215 research outputs found

    Comparing Alternative Breast Milk Feeding Questions to U.S. Breastfeeding Surveillance Questions

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    Background: Most mothers in the United States express their milk, which is then bottle fed to their infants. The National Immunization Survey (NIS), used to report national breastfeeding prevalence, asks about infant breast milk consumption, regardless of whether it is consumed at the mother\u27s breast or from a bottle. The NIS data are often erroneously interpreted, however, to mean prevalence of at-the-breast feeding. We hypothesized that over half of infants classified as breastfed at 3, 6, and 12 months by the NIS questions would also be consuming expressed breast milk. Materials and Methods: A convenience sample of 456 mothers of infants 19?35 months of age recruited through ResearchMatch.org completed an online infant-feeding questionnaire. The questionnaire included both the NIS questions and more-detailed questions about feeding mode, distinguishing between at-the-breast and bottle. Results: Based on responses of our sample to the NIS questions, it could be interpreted that 74%, 64%, and 39% of mother?infant dyads were at-the-breast feeding at 3, 6, and 12 months, respectively. However, at each time point, most infants consumed at least some breast milk from a bottle. As infants got older, the proportion of breast milk consumed from a bottle increased. Conclusions: In this U.S. sample, the predominant breast milk feeding style involves both at-the-breast and expressed breast milk feeding. Future research and national surveillance should consider including separate measures of maternal breast milk expression and infant consumption of expressed breast milk to enable meaningful exploration of maternal and infant outcomes associated with these asynchronous behaviors

    Nutrition for women and children-Are we doing the right things in the right way?

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    The Guest Editors for the PLOS Medicine Special Issue on Maternal and Child Health & Nutrition discuss the published research in the context of global priorities for women's and children's health

    Maternal Pre‐Pregnancy Body Mass Index Is Not Associated With Infant and Young Child Feeding in Low‐Income Mexican Children 1–24 Months Old

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    Pre-pregnancy overweight and obesity is associated with shorter breastfeeding (BF) duration. Whether pre-pregnancy overweight and obesity is associated with other aspects of infant and young child feeding (IYCF) hasnot been investigated. We used data from 370 children born January 1999–September 2001 in a semi-urbancommunity in Morelos, Mexico, where information on how they were fed was available at 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, 18 and 24months of age. We modified the World Health Organization’s dietary diversity indicator to assess the quality ofthe complementary foods. An index that included BF, quality of complementary foods and other behaviours wasconstructed to measure IYCF. We used survival analysis to examine the association of pre-pregnancy body massindex (pBMI) category and BF duration and mixed models for quality of complementary food and IYCF index.Mean maternal pBMI was 24.44.1; 31% were overweight, and 9% were obese. pBMI was not associated with BF duration. Quality of complementary food improved over time (6 months, 1.3 1.3; 24 months, 3.8 1.04).Compared with normal-weight women, overweight and obese women were more likely to feed from more foodgroups (0.24 0.11 point,P=0.03), but this did not improve diet diversity from 6 to 24 months. IYCF indexdecreased throughout follow-up (1 month, 7.8 2.4; 24 months, 5.5 1.8), and pBMI was not associated withIYCF (-0.11 0.13 point,P=0.4). We conclude that heavier women were not engaging in IYCF behaviours thatwere distinct from those of normal-weight women from 1 to 24 months post-partum

    Use of the new World Health Organization child growth standards to describe longitudinal growth of breastfed rural Bangladeshi infants and young children.

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    BACKGROUND: Although the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) reference has been widely used, in 2006 the World Health Organization (WHO) released new standards for assessing growth of infants and children worldwide. OBJECTIVE: To assess and compare the growth of breastfed rural Bangladeshi infants and young children based on the new WHO child growth standards and the NCHS reference. METHODS: We followed 1343 children in the Maternal and Infant Nutrition Intervention in Matlab (MINIMat) study from birth to 24 months of age. Weights and lengths of the children were measured monthly during infancy and quarterly in the second year of life. Anthropometric indices were calculated using both WHO standards and the NCHS reference. The growth pattern and estimates of undernutrition based on the WHO standards and the NCHS reference were compared. RESULTS: The mean birthweight was 2697 +/- 401 g, with 30% weighing <2500 g. The growth pattern of the MINIMat children more closely tracked the WHO standards than it did the NCHS reference. The rates of stunting based on the WHO standards were higher than the rates based on the NCHS reference throughout the first 24 months. The rates of underweight and wasting based on the WHO standards were significantly different from those based on the NCHS reference. CONCLUSIONS: This comparison confirms that use of the NCHS reference misidentifies undernutrition and the timing of growth faltering in infants and young children, which was a key rationale for constructing the new WHO standards. The new WHO child growth standards provide a benchmark for assessing the growth of breastfed infants and children

    Household food security is associated with growth of infants and young children in rural Bangladesh.

