7 research outputs found

    The impact of APOE4, MCI and tDCS-augmented cognitive training on performance and hemodynamic response during verbal fluency tasks

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    Jeder Zwanzigste im Alter von über 60 Jahren ist von einer Demenzerkrankung betroffen. Mit zunehmendem Alter steigt der Anteil Betroffener drastisch. Hierbei ist die Alzheimer-Demenz (AD) der häufigste Subtyp der Demenzerkrankungen. Symptomatisch ist diese Erkrankung vorwiegend charakterisiert durch ein Nachlassen der Gedächtnisfunktionen; neuropathologisch weisen Patienten mit AD neurofibrilläre Bündel von Tau-Protein-Ablagerungen, Amyloid-β (Aβ) Plaques sowie einen verringerten zerebralen Blutfluss auf. Aktuell gibt es noch keine Behandlungsmöglichkeit, um die Erkrankung deutlich zu verlangsamen oder zu stoppen. Bereits Jahrzehnte vor Diagnosestellung der AD beginnen die pathologischen Mechanismen. Aktuelle Behandlungsmethoden setzen jedoch häufig erst nach Diagnosestellung einer AD an, also zu einem Zeitpunkt, an dem das Gehirn schon eine deutliche Neurodegeneration aufweist. Die Untersuchung von Risikogruppen zur Identifikation von frühen Biomarkern und nebenwirkungsarmen Behandlungsmethoden bietet ein großes Potential, um die Erkrankung möglichst früh entdecken und verlangsamen oder vielleicht sogar stoppen zu können. Risikogruppen im späteren Lebensabschnitt sind beispielsweise Träger des genetischen Hauptrisikofaktors Apolipoprotein-E4 (APOE4), Patienten mit einer subjektiven kognitiven Beeinträchtigung sowie Patienten mit einer objektiven leichten kognitiven Beeinträchtigung (engl. mild cognitive impairment; MCI). Die Untersuchung der hämodynamischen Reaktion mittels funktioneller Nahinfrarotspektroskopie (fNIRS) ist aufgrund der einfachen und kostengünstigen Einsetzbarkeit dieser Methodik besonders praktikabel. Auch der wiederholte Befund einer reduzierten hämodynamischen Reaktion bei Patienten mit AD scheint vielversprechend. Untersuchungen mit AD-Risikogruppen gibt es bisher jedoch nur wenige; zudem weisen diese uneindeutige Befunde auf. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist daher die Untersuchung der hämodynamischen Reaktion bei den Risikogruppen ‚APOE4‘ und ‚MCI‘ im Vergleich zu gesunden Kontrollen während Wortflüssigkeitsaufgaben, die mittels fNIRS bereits gut etablierte Aufgaben darstellen. Des Weiteren wird in der vorliegenden Arbeit die Wirkung einer nebenwirkungsarmen Behandlungsmethode im Vergleich zu einer sham-Behandlung bei der Risikogruppe ‚subjektive kognitive Beeinträchtigung‘ untersucht. Bei dieser Behandlungsmethode handelt es sich um ein mittels transkranieller Gleichstromstimulation (engl. transcranial direct current stimulation; tDCS) augmentiertes kognitives Training. Es zeigt sich für die Risikogruppe APOE4 bei gleicher Leistung im Vergleich zu Trägern anderer Allelvarianten eine verminderte hämodynamische Reaktion im typischerweise aufgabenspezifisch genutzten inferioren frontalen Gyrus. Parallel dazu weist der mediale frontale Gyrus, ein Teil des frontoparietalen Kontrollsystems, eine verstärkte hämodynamische Reaktion auf. Bei der Risikogruppe MCI zeigt sich neben einer schlechteren Testleistung eine verminderte hämodynamische Reaktion des infe-rioren frontotemporalen Kortex, welcher den inferioren frontalen Gyrus umfasst. Das tDCS-augmentierte kognitive Training bewirkt nicht nur einen gruppenunspezifischen Anstieg der hämodynamischen Reaktion im inferioren frontotemporalen Kortex, die tDCS verstärkt diesen Effekt im Vergleich zur sham-Stimulation noch zusätzlich. Dies geht jedoch nicht mit einer Veränderung der Testleistung einher. Insgesamt deuten die Ergebnisse darauf hin, dass eine reduzierte hämodyna-mische Reaktion bereits in frühen Krankheitsstadien der AD detektierbar ist und dies möglicherweise als Biomarker für eine frühzeitige Detektion und Behandlung genutzt werden könnte. Des Weiteren bietet die tDCS für frühe Krankheitsstadien der AD das Potential einer nebenwirkungsarmen Behandlungsmethode.At least one in 20 people aged 60 or older are affected by dementia; the proportion affected increases dramatically with age. Alzheimer´s disease (AD) is the most common subtype of dementia disorders and is symptomatically mainly characterized by a deteriorating memory. Neuropathologically, AD patients exhibit neurofibrillary tangles consisting of tau proteins, amyloid plaques and a decreased cerebral blood flow. To date, there is no treatment option to slow down or stop the disease considerably. The pathological mechanisms already begins 10 to 25 years before patients are diagnosed. However, current treatment methods are not implemented until after diagnosis, at which point the brain is already considerably damaged. Hence, the investigation of risk groups has great potential to identify early biomarkers and treatment methods in order to detect the disease as early as possible and slow down or stop it. Risk factors for the development of AD include the presence of the genetic major risk factor Apolipoprotein-E4 (APOE4), the presence of a subjective cognitive impairment and the presence of an objective mild cognitive impairment (MCI). Investigating the hemodynamic response by using functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) is easy and cost-effective. The repeated result of a decreased hemodynamic response in patients with AD by using fNIRS is promising. However, investigations using fNIRS in risk groups of AD are few and inconclusive. The present dissertation aims to investigate the hemodynamic response of the risk groups “APOE” and “MCI” in comparison to healthy controls during verbal fluency tasks, which are well-established tasks for fNIRS. Furthermore, the effect of a treatment option compared to a sham-treatment was investigated in the risk group “subjec-tive cognitive impairment.” The treatment option of choice was transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) augmented cognitive training, which is poor in side-effects. The data analysis reveals a decreased hemodynamic response in the inferior frontal gyrus and an increased hemodynamic response in the medial frontal gyrus for the risk group APOE4 in comparison with carriers of other allelic variants. The groups did not differ regarding test performance. While having a decreased test performance, the MCI-group had a similarly decreased hemodynamic response in the inferior frontotemporal cortex compared to the healthy controls. The tDCS-augmented cognitive training led to an increase of the hemodynamic response of the inferior frontotemporal cortex for the verum- as well as sham-group. Verum-tDCS further enhanced this effect. All in all, our results suggest that a decreased hemodynamic response is detectable in early phases of AD and could be useful as a biomarker for early detection and treatment. Furthermore, transcranial direct current stimulation has potential as a treatment method for AD

