1,500 research outputs found

    Role of urease in pH modulation and virulence of Fusarium oxysporum

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    La patogénesis fúngica en plantas requiere la participación de una cascada de proteína quinasas activadas por mitógenos (MAPK) altamente conservada, ortóloga a la ruta MAPK que regula el crecimiento filamentoso en levadura. Actualmente se desconocen los componentes que activan esta ruta durante la infección. En el hongo patógeno del suelo Fusarium oxysporum, causante de la marchitez vascular, la MAPK ortóloga Fmk1 es esencial para la patógenesis en plantas de tomate. Estudios previos en nuestro grupo han identificado la proteína transmembrana de tipo mucina Msb2 como componente esencial para la activación de Fmk1, así como en la regulación del crecimiento invasivo y la virulencia. La hipotesis de partida era que Msb2 funciona como sensor que responde a estímulos extracelulares, activando distintas rutas de señalización. El objetivo de la tesis es la caracterización de dichos estímulos y de los componentes aguas abajo que interaccionan con Msb2

    Integrated analysis of copy number alterations and gene expression: a bivariate assessment of equally directed abnormalities

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    Motivation: The analysis of a number of different genetic features like copy number (CN) variation, gene expression (GE) or loss of heterocygosity has considerably increased in recent years, as well as the number of available datasets. This is particularly due to the success of microarray technology. Thus, to understand mechanisms of disease pathogenesis on a molecular basis, e.g. in cancer research, the challenge of analyzing such different data types in an integrated way has become increasingly important. In order to tackle this problem, we propose a new procedure for an integrated analysis of two different data types that searches for genes and genetic regions which for both inputs display strong equally directed deviations from the reference median. We employ this approach, based on a modified correlation coefficient and an explorative Wilcoxon test, to find DNA regions of such abnormalities in GE and CN (e.g. underexpressed genes accompanied by a loss of DNA material). Results: In an application to acute myeloid leukemia, our procedure is able to identify various regions on different chromosomes with characteristic abnormalities in GE and CN data and shows a higher sensitivity to differences in abnormalities than standard approaches. While the results support various findings of previous studies, some new interesting DNA regions can be identified. In a simulation study, our procedure also shows more reliable results than standard approaches. Availability: Code and data available as R packages edira and ediraAMLdata from http://www.statistik.tu-dortmund.de/~schaefer/ Contact: [email protected] Supplementary information: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics onlin

    Liquid assisted plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition with a non-thermal plasma jet at atmospheric pressure

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    The present study introduces a process for the synthesis of functional films onto substrates directly from the liquid phase. The reported method is based on the initialization of the synthesis by means of an atmospheric pressure plasma jet operating with argon above a thin liquid film of the starting material. The process is demonstrated by the formation of a thin, solid SiOx film from siloxane-based liquid precursors. Changes in the chemical properties of the precursor were studied in-situ during the polymerization process on the diamond crystal by using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy The elemental composition of the SiOxCy films was analyzed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Furthermore, XPS was applied to study the effect of post-annealing processes on the composition of the films. The obtained deposits exhibit a low concentration of carbon groups. The amount of hydroxyl groups and interstitial water can be reduced significantly by post-process annealing of the films

    Long-term Rural Settlement Continuity and Land Use during the Bronze and Iron Ages in the Northern Franconian Low Mountain Range

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    In this article, the authors present the salient archaeological results of a diachronic, interdisciplinary research project on rural settlement and land use in a region of low mountains in southern Germany. Despite clear locational disadvantages, in particular great distances to drinking water sources, archaeological excavations and an extensive dating programme document an unexpectedly long continuity of prehistoric settlement in the area.Dans cet article, les auteurs présentent les principaux résultats archéologiques d'un projet de recherche diachronique et interdisciplinaire consacré à l'occupation et à l'utilisation du sol dans une région de moyenne montagne du sud de l'Allemagne. Malgré les inconvénients relatifs à l'emplacement des sites, notamment de grandes distances pour obtenir de l'eau potable, les fouilles archéologiques et un vaste programme de datation ont permis d'attester une continuité d'habitat préhistorique d'une durée inattendue. (Translation by the authors)In diesem Aufsatz präsentieren die Verfasser die wichtigsten archäologischen Ergebnisse eines diachronen, interdisziplinären Forschungsprojekts, welches die ländliche Besiedlung und Landnutzung einer süddeutschen Mittelgebirgsregion thematisiert. Trotz klarer Standortnachteile, vor allem großer Distanz zu Trinkwasser, ließ sich durch archäologische Ausgrabungen und einem umfangreichen Datierungsprogramm eine unerwartet lange, prähistorische Siedlungskontinuität belegen. (Translation by the authors

