30 research outputs found

    Association Between Tuberculosis, Diabetes and 25 Hydroxyvitamin D in Tanzania: A Longitudinal Case Control Study.

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    Vitamin D level is inversely associated with tuberculosis (TB) and diabetes (DM). Vitamin D could be a mediator in the association between TB and DM. We examined the associations between vitamin D, TB and DM. Consecutive adults with TB and sex- and age-matched volunteers were included in a case-control study in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Glycemia and total vitamin D (25(OH)D) were measured at enrolment and after TB treatment in cases. The association between low 25(OH)D (<75 nmol/l) and TB was evaluated by logistic regression adjusted for age, sex, body mass index, socioeconomic status, sunshine hours, HIV and an interaction between low 25(OH)D and hyperglycemia. The prevalence of low 25(OH)D was similar in TB patients and controls (25.8 % versus 31.0 %; p = 0.22). In the subgroup of patients with persistent hyperglycemia (i.e. likely true diabetic patients), the proportion of patients with low 25(OH)D tended to be greater in TB patients (50 % versus 29.7 %; p = 0.20). The effect modification by persistent hyperglycemia persisted in the multivariate analysis (pinteraction = 0.01). Low 25(OH)D may increase TB risk in patients with underlying DM. Trials should examine if this association is causal and whether adjunct vitamin D therapy is beneficial in this population

    Prevalence of microvascular and macrovascular complications of diabetes in newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes in low-and-middle-income countries: A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    There is an excessive burden of diabetes complications in low-resource settings. We conducted a systematic review to determine the nature and frequency of diabetes complications in newly diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. A systematic search was performed using Medline, CINAHL and Global Health online databases from inception to July 2020. Articles reporting prevalence of microvascular or macrovascular complications within six months of type 2 diabetes diagnosis and published in English or French from low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) were eligible for analysis. Data were extracted using a standardized data extraction tool. Descriptive statistics were used to describe the prevalence of micro and macrovascular complications in newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes. Assessment of heterogeneity was conducted using the inconsistency index (I2) and Cochran-Q chi2 statistical tests. Publication bias was assessed by the Funnel plot and Egger test. A total of 3 292 records underwent title or abstract screening and 95 articles underwent full text review. Thirty-three studies describing 13 283 participants (aged 20 years and older) met the inclusion criteria. The eligible studies were from Asia (n = 24), Africa (n = 4), Oceania (n = 2), South America (n = 2) and the Caribbean (n = 1). For microvascular complications, the median prevalence (interquartile range) of retinopathy, nephropathy and neuropathy were 12% (6%-15%), 15% (7%-35%) and 16% (10%25%) respectively. For macrovascular complications, the median prevalence (interquartile range) was 10% (7%-17%) for ischaemic heart disease, 6% (1%-20%) for peripheral arterial disease and 2% (1%-4%) for stroke. There was evidence of substantial heterogeneity between studies for all outcomes (I2 > 90%. We found a high prevalence of complications in newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes in LMICs. Findings suggest that many people live with diabetes and are only diagnosed when they present with complications in LMICs. Research is needed to guide timely and effective identification of people living with diabetes in these settings

    Skeletal muscle fibre type and enzymatic activity in adult offspring following placental and peripheral malaria exposure in foetal life

