286 research outputs found

    Fundamental and clinical evaluation of "SCC RIABEAD" kit for immuno radiometric assay of squamous cell carcinoma related antigen.

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    Classic vector control strategies target mosquitoes indoors as the main transmitters of malaria are indoor-biting and –resting mosquitoes. However, the intensive use of insecticide-treated bed-nets (ITNs) and indoor residual spraying have put selective pressure on mosquitoes to adapt in order to obtain human blood meals. Thus, early-evening and outdoor vector activity is becoming an increasing concern. This study assessed the effect of a deltamethrin-treated net (100 mg/m2) attached to a one-meter high fence around outdoor cattle enclosures on the number of mosquitoes landing on humans. Mosquitoes were collected from four cattle enclosures: Pen A – with cattle and no net; B – with cattle and protected by an untreated net; C – with cattle and protected by a deltamethrin-treated net; D – no cattle and no net. A total of 3217 culicines and 1017 anophelines were collected, of which 388 were Anopheles gambiae and 629 An. ziemanni. In the absence of cattle nearly 3 times more An. gambiae (p<0.0001) landed on humans. The deltamethrin-treated net significantly reduced (nearly three-fold, p<0.0001) culicine landings inside enclosures. The sporozoite rate of the zoophilic An. ziemanni, known to be a secondary malaria vector, was as high as that of the most competent vector An. gambiae; raising the potential of zoophilic species as secondary malaria vectors. After deployment of the ITNs a deltamethrin persistence of 9 months was observed despite exposure to African weather conditions. The outdoor use of ITNs resulted in a significant reduction of host-seeking culicines inside enclosures. Further studies investigating the effectiveness and spatial repellence of ITNs around other outdoor sites, such as bars and cooking areas, as well as their direct effect on vector-borne disease transmission are needed to evaluate its potential as an appropriate outdoor vector control tool for rural Africa

    Colorectal Carcinoma with Extremely Low CA19-9

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    Aim. The aim of this study is to determine the significance of postoperative sequential measurements of serum CA19-9 in patients with extremely low serum level. Patients and Methods. Serum level of CA19-9 of 1096 patients who underwent surgery was measured preoperatively and every three months after surgery for 5 years. Patients with CA19-9 level of less than 2 U/mL at the time of diagnosis were defined as Extremely Low CA19-9 (ELCA). Results. One hundred and seven patients (9.8%) were ELCA. Of these, 86 underwent surgery with curative intent. Serum levels of CA19-9 in patients who did not undergo curative resection (N = 12) and who developed recurrence (N = 10) were less than 2.0 U/mL in all occasions during followup. In all patients without recurrence, serum level of CA19-9 also remained less than 2.0 U/mL. Conclusion. In patients with extremely low CA19-9, who consist of 9.8% of colorectal carcinoma cases, postoperative sequential measurement of serum level of CA19-9 contributed neither to assessment of curability of surgical resection nor to detection of recurrence

    Human Interface Technology for Operation Support of LargeSized Crane

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    In this research, a Human Interface system is designed intended to mobile crane. The intervention of human is unavoidable to attain the high performance of electro mechanical system. As is known, crane operation is complicated. Recently, the decrease of expert person induced crane accident. So in near future, it is required a partial automation of crane operation and human support technology. We are aiming at the development of the operation support system for a crane. In this research, development of the hydro mechanical models representing both of static and dynamics movements are made. Further, actual experimental data of operating mobile crane, which are electrical signal data and three-dimension (3D) position of moving load is measured. The actual operating data are compared with the model and it is found that the developed electromechanical model can explain the behaviors of actual data

    Running and Matching from 5 to 4 Dimensions

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    We study 5 dimensional grand-unified theories in an orbifold geometry by the method of effective field theory: we match the low and high energy theories by integrating out at 1-loop the massive Kaluza-Klein states. In the supersymmetric case the radius dependence of threshold effects is fixed by the rescaling anomalies of the low energy theory. We focus on a recently proposed SU(5) model on M4×S1/(Z2×Z2)M^4 \times S^1/(Z_2\times Z_2^\prime). Even though the spectrum of the heavy modes is completely known, there still are corrections to gauge unification originating from boundary couplings. In order to control these effects one has to rely on extra assumptions. We argue that, as far as gauge couplings are concerned, the predictive power of these models is similar to conventional GUTs.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figure

    Mass spectrometry imaging of the capsaicin localization in the capsicum fruits

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    We succeeded in performing mass spectrometry imaging (MSI) of the localization of capsaicin in cross-sections of the capsicum fruits at a resolution of 250 µm using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry. Post source decay of protonated capsaicin ion revealed structural information of the corresponding acid amide of vanillylamide and C9 chain fatty acid. MALDI-TOF-MSI confirmed that localization of capsaicin in the placenta is higher than that in the pericarp. In addition, it revealed no localization of capsaicin in seed and the higher localization of capsaicin at placenta surface compared with that in the internal region. A quantitative difference was detected between localizations of capsaicin at placenta, pericarp and seed in the capsicum fruits. This imaging approach is a promising technique for rapid quality evaluation general food as well as health food and identification of medicinal capsaicin in plant tissues

    GMCs and their Type classification in M74: Toward understanding star formation and cloud evolution

