11 research outputs found

    Kultivasi Scenedesmus SP. Pada Medium Air Limbah

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    Proses fotosintesis pada mikroalga membutuhkan CO2 dan cahaya matahari serta nutrien untuk pertumbuhannya. Kultivasi Scenedesmus sp. pada medium air limbah bertujuan guna mencukupi kebutuhan mikroalga akan nutrien dan mengurangi masukan dari bahan kimia yang terkandung dalam air limbah tersebut ke lingkungan. Kultivasi Scenedesmus sp. dilakukan selama tujuh hari pada medium air limbah industri tanpa penambahan nutrien. Hasil kepadatan tertinggi pada akhir kultivasi diperoleh pada medium air effluent senilai 8,033,333 sel/ml dengan berat kering 4,60 gr. Kultivasi mikroalga tersebut juga dapat menurunkan nilai dari Total Padatan Tersuspensi dan Terlarut serta penurunan kadar dari BOD, COD, Nitrit, Sulfit, Sulfat, besi, Krom, Tembaga, dan Seng. Kultivasi Scenedesmus sp. dapat dilakukan pada medium air limbah tanpa perlu penambahan nutrien

    Anaerobic Digestion of Macroalga Gracilaria SP. in Batch System to Produce Bio-methane

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    This study aimed to determine the potential of bio-methane produced by Gracilaria sp. in a batch system. The experiment was conducted in batch system and it was initiated by acclimatization process (12 days) and ended methane production process (30 days). The results showed that biochemical properties of Gracilaria sp. are carbohydrate 65.46 ± 0.58%, lignin 13.20 ± 2.23%, TOC (Total Organic Carbon) 33.39 ± 0.23%, Nitrogen 1.12 ± 0.01%, and C/N ratio 29.82. Acclimatization proceeded successfully and it was indicated by 62.7 L biogas of 4.025 L of substrate Gracilaria sp. produced within a pH range of 6.2 - 7.1. The batch method of anaerobic biodegradation showed that 4 kg of Gracilaria sp. can produced 131.1 L of biogas containing methane and 46.7 L or 11.6 L CH4 /kg

    Green Algae Ulva SP. as Raw Material for Biogas Production

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    Ulva sp. is a non edible seaweed and posses a high growth rate. Therefore, this species is potential to be developed as a raw material for biogas production. One important factor on the biogas production is to determine organic loading rate (OLR). The aim of this study was to determine the potential of Ulva sp. as a raw material for biogas and to find out the optimum loading rate in the process of biogas production. Biogas production was carried out in the digester with a capacity of 22 l that was made of fiber and equipped with a manual stirrer and gas flow meter to measure gas production. Parameters analised were pH, COD, TSS, VSS, and gas composition. Organic loading rates used in this study were 0.5, 1, 1.5, and 2 kg COD.m-3.day-1. The results showed that the optimum loading rate was 1.5 kg COD.m-3.day-1. In the loading rate of 1.5 kg COD.m-3.day-1, we obtained the highest biogas production rate of 12.14 l/day with methane content of 42.96%, average COD removal of 51.97%, and methane production of 0.33 l/g COD

    Comparison of Macrozoobenthic Abundance in Seagrass Ecosystem During Full and Neap Moon at Panggang Island Seribu Islands

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    Macrozoobenthic is one of the organisms whose existence is widely present in the seagrass ecosystem. This study aimed to analyze the differences in individual abundance and macrozoobenthic species in full-moons and neap, to see the correlation of macrozoobenthic abundance with seagrass closure, and to know the contribution of macrozoobenthic species to seagrass habitat. The study was conducted in Panggang Island with 3 makrozoobenthic observation stations in the seagrass ecosystem at March and April 2016. Makrozoobenthic data collection in seagrass systematically using 1x1 m quadrant transect method and 10 cm diameter corer for infauna. Analyzing the density, seagrass cover and macrozoobenthic abundance. Analysis statistics of macrozoobenthic abundance data using ANOVA test, macrozoobenthic density correlation with seagrass cover using simple linear regression and contribution of species on full moon and neap using SIMPER analysis. The result of this research shows that there is no real difference of macrozoobenthic individual abundance in full moon and neap. While the species obtained significant significant differences. The SIMPER analysis shows the highest contribution of macrozoobenthic species in each station on the full moon and the neap is the species of Cerithium salebrosum. Conclusions The density of macrozoobenthic species shows a marked difference in the full moon and the neap, but not the individual abundance

    Growth Rate, Cover, and Survival Rate (Enhalus Acoroides) Transplanted in Monospecies and Multispecies

