381 research outputs found

    Antibiotic-Impregnated Bone Grafts in Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery: A Systematic Review of the Literature

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    There exist several options for local antibiotic therapy in orthopaedic and trauma surgery. Over the past years, the use of antibiotic-impregnated bone grafts (AIBGs) has become a popular procedure in the treatment of bone and joint infections. A major advantage of AIBGs involves the possibility of impregnation of various antibiotics depending on the sensitivity profile of the causative organism, whereas an additional surgery with removal of the antibiotic carrier is not necessary, as in the use of antibiotic-loaded bone cement. However, generalized conclusions cannot be clearly drawn from the existing literature due to differences of bone used, impregnation method, antibiotics, their doses, laboratory circumstances, or clinical indications. The present work reviews the literature regarding this topic and sheds some light onto the choice of bone and antibiotics, manufacturing details, and clinical experience

    Schutz oder Schaden für die Gefäße? : Bei Sauerstoffradikalen kommt es auf das Gleichgewicht an

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    Sauerstoffradikale werden für Alterung, Krebs und Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen verantwortlich gemacht. Von diesem schlechten Image profitiert der große Markt der Nahrungszusatzstoffe wie Vitamine, die Radikale im Körper einfangen. Doch in klinischen Studien können keine positiven Effekte durch die Einnahme von Vitaminpräparaten nachgewiesen werden. Warum? Weil Sauerstoffradikale nicht nur schädliche Nebenprodukte des Stoffwechsels sind, sondern auch lebensnotwendige Funktionen wie die Abwehr von Krankheitserregern übernehmen. Sie werden daher im Körper in einem eng regulierten Bereich aktiv produziert. Unsere Arbeitsgruppe am Institut für Kardiovaskuläre Physiologie untersucht Mechanismen der Radikalproduktion durch Nox-Enzyme und erforscht ihre physiologische Bedeutung im Herz-Kreislauf-System

    Violations of scale compatibility: results from pricing tasks and choice tasks in choice experiments

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    According to rational choice theory, preference orderings should be invariant with respect to the elicitation procedure. The contingent trade-off model (Tversky et al., 1988), however, argues that if an attribute of decision alterna-tives is also used as response mode (scale compatibility), then the attribute will be weighted more heavily. We propose a two-stage design for a systemat-ic assessment of how scale compatibility impacts willingness to pay (WTP) es-timates in choice experiments. At the first stage, a pricing task is implemented. Respondents face two alternative goods. For one good, the price is given. For the alternative good, respondents state the price (WTP) that makes them indifferent between the alternatives. In the second stage, a choice task is implemented: another group of respondents makes pairwise choices between two alternative goods with the price being one of several attributes. Our empirical findings support the contingent trade-off model, as pricing tasks yield systematically lower WTP estimates than choice tasks. While the trade-offs between the other attributes do not differ between the pricing and the choice task. Thus, in the choice task the weight shifts away from the price attribute but does not change the relative weight of the other attributes

    Household formation and residential energy demand: Evidence from Japan

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    We use a large household panel for Japan (Keio Household Panel Survey) to estimate household-size economies in energy consumption. The household-size economies we obtain are significant and sizable: the per-capita energy-related spending of a two-adult household is only about two-thirds of the expenditure of a one-adult household. We use the estimates of household-size economies to explore how the demographic trend toward smaller-sized household units changes energy demand in the Japanese household sector. Between 2005 and 2010, for example, average household size in Japan decreased by about five percent. The resulting economy-wide loss in household-size economies increased energy demand in the household sector by about four percent

    Resilient modulus of subgrade soil taken from a trial pavement section

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    By producing H2O2, the NADPH oxidase Nox4 is involved in differentiation of mesenchymal cells. Exercise alters the composition of slow and fast twitch fibres in skeletal. Here we hypothesized that Nox4 contributes to exercise-induced adaptation such as changes in muscle metabolism or muscle fibre specification and studied this in wildtype and Nox4-/- mice.Exercise, as induced by voluntary running in a running wheel or forced running on a treadmill induced a switch from fast twitch to intermediate fibres. However the induced muscle fibre switch was similar between Nox4-/- and wildtype mice. The same held true for exercise-induced expression of PGC1α or AMPK activation. Both are increased in response to exercise, but with no difference was observed between wildtype and Nox4-/- mice.Thus, exercise-induced muscle fibre switch is Nox4-independent

    New phytosanitary EU regulations for import and export

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    EU-weit gilt seit dem 14. Dezember 2019 ein neues Pflanzengesundheitsregime, das zu einem besseren Schutz vor der Ein- und Verschleppung von Schadorganismen von Pflanzen führen soll. Deshalb wird das Vorsorgeprinzip in den Vordergrund gerückt und phytosanitäre Regelungen in der EU weiter harmonisiert. Durch eine verbesserte Kommunikation insbesondere auf digitaler Ebene sowohl zwischen der Wirtschaft und den zuständigen Behör­den als auch zwischen den Behörden werden schnellere und einfachere Abläufe und eine verbesserte Reaktion auf phytosanitäre Bedrohungen erreicht. Im Rahmen der Vorsorge spielt insbesondere die Einfuhr von Pflanzen-basierten Waren eine große Rolle. Die neuen Regelungen zur Einfuhr und Ausfuhr werden hier erläutert und kommentiert.Since 14 December 2019, a new EU plant health regime is in place that is meant to improve the protection against the introduction and spread of regulated harmful organisms. For this reason, the precautionary principle is put forward and harmonisation of the phytosanitary regulations is improved within the EU. Improved especially digital communication between operators and competent authorities as well as between the authorities causes quicker and simpler processes and leads to improved reac­tions on phytosanitary threads. Particularly, import of plant-based goods is important for prevention. The new regulations for import and export are illustrated and commented here