509 research outputs found

    Nonadiabatic Molecular Alignment Measurements via Photoelectron Ionization Yields and White-Light Generation

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    This dissertation reports a study of nonadiabatic (field-free) molecular alignment for linear molecules. The measurements were performed by measuring photoelectron ionization yields and white-light generation. In the first part of the dissertation, the dynamics of rotational wave packets of the molecules created by a linearly and/or circularly polarized pump pulse were measured by the electron photoionization yields that are produced by a delayed femtosecond probe beam. The photoelectron yields were measured as a function of the linearly polarized probe pulse delay for linearly and/or circularly polarized pump pulses, and revivals of the rotational wave packet were observed in N2, O2, CO2, CO, and C2H2 gases. The measured revival structures were compared to the quantum mechanically calculated time dependency of molecular alignment ((cos2θ)) parameter after the aligning (pump) pulse. The rotational constants of the molecules were also obtained by fitting the theoretically calculated alignment parameter to the measured data. The measured revival structures and rotational constants inferred from the measured data are in good agreement with the calculated results. The second part of the dissertation focuses on evolution of nonadibatic molecular alignment in nitrogen by measuring white-light generation. Again a linearly polarized pump pulse produced a molecular alignment which was measured via its nonlinear interaction effects by a variably delayed filament-producing probe pulse. The induced rotational wave packet was mapped as a function of the angular orientation difference between the polarization directions of the femtosecond pump and probe pulses. The experimental results from mapping rotational wave packets were compared with quantum mechanically calculated time dependency of molecular alignment ((cos2θ)) parameter after the pump pulse, which well reproduce all the major observed features

    The Relations between Scientific Epistemological Beliefs and Goal Orientations of Pre-Service Teachers

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the relations between pre-service teachers’ scientific epistemological beliefs and goal orientations in 2X2 framework. Scientific epistemological beliefs are domain-specific views of people about nature and acquisition of scientific knowledge, how scientific knowledge is produced, how reliable and valid that knowledge is and how it is shared. Participants were 484 pre-service teachers and 284 (59 %) of them were attending to education faculty and 198 (41 %) of them were graduates who attended teaching certificate program. Scientific epistemological beliefs predicted both mastery (approach-avoidance) and performance (approach-avoidance) goal orientations. The participants who viewed science from a more traditional perspective were more likely to adopt mastery-approach, mastery-avoidance, performance-approach and performance-avoidance goals, respectively. Moreover, the participants who attended and successfully completed a scientific research methods course formerly had less traditional scientific epistemological beliefs than the participants who had not attended to such a course previously. Theoretical and educational implications of the findings were discussed

    Intensity-Resolved Above Threshold Ionization of Xenon with Short Laser Pulses

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    We present intensity-resolved above threshold ionization (ATI) spectra of xenon using an intensity scanning and deconvolution technique. Experimental data were obtained with laser pulses of 58 fs and central wavelength of 800 nm from a chirped-pulse amplifier. Applying a deconvolution algorithm, we obtained spectra that have higher contrast and are in excellent agreement with characteristic 2 UpU_p and 10 UpU_p cutoff energies contrary to that found for raw data. The retrieved electron ionization probability is consistent with the presence of a second electron from double ionization. This recovered ionization probability is confirmed with a calculation based on the PPT tunneling ionization model [Perelomov, Popov, and Terent'ev, Sov. Phys. JETP 23, 924 (1966)]. Thus, the measurements of photoelectron yields and the proposed deconvolution technique allowed retrieval of more accurate spectroscopic information from the ATI spectra and ionization probability features that are usually concealed by volume averaging.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figure


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    Intermittent demand occurs randomly with changing values and a lot of periods having zero demand. Ad hoc intermittent demand forecasting techniques have been developed which take special intermittent demand characteristics into account. Besides traditional techniques and specialized methods, data mining offers a better alternative for intermittent demand forecasting since data mining methods are powerful techniques. This study contributes to the current literature by showing the benefit of using data mining methods for intermittent demand forecasting purpose by comprising mostly used data mining methods

    Muhasebe meslek mensuplarının muhasebe bilgi sistemi hakkındaki görüşleri: Elazığ’da bir araştırma

