239 research outputs found


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    Rooted in critical scholarship this dissertation is an interdisciplinary study, which contends that having a history is a basic human right. Advocating a newly conceived and termed, Solidarity-inspired History framework/practice perspective, the dissertation argues for and then delivers a restorative voice to working-class historical actors during the 1916 Minnesota Iron Ore Strike. Utilizing an interdisciplinary methodological framework the dissertation combines research methods from the Humanities and the Social Sciences to form a working-class history that is a corrective to standardized studies of labor in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Oftentimes class interests and power relationships determine the dominant perspectives or voices established in history and disregard people and organizations that run counter to, or in the face of, customary or traditional American themes of patriotism, the Protestant work ethic, adherence to capitalist dogma, or United States exceptionalism. This dissertation counteracts these traditional narratives with a unique, perhaps even revolutionary, examination of the 1916 Minnesota Iron Ore Strike. The intention of this dissertation\u27s critical perspective is to poke, prod, and prompt academics, historians, and the general public to rethink, and then think again, about the place of those who have been dislocated from or altogether forgotten, misplaced, or underrepresented in the historical record. Thus, the purpose of the dissertation is to give voice to historical actors in the dismembered past. Historical actors who have run counter to traditional American narratives often have their body of evidence disjointed or completely dislocated from the story of our nation. This type of disremembering creates an artificial recollection of our collective past, which de-articulates past struggles from contemporary groups seeking solidarity and social justice in the present. Class-conscious actors, immigrants, women, the GLBTQ community, and people of color have the right to be remembered on their own terms using primary sources and resources they produced. Therefore, similar to the Wobblies industrial union and its rank-and-file, this dissertation seeks to fan the flames of discontented historical memory by offering a working-class perspective of the 1916 Strike that seeks to interpret the actions, events, people, and places of the strike anew, thus restoring the voices of these marginalized historical actors

    Jumalaudan idiootti : Kirosanojen kieliopillinen hyväksyttävyys nuorten kielitajun valossa

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    Tutkimuksessani tarkastelen kirosanojen kieliopillista hyväksyvyyttä nuorten kielitajun valossa kvantitatiivisesta näkökulmasta. Tutkin, mitkä paikat lauseessa nuoret hyväksyvät kirosanalle. Lisäksi tarkastelen, voiko lauserakenteessa esiintyvän kirosanan korvata toisella kirosanalla, ja vastaavatko nuorten kielitaju ja kirosanojen käyttöä koskevat normit toisiaan. Olen kerännyt aineistoni sähköisellä kyselylomakkeella lounaissuomalaisilta lukiolaisilta. Tutkimukseni tavoitteena on lisätä tutkimusta kielitajusta ja kieliopillisesta hyväksyttävyydestä sekä ennen kaikkea kasvattaa suomenkielistä kirosanatutkimusta. Yleisesti kirosanatutkimus on nuori tutkimusala niin Suomessa kuin maailmallakin, eikä tieteellisiä julkaisuja ole paljoa tehty. Tutkimusala on kuitenkin kasvava, ja tutkimukseni kasvattaa sitä entisestään. Tutkimustulosteni mukaan nuorten mielestä kirosanalle on useampi paikka lauseessa. Tämän lisäksi kirosanan korvaamisella toiseen kirosanaan on merkitystä siihen, onko lauserakenne hyväksyttävä vai ei. Nuoret hyväksyvät eniten kirosanojen normien mukaisia ilmauksia. Tutkimuksestani selviää myös se, että nuoret eivät hyväksy kirosanojen käyttöä keskenään samalla tavalla, vaan heidän kielitajunsa vaihtelevat keskenään. Tutkimukseni antaa myös useita mahdollisuuksia jatkotutkimuksille

    Newly graduated nurses' evaluation of the received orientation and their perceptions of the clinical environment : An intervention study

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    Background New graduate nurses (NGN) are the future of healthcare organizations where a shortage of nurses will soon be reality. The transition from a student to a registered nurse can be a demanding and challenging time, and in order to retain new graduate nurses, the transition should be as smooth as possible. Aim The aim of this study was to examine preceptors' education intervention's impact on NGNs' orientation period and their clinical learning environment from NGNs' point of view. Material and Methods This survey was a part of a longitudinal quasi-experimental intervention study. Participating units were randomized into intervention group and control group. The intervention group's preceptors (n=174)were provided a face-to-face education about orientation. Results NGNs (n=72) were relatively satisfied with the received orientation. However, intervention group was more discontented with their orientation experiences than the control group. The control group's NGNs had longer orientation periods and more feedback discussions. They were also more satisfied with their preceptor's orientation skills and their working environment was more responsive. Discussion Even though the impact of the intervention was inconclusive, this study provided us important information about NGNs' first steps towards the nursing profession by giving us clear improvement targets. We need a culture of feedback, individualized orientation and understanding that orientation should be our common interest. Investing in orientation is investing for the future. Conclusion This study indicated that the increase in knowledge did not translate into everyday practice. This finding will hopefully give rise to discussion within organizations on how to utilize employees' gained knowledge more effectively.Peer reviewe

    Kirje, joka ei saavu: tulkinnan teorioista, maanpakolaisuudesta ja modernismista.: Keskustelu professori Anders Olssonin kanssa

