266 research outputs found

    Der Drömling in Sachsen-Anhalt : Gebiet mit gesamtstaatlich repräsentativer Bedeutung

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    Der Drömling ist mit einer Fläche von ca. 320 km2 das größte Feucht- und Niedermoorgebiet im deutschen Altpleistozän, das noch große geschlossene Niedermoorkomplexe aufweist. Das Gebiet ist Lebensraum zahlreicher seltener und vom Aussterben bedrohter Tier- und Pflanzenarten. Mit dem im Zuge der Kultivierung entstandenen umfangreichen Graben- und Stauanlagensystem und den historisch bedeutsamen Rimpau’schen Moordammkulturen ist die Drömlingsniederung zugleich eine einmalige Kulturlandschaft

    Zellkern-DNA-Gehalte und Anatomie der generativen Fortpflanzungseinheiten von Potentilla sensu lato (Rosaceae)

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    Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Entwicklung einer für Potentilla sensu lato geeigneten Methode zur durchflusszytometrischen Reproduktionsforschung. Erarbeitet wurde auch ein Vergleich der beiden zur Verfügung stehenden Geräte Ploidy Analyser (partec) und FACSCalibur (BD). Mikroskopische Untersuchungen unterstützen die Duchflusszytometrie unterstützen und geben ersten Überblick über den anatomischen Bau der Nüsschen.It was the intent of this dipolma thesis to develop a method of flow cytometry reproduction research appropriate to Potentilla sensu lato. A further aim was to obtain a comperison of the two standing flow cytometers Ploidy Analyser (partec) and FACSCalibur (BD). Microscopic examinations support the flow cytometry and provide an overview over the structure of the little nut

    Zonal large-eddy simulation of a fan tip-clearance flow, with evidence of vortex wandering

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    The flow in a fan test-rig is studied with combined experimental and numerical methods, with a focus on the tip-leakage flow. A zonal RANS/LES approach is introduced for the simulation: the region of interest at tip is computed with full large-eddy simulation (LES), while Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes (RANS) is used at inner radii. Detailed comparisons with the experiment show that the simulation gives a good description of the flow. In the region of interest at tip, a remarkable prediction of the velocity spectrum is achieved, over about six decades of energy. The simulation precisely captures both the tonal and broadband contents. Furthermore, a detailed analysis of the simulation allows identifying a tip-leakage vortex (TLV) wandering, whose influence onto the spectrum is also observed in the experiment. This phenomenon might be due to excitation by upstream turbulence from the casing boundary layer and/or the adjacent TLV. It may be a precursor of rotating instability. Finally, considering the outlet duct acoustic spectrum, the vortex wandering appears to be a major contribution to noise radiation

    "Зеленый" ингибитор коррозии металлов на основе наночастиц оксидов металлов

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    В процессе исследования: проводились обзор литературы, посвященный разработке и применению зеленых ингибиторов; оценка защитных свойств ингибиторов на основе НЧ оксида цинка в смеси экстрактом и маслом пихты для защиты стали и латуни. В результате исследований установлено, что использование наночастиц эффективно во всех исследуемых системах; ингибитор позволяет снизить скорость коррозии в 1,5 – 100 раз в зависимости от среды и условий испытаний.In the course of the research: a literature review was carried out on the development and use of green inhibitors; evaluation of the protective properties of inhibitors based on zinc oxide NPs in a mixture of fir extract and oil to protect steel and brass. As a result of the research, it was found that the use of nanoparticles is effective in all studied systems; the inhibitor reduces the corrosion rate by 1.5 - 100 times, depending on the environment and test conditions

    New System for the Acceleration of the Airflow in Wind Turbines

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    Background: This patent is based on the wind industry technology called Diffuser Augmented Wind Turbines (DAWTs). This technology consists of a horizontal axis wind turbine, which is housed inside a duct with diverging section in the direction of the free air stream. In this paper, a review of preceding patents related to this technology is carried out. Objective: This paper presents an innovative patent to improve the performance of horizontal axis wind turbines. In particular, this system is aimed at improving the performance of those turbines that otherwise might not be installed due to the low wind resource existing at certain locations. Methods: The most innovative elements of this patent are: (1) the semi-spherical grooves, which are mechanized on the surface of the two diffusers in order to guarantee a more energetic boundary layer; (2) the coaxial diffuser, which is located downwind following the first diffuser in order to increase the suction effect on the air mass close to the inlet; (3) the coaxial rings located around the first diffuser outlet, which are used to deflect the external airflow toward the turbine wake; and (4), the selforientating system to orientate the system by the prevailing wind direction. Results: An application of the patent for increasing the power generated by a horizontal axis wind turbine with three blades is presented. The patent is designed and its performance is evaluated by using a Computational Fluid Dynamics code. The numerical results show that this system rises the airflow going through the rotor of the turbine. Conclusion: The patented device is an original contribution aimed at enabling a more profitable installation of wind turbines in places where the wind resource is insufficient because of the wind shear caused both by the proximity of the earth and the obstacles on the earth surface.This work was supported by the OASIS Research Project that was cofinanced by CDTI (Spanish Science and Innovation Ministry) and developed with the Spanish companies: Iridium, OHL Concesiones, Abertis, Sice, Indra, Dragados, OHL, Geocisa, GMV, Asfaltos Augusta, Hidrofersa, Eipsa, PyG, CPS, AEC and Torre de Comares Arquitectos S.L and 16 research centres. The authors also acknowledge the partial funding with FEDER funds under the Research Project FC-15-GRUPIN14-004. Finally, we also thank Swanson Analysis Inc. for the use of ANSYS University Research programs as well as the Workbench simulation environment