287 research outputs found

    Experimental Investigation of the Biomechanical Properties of a Newly Introduced Self-ligating Bracket

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    Orthodontic tooth movement is the result of a combination of biological and biomechanical phenomena, which occur under the application of specific forces by means of orthodontic appliances. Both the behavior of elastic materials and the mechanical factors, that control and influence the effectiveness of the applied forces, must be thoroughly considered in the design of an optimal orthodontic system. In addition, self-ligating brackets have gained lately a broad acceptation in the scientific society and have been extensively investigated. Nevertheless, in these days of multifaceted versatile brackets, the available evidence concerning the potential forces applied to the teeth by the various combinations of self-ligating mechanisms and archwires is limited. Under the perspective of the biomechanical principles applied to the orthodontic mechanotheraphy, an in-vitro study was designed and carried out, presenting mainly the following objectives: (a) comparative investigation of the forces generated during the initial stages of complex orthodontic tooth malalignment correction with various bracket-archwire combinations, by means of an experimental biomechanical set-up, (b) assessment of torque effectiveness in the sagittal plane during later stages of a simulated orthodontic tooth movement by utilizing diverse bracket designs combined with a variety of rectangular archwires. In terms of this experimental investigation have been used a newly introduced 0.016 inch twin slot bracket (Swiss Nonligating Bracket/ SNB), as well as 3 different kinds of 0.018 inch slot brackets (Speed, Mini mono, Brilliant). A variety of archwire combinations has been used in order to evaluate the amount of the correction of a complex malalignment and the torque efficiency of the above mentioned bracket systems. These archwires are differentiated basically according to both their material and cross-section dimensions. The Orthodontic Measurement and Simulation System (OMSS) allowed us in each measurement cycle simultaneously a three-dimensional registration of the force and moment systems, which affected the left mandibular incisor during the performance of a mock orthodontic tooth movement. Analyzing the obtained results on the whole, it is obvious that the various ligation types applied in each bracket system exert a significant influence on the degree of the malalignment’s correction. Specifically, the degree of correction concerning the self-ligating brackets ranges from 72 % - 98 %, respectively, whereas the same measurements for the conventional brackets demonstrate values of 51.7 % - 77.39 %. The constricting alignment capabilities by the conventional brackets can be attributed to the frictional forces generated between bracket and archwire. In the current study the values referring to the mean maximal forces in the inciso-gingival axis by using the 0.007" NiTi and the 0.009" NiTi combined with all bracket designs did not overcome 0.88 N. However, the relevant values by utilizing the 0.0135" NiTi archwires, as well as those with wider cross-sections, were significantly higher and reached magnitudes up to 6.55 N. The moments generated in this in vitro investigation approach principally the limits set from the previous investigations, including though some restrictions. In particular, all the evaluated moments exert greater magnitude than 10 N with an exception of the SNB combined with 0.016 x 0.016" BioTorque archwire, where the values are only 4.9 Nmm and cannot display sufficient clinical efficiency. On the contrary, SPEED brackets demonstrate enhanced torque capabilities by expressing torsional movement of 17 Nmm by application of a 0.016" x 0,016" stainless steel archwire and have reached the value of 35.2 Nmm by ligation of a 0.016" x 0.022" stainless steel archwire. The superiority of the self-ligating brackets against the conventional ones is suggested through this study, as far as the exertion of light and constant forces is concerned. Moreover, the active self-ligating brackets have demonstrated slightly better results as the passive ones. The qualities of the NiTi spring play a prominent role in the demonstration of these advantageous biomechanical properties. Additionally, it should be underlined that the greater impact factor on the expression of better torque capabilities is imposed by the archwire dimension, rather than its material properties

    Physicochemical and Antibacterial Characterisation of a Novel Fluorapatite Coating

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    Peri-implantitis remains the major impediment to the long-term use of dental implants. With increasing concern over growing antibiotic resistance there is considerable interest in the preparation of antimicrobial dental implant coatings that also induce osseointegration. One such potential coating material is fluorapatite (FA). The aim of this study was to relate the antibacterial effectiveness of FA coatings against pathogens implicated in peri-implantitis to the physicochemical properties of the coating. Ordered and disordered FA coatings were produced on the under and upper surface of stainless steel (SS) discs respectively, using a hydrothermal method. Surface charge, surface roughness, wettability and fluoride release were measured for each coating. Surface chemistry was assessed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and FA crystallinity by X-ray diffraction. Antibacterial activity against periodontopathogens was assessed in vitro using viable counts, confocal and scanning electron (SEM) microscopies. SEM showed that the hydrothermal method produced FA coatings predominately aligned perpendicular to the SS substrate or disordered FA coatings consisting of randomly aligned rod-like crystals. Both FA coatings significantly reduced the growth of all the examined bacterial strains in comparison to the control. The FA coatings, and especially the disordered ones, presented significantly lower charge, higher roughness and area when compared to the control, enhancing bacteria–material interactions and therefore bacterial deactivation by fluoride ions. The ordered FA layer reduced not only bacterial viability but adhesion too. Ordered FA crystals produced as a potential novel implant coating showed significant antibacterial activity against bacteria implicated in peri-implantitis which could be explained by a detailed understanding of their physicochemical properties