    Eine Theorie der Medienumbrüche 1900/2000

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    Das vorliegende Buch ist ein Ergebnis der Arbeitsgruppe "Theorie der Medienumbrüche", die während der zweiten Förderphase des DFG-Forschungskollegs 615 "Medienumbrüche" von 2005-2009 arbeitete. In der Gruppe wurde der Begriff des Medienumbruchs ausgehend von Lektüren einschlägiger medientheoretischer Texte intensiv diskutiert und schließlich zu einem Modell fortentwickelt. Dieses Modell und seine Begriffe (Emergenzereignis, Rekognitionsniveau, Faszinationskerne etc.) werden im ersten Kapitel vorgestellt. Die Kapitel 2-7 widmen sich drei entscheidenden Faszinationskernen des Medien­umbruchs um 1900 und ihren Entsprechungen im Medienumbruch um 2000. In Kapitel 8 werden diese Darstellungen nochmals perspektiviert und angereichert mit einer dichten Analyse der Verarbeitung der Faszinationskerne im Feuilleton. Das Buch versteht sich als ein Diskussionsbeitrag zur medienhistoriographischen Methodik. Unser Ziel war es, einen Weg zu finden zwischen der sensiblen und dichten Beschreibung heterogener historischer Medienpraktiken und einer Begrifflichkeit, die Orientierung verschafft sowie Differenzen und Veränderungen hinreichend pointiert. Wir hoffen, mit unseren Begriffen die Umbrüche, die mit dem Auftreten neuer Medien verbunden werden, jenseits von Evolutionismus und Revolutionismus beschreiben zu können. Da alle Texte in intensiver Diskussion der Arbeitsgruppe entstanden sind, versteht sich das vorliegende Buch als gemeinsame Monographie von Nicola Glaubitz, Henning Groscurth, Katja Hoffmann, Jörgen Schäfer, Jens Schröter, Gregor Schwering und Jochen Venus. Das Buch spiegelt auch manche offene Frage wider, der manchmal kontroverse Prozess der konzeptuellen Arbeit zeigt sich auch in manchem offenen Ende und losen Faden. Das Buch zeigt aber auch, dass Teamwork kein leeres Wort sein muss. Es ist Zeugnis einer sehr produktiven und von Freundschaft geprägten Zeit

    Towards New Robust Zn(II) Complexes for the Ring-Opening Polymerization of Lactide Under Industrially Relevant Conditions

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    The synthesis of bio-based and biodegradable plastics is a hot topic in research due to growing environmental problems caused by omnipresent plastics. As a result, polylactide, which has been known for years, has seen a tremendous increase in industrial production. Nevertheless, the manufacturing process using the toxic catalyst Sn(Oct)2 is very critical. As an alternative, five zinc acetate complexes have been synthesized with Schiff base-like ligands that exhibit high activity in the ring-opening polymerization of non-purified lactide. The systems bear different side arms in the ligand scaffold. The influence of these substituents has been analyzed. For a detailed description of the catalytic activities, the rate constants kapp and kp were determined using in-situ Raman spectroscopy at a temperature of 150 °C. The polymers produced have molar masses of up to 71 000 g mol−1 and are therefore suitable for a variety of applications. Toxicity measurements carried out for these complexes proved the nontoxicity of the systems. © 2019 The Authors. Published by Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA

    Prospects of increase of efficiency of functioning of insurance companies through the development of information systems

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    Russian companies have already been solved (or solved) issues automated support of business processes of insurance. Another aspect of it application in the insurance, which to date remains one of the most important is to support decision-making in the claim process, as it depends largely on the economic condition of the insurance company. To resolve this problem, the development of information systems, the inclusion in their structure of intellectual component, reducing the probability of errors when making decisions. The work of this component is based on the principles of the decision theory and artificial intelligence, uses the mathematical apparatus of decision-making in conditions of uncertainty and risk and is a tool that interacts with the information system of the company

    Genetic diversification of persistent Mycobacterium abscessus within cystic fibrosis patients

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    Mycobacterium (M.) abscessus infections in Cystic Fibrosis (CF) patients cause a deterioration of lung function. Treatment of these multidrug-resistant pathogens is associated with severe side-effects, while frequently unsuccessful. Insight on M. abscessus genomic evolvement during chronic lung infection would be beneficial for improving treatment strategies. A longitudinal study enrolling 42 CF patients was performed at a CF center in Berlin, Germany, to elaborate phylogeny and genomic diversification of in-patient M. abscessus. Eleven of the 42 CF patients were infected with M. abscessus. Five of these 11 patients were infected with global human-transmissible M. abscessus cluster strains. Phylogenetic analysis of 88 genomes from isolates of the 11 patients excluded occurrence of M. abscessus transmission among members of the study group. Genome sequencing and variant analysis of 30 isolates from 11 serial respiratory samples collected over 4.5 years from a chronically infected patient demonstrated accumulation of gene mutations. In total, 53 genes exhibiting non-synonymous variations were identified. Enrichment analysis emphasized genes involved in synthesis of glycopeptidolipids, genes from the embABC (arabinosyltransferase) operon, betA (glucose-methanol-choline oxidoreductase) and choD (cholesterol oxidase). Genetic diversity evolved in a variety of virulence- and resistance-associated genes. The strategy of M. abscessus populations in chronic lung infection is not clonal expansion of dominant variants, but to sustain simultaneously a wide range of genetic variants facilitating adaptation of the population to changing living conditions in the lung. Genomic diversification during chronic infection requires increased attention when new control strategies against M. abscessus infections are explored.Peer Reviewe