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    OBJECTIVE: Despite a strong relationship between household food security and the health and nutritional status of adults and older children, the association of household food security with the growth of infants and young children has not been adequately studied, particularly in developing countries. We examined the association between household food security and subsequent growth of infants and young children in rural Bangladesh. DESIGN: We followed 1343 children from birth to 24 months of age who were born in the Maternal and Infant Nutrition Intervention in Matlab (MINIMat) study in rural Bangladesh. A food security scale was created from data collected on household food security from the mothers during pregnancy. Data on weight and length were collected monthly in the first year and quarterly in the second year of life. Anthropometric indices were calculated relative to the 2006 WHO child growth standards. Growth trajectories were modelled using multilevel models for change controlling for possible confounders. RESULTS: Household food security was associated (P < 0.05) with greater subsequent weight and length gain in this cohort. Attained weight, length and anthropometric indices from birth to 24 months were higher (P < 0.001) among those who were in food-secure households. Proportions of underweight and stunting were significantly (P < 0.05) lower in food-secure households. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that household food security is a determinant of child growth in rural Bangladesh, and that it may be necessary to ensure food security of these poor rural households to prevent highly prevalent undernutrition in this population and in similar settings elsewhere in the world

    Appropriate infant feeding practices result in better growth of infants and young children in rural Bangladesh.

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    BACKGROUND: The World Health Organization and the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund recommend a global strategy for feeding infants and young children for proper nutrition and health. OBJECTIVE: We evaluated the effects of following current infant feeding recommendations on the growth of infants and young children in rural Bangladesh. DESIGN: The prospective cohort study involved 1343 infants with monthly measurements on infant feeding practices (IFPs) and anthropometry at 17 occasions from birth to 24 mo of age to assess the main outcomes of weight, length, anthropometric indexes, and undernutrition. We created infant feeding scales relative to the infant feeding recommendations and modeled growth trajectories with the use of multilevel models for change. RESULTS: Mean (+/-SD) birth weight was 2697 +/- 401 g; 30% weighed < 2500 g. Mean body weight at 12 and 24 mo was 7.9 +/- 1.1 kg and 9.7 +/- 1.3 kg, respectively. More appropriate IFPs were associated (P < 0.001) with greater gain in weight and length during infancy. Prior IFPs were also positively associated (P < 0.005) with subsequent growth in weight during infancy. Children who were in the 75th percentile of the infant feeding scales had greater (P < 0.05) attained weight and weight-for-age z scores and lower proportions of underweight compared with children who were in the 25th percentile of these scales. CONCLUSIONS: Our results provide strong evidence for the positive effects of following the current infant feeding recommendations on growth of infants and young children. Intervention programs should strive to improve conditions for enhancing current infant feeding recommendations, particularly in low-income countries

    Gestational weight gain charts : results from the Brazilian Maternal and Child Nutrition Consortium

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    Background: Monitoring gestational weight gain (GWG) is fundamental to ensure a successful pregnancy for the mother and the offspring. There are several international GWG charts, but just a few for low- and middle-income countries. Objectives: To construct GWG charts according to pre-pregnancy BMI for Brazilian women. Methods: This is an individual patient data analysis using the Brazilian Maternal and Child Nutrition Consortium data, comprising 21 cohort studies. External validation was performed using “Birth in Brazil,” a nationwide study. We selected adult women with singleton pregnancies who were free of infectious and chronic diseases, gestational diabetes, and hypertensive disorders; who delivered a live birth at term; and whose children were adequate for gestational age, and with a birth weight between 2500–4000 g. Maternal self-reported pre-pregnancy weight and weight measured between 10–40 weeks of gestation were used to calculate GWG. Generalized Additive Models for Location, Scale and Shape were fitted to create GWG charts according to gestational age, stratified by pre-pregnancy BMI. Results: The cohort included 7086 women with 29,323 weight gain measurements to construct the charts and 4711 women with 31,052 measurements in the external validation. The predicted medians for GWG at 40 weeks, according to pre-pregnancy BMI, were: underweight, 14.1 kg (IQR, 10.8–17.5 kg); normal weight, 13.8 kg (IQR, 10.7–17.2 kg); overweight, 12.1 kg (IQR, 8.5–15.7 kg); obesity, 8.9 kg (IQR, 4.8–13.2 kg). The 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th, and 90th percentiles were estimated. Results for internal and external validation showed that the percentages below the selected percentiles were close to those expected. Conclusions: The charts proposed provide a description of GWG patterns according to gestational age and pre-pregnancy BMI among healthy Brazilian women with good neonatal outcomes. The external validation indicates that this new tool can be used to monitor GWG in the primary health-care setting and to test potential recommended values

    Breastfeeding and the origins of health: Interdisciplinary perspectives and priorities

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    Breastfeeding and human milk (HM) are critically important to maternal, infant and population health. This paper summarizes the proceedings of a workshop that convened a multidisciplinary panel of researchers to identify key priorities and anticipated breakthroughs in breastfeeding and HM research, discuss perceived barriers and challenges to achieving these breakthroughs and propose a constructive action plan to maximize the impact of future research in this field. Priority research areas identified were as follows: (1) addressing low breastfeeding rates and inequities using mixed methods, community partnerships and implementation science approaches; (2) improving awareness of evidence-based benefits, challenges and complexities of breastfeeding and HM among health practitioners and the public; (3) identifying differential impacts of alternative modes of HM feeding including expressed/pumped milk, donor milk and shared milk; and (4) developing a mechanistic understanding of the health effects of breastfeeding and the contributors to HM composition and variability. Key barriers and challenges included (1) overcoming methodological limitations of epidemiological breastfeeding research and mechanistic HM research; (2) counteracting ‘breastfeeding denialism’ arising from negative personal breastfeeding experiences; (3) distinguishing and aligning research and advocacy efforts; and (4) managing real and perceived conflicts of interest. To advance research on breastfeeding and HM and maximize the reach and impact of this research, larger investments are needed, interdisciplinary collaboration is essential, and the scientific community must engage families and other stakeholders in research planning and knowledge translation