    Mechanism of action of an antioxidant active packaging prepared with Citrus extract

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    yesActive packaging consisting of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) trays coated with a Citrus extract, without and with plasma pre-treatment, can reduce lipid oxidation in cooked meat. The mechanism of action of the packaging was investigated by quantifying the extent of transfer of antioxidant components from the active packaging into cooked turkey meat. Kinetic studies revealed the affinity for water of phenolic compounds and carboxylic acids in the Citrus extract, suggesting their diffusion into the water phase of the meat facilitated their antioxidant effect. Analysis by high-performance liquid chromatography permitted the identification of carboxylic acids and flavanones as major components of the extract. Their quantification in meat after contact with the trays revealed a release of 100% of the total coated amount for citric acid, 30% for salicylic acid, 75% for naringin and 58% for neohesperidin, supporting the release of these components into cooked meat as a mechanism of action of the antioxidant active packaging

    Storage Stability of an Antioxidant Active Packaging Coated with Citrus Extract Following a Plasma Jet Pretreatment

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    yesAntioxidant active packaging was prepared by coating a citrus extract on the surface of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) trays which had been either treated with an atmospheric pressure plasma jet or left untreated. The surface characteristics of the packaging were examined, as were its stability and antioxidant efficacy following storage for up to 24 weeks under the following three storage conditions: room temperature, 0 % relative humidity (RH) or 50 °C. Plasma pretreatment increased coating density, thickness and roughness, and oxygenated functional groups at the polymer surface, whereas water contact angle decreased. Trays stored at room temperature did not lose their antioxidant efficacy over 24 weeks and plasma pretreatment enhanced the efficacy from week 8 onwards. Gravimetric analysis of the coating revealed a loss of antioxidant compounds only after 16 weeks. Trays stored at 0 % RH lost coating from week 1 onwards, with lower loss in plasma pretreated trays, while loss of coating was highest at 50 °C, with lower loss in plasma pretreated trays only after 24 weeks. Overall, the surface characteristics of the antioxidant active packaging were modified by plasma pretreatment of the PET surface, with some improvement in antioxidant efficacy, and the efficacy of the packaging in delaying oxidative deterioration in cooked meats was retained during storage at ambient temperature

    Nanostructure and paramagnetic centres in diamond-like carbon: Effect of Ar dilution in PECVD process

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    Diamond-like carbon (DLC) films were deposited utilising plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition (PECVD) with acetylene precursor, diluted with 0 – 45% argon. Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) measurements show the presence of one paramagnetic centre with no change in spin population over the range of film deposition conditions. However, the EPR linewidth decreases with increasing argon content of the precursor mix, suggesting an enhancement of motional narrowing due to an increase in electron delocalization, related to an increase in the sp2 cluster size. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) measurements indicate the surface of the DLC is formed of nanoscale asperities of material. With radii of tens of nanometres for films deposited with zero argon, the size of the features increases with the argon dilution of the acetylene. Energy dispersive x-ray analysis and electrical measurements further elucidate the changes in film structure

    Zirconium-based MOFs and their biodegradable polymer composites for controlled and sustainable delivery of herbicides

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    YesAdsorption and controlled release of agrochemicals has been studied widely using different nanomaterials and a variety of formulations. However, the potential for application of high surface-area metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) for the controlled release of agrochemicals has not been thoroughly explored. Herein, we report controlled and sustainable release of a widely used herbicide (2-methyl-4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid, MCPA) via incorporation in a range of zirconium-based MOFs and their biodegradable polymer composites. Three Zr-based MOFs, viz., UiO-66, UiO-66-NH2, and UiO-67 were loaded with MCPA either postsynthetically or in situ during synthesis of the MOFs. The MCPA-loaded MOFs were then incorporated into a biodegradable polycaprolactone (PCL) composite membrane. All three MOFs and their PCL composites were thoroughly characterized using FT-IR, TGA, SEM, PXRD, BET, and mass spectrometry. Release of MCPA from each of these MOFs and their PCL composites was then studied in both distilled water and in ethanol for up to 72 h using HPLC. The best performance for MCPA release was observed for the postsynthetically loaded MOFs, with PS-MCPA@UiO-66-NH2 showing the highest MCPA concentrations in ethanol and water of 0.056 and 0.037 mg/mL, respectively. Enhanced release of MCPA was observed in distilled water when the MOFs were incorporated in PCL. The concentrations of herbicides in the release studies provide us with a range of inhibitory concentrations that can be utilized depending on the crop, making this class of composite materials a promising new route for future agricultural applications.L.A.M.M. and S.N. acknowledge funding for a studentship by the Erasmus+ KA107 Student Mobility programme. V.P.T and L.R.T. acknowledge funding from the EPSRC (EP/R01650X/1
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