2,953 research outputs found

    The Views of Teachers on Primary School Program's Implementation and Quality of Assessment and Evaluation Component

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    AbstractIn this study; the process of assessment and evaluation of primary school programs have been examined according to the views of teachers. The universe of the study consists of the teachers in the official primary schools which are located in the center of Şanlıurfa province in the academic year 2011-2012 and 407 teachers in these official primary schools form the sample of this study. In data analysis, percent, frequency and arithmetic mean are used. The obtained data have been analysed and interpreted by using statistical techniques on the computer

    Penerapan Model Kirkpatrick untuk Evaluasi Program Diklat Teknis Subtantif Materi Perencanaan Pembelajaran di Wilayah Kerja Provinsi Kepulauan Riau

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    Evaluasi yang mengunakan Model evaluasi Kirkpatrick dengan 4 level (Kirkpatrick Four Levels Evaluation Model) dilakukan bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas program Diklat Teknis Subtantif Materi Perencanaan Pembelajaran di Wilayah Kerja Provinsi Kepulauan Riau. Data diperoleh melalui instrumen observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi serta dianalisis menggunakan teknik deskriptif kualitatif. Wawancara dilakukan kepada peserta diklat, atasan peserta diklat yakni kepala madrasah, dan teman sejawat peserta diklat yakni guru. Hasil evaluasi ini adalah bahwa penilaian pada level 1 reaksi, hasil reaksi peserta terhadap panitia penyelenggara dan narasumber sangat tinggi. Hanya perlu perhatian persiapan bahan materi pelajaran perlu disiapkan di awal diklat dan perlengkapan ATK (alat tulis kantor) seperti flashdisc perlu di cek kembali. Pada level 2 belajar, kemampuan kompetensi sikap, pengetahuan, dan keterampilan peserta sangat signifikan penilaiannya. Pada level 3 perilaku, pelaksanaan evaluasi dilakukan setelah peserta kembali ke tempat kerjanya masing-masing. Ada peningkatan Perubahan perilaku dari alumni diklat dari sebelum diklat dan setelah diklat. Perubahan perilaku seperti kedisiplinan kehadiran, cara berpakaian, memotivasi teman sejawat, berkomunikasi dengan baik, serta ketepatan dan kecepatan menyelesai tugas-tugas sehari-hari. Pada level 4 dampak, ada peningkatan kinerja alumni diklat. Alumni mampu membimbing dan mendesiminasi ilmu yang telah didapat dari diklat kepada sesama teman sejawatnya, mampu mengembangkan metode dan media pembelajaran dalam proses belajar mengajar, dan pembuatan Rancangan Program Pembelajaran (RPP) menjadi lebih baik

    Procjena odnosa srednjeg volumena trombocita, širine distribucije eritrocita i indeksa volumena trombocita s težinom bolesti kod bolesnika s COVID-19

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    Coronavirus was first detected in three severe pneumonia cases in Wuhan, China, in December 2019. Studies on red cell distribution width (RDW-CV) and mean platelet volume (MPV) laboratory parameters, which can be examined in complete blood count in COVID-19 patients, are still very limited. However, to the best of our knowledge, there are no studies examining the relationship between platelet volume index (PVI) and disease severity in COVID-19 patients, which was evaluated in this study. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship of disease severity in COVID-19 patients with their MPV, RDW, and PVI parameters. The study included 92 COVID-19 patients as a study group and 84 healthy individuals as control group. All laboratory data and radiological images were scanned retrospectively from patient files and hospital information system. Evaluation of the RDW-CV and MPV blood parameters, and PVI measured in COVID-19 patients yielded statistically significant differences according to the disease severity. We suggest that RDW-CV and PVI, evaluated within the scope of the study, may be the parameters that should be considered in the early diagnosis of the disease, from the initial stages of COVID-19. In addition, we think that the RDW-CV and MPV laboratory parameters, as well as PVI, which all are simple, inexpensive and widely used hematologic tests, can be used as important biomarkers in determining COVID-19 severity and mortality.Koronavirus je prvi put otkriven kod tri slučaja teške upale pluća u Wuhanu, Kina u prosincu 2019. godine. Istraživanja laboratorijskih parametara širine distribucije eritrocita (RDW-CV) i srednjeg volumena trombocita (MPV) koji se mogu testirati unutar kompletne krvne slike kod bolesnika s COVID-19 još uvijek su vrlo ograničena. Međutim, prema našim saznanjima, nema istraživanja koja bi se bavila odnosom indeksa volumena trombocita (PVI) i težine bolesti kod ovih bolesnika, a upravo to smo ispitivali u našem istraživanju. Cilj studije bio je procijeniti odnos težine bolesti u bolesnika s COVID- 19 s parametrima MPV, RDW i PVI. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo 92 bolesnika s COVID-19 i 84 zdrave osobe kao kontrolna skupina. Svi laboratorijski podaci i radiološke snimke preslikane su retrospektivno iz bolesničkih kartona i bolničkog informacijskog sustava. Procjena krvnih parametara RDW-CV i MPV, kao i PVI izmjerenih u bolesnika s COVID-19 pokazala je statistički značajne razlike prema težini bolesti. Predlažemo da bi RDW-CV i PVI koji su istraživani u ovoj studiji mogli poslužiti kao parametri u ranoj dijagnostici bolesti već u početnom stadiju COVID-19. Uz to, smatramo da bi se laboratorijski parametri RDW-CV i MPV te PVI kao jednostavne, jeftine i široko primjenjivane hematološke pretrage mogli primijeniti kao važni biološki biljezi u utvrđivanju težine i smrtnosti COVID-19