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    BackgroundMaternal malaria may restrict foetal growth. Impaired utero-placental blood flow due to malaria infection may cause hypoxia-induced altered skeletal muscle fibre type distribution in the offspring, which may contribute to insulin resistance and impaired glucose metabolism. This study assessed muscle fibre distribution 20 years after placental and/or peripheral in-utero malaria exposure compared to no exposure, i.e., PPM+, PM+, and M-, respectively.MethodsWe traced 101 men and women offspring of mothers who participated in a malaria chemosuppression study in Muheza, Tanzania. Of 76 eligible participants, 50 individuals (29 men and 21 women) had skeletal muscle biopsy taken from m. vastus lateralis in the right leg. As previously reported, fasting and 30 min post-oral glucose challenge plasma glucose values were higher, and insulin secretion disposition index was lower, in the PPM+ group. Aerobic capacity (fitness) was estimated by an indirect VO2max test on a stationary bicycle. Muscle fibre sub-type (myosin heavy chain, MHC) distribution was analysed, as were muscle enzyme activities (citrate synthase (CS), 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase, myophosphorylase, phosphofructokinase, lactate dehydrogenase, and creatine kinase activities. Between-group analyses were adjusted for MHC-I %.ResultsNo differences in aerobic capacity were found between groups. Despite subtle elevations of plasma glucose levels in the PPM+ group, there was no difference in MHC sub-types or muscle enzymatic activities between the malaria-exposed and non-exposed groups.ConclusionThe current study did not show differences in MHC towards glycolytic sub-types or enzymatic activity across the sub-groups. The results support the notion of the mild elevations of plasma glucose levels in people exposed to placental malaria in pregnancy being due to compromised pancreatic insulin secretion rather than insulin resistance

    Patient and health provider costs of integrated HIV, diabetes and hypertension ambulatory health services in low-income settings — an empirical socio-economic cohort study in Tanzania and Uganda

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    Background: Integration of health services might be an efficient strategy for managing multiple chronic conditions in sub-Saharan Africa, considering the scope of treatments and synergies in service delivery. Proven to promote compliance, integration may lead to increased economies-of-scale. However, evidence on the socio-economic consequences of integration for providers and patients is lacking. We assessed the clinical resource use, staff time, relative service efficiency and overall societal costs associated with integrating HIV, diabetes and hypertension services in single one-stop clinics where persons with one or more of these conditions were managed. Methods: 2273 participants living with HIV infection, diabetes, or hypertension or combinations of these conditions were enrolled in 10 primary health facilities in Tanzania and Uganda and followed-up for up to 12 months. We collected data on resources used from all participants and on out-of-pocket costs in a sub-sample of 1531 participants, while a facility-level costing study was conducted at each facility. Health worker time per participant was assessed in a time-motion morbidity-stratified study among 228 participants. The mean health service cost per month and out-of-pocket costs per participant visit were calculated in 2020 USprices.Nestedbootstrappingfromthesesamplesaccountedforuncertainties.Adataenvelopmentapproachwasusedtobenchmarktheefficiencyoftheintegratedservices.Last,weestimatedthebudgetaryconsequencesofintegration,basedonprevalencebasedprojectionsuntil2025,forbothcountrypopulations.Results:Theiraverageretentionafter1yearservicefollowupwas1911/2273(84.1 prices. Nested bootstrapping from these samples accounted for uncertainties. A data envelopment approach was used to benchmark the efficiency of the integrated services. Last, we estimated the budgetary consequences of integration, based on prevalence-based projections until 2025, for both country populations. Results: Their average retention after 1 year service follow-up was 1911/2273 (84.1%). Five hundred and eighty-two of 2273 (25.6%) participants had two or all three chronic conditions and 1691/2273 (74.4%) had a single condition. During the study, 84/2239 (3.8%) participants acquired a second or third condition. The mean service costs per month of managing two conditions in a single participant were 39.11 (95% CI 33.99, 44.33), 32.18(9532.18 (95% CI 30.35, 34.07) and 22.65 (95% CI 21.86, 23.43) for the combinations of HIV and diabetes and of HIV and hypertension, diabetes and hypertension, respectively. These costs were 34.4% (95% CI 17.9%, 41.9%) lower as compared to managing any two conditions separately in two different participants. The cost of managing an individual with all three conditions was 48.8% (95% CI 42.1%, 55.3%) lower as compared to managing these conditions separately. Out-of-pocket healthcare expenditure per participant per visit was $7.33 (95% CI 3.70, 15.86). This constituted 23.4% (95% CI 9.9, 54.3) of the total monthly service expenditure per patient and 11.7% (95% CI 7.3, 22.1) of their individual total household income. The integrated clinics’ mean efficiency benchmark score was 0.86 (range 0.30–1.00) suggesting undercapacity that could serve more participants without compromising quality of care. The estimated budgetary consequences of managing multi-morbidity in these types of integrated clinics is likely to increase by 21.5% (range 19.2–23.4%) in the next 5 years, including substantial savings of 21.6% on the provision of integrated care for vulnerable patients with multi-morbidities. Conclusion: Integration of HIV services with diabetes and hypertension control reduces both health service and household costs, substantially. It is likely an efficient and equitable way to address the increasing burden of financially vulnerable households among Africa’s ageing populations. Additional economic evidence is needed from longer-term larger-scale implementation studies to compare extended integrated care packages directly simultaneously with evidence on sustained clinical outcomes

