1,132 research outputs found

    Linguistic Equivalence of the Hebrew Term Eden in Slavic Translations of the Bible

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    The authors study different equivalents of the Hebrew word Eden in selected old and new Slavic translations of the Bible. The equivalents of this lexeme have been excerpted from several Slavic translations of the Bible, which were selected on the basis of diverse criteria. The translations are presented chronologically and old translations are opposed to the new ones. They represent three groups of Slavic languages: West Slavic, East Slavic and South Slavic and are connected with the base of translation, i.e. the original text and/or Greek or Latin text. They can also be classified according to religious denomination and the strategy of the translation.The observation of those equivalents enables us to see not only their variety and mutual influence among translations but also the struggle of Slavic translators with a very difficult language matter. Many factors were important in that struggle: genetic and structural distances between Semitic and Slavic languages, different perceptions of reality in distant cultures, the discrepancy between biblical and Slavonic realities and the influence of religious denomination. Another important factor was the state of biblical knowledge at the time – incomparably poorer in the case of the oldest Slavic translations in comparison to modern ones

    Shaping of Correlations Between Our-Stranger-Other in Baroque Ukrainian Literature

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    У статті досліджено проблему формування співвідношення між опозиціями Своє–Чуже і Наше–Інше в літературі україн- ського бароко. Ці опозиції у XVII cт. проявлялися передусім на рівні конфе- сійної свідомості, яка поступово перетворювалася у свідомість етнонаціо- нальну. Релігійні дихотомії християнин–мусульманин, православний–католик, православний–протестант, православний–уніат у контексті розгортання чи зга- сання політичних конфліктів переходили в опозиції козак (русин) – турок чи козак (русин) – лях (поляк). Змінився також характер співвідношення між Своїм, Чужим й Іншим. Інше, яке часто сприймалося як Чуже, але невороже, у процесі змін, що відбувалися в І Речі Посполитій, перетворилося в Чуже, у значенні ворога. In this article was analyzed the problem of shaping correlations between oppositions like Our – Stranger – Other in baroque Ukrainian literature. Those oppositions appears in 17th century, initially on a level of confessional identity, which from that point had started transformed into ethnicnational consciousness. Religious dichotomies Christian-Muslim, member of the Orthodox church-Catholic, member of the Orthodox church-Protestant, member of the Orthodox church-Uniate, together with political conflicts, which was stopping and starting, had been transforming into oppositions Cossack (Ruthenian)- Turk or Cossack (Ruthenian)- Lach (Pole). The character of the correlations between Our – Stranger – Other had changed as well. Otherness, which often was understood as Strangeness, but not hostility, during the shifts, which took place in First Republic of Poland, had changed into Strangeness in meaning Hostility

    Benthic diatoms of an Alpine stream/lake network in Switzerland

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    Abstract.: We compared the benthic diatom composition of lakes, and lake inlet and outlet streams in a high elevation catchment (∼2600 m a.s.l.) in the Swiss Alps. The catchment consisted of a southern basin mostly fed by glacial-melt water and a northern basin fed by snowmelt and groundwater. Streams in both basins flowed through a series of small lakes before converging into a lake with a primary outlet channel. The south basin had on average 4°C cooler water temperatures and 2× higher nitrate-N levels (up to 300μg/L) than the north basin. In contrast, the north basin had higher levels (2-4×) of particulate-P, particulate-N, and particulate organic matter than the south basin. A total of 109 and 143 diatom species was identified in lakes and streams, respectively, with a similar number of species found in each basin. Aulacoseira alpigena and Achnanthidium minutissimum were common benthic algae in north basin lakes, whereas Achnanthes subatomoides, Achnanthes marginulata, Pinnularia microstauron, and Psammothidium helveticum were most common in south basin lakes. One disconnected lake in the north basin had an assemblage dominated by Tabellaria flocculosa (66%) and Eunotia tenella (14%). Principal components analysis showed a clear separation between the north and south basins in lotic diatoms. Of the 10 most common species, streams in the south basin had greater abundances of Psammothidium helveticum, Achnanthes helvetica var. minor, Achnanthes marginulata, Achnanthes subatomoides, and Diatoma mesodon than the north basin, whereas north basin streams had higher abundances of Achnanthidium minutissimum, Aulacoseira alpigena, and Luticola goeppertiana. Lake outlet assemblages were similar to respective downstream lake inlet assemblages, and assemblages changed in composition along each basins longitudinal flow path. However, Aulacoseira alpigena had higher average abundances in north basin outlets than inlets, and Achnanthidium minutissimum, Psammothidium helveticum, and Achnanthes helvetica var. minor had higher average abundances in south basin outlets than inlets. In contrast, Diatoma mesodon, Fragilaria capucina, and Gomphonema parvulum had higher average abundances in south basin inlets than outlets. The spatial patterns in species composition reflected the hierarchical interaction of landscape features (geology, hydrology) on longitudinal gradients (lake position) in the stream/lake networ

    Benthic diatoms of an Alpine stream/lake network in Switzerland

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    The article deals with relation between Lithuanian health status,gross domestic product (GDP) and health care costs. The mainpurpose of this analysis was to estimate an adequate model,which would be able to reveal the relation between quality ofLithuanian health care system and its elements. Also, trends ofthese variables are included in the analysis. The methods ofstatistical and econometric analysis, such as PCA, deaggregationprocedure and others were employed. It was concluded that thefirst order vector auto regression model (VECM(1)) adequatelyexplains the given data. Forecast of the variables was performedon the basis of the aforementioned model

    General provisions of the Europe (Association) Agreements

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    Polskojęzyczne translacje tekstów kręgu Slavia Orthodoxa: o projekcie systematyzacji i dokumentacji

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    The article presents a project carried out at the University of Łódź aimed at compiling a commented bibliography of Polish translations of Old Bulgarian, Old Serbian and Old Russian literature, Church Slavic literary works of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth as well as Orthodox liturgical texts. On the basis of the material collected so far, covering the 19th, 20th and the beginning of the 21st century, it is possible to divide the history of those translations. Aside from slavists and professional translators, the clergy of the Polish Autocephalous Orthodox Church, as well as representatives of Uniate parishes, have also been considerably active in the field of translating from Church Slavic. Their work chiefly comprises texts used during services, and the main purpose of the translations is religious instruction and didactics. Certain of the editions are intended for Poles who are not fluent in the Church Slavic language, used in the services

    Average distance in growing trees

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    Two kinds of evolving trees are considered here: the exponential trees, where subsequent nodes are linked to old nodes without any preference, and the Barab\'asi--Albert scale-free networks, where the probability of linking to a node is proportional to the number of its pre-existing links. In both cases, new nodes are linked to m=1m=1 nodes. Average node-node distance dd is calculated numerically in evolving trees as dependent on the number of nodes NN. The results for NN not less than a thousand are averaged over a thousand of growing trees. The results on the mean node-node distance dd for large NN can be approximated by d=2ln(N)+c1d=2\ln(N)+c_1 for the exponential trees, and d=ln(N)+c2d=\ln(N)+c_2 for the scale-free trees, where the cic_i are constant. We derive also iterative equations for dd and its dispersion for the exponential trees. The simulation and the analytical approach give the same results.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, Int. J. Mod. Phys. C14 (2003) - in prin