7 research outputs found

    Sustainability Assessment of Chemical Processes: Evaluation of Three Synthesis Routes of DMC

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    This paper suggested multicriteria based evaluation tool to assess the sustainability of three different reaction routes to dimethyl carbonate: direct synthesis from carbon dioxide and methanol, transesterification of methanol and propylene carbonate, and oxidative carbonylation of methanol. The first two routes are CO 2 -based and in a research and development phase, whereas the last one is a commercial process. The set of environmental, social, and economic indicators selected were renewability of feedstock, energy intensity, waste generation, CO 2 balance, yield, feedstock price, process costs, health and safety issues of feedstock, process conditions, and innovation potential. The performance in these indicators was evaluated with the normalized scores from 0 to +1; 0 for detrimental and 1 for favorable impacts. The assessment showed that the transesterification route had the best potential toward sustainability, although there is still much development needed to improve yield. Further, the assessment gave clear understanding of the main benefits of each reaction route, as well as the major challenges to sustainability, which can further aid in orienting development efforts to key issues that need improvement. Finally, it was concluded that a multicriteria analysis such as the one presented in this paper was a viable method to be used in the process design stage

    Industry and traffic related particles and their role in human health

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    Abstract Combustion generated ultrafine particles have been found to be responsible for adverse effects on human health. New emission reduction technologies and fuels will change the composition of particle emissions. It is important to confirm that the new reduction technologies are designed to minimise the adverse health effects. In this doctoral thesis the potential health effects caused by traffic and industrially generated particles were studied using epidemiological, experimental and in silico studies. The effects of short-term changes in PM2.5 on the respiratory health of symptomatic children living near a steel works were studied to investigate whether specific sources of PM2.5 have the possible health effects. The PM2.5 emission sources were identified: long-range transport, a steel works, soil and street dust and a mechanical engineering works. Significant associations were not found between respiratory symptoms and PM2.5 or the sources markers. The deposition of traffic-related particles into the human respiratory system was computed using the lung deposition model. Particle size distribution was measured from diesel- and compressed natural gas (CNG)-fuelled busses and an off-road diesel engine under different combustion situations. The majority of the measured traffic-related particle numbers reach the alveolar region of the lungs. There were differences in the deposition of particles when different catalysts, engines or fuels were used. CNG or a diesel particulate filter (DPF) significantly reduced lung exposure to particles. Also physical activity, age and gender affected the deposition of particles. The diesel particles comprised compounds (carcinogenic PAHs, transition metals), which may have the ability to generate reactive oxygen. This study provides new knowledge how of the emission abatement technologies and fuels affects particle number and their composition, as well health hazards. Cleaner technology (CNG, DPF), emits significantly fewer particles in numbers, especially large particles, but they emit high amounts of small-size particles, which penetrate most easily to the deepest parts of the lungs. In addition, particles from engines with DPF include the largest variety of transition metals and other hazardous compounds compared to combustion systems having different emission after-treatment units.Tiivistelmä Palamisprosesseista peräisin olevien ultrapienten hiukkasten on todettu olevan haitallisia ihmisen terveydelle. Uudet pako- ja savukaasujen puhdistusteknologiat ja polttoaineet vaikuttavat hiukkaspäästöihin ja niiden koostumukseen. Uusien menetelmien käytön tulee vähentää hiukkasten mahdollisia terveyshaittoja. Tässä väitöskirjassa tutkittiin liikenteestä ja teollisuudesta peräisin olevien hiukkasten mahdollisia terveyshaittoja käyttäen epidemiologista, kokeellista ja in silico- menetelmiä. Työssä tutkittiin PM2.5-hiukkasten lyhytaikaisvaihtelun yhteyttä terästehtaan läheisyydessä asuvien hengitystieoireisten lasten terveyteen ja päästölähteiden yhteyttä mahdollisiin terveysvaikutuksiin. Merkittäviä PM2.5-päästölähteitä olivat kaukokulkeuma, terästehdas, maaperä ja tiepöly sekä konepaja. Tutkimuksessa ei havaittu lasten hengitystieoireiden ja PM2.5:n tai päästölähteiden merkkiaineiden välillä merkittävää yhteyttä. Liikenneperäisten hiukkasten kulkeutumista ihmisen hengitysteihin tutkittiin keuhkodepositiomallilla. Diesel- ja maakaasukäyttöisten (CNG) bussien ja dieselkäyttöisen työkoneen hiukkaskokojakaumat mitattiin eri palamisolosuhteissa. Suurin osa mitatuista hiukkaslukumääristä kulkeutui keuhkojen alveolaaritasolle. Erilaisten katalysaattorien, moottoreiden tai polttoaineiden käytön seurauksena hiukkasten lukumääräpitoisuudet vaihtelivat ja siten hiukkasten kulkeutumisessa hengitysteihin oli eroja. CNG:n tai hiukkassuodattimen (DPF) käyttö vähensi merkittävästi hiukkaslukumääriä ja keuhkojen altistumista hiukkasille. Myös liikunta, ikä ja sukupuoli vaikuttivat hengitysteihin kulkeutuvien hiukkasten määriin. Dieselhiukkaset sisälsivät yhdisteitä (karsinogeeniset PAH:t, siirtymämetallit), jotka tuottavat hengitysteissä reaktiivisia happiradikaaleja. Tämä tutkimus antaa uutta tietoa päästövähennysmenetelmien ja polttoaineiden vaikutuksista hiukkasten lukumäärään ja koostumukseen sekä hiukkasten terveyshaitoihin. Puhtaamman teknologian käyttö (CNG, DPF) vähentää huomattavasti pakokaasun hiukkasten lukumäärää, etenkin suurten hiukkasten, mutta tuottaa silti suuria määriä pieniä hiukkasia, jotka kulkeutuvat helpommin keuhkojen syvimpiin osiin. Lisäksi moottoreiden hiukkaspäästöt käytettäessä hiukkassuodatinta, sisälsivät enemmän erilaisia siirtymämetalleja ja muita haitallisia aineita verrattuna polttoon, jossa käytettiin muita päästöjen jälkikäsittelymenetelmiä