    Adiposity Is a Key Correlate of Circulating Fibroblast Growth Factor-21 Levels in African Males with or without Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

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    Background. Fibroblast growth factor-21 is an endocrine regulator with therapeutic and diagnostic potential. The levels and pattern of circulating FGF-21 have been described mainly in European and Asian populations. Given its strong association with adiposity, and the reported ethnic variabilities in body composition, examining FGF-21 in an African population is crucial. Methods. We measured levels of circulating FGF-21 in 207 overweight and obese Tanzanian males with or without type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), and using statistical approaches, we explored their relationship with anthropometric and biochemical parameters. Results. Consistent with previous reports from European and Asian populations, we found higher levels of FGF-21 in people with T2DM compared to those without the disease. Based on statistical models, measures of adiposity explained up to 59% of the variability in FGF-21 levels in the circulation. Conclusion. Levels of circulating FGF-21 in overweight and obese African males are higher in T2DM and strongly correlate with measures of adiposity

    6. Public health concern and initiative on the priority action towards non-communicable diseases in Tanzania

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    Tanzania is already facing challenges caused by existing burden of communicable diseases, and the growing trend of non-communicable diseases (NCDs), which raises a lot of concerns and challenges. The objective of this review is to provide broad insight of the “silent epidemic” of NCDs, existing policies, strategies and interventions, and recommendations on prioritized actions. A review of existing literature including published articles, technical reports, and proceedings from national and international NCDs meetings was carried out. The burden, existing interventions, socio-economic impact, lessons learnt, and potential for expanding cost effective interventions in Tanzania were explored. Challenges to catch up with global momentum on NCD agenda were identified and discussed. The review has indicated that the burden of NCDs and its underlying risk factors in Tanzania is alarming, and affects people of all socio-economic status.  The costs of health care for managing NCDs are high, and thus impoverishing the already poor people. The country leadership has a high political commitment; there are policies and strategies, which need to be implemented to address the growing NCD burden. In conclusion, NCDs in Tanzania are a silent rising health burden and has enormous impact on an individual and country’s social-economical status.  From the experience of other countries, interventions for NCDs are affordable, feasible and some are income generating. Multi-sectoral approach, involving national and international partners has a unique role in intensifying action on NCDs. Tanzania should strategize on implementation research on how to adapt the interventions and apply multi-sectoral approach to control and prevent NCDs in the country

    Noncommunicable Diseases In East Africa: Assessing The Gaps In Care And Identifying Opportunities For Improvement

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    The prevalence of noncommunicable diseases in East Africa is rising rapidly. Although the epidemiologic, demographic, and nutritional transitions are well under way in low-income countries, investment and attention in these countries remain focused largely on communicable diseases. We discuss existing infrastructure in communicable disease management as well as linkages between noncommunicable and communicable diseases in East Africa. We describe gaps in noncommunicable disease management within the health systems in this region. We also discuss deficiencies in addressing noncommunicable diseases from basic science research and medical training to health services delivery, public health initiatives, and access to essential medications in East Africa. Finally, we highlight the role of collaboration among East African governments and civil society in addressing noncommunicable diseases, and we advocate for a robust primary health care system that focuses on the social determinants of health