cobit 2019

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    Yayasan As-Syifa Al- Khoeriyyah, sebuah organisasi nirlaba yang fokus pada pendidikan, pekerjaan sosial, dan kegiatan keagamaan. Audit dilakukan menggunakan kerangka kerja COBIT 2019, khususnya domain Align, Plan, and Organize (APO). Domain tersebut diharapkan dapat mengukur target Level Kapabilitas dan kesenjangan (GAP). Tujuan laporan ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi tingkat kematangan dan kepatuhan organisasi dalam mengelola sistem informasi mereka dan memberikan rekomendasi untuk perbaikan. Sumber data yang digunakan yaitu hasil wawancara terhadap pemegang otoritas tata kelola TI. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, didapatkan hasil level kapabilitas pada domain APO01 dan APO14 berada pada level 2 yang artinya proses yang dilakukan kurang lebih telah mencapai tujuan. Namun, masih ada area yang perlu ditingkatkan, seperti mengeksplorasi praktik terbaik, mengevaluasi dan meningkatkan kontrol, memperluas pengukuran kinerja, dan memupuk budaya perbaikan dan inovasi yang berkelanjutan. Audit kepatuhan yang teratur dan kolaborasi dengan pemangku kepentingan juga direkomendasikan

    It is Fear, Not Disgust, That Enhances Memory: Experimental Study on Students in Bandung

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    A number of research findings have found the impact of emotion on memory. Some researchers stated that disgust has more impact on memory, however according to the current study the effect of fear cannot be ignored. Both disgust and fear are examples of negative emotion that may have a significant influence on behavior, such as in the attempt of creating a healthy lifestyle. The current study involved an experiment where participants were asked to memorize and recall four randomly displayed picture categories that elicit emotions of disgust, fear, joy, and neutral emotion. They also filled out a DS-R (Disgust Scale-Revised) questionnaire and a supporting questionnaire about healthy lifestyle. Analysis of the results showed that disgust did not show an effect on memory, but fear instead did. This is related to the fact that most participants showed a low degree of disgust, and so it was not considered a significant emotion that affected memory compared to fear. In addition, physiologically fear and disgust are managed by different parts of the brain and thus it was assumed that they will have a different impact on memory. The findings implied that, in campaigning for a healthier lifestyle, fear emotion need to be instilled in people
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