33 research outputs found

    Variation in gene duplicates with low synonymous divergence in Saccharomyces cerevisiae relative to Caenorhabditis elegans

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    Differences between yeast and worm duplicates result from differences in mechanisms of duplication and effective population size

    Early evolutionary history and genomic features of gene duplicates in the human genome

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    BACKGROUND: Human gene duplicates have been the focus of intense research since the development of array-based and targeted next-generation sequencing approaches in the last decade. These studies have primarily concentrated on determining the extant copy-number variation from a population-genomic perspective but lack a robust evolutionary framework to elucidate the early structural and genomic characteristics of gene duplicates at emergence and their subsequent evolution with increasing age. RESULTS: We analyzed 184 gene duplicate pairs comprising small gene families in the draft human genome with 10 % or less synonymous sequence divergence. Human gene duplicates primarily originate from DNA-mediated events, taking up genomic residence as intrachromosomal copies in direct or inverse orientation. The distribution of paralogs on autosomes follows random expectations in contrast to their significant enrichment on the sex chromosomes. Furthermore, human gene duplicates exhibit a skewed gradient of distribution along the chromosomal length with significant clustering in pericentromeric regions. Surprisingly, despite the large average length of human genes, the majority of extant duplicates (83 %) are complete duplicates, wherein the entire ORF of the ancestral copy was duplicated. The preponderance of complete duplicates is in accord with an extremely large median duplication span of 36 kb, which enhances the probability of capturing ancestral ORFs in their entirety. With increasing evolutionary age, human paralogs exhibit declines in (i) the frequency of intrachromosomal paralogs, and (ii) the proportion of complete duplicates. These changes may reflect lower survival rates of certain classes of duplicates and/or the role of purifying selection. Duplications arising from RNA-mediated events comprise a small fraction (11.4 %) of all human paralogs and are more numerous in older evolutionary cohorts of duplicates. CONCLUSIONS: The degree of structural resemblance, genomic location and duplication span appear to influence the long-term maintenance of paralogs in the human genome. The median duplication span in the human genome far exceeds that in C. elegans and yeast and likely contributes to the high prevalence of complete duplicates relative to structurally heterogeneous duplicates (partial and chimeric). The relative roles of regulatory sequence versus exon-intron structure changes in the acquisition of novel function by human paralogs remains to be determined. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1827-3) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Evolutionary Codependency: Insights into the Mitonuclear interaction landscape from experimental and wild Caenorhabditis nematodes

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    Aided by new technologies, the upsurgence of research into mitochondrial genome biology during the past 15 years suggests that we have misunderstood, and perhaps dramatically underestimated, the ongoing biological and evolutionary significance of our long-time symbiotic partner. While we have begun to scratch the surface of several topics, many questions regarding the nature of mutation and selection in the mitochondrial genome, and the nature of its relationship to the nuclear genome, remain unanswered. Although best known for their contributions to studies of developmental and aging biology, Caenorhabditis nematodes are increasingly recognized as excellent model systems to advance understanding in these areas. We review recent discoveries with relevance to mitonuclear coevolution and conflict and offer several fertile areas for future work

    Genomic and Population-Level Effects of Gene Conversion in Caenorhabditis Paralogs

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    Interlocus gene conversion, the nonreciprocal exchange of genetic material between genes, is facilitated by high levels of sequence identity between DNA sequences and has the dual effect of homogenizing intergenic sequences while increasing intragenic variation. Gene conversion can have important consequences for the evolution of paralogs subsequent to gene duplication, as well as result in misinterpretations regarding their evolution. We review the current state of research on gene conversion in paralogs within Caenorhabditis elegans and its congeneric species, including the relative rates of gene conversion, the range of observable conversion tracts, the genomic variables that strongly influence the frequency of gene conversion and its contribution to concerted evolution of multigene families. Additionally, we discuss recent studies that examine the phenotypic and population-genetic effects of interlocus gene conversion between the sex-determination locus fog-2 and its paralog ftr-1 in natural and experimental populations of C. elegans. In light of the limitations of gene conversion detection methods that rely solely on the statistical distribution of identical nucleotides between paralogs, we suggest that analyses of gene conversion in C. elegans take advantage of mutation accumulation experiments and sequencing projects of related Caenorhabditis species

    Fitness measures at MA generation 409 under osmotic stress

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    Fitness of C. elegans mutation accumulation (MA lines) following 409 consecutive generations of spontaneous MA. The MA experiment was conducted under benign laboratory conditions. Fitness was tested under hyperosmotic conditions (200mM salt concentration in NGM plates). Manual measurements of two fitness-related traits, survivorship to adulthood and productivity, in long-term mutation accumulation (MA) lines of C. elegans maintained at population bottlenecks of N = 1, 10 and 100 individuals and the pre-MA ancestral control. Data is presented, where available for 20 N=1 lines (lines 1A-1T), ten N=10 lines (10A-10J), five N=100 lines (100A-100E) and 20 ancestral control lines (C1-C20). Where possible, data was collected for five replicates per experimental line. Productivity was measured by the total number of offspring produced by a virgin hermaphrodite over eight days or until day of expiration prior to eight days. Survivorship to adulthood was measured by isolating ten L1 larvae and determining the fraction that had survived to adulthood at 36 hours after initial sequestration. Survivorship data values range from 0-1, with a 0 value representing 100% mortality prior to reaching adulthood, and a value of 1 representing 100% survivorship

    Additional file 1: Table S1. of Early evolutionary history and genomic features of gene duplicates in the human genome

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    Evolutionary and genomic features of 184 gene duplicates with low synonymous divergence in the human genome. (PDF 262 kb

    Data from: Fitness decline under osmotic stress in Caenorhabditis elegans populations subjected to spontaneous mutation accumulation at varying population sizes

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    The consequences of mutations for population fitness depends on their individual selection coefficients and the effective population size. An earlier study of Caenorhabditis elegans spontaneous mutation accumulation lines evolved for 409 generations at three population sizes found that Ne = 1 populations declined significantly in fitness whereas the fitness of larger populations (Ne = 5, 50) was indistinguishable from the ancestral control under benign conditions. To test if larger MA populations harbor a load of cryptic deleterious mutations that are obscured under benign laboratory conditions, we measured fitness under osmotic stress via exposure to hypersaline conditions. The fitness of Ne = 1 lines exhibited a further decline under osmotic stress compared to benign conditions. However, the fitness of larger populations remained indistinguishable from that of the ancestral control. The average effects of deleterious mutations in Ne =1 lines were estimated to be 22% for productivity and 14% for survivorship, exceeding values previously detected under benign conditions. Our results suggest that fitness decline is due to large effect mutations which are rapidly removed via selection even in small populations, with implications for conservation practices. Genetic stochasticity may not be as potent and immediate a threat to the persistence of small population as other demographic and environmental stochastic factors