    Self-interacting scalar field in (2+1) dimensions Einstein gravity with torsion

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    We study a massless real self-interacting scalar field φ\varphi non-minimally coupled to Einstein gravity with torsion in (2+1) space-time dimensions in the presence of cosmological constant. The field equations with a self-interaction potential V(φ)V(\varphi) including φn\varphi^{n} terms are derived by a variational principle. By numerically solving these field equations with the 4th Runge-Kutta method, the circularly symmetric rotating solutions for (2+1) dimensions Einstein gravity with torsion are obtained. Exact analytical solutions to the field equations are derived for the proposed metric in the absence of both torsion and angular momentum. We find that the self-interacting potential only exists for n=6n=6. We also study the motion of massive and massless particles in (2+1) Einstein gravity with torsion coupled to a self-interacting scalar field. The effect of torsion on the behavior of the effective potentials of the particles is analyzed numerically.Comment: 17 pages, 25 figure

    Perspectives in regard to factors affecting the professional development of science teachers

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    As one of the crucial elements of education system, teachers’ professional development is important to equip them with the education to compensate the needs of modern life. The major aim of this research is to determine the views of school principals and science teachers on the concept of professional development, and identify factors which affect science teachers’ professional development. Both qualitative (semi-structured interview) and quantitative (survey) research methods were used in the research. The sample consisted of school principals and science teachers who were working in Nevşehir province and its districts. 6 school principals and 6 science teachers were interviewed in-depthly. In addition, data from 109 science teachers were also collected through questionnaires. The data obtained through interviews were analyzed by descriptive analysis. Simple correlation technique and percentage distributions were used to analyze the questionnaires. The research findings show that in general, the teaching profession is being perceived as a profession which starts with pre-service training and continues with in-service training; therefore, it is an ongoing process. It has also been discovered that in this process, "personal and external factors" affect science teachers' professional development. Thus, teachers’ professional development should be supported in line with these factors

    Determining the optimum production portfolio in agricultural sector : province of Denizli case

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    Agriculture is a field which is critically important for the economy of every country. Countries pursue different agricultural production strategies in different regions in accordance with their needs. In this study, a production planning model was developed based on Modern Portfolio Theory for the production of summer and winter vegetables in Denizli, which has a significant agricultural production potential for the Aegean region. The historical data of the specified products were obtained from Turkish Statistical Institute (TUIK). As the analysis method, Markowitz mean variance model and efficient frontier concepts were used. The optimum production portfolios, which have different product ranges and through which the manufacturers can make maximum profit according to their risk appetite, were determined. This study serves as a guide way to the manufacturers for the cultivation plans in future seasons.peer-reviewe

    Determining the optimum production portfolio in agricultural sector : province of Denizli case

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    Agriculture is a field which is critically important for the economy of every country. Countries pursue different agricultural production strategies in different regions in accordance with their needs. In this study, a production planning model was developed based on Modern Portfolio Theory for the production of summer and winter vegetables in Denizli, which has a significant agricultural production potential for the Aegean region. The historical data of the specified products were obtained from Turkish Statistical Institute (TUIK). As the analysis method, Markowitz mean variance model and efficient frontier concepts were used. The optimum production portfolios, which have different product ranges and through which the manufacturers can make maximum profit according to their risk appetite, were determined. This study serves as a guide way to the manufacturers for the cultivation plans in future seasons.peer-reviewe

    The views concerning in-service teacher education courses in Science teachers' professional development

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    Cyprus International Conference on Educational Research (CY-ICER) -- FEB 08-11, 2012 -- Middle E Tech Univ No Cyprus Campus, CYPRUSWOS: 000342764800099The main aim of this research is to identify administrators' and science teachers' views regarding in-service teacher training courses. Semi-structured interviews and questionnaires have been utilized for collecting the data. The interviews were conducted with 6 head teachers (administrators) and 6 science teachers. A questionnaire developed by the researchers was conducted upon 109 teachers from seven primary schools. The results showed that there were discrepancies between the results of questionnaires and the interviews. In the questionnaires, most of the teachers indicated that the in-service training courses were helpful in their professional development. In the interviews, even though most of the head teachers found in-service training courses to be helpful in teachers' professional development, most of the teachers did not share the same opinion. Both the questionnaires and the interviews revealed some reported deficiencies and expectations from in-service training courses. (C) 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd.Cyprus Educ Sci Assoc, Acad World Educ & Res Ctr, Near E Univ, Eastern Mediterranean Univ, Ataturk Teacher Training Acad, Int Cyprus Univ, Girne Amer Univ, Cyprus Educ Sci Asso

    Attitudes and opinions of counselors about education of gifted students

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    Counselors play effective roles not only in diagnosing but also in education of gifted students who lead the development of the societies. This study aimed to examine the attitudes and opinions of the counselors about the education of the gifted students. In the study, descriptive survey model is used. Both qualitative and quantitative data was collected within mixed method, according to the principles of pragmatist philosophy. “Attitude Scale towards Gifted Education” was applied to 250 counselors in order to collect quantitative data. The scale, which consists of 14 items, was developed by Gagné and Nadeau and adapted to Turkish by Tortop. The qualitative data was collected by semi-structured interview form consists of four questions about opinions on education of gifted students in Turkey, and was applied to 40 counselors. The mean of scores gathered from “Attitude Scale towards Gifted Education” was found 3.6 which is evaluated as slightly positive attitude. The scores were analyzed according to gender, seniority, having gifted students and institution of counselors, by using t test and ANOVA. Content analysis was performed for qualitative data that was gathered from interviews. The majority of counselors have stated that there are problems in education and diagnosis of gifted students