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    We investigated the giant molecular clouds (GMCs) in M74 (NGC 628) obtained by the PHANGS project. We applied the GMC Types according to the activity of star formation: Type I without star formation, Type II with Hα\alpha luminosity (LHαL_{\mathrm{H\alpha}}) smaller than 1037.5erg s110^{37.5} \mathrm{erg~s^{-1}}, and Type III with LHαL_{\mathrm{H\alpha}} greater than 1037.5erg s110^{37.5} \mathrm{erg~s^{-1}}. In total, 432 GMCs were identified, where the individual GMC Types are 65, 203, and 164, for Type I, Type II, and Type III, respectively. The size and mass of the GMCs range from 23 - 237 pc and 104.910^{4.9} - 107.110^{7.1} M_{\odot}, showing a trend that mass and radius increase from Type I to II to III. Clusters younger than 4 Myr and HII regions are found to be concentrated within 150 pc of a GMC, indicating a tight association of these young objects with the GMCs. The virial ratio tends to decrease from Type I to III, indicating that Type III GMCs are most relaxed gravitationally among the three. We interpret that GMCs evolve from Type I to III, as previously found in the LMC. The evolutionary timescales of the three Types are estimated to be 2 Myr, 6 Myr, and 4 Myr, respectively, on a steady state assumption, where we assume the timescale of Type III is equal to the age of the associated clusters, indicating a GMC lifetime of 12 Myr or longer. Chevance et al. (2020) investigated GMCs using the same PHANGS dataset of M74, while these authors did not define a GMC, reaching an evolutionary picture with a 20 Myr duration of the non-star forming phase, five times longer than 4 Myr. We compare the present results with those by Chevance et al. (2020) and argue that defining individual GMCs is essential to understanding GMC evolution.Comment: 33 pages, 17 figures, 5 tables

    An Unbiased CO Survey Toward the Northern Region of the Small Magellanic Cloud with the Atacama Compact Array. II. CO Cloud Catalog

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    The nature of molecular clouds and their statistical behavior in sub-solar metallicity environments are not fully explored yet. We analyzed an unbiased CO(JJ = 2-1) survey data at a spatial resolution of \sim2 pc in the northern region of the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) with the Atacama Compact Array to characterize the CO cloud properties. A cloud decomposition analysis identified 426 spatially/velocity-independent CO clouds and their substructures. Based on the cross-matching with known infrared catalogs by Spitzer and Herschel, more than 90% CO clouds show spatial correlations with point sources. We investigated the basic properties of the CO clouds and found that the radius-velocity linewidth (RR-σv\sigma_{v}) relation follows the Milky Way (MW) like power-low exponent, but the intercept is \sim1.5 times lower than that in the MW. The mass functions (dN/dMdN/dM) of the CO luminosity and virial mass are characterized by an exponent of \sim1.7, which is consistent with previously reported values in the Large Magellanic Cloud and MW.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figures. Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Disease Progression Mediated by Egr-1 Associated Signaling in Response to Oxidative Stress

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    When cellular reducing enzymes fail to shield the cell from increased amounts of reactive oxygen species (ROS), oxidative stress arises. The redox state is misbalanced, DNA and proteins are damaged and cellular transcription networks are activated. This condition can lead to the initiation and/or to the progression of atherosclerosis, tumors or pulmonary hypertension; diseases that are decisively furthered by the presence of oxidizing agents. Redox sensitive genes, like the zinc finger transcription factor early growth response 1 (Egr-1), play a pivotal role in the pathophysiology of these diseases. Apart from inducing apoptosis, signaling partners like the MEK/ERK pathway or the protein kinase C (PKC) can activate salvage programs such as cell proliferation that do not ameliorate, but rather worsen their outcome. Here, we review the currently available data on Egr-1 related signal transduction cascades in response to oxidative stress in the progression of epidemiologically significant diseases. Knowing the molecular pathways behind the pathology will greatly enhance our ability to identify possible targets for the development of new therapeutic strategies

    The Schmidt-Kennicutt Law of Matched-Age Star Forming Regions; Pa-alpha Observations of the Early-Phase Interacting Galaxy Taffy I

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    In order to test a recent hypothesis that the dispersion in the Schmidt-Kennicutt law arises from variations in the evolutionary stage of star forming molecular clouds, we compared molecular gas and recent star formation in an early-phase merger galaxy pair, Taffy I (UGC\ 12915/UGC\ 12914, VV\ 254) which went through a direct collision 20 Myr ago and whose star forming regions are expected to have similar ages. Narrow-band Pa-alpha image is obtained using the ANIR near-infrared camera on the mini-TAO 1m telescope. The image enables us to derive accurate star formation rates within the galaxy directly. The total star formation rate, 22.2 M_sun/yr, was found to be much higher than previous estimates. Ages of individual star forming blobs estimated from equivalent widths indicate that most star forming regions are ~7 Myr old, except for a giant HII region at the bridge which is much younger. Comparison between star formation rates and molecular gas masses for the regions with the same age exhibits a surprisingly tight correlation, a slope of unity, and star formation efficiencies comparable to those of starburst galaxies. These results suggest that Taffy I has just evolved into a starburst system after the collision, and the star forming sites are at a similar stage in their evolution from natal molecular clouds except for the bridge region. The tight Schmidt-Kennicutt law supports the scenario that dispersion in the star formation law is in large part due to differences in evolutionary stage of star forming regions.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journa