    Reduced activity in the right inferior frontal gyrus in elderly APOE-E4 carriers during a verbal fluency task

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    Apolipoprotein-E4 (APOE-E4) is a major genetic risk factor for developing Alzheimer’s disease (AD). The verbal fluency task (VFT), especially the subtask category fluency, has shown to provide a good discrimination between cognitively normal controls and subjects with AD. Interestingly, APOE-E4 seems to have no effect on the behavioral performance during a VFT in healthy elderly. Thus, the purpose of the present study was to reveal possible compensation mechanisms by investigating the effect of APOE-E4 on the hemodynamic response in non-demented elderly during a VFT by using functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS). We compared performance and hemodynamic response of high risk APOE-E4/E4, -E3/E4 carriers with neutral APOE-E3/E3 non-demented subjects (N = 288; 70–77 years). No difference in performance was found. APOE-E4/E4, -E3/E4 carriers had a decreased hemodynamic response in the right inferior frontal junction (IFJ) with a corresponding higher response in the left middle frontal gyrus (MFG) during category fluency. Performance was correlated with the hemodynamic response in the MFG. We assume a compensation of decreased IFJ brain activation by utilizing the MFG during category fluency and thus resulting in no behavioral differences between APOE-groups during the performance of a VFT

    Plasticity of Functional MAOA Gene Methylation in Acrophobia

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    Epigenetic mechanisms have been proposed to mediate fear extinction in animal models. Here, MAOA methylation was analyzed via direct sequencing of sodium bisulfite-treated DNA extracted from blood cells before and after a 2-week exposure therapy in a sample of n = 28 female patients with acrophobia as well as in n = 28 matched healthy female controls. Clinical response was measured using the Acrophobia Questionnaire and the Attitude Towards Heights Questionnaire. The functional relevance of altered MAOA methylation was investigated by luciferase-based reporter gene assays. MAOA methylation was found to be significantly decreased in patients with acrophobia compared with healthy controls. Furthermore, MAOA methylation levels were shown to significantly increase after treatment and correlate with treatment response as reflected by decreasing Acrophobia Questionnaire/Attitude Towards Heights Questionnaire scores. Functional analyses revealed decreased reporter gene activity in presence of methylated compared with unmethylated pCpGfree_MAOA reporter gene vector constructs. The present proof-of-concept psychotherapy-epigenetic study for the first time suggests functional MAOA methylation changes as a potential epigenetic correlate of treatment response in acrophobia and fosters further investigation into the notion of epigenetic mechanisms underlying fear extinction

    Plasticity of Functional MAOA Gene Methylation in Acrophobia

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    Epigenetic mechanisms have been proposed to mediate fear extinction in animal models. Here, MAOA methylation was analyzed via direct sequencing of sodium bisulfite-treated DNA extracted from blood cells before and after a 2-week exposure therapy in a sample of n = 28 female patients with acrophobia as well as in n = 28 matched healthy female controls. Clinical response was measured using the Acrophobia Questionnaire and the Attitude Towards Heights Questionnaire. The functional relevance of altered MAOA methylation was investigated by luciferase-based reporter gene assays. MAOA methylation was found to be significantly decreased in patients with acrophobia compared with healthy controls. Furthermore, MAOA methylation levels were shown to significantly increase after treatment and correlate with treatment response as reflected by decreasing Acrophobia Questionnaire/Attitude Towards Heights Questionnaire scores. Functional analyses revealed decreased reporter gene activity in presence of methylated compared with unmethylated pCpGfree_MAOA reporter gene vector constructs. The present proof-of-concept psychotherapy-epigenetic study for the first time suggests functional MAOA methylation changes as a potential epigenetic correlate of treatment response in acrophobia and fosters further investigation into the notion of epigenetic mechanisms underlying fear extinction

    Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) and vagus somatosensory evoked potentials (VSEP) in the early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease: rationale, design, methods, and first baseline data of the Vogel study

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