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    New graduate registered nurses' professional competence and the impact of preceptors' education intervention : a quasi-experimental longitudinal intervention study

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    Aims and objectives: The aim of this quasi-experimental longitudinal intervention study was to investigate new graduate nurses' professional competence development after preceptors' participation in an education intervention.Background: New graduate registered nurses are expected to be competent in many areas of nursing. Expectations that are sometimes unrealistic may cause a sense of inadequacy and stress, and this may in turn prevent them from fully deploying their competencies. Competence development is related to practice environment, occupational commitment, empowerment, and work experience. Orientation or transition programs have been designed to ensure new graduate nurses' competence, and preceptors and preceptorship could also have significant influence on their competence development.Design: A quasi-experimental longitudinal intervention study.Methods: The data was collected from October 2015 to November 2017. Participating wards were randomized into intervention and control groups. The intervention group preceptors had an eight-hour education intervention that focused on new employees' orientation, particularly from new graduates' point of view. Wards in the control group continued to precept as before. The Nurse Competence Scale was used for new graduates' self-assessment at baseline and at three-month and nine-month follow-up. This study is reported in accordance with the TREND Statement Checklist.Results: The education intervention aimed at preceptors did not have impact on the intervention group NGRNs' competence development. There were no statistically significant differences between the groups and effect size remained small.Conclusions: The preceptors' education intervention was not effective enough to develop new graduates' professional competence so that it would have differed from that of the graduates receiving conventional orientation at the university hospital. This study confirmed that competence development is a complex and multidimensional phenomenon and organizations should invest in new graduate registered nurses' competence development during their early career. Preceptors' education and development of preceptorship and transition programs are an important part of overall competence development in complex health care environments.Peer reviewe

    Äitien kokemuksia terveydenhuollon ammattilaisten asenteista yli 1-vuotiaan lapsen imetystä kohtaan

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    Kansainväliset tutkimukset ovat osoittaneet, että äidit kokevat terveydenhuollon ammattilaisilta negatiivisia asenteita yli 1-vuotiaan lapsen imetystä kohtaan. Kansallista tutkimusta aiheesta ei ole aiemmin julkaistu, joten aiheen tutkiminen on perusteltua. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kuvata äitien kokemuksia terveydenhuollon ammattilaisten asenteista yli 1-vuotiaan lapsen imetystä kohtaan. Tutkimus toteutettiin laadullisena kuvailevana poikittaistutkimuksena. Aineisto kerättiin teemahaastatteluin yli 1-vuotiasta lasta imettäneiltä äideiltä (n=10) joulukuussa 2020. Aineisto analysoitiin induktiivisella sisällönanalyysillä.  Ă„idit kokivat terveydenhuollon ammattilaisten tekevän virheellisiä oletuksia imetyksen lopettamisen ajankohtaisuudesta. Ă„itien kokemusten mukaan terveydenhuollon ammattilaisilla oli vääriin tietoihin pohjautuvaa vähättelevää asennetta yli 1-vuotiaan lapsen imetystä kohtaan, ja terveydenhuollon ammattilaisten asenteiden vaihtelevuus saattoi johtaa imetyksen salaamiseen. Terveydenhuollon ammattilaisten imetystä tukevan suhtautumisen äidit kokivat eheyttävänä.   Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli lisätä terveydenhuollon ammattilaisten käsitystä siitä, millaisena heidän asenteensa yli 1-vuotiaan lapsen imetystä kohtaan näyttäytyvät äideille. Tutkimustulokset tuovat terveydenhuollon ammattilaiset lähemmäs äitien kokemusta imetysasenteista. Tutkimustuloksia on mahdollista hyödyntää terveydenhuollon ammattilaisten imetyskoulutuksessa yli 1-vuotiaiden lasten imetykseen liittyen.&nbsp

    Community nurse-paramedics' sphere of practice in primary care : an ethnographic study

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    Background: Primary care, the principal function of the health care system, requires effort from all local primary health care teams. Community Paramedicine (CP) has managed to reduce the use of Emergency Medical Services (EMS) for non-emergency calls, but for the paramedic to move from traditional emergency calls to non-emergency care will mean new demands. There is a paucity of research exploring nurse-paramedics’ experiences and perceptions of their novel roles as community paramedics in Finland. This study aims to explore the community nurse-paramedics’ (CNP) experiences in their new sphere of practice. Methods: A descriptive ethnographic study was conducted, to collect data through participant observation (317 h total) and semi-structured interviews (N = 22) in three hospital districts (HD) where the CNPs have worked for at least 1 year. Both data sets were combined, organised, and analysed using inductive content analysis. Results: Five main categories were developed by applying inductive content analysis: the new way of thinking, the broad group of patients, the way to provide care, the diversity of multidisciplinary collaboration, and tailored support from the organisation. The CNP was identified as needing an appropriate attitude towards care and a broader way of thinking compared to the traditional practice of taking care of the patient and the family members. The diversity of multidisciplinary collaboration teams can be a sensitive but worthwhile topic for offering new possibilities. Tailored support from the organisation includes tools for future CP models. Conclusions: Our results indicate the CNPs’ deep involvement in patients’ and families’ care needs and challenges with their skills and competencies. Their professional attitudes and eagerness to develop and maintain multidisciplinary collaboration can offer preventive and long-term caring solutions from which citizens, allied health, safety, and social care providers benefit locally and globally
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