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    Küreselleşme ve teknolojinin gelişmesi muhasebe bilgi sistemini etkilemiş ve muhasebe bilgilerinin bilgisayar ortamında üretilip sunulmasına neden olmuştur. Muhasebe bilgi sistemi, yönetim bilgi sisteminin alt sistemlerinden biridir. Muhasebe bilgi sistemi; varlıkların korunmasını, işletme faaliyetlerini kontrol ederek etkin ve verimli olmasını sağlamakta ve geleceğe yönelik işletme faaliyetlerini planlamaktadır. Çalışmanın amacı, Elazığ il merkezindeki muhasebe meslek mensuplarının muhasebe bilgi sistemi hakkındaki görüşlerini tespit etmek ve bu konuyu incelemektir. Çalışmada; frekans, standart sapma, ortalama, Independent Sample T-Testi (Levene Testi) ve One Way Anova (Scheffe testi) testleri uygulanmıştır. Çalışmanın sonucunda, Independent Sample T-Testi (Levene Testi) ve One Way Anova (Scheffe testi) testleri’ne göre muhasebe meslek mensupları arasında demografik değişkenler açısından anlamlı farklılıklar tespit edilmiştir.Globalization and developments in technology affected the information system in accounting and caused the accounting information to be produced and demonstrated in computer environments. Accounting information system is one of the subsystems of management information systems. Accounting information system ensures that the protection of assets is effective and efficient by checking the activities of businesses and plans the future activities of businesses. The aim of the study is to determine the views of the member of accounting profession of accounting information system in the city center of Elazığ and investigate this subject. In the study, frequency, standard deviation, mean, Independent Sample T-Test (Levene’s Test) and One Way ANOVA (Scheffe Test) were practiced. As a result of the study, meaningful differences were detected among the member of the accounting profession in terms of demographic variables, according to Independent Sample T-Test (Levene’s Test) and One Way ANOVA (Scheffe Test)

    Intermittent demand forecasting: A guideline for method selection

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    Intermittent demand shows irregular pattern that differentiates it from all other demand types. It is hard to forecasting intermittent demand due to irregular occurrences and demand size variability. Due to this reason, researchers developed ad hoc intermittent demand forecasting methods. Since intermittent demand has peculiar characteristics, it is grouped into categories for better management. In this paper, specialized methods with a focus of method selection for each intermittent demand category are considered. This work simplifies the intermittent demand forecasting and provides guidance to market players by leading the way to method selection based on demand categorization. By doing so, the paper will serve as a useful tool for practitioners to manage intermittent demand more easily.Q1WOS:0005179795000012-s2.0-8507967227

    Response of seeds and pollen of Onobrychis viciifolia and Onobrychis oxyodonta var. armena to NaCl stress

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    Sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia Scop.) is an important forage legume crop with 52 species adapted to dry and poor soils in Turkey, but little is known about the effects of salinity on germination and seedling growth in arid and semiarid regions suffering from salinity problem. The seeds and pollen of two species of sainfoin O. viciifolia and O. oxyodonta var. armena (Syn: O. armena) were exposed to 0, 5, 10, 20 and 30 dS m-1 of NaCl under in vivo and in vitro conditions and evaluated for germination under salt stress by comparing germination percentage, mean germination time, root and shoot length, fresh and dry seedling weight and dry matter. Increased salinity levels generally resulted in decrease in all traits except time to germination, dry seedling weight and dry matter, which increased at high salinity levels. O. viciifolia seeds germinated and grew more rapidly compared to O. armena seeds under NaCl stress. No decrease in germination and seedling growth up to 10 dS m-1 was recorded. On the other hand, there was a clear difference for germination and seedling growth between in vivo and in vitro conditions. Lower values were obtained from in vitro experiments; suggesting that mineral salts, sucrose and agar may have resulted in higher osmotic potential inhibiting germination and seedling growth of species compared in vivo conditions. Decrease in pollen germination with increasing salinities was very sharp, indicating that pollen germination had higher sensitive to salinity. But, pollen grains of O. armena germinated rapidly compared to O. viciifolia. The results emphasize that in vivo experiments could be used for screening of NaCl tolerance in sainfoin cultivars without expensive chemicals and sophisticated equipments, but pollen germination is more appropriate for its wild relatives


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    Endometrial cancer is one of the most common malignant tumors of the women, and if it can be detected in the earlier stages, the curability and the prognosis of the endometrial cancers can be better. A 52 year-old female patient, as part of ongoing research project in our clinic on endometrial carcinoma, was referred to our clinic with a suspicion of endometrial carcinoma with increased serum CA-125 measurement. Increased F-18 FDG uptake in uterine cavity that was secondary to the diagnostic curettage was demonstrated on F 18 FDG PET images. This uptake might be secondary to benign inflammatory changes or hemorrhage arising from diagnostic curettage that patient underwent ten days ago. According to our knowledge, this is the first case demonstrating increased F-18 FDG uptake secondary to diagnostic curettage Endometrium kanseri kadınlarda en çok görülen malign tümörlerden birisidir. Erken teşhis edildiğinde tam tedavi şansı yüksektir ve prognozu çok iyi seyirlidir. Bölümümüzde endometrium kanseri ile ilgili olarak devam eden bir proje kapsamında, serum CA-125 yüksekliği ile endometrium kanseri şüphesi olan 53 yaşında kadın hasta bölümümüze refere edildi. PET görüntülerinde uterusda artmış F-18 FDG tutulumu izlenmiştir. Bu bulgunun hastanın öyküsünde 10 gün önce geçirilmiş diagnostik küretaja bağlı benign inflamatuar değişiklikler veya hemoraji ile ilgili olduğu düşünülmüştür. Bu olgu sunumunda diagnostik küretaja sekonder olduğu düşünülen F-18 FDG tutulumu muhtemelen literatürde ilk kez gösterilmektedi

