1,218 research outputs found

    Medical Malpractice Litigation Under National Health Insurance: Essential or Expendable?

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    Identification of time-continuous models from sampled data is a long standing topic of discussion, and many approaches have been suggested. The Maximum Likelihood method is asymptotically and theoretically superior to other methods. However, it may suffer from numerical inaccuracies at fast sampling and it also requires reliable initial parameter values. A number of efficient and useful alternatives to the maximum-likelihood method have been developed over the years. The most important of these are State-Variable filters, combined with Instrumental Variable methods, including the simplified refined IV method. In this contribution we perform unpretentious numerical experiments to comment on these methods, and their mutual benefits.CADIC

    Daddy Plants a Seed: Personhood under Patriarchy

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    In her essay, Professor Rothman challenges the ability of the legal structure to address adequately the problems created by the new reproductive technologies. She argues that conceiving of such issues in terms of rights or individual liberties denies our interconnectedness. Rothman fears the new technologies promote patriarchy by emphasizing the genetic tie over the nurturance, the connection people experience during gestation. Patriarchal social theories operate on the premise that people spring forth out of nowhere, self-interested and ready to form social contracts. Such theories deemphasize the connection with which humans enter the world-after nine months cradled in their mothers\u27 wombs-and the relation that connection bears to our need to form social contracts. Rothman predicts that as the new technologies develop, defined as they are by the notion of individual liberties, we will be remade in partriarcy\u27s image-separate individuals springing forth from artificial wombs without that preceding connectedness and trust that allows us to be social

    New breast milk in old bottles

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    This paper identifies how the different ideologies of patriarchy, technology, capitalism, race and feminism shape how we see breastfeeding and the breastfeeding mother with child. Ultimately, while we can make good strong arguments for breastfeeding from the perspective of health, of outcome, of good scientific data, we need to appreciate that they are only rationalizations for a shared belief that the image of the breastfeeding woman with baby represents something precious and valuable. So while it may be important to make arguments that draw on what is valued in society, we need to think hard about what it is that we value so that as we move forward with our efforts to make breastfeeding safe, we can use but not be used by, the various ideologies or claims

    Activism's Impact on Diversified Investors and the Market

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    We model activism as it affects the future distribution of prices in a portfolio context with risk-averse expected utility of end-of-period wealth maximizing investors. We characterize activism as affecting the mean, the variance, and/or the covariance of the target firm’s price with the prices of the other firms. This characterization allows us to investigate conditions under which the activist would choose to become an activist and, subsequently, to derive the sequence of equilibria that begins with the surreptitious acquisition of shares by the activist and ends at the moment of the activist’s divestiture of these shares. We investigate the impact of activism not only on the target firm’s price over time and the activist’s profit, but also on the redistribution of portfolio holdings of all market participants that this activism induces. We propose a method to evaluate activism and show that, while activism may augment the share price of the target firm, there exist conditions under which activism would not necessarily increase the value of the market. Furthermore, we show that the pro.t of the activist is at the expense of the group of other investors. We compare our results to recent empirical findings.Statistics Working Papers Serie

    Motherhood: Beyond Patriarchy

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    Law works by precedent and by analogy

    An Evaluation of Shareholder Activism

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    We develop a method to evaluate shareholder activism when an activist targets firms whose shareholders are diversified portfolio holders of possibly correlated firms. Our method of evaluation takes the portfolios of all of the shareholders, including the activist, as its basis of analysis. We model the activist from the time of the acquisition of a foothold in the target firm through the moment when the activist divests the newly acquired shares. We assume that during this period, all exchanges of securities, and their corresponding prices, are achieved in Walrasian markets in which all participants, including the activist, are risk-averse price-takers. Using the derived series of price changes of all the firms in the market, as well as the derived series of changes in all the portfolio holdings over this period, we evaluate the impact of activism on the activist, on the group of other shareholders, and on the combined group. We show that when activism is beneficial to the activist, the group of other investors may not benefit; furthermore, even when the activist benefits from activism, the value of the market may decrease. When the activist benefits from activism, an increase in the value of the market is a necessary but not sufficient condition for the group of other investors to benefit also from activism. In addition, we show that the combined group, the activist plus the group of other investors, benefits if and only if the value of the market increases and, under this condition, either the activist or the group of other investors, but not necessarily both, benefits