    Recycling and substitution of light rare earth elements, cerium, lanthanum, neodymium, and praseodymium from end-of-life applications:a review

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    Abstract The light rare earth elements (LREEs) lanthanum, cerium, neodymium and praseodymium are increasingly used in renewable energy technology and are applicable in portable electronic devices, such as phosphors in lightning applications and in catalysis. The extraction of REEs from virgin ores causes environmental degradation. LREEs are considered as critical metals. To overcome the environmental and criticality challenges of LREEs, recycling presents means by which they can be obtained from secondary sources. Presently, the recycling rate of LREEs is still very low. Substitutes of LREEs in most cases are either inferior or still undiscovered. This study investigates the criticality challenges and environmental impacts of producing LREEs from virgin ores. It focuses on LREEs obtainable in selected end-of-life products considered to have significant recycling potential; these include NdFeB magnets, Ni-MH batteries, phosphors in lighting and catalysts. Current recycling technologies, including representative methods and current recycling challenges are also reviewed. Although current recycling technologies have recorded growth, there is still a need for further improvements. The article highlights current LREEs substitution advances and the faced challenges in finding suitable LREEs substitutes. Furthermore, future ways to promote sustainability of LREEs recycling, to improve substitution, and to tackle the criticality challenges of LREEs are proposed

    Developing and testing a tool for sustainability assessment in an early process design phase:case study of formic acid production by conventional and carbon dioxide-based routes

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    Abstract This paper suggests a ‘Sustainability Assessment Tool’ that can be used in early design phases of production processes. “Green Chemistry” principles were considered as a baseline when proposing the sustainability indicators. European chemicals regulations and databases were also applied and used as a baseline in chemicals hazards assessment. The tool is an excel based checklist, with multiple choice answers that are scored based on their severity of impact. This Sustainability Assessment Tool was tested by comparing two formic acid production routes. It is proposed that using the tool as a guideline in the early stages of a chemical process design can provide competitive advantages in research as it provides guidance on the critical target areas of the process that should be further developed. This can further guide researchers and engineers through the piloting and manufacturing stages. In addition it is also expected that the suggested sustainability assessment tool can be used as an educating purpose to foster sustainability in process design work during all the design stages