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    One of seagrass dominant species found in Indonesia is Enhalus acoroides. This species can form single seagrass bed vegetation (monospecies vegetation) and mixed with others species (multispecies vegetation). Seagrass composition in coastal areas can be affected by surrounding associated species such as herbivorous fish and invertebrates. Human activities, especially in coastal communities, can negatively influence seagrass beds. Therefore, it is needed an effort to rehabilitate the affected seagrass. Transplantation technic is one effort for rehabilitation. The purposes of the research were to analyze growth rate, percent cover, and survival rates of seagrass E. acoroides transplanted as monospecies and multispecies. This research used a monospecies of E. acoroides and multispecies (2, 4, and 5 species) that combined to others species such as T. hemprichii, C. rotundata, H. ovalis, H. uninervis, and S. isoetifolium. Research results showed that the highest average growth rate of transplanted E. acoroides was found in monospecies treatment with 0.29 cm/day. The highest average cover changing was found on two combined species i.e., E. acoroides and C. rotundata, as high as 0.10% per day. The highest survival rates were found in 2 combined treatment i.e., E. acoroides and H. ovalis, and 5 combined species such as E. acoroides, S. isoetifolium, C. rotundata, H. uninervis dan H. ovalis with value 100 percent, respectively

    Composition and Antibacterial Activities of Marine Sponges From Different Seagrass Ecosystems in Kepulauan Seribu Waters, Jakarta

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    A seagrass ecosystem has high productivity that supports many species of associated invertebrates, including sponges. However, seagrass beds with different habitat condition, including seagrass species composition and architectural morphotypes could affect the associative sponge in the ecosystem. This study is aimed to find out about sponge species composition in different seagrass beds. The observation was conducted in two seagrass ecosystems at the east (site 1) and at the southeast (site 2) of Pramuka Island, Kepulauan Seribu, near Jakarta Bay, Indonesia. The Belt Transect was used to assess the density of sponges on the seagrass ecosystem, which was placed parallel to the coastline. The sponges species has higher number at the east than the southeast, with both sites was dominated by Spirastrella sp. and Agelas conifera. Correspondence Analysis (CA) results showed that sponges community has close interaction with seagrass abundance especially Cymodocea rotundata and Enhalus acoroides and architectural characteristic (patchily or continues meadows). Antibacterial assay of sponges tissue showed that only 7 sponge species has activity against targeting bacteria. The CA results also showed that sponge antibacterial activity was not correlated with seagrass species, with low bactericide and bacteriastatic activities. The implication of this result showed that sponges community can grow up at seagrass ecosystem eventhough their potential secondary metabolite activities is very low probably due to lack of stimulus mechanisms in the environment

    Karakter Morfologis dan Ekologis Keong Potamididae (Gastropoda) dari Habitat Mangrove Gugus Pulau Pari, Jakarta

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    Potamididae merupakan satu-satunya famili dalam Gastropoda yang semua anggotanya hanya dapat ditemukan berasosiasi dengan vegetasi mangrove. Penelitian mengenai keong Potamididae di gugus Pulau Pari bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakter morfologis dan karakter ekologis. Penelitian dilakukan tiga tahapan, yaitu tanggal 29 September – 2 Oktober 2012, tanggal 18 – 22 Desember 2012, dan tanggal 6 – 10 Maret 2013. Spesimen dikoleksi menggunakan metode handpicking dari lima stasiun sampling, yaitu Pulau Pari bagian barat, Pulau Pari bagian timur, Pulau Kongsi, Pulau Tengah dan Pulau Burung. Berdasarkan perbedaan karakter-karakter morfologis dan karakter-karakter ekologis tersebut, ditemukan tiga spesies keong Potamididae di gugus Pulau Pari yaitu Telescopium telescopium, Terebralia palustris dan Terebralia sulcata. Spesies T. sulcata ditemukan di semua stasiun dan dominan di delapan plot dengan persentase rata-rata di atas 95%. Spesies T. palustris ditemukan dominan di tiga plot dengan prosentase mencapai 97%. Spesies T. telescopium hanya ditemukan di satu plot yaitu di bagian barat Pulau Pari plot 1. Hasil pengukuran cangkang memperlihatkan variasi hanya pada T. palustris. Spesimen yang dikoleksi dari Pulau Burung Plot 2 memiliki ukuran cangkang rata-rata paling besar, yaitu berkisar 5,965-9,15 cm. Suhu yang bekisar 28 – 32 oC,  salinitas yang berkisar 31 – 33 ‰, tinggi genangan air yang berkisar 0-70 cm, jenis substrat yang didominasi oleh lumpur berpasir dan vegetasi mangrove yang didominasi oleh Rhizophora stylosa menjadi faktor fisika dan kimia perairan yang optimal bagi T. palustris dan T. sulcata

    Squid Eggs Attachment And Fish Association On The Squid Attractor Aggregating Device

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    Indonesia reveals incommensurate movement between fishing and reproduction as well as growth of sea fishery commodities. This point can lead to overfishing problem so in order to solve it the enrichment program is required significantly, for instance, through aggregating device program. Research was done on October 2012 by drowning two shapes of aggregating device: quadrangular and cylindrical into Bangka Island's waters. The monitoring result after nine months shows that cylindrical aggregating device is more effective to attach the squid eggs than quadrangular one because it is covered and protected well. The other sea creatures found in the same location with the squid aggregating device are lutjanus lutjanus (kind of fish), softcoral, gastropoda dan krustace