    Migrenli hastalarda fiziksel aktivite seviyesinin ağrı, fonksiyonellik ve yaşam kalitesine etkisi

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    OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to determine the physical activity (PA) level of individuals with migraine and examine its effects on pain intensity (PI), disability, and quality of life (QoL). METHODS: Individuals diagnosed with migraine between the ages of 18 and 55 were included in the study. PA levels are assessed by the International PA Questionnaire Short Form (IPAQ-SF), PI with the McGill Melzack Pain Questionnaire, disability with the Migraine Disability Assessment Scale (MIDAS), and QoL with the World Health Organization QoL Scale Short Form (WHOQOL-BREF). RESULTS: A total of 88 individuals, with a mean age of 34.11±10.51 years, were included in the study; 53.41% were low active (LA), 30.68% were moderate active (MA), and 15.91% were high active (HA). The physical health of LAs (p=0.047) was lower than that of MAs. General (p<0.001), physical (p[removed].Amaç: Bu çalışmada, migrenli bireylerin fiziksel aktivite düzeylerinin belirlenmesi ve ağrı şiddeti, engellilik seviyesi ve yaşam kalitesi üzerindeki etkilerinin incelenmesi amaçlandı. Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmaya 18-55 yaş arası migren tanısı almış bireyler dahil edildi. Uluslararası Fiziksel Aktivite Anketi Kısa Formu (IPAQ-SF), McGill Melzack Ağrı Anketi ile ağrı şiddeti, Migren Özürlülük Değerlendirme Ölçeği (MIDAS) ile engellilik ve Dünya Sağlık Örgütü Yaşam Kalitesi Skalası Kısa Formu (WHOQOL-BREF) ile yaşam kalitesi değerlendirildi. Bulgular: Çalışmaya yaş ortalaması 34,11±10,51 yıl olan toplam 88 kişi dahil edildi; %53,41’i düşük aktif, %30,68’i orta aktif, %15,91’i yüksek aktifti. Düşük aktiflerin fiziksel sağlığı (p=0,047) orta aktiflerden daha düşüktü. Genel (p<0,001), fiziksel (p<0,001), psikolojik (p=0,003) sağlık puanları yüksek aktiflerden daha düşüktü. Düşük aktifler yüksek aktiflerden daha yüksek engelliliğe (p=0,042) ve ağrı şiddetine (p=0,001) sahipti. Fiziksel aktivite ile ağrı şiddeti (p=0,001) ve engellilik (p=0,005) arasında zayıf negatif korelasyon, fiziksel aktivite düzeyleri ile sosyal (p=0,007) ve çevresel (p=0,013) sağlık puanları arasında zayıf pozitif korelasyon ve fiziksel (p=0,000), genel (p=0,000) ve psikolojik (p=0,000) puanlarıyla orta düzeyde pozitif korelasyon vardı. Sonuç: Migrenli hastalarda fiziksel aktivite düzeyi arttıkça ağrı şiddetinin azaldığı, fonksiyonellik ve yaşam kalitesinin arttığı gözlendi. Egzersiz devamlılığının sağlanması migrenin olumsuz etkilerini iyileştirmede etkili görünmektedir

    Validity and reliability of the Turkish version of the Pelvic Floor Distress Inventory-20

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    WOS: 000306431100023PubMed ID: 22456806The aim of this study was to investigate the reliability and validity of the Turkish version of the Pelvic Floor Distress Inventory-20 (PFDI-20). One hundred and twenty-eight women with pelvic floor disorders, including pelvic organ prolapse, urinary incontinence, and anal incontinence were enrolled in the study. The Turkish version was developed using forward back translation. Construct validity was examined by correlation of clinical methods. Interclass correlation coefficients (ICC) compared the PFDI-20 and subscale scores. Cronbach's alpha assessed the internal consistency of the Turkish version. The PFDI-20 has three subscales. The test-retest reliability of the PFDI-20 and subscale was excellent (ICC 0.96 to 0.98, p < 0.001). Cronbach's alpha value (0.79) was moderate for the PFDI-20. Construct validity demonstrated that the PFDI-20 and each subscale displayed significant correlation with other clinical methods used (p < 0.05). The PFDI-20 is a valid and reliable condition-specific questionnaire for Turkish women with pelvic floor disorders